Sunday, May 12, 2024

2:15 Got home since 1:20, coincidentally in the same time with one of my neighbors. Had the bad inspiration to go and check the bins. They were 2 or 3 on top of SW bins (it's got a number, nr5). One more on west bin (nr.8). Now my intestinal flora that started to heal after 2 days away switched back to dog.

5:33 PM Slept about 2 hours. Woke up nauseated, with a number of robins, a family i guess, chasing insects in the grass (a new sight). Went and picked one that has been partly whitened by the Sun. I was still in bed when i remembered a 2 weeks of camping when i was a kid, @10 years old, in the Cali-mani mountains.

I was telling Angela. I was not nauseated yesterday after i slept at the hotel.

A bunch of kids, a few adults, among them an geologist from Suceava "the guy who discovered sulfur in the Călimani" with his daughter, about our age, named... Luana (Lou Anna? i don't understand why i remember the name as being a character of Planet of the Apes). Bella Tricks?

The camping site was near an octopus tree. There was a dead horse on a hill, and Mikitovici put some horns to it to make it look like an elk and integrate it in a film. I ruined a bit of film while filming the tree by intentionally jerking the camera and zoom, to make it look like an earthquake (subconscious?). We went up hiking in the mountains with only crackers, rahat and lemons, no water.

There is an octopus tree near Cape Meares, here on Oregon coast, however that one was taller and thinner. I think the kids tried to make a treehouse out of it.

The director of the Pioneers' House in Câmpulung, who looked a bit like Sergiu Nicolaescu. The father of Sorin Mihalea, a bit older than me, who looked like Ioan Luchian Mihalea or George Michael. His wife, my 1-4 grade teachers, the one who taught me about Dacian's messenger to the gods, looked like Claudia Cardinale (last two weren't there) etc..

6:09 Stories of yesterday. Friday when we left there was again and old mat at the no dumping place. A big garbage sack, broken near the SE bin. Others. The handywoman came upstairs several times and then she opened the windows. Though mixed with deodorant, a pestilential smell came from there.

After they last vacuumed, before May 1st they left and shut all windows and doors. The woman i saw leaving looked like the mayor of San Francisco, London Breed. After two days with open windows, the smell is still there. This never happened before while they "were here".

On I5 south there was a pickup with an old mat in it. When i got at the Three Rivers Casino, had the most terrible diarrhea, though i was taking pepto bismol for a week (for nausea). But i have not been nauseated after i slept at the hotel.

Last night at 7 Feathers. Angela bought (at the gas station) some sandwiches and fries for us to eat in the car. After 150 miles driven, i had this terrible urge to go to the restroom and could not finish mine. While at the restroom, the janitor started to mop at my feet. Then he came and looked at me while i was washing, and i did not use soap.

Last thing i remember from that drive. There was a guy with a trailer and a boat who was stinking a bit like gas. So i tried to pass him in a passing area, just before I5 at Roseburg.

But i think he accelerated and a car was coming my direction and i hit the brakes at 90 and fell behind (no i did not forget he had a trailer). As i veered behind the trailer, there was a car stationed on the shoulder, one ft in the lane which i barely missed. Ok, the day before.

Also around Roseburg, Friday evening, a weasel i think jumped from the right, i was speeding a bit because of again a huge truck with a boat trailer was pushing from behind. I caught it right between my front wheels, i think it hit the plastic panel under the engine and then it ran awsy (didn't see it in the mirror).

At 7 Feathers. I think i saw inside the driver of that truck (the failed pass). A gang of bikers with the word SOLUTION and then Clean and Sober, on their back. One of them won 700 bucks. Then they left with a big noise. As exiting the parking lot, one of them stopped the traffic for the others to pass (though in the other lane, where there was nobody).

When i left, again went to the restroom in a big hurry and went into a cabin. There was this knob i turned but the green/red sign inside would not change to red (though the one outside did). There was a ton of soapy water under the throne which also distracted me. I was in a hurry so i just turned the knob  clockwise (not thinking) and sat there. Then two janitors came and one of them opened the door.

Angela confirmed later in the car. At women's again the sign seen from the cabin won't change to red when know was turned, but she opened and looked at the lock and saw in what position was closed.

Just before entering Roseburg, about 10:30 PM (i guess) there was this semi speeding i was trying to pass and an ambulance ahead of him, blocking the left lane. I passed it and the ambulance switched lanes and then they all went 55. After passing, i veered too in the right lane and i set the to cruise at 74 knowing i was in a 65 area (like everybody else does, you cannot slow the traffic).

I guess during that pass (that was arranged) we missed both the sign saying 60 and while commenting with Angela, the talking GPS warning. Up on a hill there was this car with a reflecting red bar at his back. I slowed a bit, but i think i was still above 70. I am not sure. Then when i realized, at about a quarter mile from it i hit the brakes. I looked at the GPS, it was a 60 area.

As i passed it i saw it was a silver gray State Police Dodge. I looked in the mirror, i saw it starting, i froze (knowing i had a couple of drinks several hours before) however, he/she pulled at the first exit.

After, closer to home. Most hostile drivers, including two blinding, light decorated Globe Trans semis going in the middle lane, passing other semis, speeding big time, close to 80 on an ageing freeway, on my last part of the trip. It was telling Angela, at times it felt like i was in that movie, Duel.

A few years ago just before Christmas there was a bale of hay in my lane near Rice Hill. The next trip to 7 feathers, one of my headlights broke with a flash when i turned them on, about to leave. Going with one headlight (right) only on low beam, because of incoming traffic, after about 10 miles a dear jumped in my lane from the left.

Now i know the reason.

11:00 PM Câți ani are Titi Aur? El știe mai bine. Aș vrea să-l văd ce ar face dacă l-ar urmări pe o autostradă cu hop-uri și denivelări pe la unu noaptea, după 800 km conduși, două TIR-uri luminoase (decorate ca niște pomi de crăciun) conduse de ninja (nu există plural în japoneză) nebuni cu 130 kmh (80 mph).

Poliția? Poliția mă aștepta mai înainte la cotitură, în combinație cu alții, să mă oprească și să mă aresteze.