12:08 PM After i complained to the management the extra people upstairs got kicked out. Really don't understand why the regular tenants were kept in, that was a serious breach of agreement.
That evening (Tuesday i think) i saw the man with goatee got shorter than the one i saw and i said he might have been a woman. Never saw "him" after.
Yesterday the woman upstairs caught us between taking the garbage and recyclables and getting in the car. She simulating a big bow towards me by dropping the keys and then she show me several inches of her skin under the too short top.
Later yesterday i saw her next to her car with a blond curly tall woman with glasses who looked like an attorney to me.
Today again she caught me while i went to the car to take something from trunk. She was dressed this time as a McDonalds employee etc.
But i believe they keep changing all the time. This one has longer legs and also look Indian or Philippina but before that i think i saw Lizo several times the other week. day. About the same weight, imagine what they do to me when they are walking upstairs.
Yesterday when i went to work at the car there was so much smoke outside i was stoned. That is the reason i cannot recognize them.
12:24 Trying to imagine what is she doing in this movie scene. Like trying to imagine what are they doing upstairs when are stepping like this. But i remember. The Christmas eve i saw a guy who could have been an Indian thug or a Japanese actor, stepping like the big hulk, on purpose. But a woman like i saw today wouldn't need to do that.
Sunday, December 31, 2023
Saturday, December 30, 2023
After going at WinCo this morning i slept through the afternoon. Woke up with the desire to clean under the bin. Was thinking to lift it up with a jack and try to pull the bags from under. However next to it or where i should put the floor jack there are several inches of soil. So i tried first to remove the soil with a stick and a piece of board however without the right tools is difficult especially because tiny roots have penetrate it.
While i was there, a couple of guys passed by cheerfully yelling in Spanish at each other, like they do. A kid came to through the garbage. A guy came to park and backed up all the way to were i was slightly passing the sign. His LPN. PGW (parental guidance something?).
Mostly because of the heavy smoke i gave up maybe postpone it for another day. also found another possible source for the garbage smell, next to the garages.
I came at the car, have to do a toe alignment, one not and one stud, however the smoke was unbearable. So i just went around plugging holes. There was one under the door, many others. Since i had this sac of potting soil, i covered the big hole done by the kids when playing last night.
4:30 Space around the car was again filled with smoke. Pouring soil from that sac, it is almost finished. Some guy is idling a Harley for half hour now (a means of alerting people?). I myself i feel like i'm floating and do not wish to do anything. When i got inside my clothes are smelling badly like that smoke.
There is a continuous roar basically every second is filled with something, when one loud vehicle stops idling, another one starts, cars and people passing, etc..
Right toe is badly misaligned. Fixing.
6:33 I think i might passed in the negative territory with right toe angle.
6:38 There has been a continuous roar outside all day as i was at the car. Cars and persons passing every minute like it never happens in the first 10 minutes i go outside. Right now there is a guy roaring with a modified exhaust for almost half hour now. Link to the sound file in New shared on the right of the main blog.
6:53 Still roaring.
Friday, December 29, 2023
8:50 Angela came again really mad and kept looking at her tongue. She also got this colleague "from Hawaii" who works to jobs to provide for a whole family and is also hyper (and computer illiterate). This week she worked 12 hours with Angela, pushing her really hard and she said she went to the other job as well. (She doesn't drive also, somebody from her household drives her from on job to another).
Lately she had become the protégé of Steven i wrote many times about. Steven, the acting supervisor was always screwing Angela with something before weekends and holidays but today it was her, "Hawaii" as Angela calls her. She started a packing job, Angela finished her (by Steve's schedule) and when they were done they found something that was forgotten outside the many boxes and started going around and telling everybody but Angela tells it was one of the boxes she did before she got there.
As for the new supervisor there is something weird about him (like all the others before) Angela is afraid to tell me (i know her for so many years).
9:24 After i insisted she finally told me he looks like an old Mexican...
10:14 Closing the loop...
Thursday, December 28, 2023
12:52 Angela at work. They got a new supervisor, and though he doesn't know much about that job yet and he's on a fixed salary he comes this week at 4 AM and works until 4 PM like everybody else.
Is that because i said Steve, the acting supervisor was creating trouble for her always before weekends?
Also she started to grow again those weird hair like things on her tongue, like she did earlier this year.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
1:50 Un simplu detector de fum, cel mai simplu, fără rețea sau wi-fi (adresabil), cu baterie care ține până la 10 ani, face un zgomot de până la 120 decibeli. Trebuie să bați două cuie sau să pui două șuruburi ca să-l instalezi. Sunt și spray-uri pentru testat. Pe mine m-a trezit unul din astea când am adormit cu ceva în cuptor și aveam căști industriale de 30 dB cu noise supression pe urechi.
Dacă aveau în fiecare cameră așa ceva, nu ar mai fi fost credibilă știrea. Sau poate aveau, a fost cineva pe acolo și își poate aminti?7:14 Had no idea. This means some users had accesss to it since fall 2021? To makeup with the competition like snap and meta and twitter?
Why do we need to step into AR since we are not really sure about this current one, just because we think it's fun?
8:25 Apropo de sfinxuri, iluzii și alte chestii. Sfinxul din Bucegi se transformă dacă îl privești din partea cealaltă în Darth Vader. Apropo, mie îmi pare făcut dintr-un fel de beton, comparat cu roca de sub el, la fel ca Babele. Și pe cap are un fel de pileus. Eu credeam că e pe același loc cu Vârful Omu.
Da bine István Orosz nu se născuse pe atunci, dar poate fi la ei o tradiție.
9:10 Pastila de limba română.
9:20 Petre Băi_ceanu. Nu găsesc o poză mai bună pentru o comparație. Dar îmi amintec că ieri la Fred Meyer a apărut lângă mine un tip foarte înalt cu mustață cam de vârsta lui. Această nevoie fantastică a lor de a dubla orice informație, eventual cu introducere de noi elemente.
11:40 Ok here is the weirdest story i told so far. In the past it happened to me a number of times to dream of people i knew and at first i was calling them the same day.
Last night i had some drinks and especially drank caffeinated soda (diet decaf is 3 dollars for 2 litters at Fred Meyer) and i don't usually sleep well when i do so, i get dehydrated and in the morning i need to drink water and/or eat and wait for a number of hours for the alcohol to clear my body so i can go back to sleep which i did, after 9:15. Since they started the marching upstairs (maybe not as loud as the days before, and only then) i turned the recorder on.
However they woke me up several times, exactly in the moment i was about to fall asleep (pass the gate as Christa would say).
I was really tired and didn't know what do do. So i grabbed my sleeping sack made of aluminum and polystyrene insulation and put it on top of me, covering my head, and voila. I fell asleep.
However, i started to dream and i was dreaming someone told me i should ask her father permission to date her. And then i was corrected, not her father, her brother. So i did. In my dream i was talking in English and asking permission to date her. I remember i was frustrated because being so tired i mispronounced some of the words and my accent was heavy. It was very real, with moving lips and stuff.
It wouldn't be such a story if the recorder wasn't on. So i tried to play file by file just to convince me i really did it but the files were too long and didn't have enough patience (don't know how to fully use it yet also) so i just formatted the whole damn thing before i hook it the computer and that recording could get a life of its own.
Cause yesterday, "the kids" that now show only once a week or something got into the yard following me once and then in front of the car when i was backing up. I believe one of them is this woman who in reality is 19 years old (Asians sometimes look much younger) and her legend goes she has a brother and her brother once came when i was working at the car and told me not to take pictures of his sister or he would kill me and then they both died and came back to life.
The reason is he didn't want her picture taken (after months of abuse and noise in the garden, one day i was thinking) is she could be recognized. But how did he know what i was thinking, cause i didn't say to nobody, (or maybe i did and don't remember aloud in the room), and he threatened me after the day i was thinking.
I knew since i was a child there are tricks to make someone talk in his/her sleep and ask questions but never knew you could actually instruct them what to say. And i don't believe one second it's technology.
And the short man with goatee (officially there is one living upstairs though with slight different appearances in time and the same car). During sleeping described above which was superficial and intermittent i heard a person clearing her voice upstairs and i think it was her.
1:30 Today they started with a washing cycle. Not so much noise as in the past though someone is still there. Not so heavy.
I was reviewing an old post. It was more of an exploratory type of post, i didn't say much of my own and i asked myself or hypothetical others (friends), questions. As if Chi or Qi represent a force or actually the air we breath. Both. Nowadays i would have asked google first.
The name Jedi knights no doubt came from Jidai-Geki (yeah they started the tan SUV which is putting much exhaust noise) so i can't think.
Yeah now that is gone i think i wanted to identify if Qi or Chi is the same thing as the Force in Star Wars. Passing by i emitted some sarcastic thoughts about the movie, the Fifth Element.
BTW in the meantime i totally changed my mind about the meaning of the mantra.
Never thought or said that one should go with the flow and f...i all up. And yes, Dassah Darling does indeed look like Milla Jovovich.
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
12:05 Again they started a fan in the bedroom above that vibrates the walls and is almost impossible to sleep and Angela has to go to 4 at work.
12:15 Now that i said that they started a truck with strong engine and short exhaust south of the yard.
12:18 Huh?
3:35 I think somebody is moving out from upstairs. They brought in a van and load furniture in it.
6:00 During my walk i was exposed to some weird smoke.
Just went to the liquor store and forgot my wallet at home. On the I5 overpass a cop was flashing bright lights. I thought i had room to switch lanes between two cars but the one ahead slowed down probably with the all damn AI coordinated traffic and almost got into it. With no wallet i think i would have been arrested by that cop on the spot especially since i had a couple of drinks earlier.
Went and dropped the sac with cans, came home to grab my wallet. The guys who are moving (i think only some are moving) occupied my spot and were loading stuff in a car.
I tried to find another spot, especially because two of them were at my door and probably had to talk to them, then he moved into another spot but i left the car in the alley, went to grab my wallet and in less than a minute a guy came and asked me if that was my car. At the liquor store there was a girl in a truck resembling the California cutie but she kept turning her head away for me and while trying to catch a glimpse i almost got ran over by a speeding truck with a Hungarian thug at the wheel etc..
Monday, December 25, 2023
12:45 Daily drying laundry (with no washing) has started upstairs. The building is surrounded with laundry perfume.
3:10 I have been at the computer for 6 hours strait to do two matches. If someone asks selves what it cost me. And that was on Christmas day. The man upstairs first stopped altogether than he started back on and now he has visitors and went more quiet. But i have a feeling it will be over after the big push for Christmas.It started as an intriguing game and now i can't back up when i see they are trying to cancel my work.
As for the the main blog it has been rewarding getting here but i think a bit too late for me to see results. Could you imagine how it would be to walk in an air lock and walk out on a different continent, time or planet like in Stargate Atlantis?
5:45 To the quick vibrating quark. Merry Christmas to you too. I know you are not religious but it always sounds good. We came a long way since pickatchu mentioned something about an anxiety attack. Is that guy from GO in LC your boyfriend, the man behind the camera and computer monitors for those rather sophisticated effects?
They got a hold on me. They train me what to think, with squeaks. Apparently any of my thoughts disturbs their timeline. Some guy from Romania (my yoga guru, i know, they doubled that too with MISA, talking about a real one) told me i had above average abilities. And most time i'm too woried with problems to be able to think anything else.
After being here for days at the time with these guys on top, i'm so traumatized i just can't think in real time. Yeah i see in the news this and that and react to it but when i go out i just want to relax and forget about everything. While i drive i'm always obsessed with the car. And it continues in there two with everybody crossing my way on purpose.
But think about. If things were differently in that day, would i have written what i written the last things about pyramids and stuff? In fact it was that three and one decoration inside that prompted me though i had it mind already but hesitating.
5:50 One of the guys from upstairs just hit the floor with something, real hard. I saw one last night. He was walking like a maniac in a movie, switching weight from one foot to another, all day long, mocking me and my walks.
Just remembered something. I saw last night in the casino and hold Japanese woman walking around like a penguin, oscillating, is that some shamanic shinto ritual? I guess not.
BTW the music sounds hauntling familiar, like old Greek or Romanian instrumental balads.
Which reminds me of... FLIT would mach... The man with balls...
10:30 Hey cutie, do you see what i'm facing?
Popobawa. Xenu (Zânu, TanZania, ZanZibar) + Dracula într-unul. Popo can come from colloquial for priest in Romanian and bawa from bau bau, pronounced bow bow, equivalent for bogeyman in Romanian). Popou also means butt in Romanian, and poponar, gay. Probably the reason they are so many sleeping right now upstairs and the reasons they stomp. To chase away evil spirits or aliens.
Did you know they say Freddy Mercury was born in Zanzibar? I had an HS classmate who locked like Freddy Mercury (down row at the left of the one with hat).
Drying laundry to neutralize the thetans that come of out of the lava insulation and instead releasing some on me by stomping.
I was born in 1960 and came to the US in 1995. I think Ceaușescu visited those countries several times (he visited every country several times). Current President Iohannis recently visited Tanzania (after i saw him from a distance ad Red Winds Casino) and many Romanians thought that was odd.
Tom Cruise tried to kill me at least three times in recent years.
10:52 Porni Luceafărul. Creșteau...
Saturday, December 23, 2023
8:58 Tirul cu știri false și zvonuri a erupt mai tare ca niciodată. Muntele Olimp al hinduismului...
Apropo bine că mi-am adus aminte. Trebuie să încerc să caut și unde a fost muntele Olimp, poate zeii grecilor vin tot de pe acolo, ca toți zeii...
Ok nu sunt piramide pe muntele Olimp unde locuiau zeii olimpici și nici pe muntele Otrys unde locuiau unii din zeii titanici dar am găsit ceva...
După Homer, Tartarus este o lume subpământeană. Normal dacă lumea vedea pe zei că intră printr-o poartă într-o piramidă puteau să creadă că ei merg undeva sub pământ. Zalmoxes a fost și el plecat 4 ani sub pământ.
Muntele Taygetos din Grecia pare să aibă fețe fasonate... Fiind calcaros, se putea eroda destul de repede. Oricum, nu în 10 mii de ani, poate o sută, poate mai mult.
Chiar m-am prins la o fază. Cuvântul piramidă pare a avea la origine sanskritul purA... combinat cu meda, care poate însemna mare (fat).
10:55 I did not move for the whole period i recorded this. It is only from upstairs and it is like that with little or no breaks since i think 8 AM.
10:13 It usually stops after i make an upload with a link. So it did the moment i put the link with the upload, that is 18 minutes ago.
10:25 Now they brought in the scene a dog... It sounds like the one at Apt.4. So they did not move out, somebody else did (the carpet cleaner, new washer/drier).
10:31 The dog bark is now incessant, like the noise from above was for 3 hours. I think it barks at that blower heard in the background.
Unfortunately i cannot see these in Google Earth for reasons of low resolution. They appear flat.
4:20 I believe again upstairs are selling tickets for a charitable action called "who wants to screw the galactic dictator". One or two persons live, others come.
For at least a week i only hear drying, almost continuously, never washing, and the building is surrounded with laundry vapor which among other things block the basaltic insulating dust (the thetans) and also block Xenu's thoughts by making noises.
Thursday, December 21, 2023
It's not us, it's me, Forest Gump, who is running this marathon, pushed behind by the savage. Listen to my recordings with noises from upstairs. They can never stop, they have an appointment with something. They're like always horny, like bulls.
1:38 Me personally i'd like to think about other things. Like time and space and everything is created all around us by the moving quanta though for quanta time does not exist and space is unlimited (thus empty) so they for themselves don't exist.
In the mantra that guided me here it is stated clearly. The Sanskrit word zUnyatA (yes, root for Sun in English and empty sky in Romanian (senin) or Italian (sereno), English serene, where it also mean without care etc.). Without mind there is no form. It's exactly like in Scientology. Thetans created the Universe for their own fun by agreeing it exists. We all agree things around us and ourselves exist.
But some chose not to agree. The savage. They only agree with their hierarchy like wolves in packs.
Others say (guess who) we live in a loop like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day (got to see that movie again) where cause and effect is hard or impossible to separate and the only hope is Nirvana (extinction) but i think it's a big confusion, in my translation Nirvana is the final solution only for those without rest.
Echoes. 4 electric. Romana Flowers. Pyramids.
9:10 Everything here smells now like orange dishwasher detergent scent. Still feel like puking but no acute or palpitations and my belly aches. I put waiting on
10:18 Though i washed everything that came in contact with that bottle (though i realized after i put them in the fridge, everything in here smell now like that scent).
10:21 In synch. I kept my promise (half and half, protein and carbs), a Michelina meatloaf and two eggs for brunch and was eyeing a small piece of cake from a pack i got from Walmart when a blond guy reminding of the last match came in the back, he had a bag that was knotting real careful (he was still surrounded by vapors for a few seconds, right, he inhaled some).
Can't blame people from other buildings coming here with dogs when i eat cause "there is for them no way to know", right? Damn stubborn step dancing timelords and their dogs.
2:09 I went for a walk. As soon as i stepped outside i've been hit by the large amount of smoke i have been facing since this morning. After one hour of walk i started to clear my mind. When near the end, starting with the park i saw like at least 7 Alexas, some smiling at me, blond with round butts and faces and medium size brown dogs.
Too bad i'm old but mostly sickened daily with pollution by the subtle sophisticated savvy savages savages and too poor to be part of their lives. But do they know how and old man with diabetes and hiatal hernia living in dog poop smell smells from close even right after a shower? Or maybe they are just trying to tease me like their model, bad jokes loving Al?
However when i got back i've been hit with smoke again. Tried to plug a few holes in front of the building but then the smoke moved in the back where there are many more so i just gave up. I think i'm going to Walmart or something. BTW they again trying to play the victim. Three of them synching passed by while i was plugging the holes and raising some dust, too little even for me to feel though i was real close to those.
All around they all disappeared because of the smoke, including upstairs.
2:42 I left and then i saw a very suspicious hole next to living wall, covered with leaves. I plugged that one and most of the smoke is now gone. They called a carpet cleaner next entrance, the first one i remember in 7 years to insinuate my carpet stinks. Like dog? Or maybe are trying to clean that probably stinking Nr.4 where the big dog lives mostly inside. Too bad i didn't go to look.
I washed my carpet two years in a row, except last year, with a wet vacuum with hot water and detergent in many passes or until i saw white foam in the transparent sole of the vacuum that most likely took more than a carpet cleaner in one pass. This year i haven't done it when it was hot because i didn't have much time, look at the time stamps on my blogs.
3:36 I left again at 2:50 but changed my mind and turned around and the smoke was gone completely in t hose seconds i was walking towards the truk, and then i left for good. I calculated the time when Angela will be here and turned around but the AI had enough time to divert some nice LPN and logos right in front of me.
3:45 Stupid Earthers. Last push of the market today was certainly done with oil (after 12 PM eastern). We are sitting here and heating our planet with oil and coal while there are several ways to pull free energy from time, quanta and void. One of them is already known and used for a longtime. It's called heat pumps which are more than three times over unity, pulling extra energy by reversing entropy thus time inside the coolant circuit.
Yeah i don't know why they chose tis name for the devices that output more energy than use, it doesn't sound right. Anyways heat pumps t by my calculations move up to 6 times more heat from inside your home in the summer and inside during the winter from the grid.
No they don't violate the second thermodynamics whatever cause they only move the heat from one place to another which is actually close to for the user, depending on again the reference system but overall they do revert entropy because they can create a hot and cold region in space where previously was random chaotic thermal agitation, if we neglect the input or pull it out of that region.
5:22 They got their algorithm. Like usually when i am almost done with the big salad they come upstairs to stomp in the kitchen and add a bit of spice to it.
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
11:37 Anyways. I didn't eat arugula in a long time and forgot the taste. One and a half hours after i ate that salad i started to feel weird but i already did earlier because of exposure to dust and stuff. Like almost every day.
So i did a test. Took a bit of liquid left from the bottom of the cardboard with the salad and put it on a small plate where i previously put some water and a drop of olive oil and guess what. The oil shrank and ran away. Surfactants usually do that. There could be other things like vinegar. I don't know. So i just took four charcoal caps just in case. I think i already feel better, ten minutes after. I don't know.
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
10:22 A reaction to my Quantum post. They threw a microwave oven in a place where there is a bit of wind towards the closed space between buildings. Due to presence of tannins from the red mulch that never rots, a continuous stream of custom moating stinking bacteria is coming this way and contaminates everything starting of course with my microwave that has not been cleaned in a while.
The stink and a distant vibration (probably The Train) awoke me after 5 hours of sleep. The vibration continued until they started to do laundry.
I know. I once been upstairs. Everything that stinks in this apartment moves through the empty wall over their. Mostly food. But the have been a couple of days with poops on the other side of the buildings and those indeed make everything stink like dishes left for a week, laundry not done in a year. So they will go ahead and punish what they make everybody believe is the stinking Jew. Or teach him a lesson. Before writing about light, he should clean himself first. Like the ritual of washing hands in a sumo match.
They will never give up. Shinto, the most isolated religion in the world and Japanese the most isolated people in the world go on by their own. It is all dedicated to Sun Goddess Amaterasu.
I said the other day a few things about sumo wrestling. The rituals that last much longer than the match itself that lasts only a few seconds. For that a number of people dedicate their whole lives and sicken themselves eating 10000 calories a day. No foreigner is allowed to sumo wrestle in Japan though they pushed it in the Olympics (that changed a bit in 2018). There are no sumo wrestler in other countries (i once say one in Hungary). Who in his right mind will do this to his own body?
The square and round ring. The aprons. Even the fighters look a bit like the Sun (or a turtle, the same), with the rays under their belly. But there is something i have not spoken about. That motion of the wrestler when he hits the ground first with on leg bent at 90 degrees, second with the other. Could that represent the quantum splitting on the pyramids' slopes?
Like all rituals i have ever seen, this one is full of mnemonic symbols, the reason they should not be dismissed, all that is left since times much smarter people knew what they were doing.
Let there be no mistake. America is named after Amaterasu, the statue of Liberty is also made in her appearance, Capital Washington after Wa Shinto, etc..
1:13 Dualisma. After the fall of Dua Lipa they brought back the kids which i haven't seen in weeks. First trick. Heard them talking loudly, went to shut the glass sliding door and in the same time they ran inside.
2:20 Forgotten bands. Back in the eighties. In Romania a (soviet made) tape recorder was the price of two average monthly wages and a video (later) that of a car. They were places, radiating from Bucharest that were selling collection of hits on tapes.
I had a tape recorder and one day i brought home from Iași a tape with hits from 82 and one of them was this song. Very weird, breathing like synths sound, don't know what kind it is, a synth balad?, never understood the words but or knew the name of the band or title, together with many other songs from that tape, it haunted me to this day. I hesitated to post the song, especially that the fall has gone, but then i found another one of the same band with seems actual. Punk (rock?). Waltz?
2:38 Fountains... They cut the water in the complex, unannounced, after two weeks when they again cut it for a few hours on 5 but that was announced, days in advance, while i was doing the last load of laundry.
It was pretty quiet today upstairs but after the water was cut they started again.
2:47 Listening to the song again, at second 2:50 there is an effect i heard in a more recent "indie" song, probably done with AI. A bee like sound. Of course all bands are 4.
După care un alt tip cu bărbiță care semăna cu șoferul a urcat iar scările.
9:48 The only thing that was in the Walmart parking lot and in this parking lot was our car. And in both places was smelling like dog waste.
In the store. Only actors and extras as usually, orbiting around me. Mostly "Latinos". I went and picked some liquid dishwasher detergent then i bought a number of grocery items that were missing here.
The trick. When i got home i saw some of the items were having like an oil on them. It was not oil, it was dishwasher detergent.
The new design seal is very hard to open and close and also to grab. I tried at home. Even if you grab it it will not open by the weight of the bottle. I think it was open and i remember i said loudly before i left i needed to buy one of these. Or someone reached in the car and opened it when i wasn't paying attention. Like when that customer kept asking me a question, like i was working there.
Never happened to me before. Could i have slipped and fallen on a drop of detergent. Could anybody in the store have fallen slipping on a drop of detergent.
11:04 Ok i did some investigating. The old now empty detergent bottle had a seal that was opening real hard. So hard i thought they given up on those and just put a little thingy there though to small to grab it when full. The one i got today was partly opening (a little bit, hard to see) when raising the bottle by it.
11:05 How to check for clogged nostrils. Push on one nostril with a finger to close it completely and try breathing on the other one. If there is significant resistance, on either one then it's clogged. If it's severe and at both nostrils after a while can it can obviously cause shortness of breath.
I have no way to know how many times i called an ambulance or drove to ER or urgent care for this. Must be up to 100 times, until 2012 i guess when i quit doing that.
What you can do. Right away, open you mouth and breath. It will still feel bad for a while, depending on how long the condition lasted and if you were stimulated by something like rage or noise or coffee etc. that can make your rib muscles pull harder for air until you crash (collapse) with shortness of breath.
Then if it goes away in about half hour, since you can't stay with your mouth open all day long and you will forget sooner or later (how many times it also happened to me), use a nasal spray decongestant and then try to figure the cause. Sometimes smells can cause this.
Try to find the cause for those. You have to wash the pipe of your garbage disposer every time after doing dishes or throwing something in there. BTW i think those should be banned as being a big health risk.
Some other times it can be dust or smoke or mold or even your own body odor if you didn't take a shower in days. Also rage and frustration can lead to opening of the esophagus-stomach sphincter, releasing hydrochloric acid vapors, digestive enzymes in form of aerosols from stomach that can inflame you nasal membrane.
Because by breathing hard on a congested nose, the vacuum created in your chest will raise your diaphragm muscle and the esophagus will contract and shorten due to inflammation and the stomach will protrude through your diaphragm muscle (a condition that may become permanent and it's called hiatal hernia) which muscle will also twist your heart and can possibly even press on one or more arteries located at the surface of the heart.
A stent of course will be beneficial in in areas where heart bumps against something because the artery can't be pressed anymore.
11:43 One of the biggest overlooked problem is pet waste. While humans go to toilet, a very small number of pets do, though it could be done maybe by specialized trainers. Pets account for up to 10-25 of the weight of all humans. While solid waste can be removed with a certain amount of awkwardness and self exposure, the liquid stays and smells for hours if not days. Especially if the pet is sick.
Pet waste smells can cause inflammation of nostrils but also stimulation by pheromones etc. which will be followed by a crash. (Moment when pray is most vulnerable). Though dogs are not wolves, they inherited these traits which allowed survival of the species for eons as they still "mark" their territories.
Monday, December 18, 2023
9:40 Never seen this type of cyclone over Pacific before (the reason they call it Pacific). It looks like it brought a great deal of rain in California. But only at night. Maybe it put out more of the fires there.
9:50 În loc de dare de seamă la sfârșit de an? Ministerul Transporturilor a avut 92 miliarde în 2022 și 59 în 2023 (vezi în dreapta, al treilea link).
10:05 Dominicans strike again. Synchronization over a linguistic confusion. Quantum, quarks, queer. Why they chose these names for a vast areas of physics called quantum, the most important fund_a_mental particles starting with the letter Q from LGBTQ?
10:34 Last night i was so tired i thought i was going to die. I went to bed early but between 10 and 11 two different people came home upstairs and last one was smoking and they woke me up like 10 times. Just wrote an email to the office describing the situation.
I think i saw AlexaCrush last night at Indian Head acting as an employee (serving coffee and soda from a cart, moving fast), in black uniform, wearing again that type of makeup that allows real time CGI alterations (monochrome, with only lipstick different, all very strident and hard to look at). Could have been a different person, hard to say.
11:08 I think i saw AlexaCrush last night at Indian Head acting as an employee (serving coffee and soda from a cart, moving fast), in black uniform, wearing again that type of makeup that allows real time CGI alterations (monochrome, with only lipstick different, all very strident and hard to look at). Could have been a different person, hard to say.
11:18 Lately my nose was congested most of the times, mainly from dust coming from stomping upstairs. I used a decongestant in the last few days. I recon your metabolism also needs oxygen, not only the right food.
I also stopped drinking soda (decaf, diet) that also irritates my esophagus, stomach and probably bile and pancreas. However i'm a bit dehydrated cause i can't drink plain water. I had a bottle with grapefruit juice in the fridge i was mixing with water, for over a month. That could have contributed to the nausea.
I also stopped drinking alcohol about a week ago. Alcohol uses some of the oxygen you breath to burn inside your cells, competing with food metabolism.
I invented a rule that i will abide starting now on that is also satisfying. I put in my plate half carbs and half protein. At least by volume or by eye whatever.
After applying all of the above for a couple days (some for longer) my blood sugar this morning after 10 hours of not eating was 211, coming from 300-400 only a few days ago.
Saturday, December 16, 2023
12:07 Latest. I wanted to go to pick from the trunk the box with 6 one gallon water i got from Grocery Outlet in Newberg, about 15 minutes ago. Exactly in the same time came the tan van making a big noise (it is only here about once a week, i would notice, believe me) so i gave up.
I went later only to see a clown the moment i opened the trunk directing towards me (probably wanted to see what i got in it) but he veered in the last moment in the space between building (not that one since this morning, the other one).
Major Bube Nick. Tonight after a month or so they have been working, constructing, doing something at the intersection Martinazi-Tualatin Sherwood, they decided to draw the fine white lines on the smooth black new asphalt. There was this huge line drawing machine resembling a sweeper drawing a line but next to it, the line already drawn leading to the ramp, by some mishap came undulating like a snake.
12:12 We had to go. Angela promised me and i could not take one more hour of stomping and dust from upstairs. However i did not know how tired i was and how nervous Angela was after a week of 10 hours a day. She kept talking and talking and at an intersection we both fell asleep and they had to honk me from behind to restart. Same parade of LPN and brands as usual.
At the Grocery Outlet store i wanted to exit early, before the stop light, Angela didn't let me and the result is i drove for a few seconds with both left wheels on the one ft wide 3 inch median. Unpainted, impossible to see at night. Nothing broken or out of alignment. However tomorrow i have to add more ATF (unrelated, still hesitating when shifting al low RPM, was happening before that). And check for leaks. Cause it goes better first trips after adding and then...
Google was showing a low rate of occupancy at Spirit Mt (Like less then 1/4 usual). We check that because on days with many people the machines at certain hours start giving back a little (usually when they start to leave). But only some machines and only if you know how to play (or maybe it's just an illusion they create making you believe you finally learn how to play those).
However when we got there we saw it was like 3/4 full. Could it be they bring the extras from somewhere, maybe from inside the hotel. How come they never gave us free lodging there like at Chinook. Though i remember they were times (years ago) when after sweeping the card to check for perks i used to see free lodging offers.
Extras. Those guys who cross path, dance a complicated ritual when preparing to sit at a machine, distracting me and making lose hands, get in front of me while i walk like i was invisible, forcing me to stop, etc.. However tonight there was a twist. Everybody looked a bit like a victim. There was again this well known so called Native American gay activist with braided hair running around like a road runner and at some time he attempted to sit next to Angela.
Probably other less agitated, harder to recognize celebs.
I fell asleep in the car and Angela went inside alone. Like usually when left alone she lost 200 bucks in no time. Then towards 8 some machines started yielding like they do at that hours and we made some money back. I knew that would not last and tried to take Angela back home but she stayed at least one more hour and started loosing again. Now she sleeps 3 hours and tomorrow she has to go to work at 4 AM (because it's Saturday and people there want to leave early). But Saturdays are only 8 hours.
Again in my way there, in the car, i had intense daydreamings. It happens every time the day after it smells in here like dog like i said last night.
I slept like half hour in the car, but like usually and even like when i didn't sleep, i felt so much better and alert when driving back home.
Got here and had to fix some more cracks in the joint wall ceiling exactly above Angela's head where she sleeps, under her protest.
And all those extras looking at me like they don't understand why i'm pissed. Just before Angela i met a girl (i was like what, 20, she was 10 years older then me) who i'm sure was Pat Benatar. I bring her in my rented room in Iași and here came my roommate and turned on the light while we were laying in the bed, still dressed and listening to that sad sad almost dissonant always in minor chords out of this world Greek music on the tape recorder. No matter after he left she kept turning the light on.
However every time i hear that song i remember that moment. Or the AHA song.
Or the White Wing Dove song. How old was i, 10, 11?
Then they pushed Pat in front of the car in sunset while we were eating at Roads End in Lincoln City. She is what, over 70 now and me only a bit over 60?
And one more thousand mishaps like this since i was in my 20s i can't remember right now? Jill Claybourg? Madonna? Joan Jett? Margareta? Lia? ONJ? Shade? Stevie Nicks? Suzie Q? Bounty Belly, The AHA girl? Daniela Vlădescu? Jennifer Rush, my classmate in college etc.? Who were programmed (the ones that didn't hesitate to get closer) to always change their mind in the last moment, wasting all of my time?
The reason was of course, they were pushing me really hard to forget about women and turn on the other side, just to fulfill a prophecy. Sorry, not me.
Got a spell of fainting and high blood pressure, dizziness and my heart feels like about to burst and have shortness of breath.
10:27 The smoke is back. I'm taking off.
11:21 For the first part, it was agonizing. My aim was to reach ER at the hospital across 65th. Smoke outside was of a perceived index of about 80. However i had a mask which i believe it cuts it more than half. But as i was getting closer i got better and decided to go on my normal walking route.
Just at the corner after exiting hospital area and getting on Borland, the same roof work with nails being shot several times a second, like from a machine gun. After i passed the school i decided i had enough of that smoke and decided to return to my own kind at the apartment.
But i also realized i was bursting with rage. After i saw the article and started to write, gradually stomps started to build above. They are still present, the elephant followed me at the bathroom a few minutes ago. So it was rage that was giving me that high pressure. Rage controlled and escalated by them, who somehow got a feedback on my bio signs.
Of course walking in a rage driven very fast pace contributing to me calming down a little. Thank you guys for ruining one more of my already miserable days.
3:20 At second 47 in this wave file there is the biggest kaboom i ever recorded from upstairs. Basically i was with the recorder in my hands, sleepy and then it really scared me. The ceiling actually moved.
11:40 Today there was like an endless sumo match uptsairs: When they finally came down i went to bed and that was about one hour ago. Since, two different more people came and woke me up like ten times. Right now someone is smoking and squeaking.
Friday, December 15, 2023
Pentru a verifica asta puteți face o fotografie în IR cu zidul din exterior. De fapt asta este o metodă foarte bună pentru a detecta scurgerile de căldură din orice clădire. Vă puteți asocia mai mulți și cumpăra o astfel de cameră.
Banala folie de aluminiu este reflectorizantă în vizibil dar și infraroșu, blocând transferul către perete, motiv pentru care se folosește și în păturile termice subțiri de către ambulanțieri, deși mai întâlnit este aurul și argintul în strat foarte subțire pe un strat de mylar, pentru a menține oamenii în stare de șoc la o temperatură mai mare.
Însă aluminiul simplu se încălzește și el mai ales prin convecție și apoi radiază iar căldura încă se transmite în afară (testul cu mâna). Rezultate și mai bune se pot obține cu o pătură în spatele aluminiului, sau o pătură izolantă formată din două sau mai multe straturi de aluminiu pe o bază din spumă de polistiren, din care eu mi-am făcut un excelent sac de dormit fiindcă nu mai reușeam să-mi încălzesc picioarele noaptea nici cu pătura electrică.
Sunt destul de scumpe însă sulurile acelea ajung pentru mai multe calorifere. Bineînțeles se poate instala în spatele unui panou de aceeași culoare cu peretele, care să acopere aparența strălucitoare.
Se mai pot folosi și pături din acelea reflectorizante pentru a menține o temperatură mai joasă în mașina care stă la soare care sunt mai bune ca o simplă folie de aluminiu (un compromis de venit scăzut). Însă banii se recuperează din factura de energie și vă veți simți bine fiindcă nu încălziți planeta atât de mult.
2:43 Got awakened @ midnight by smoke smell, i looked at the maps, there is a fire near Bend i think but is far and not quite in the direction of the wind.
Also i feel a quite intese dog smell, i think they dried again unwashed dog blankets in the drier that has a vent that opens at ground level or a dog just peed under the wall where air gets sucked in the empty wall through cracks and openings.
I use the ozone generator but can't set it too high cause i got respiratory symptoms.
2:45 Românii ar trebui să nu mai plătească taxe și impozite până când guvernul nu va raporta la sfârșit de an detaliat cum au folosit banii din buget.
2:50 O evidentă alegorie pe numele meu. Băsescu este cel care a negociat și semnat Tratatul de Aderare al României la UE în 2005 (cu aplicare la 1 ianuaire 2007) și nu ne-a spus (a uitat) că de fapt am intrat și în Schengen.
Îmi amintesc când am venit în SUA în 1995 și am lucrat la Sheridan, unde aranjam marfa pe rafturi și câteodată căram sacoșele cumpărătorilor la mașină, erau niște gagici din care una era Demi Moore iar una mai nașpa iar seara când nu erau clienți în magazin începeau să danseze și îmi cântau melodia asta iar eu mă enervam foarte tare. Da și la sfârșit se închie într-o capuslă de mac. Ăștia bagă o subliminală în orice.
3:25 (dimineața bineînțeles). Patrulez prin casă, m-am dus la frigider, mie-a greață și foame în același timp și am văzut o felie de pâine lângă toaster și mi-am amintit că mai devreme am ars una.
Vreți să știți ce înseamnă cu adevărat hidrați de carbon? Puneți o felie de pâine în toaster pe maximum, de două ori la rând. Ce veți vedea este carbonul pe care îl consumați dvs., după ce a rămas fără hidrodgen. Da, e bun pentru greață fiindcă e poros (activat) adică provine din vegetale după scoaterea apei și hidrogenului care lasă pori microscopici în urmă și absoarbe toxinele.
10:00 Smoke coming from outside makes me sneeze like crazy (a little ninja trick). She woke me up after about 3 hours of sleep (had some more sleep last night before midnight). Though yesterday after i wrote she could be Lizzo she stopped the big stomps. Today again she followed me in the bathroom and flushed the toilet.
Was eating when one of those blacks living in the next building (yes the ones with the Japanese monster at the window) came with a dog and a green bag not far from the big glass sliding doors.
12:30 When i got back home about half hour (around noon) ago they were 4 local Tualatin Police SUVs in the alley again at the entrance in the building again at the right of the mailboxes (keep forgetting the number) kinda blocking the alley and 4 cops where in front of the first entrance, two with their back towards were i was coming, that is from the direction of the entrance in the complex.
The tallest, of the two showing their back, locking maybe like a tough military guy had his hand above his gun, ready to draw while i had my left hand in the pocket of my jacket (mainly because i can't straighten it out due to surgery when i was 14). Then one of them started to follow me but he stopped after a number of steps or when i got closer to my entrance.
I had the keys and wallet in my left pocket and the camera in my right.
2:55 I think i know why the "cops" keep coming at that en_trance (at right in this picture) and probably don't find anybody. Because of the newly installed (green) pipes that may act as a water slider as i said before (can't find it right now). Someone in the building at that entrance may easily escape through those if they were properly designed (MEI Ji (明治) restoration).
Thursday, December 14, 2023
10:12 Introducerea insectelor în alimentație. Ce, numai lăcuste? Au proteine.
A ok m-am prins. Ăștia mănâncă insecte pe pâine.
1:06 Pentru a suta oară la rând, când am mers la baie sau la bucătărie a venit deasupra cu mare zgomot. Cred că are o legătură cu glicemia foarte mare care nu mai răspunde la mâncat foarte puțin și nu s-a schimbat după 5 km de mers pe jos. Blocaj biliar și pancreatic prin stres mai ales în momentele intime.
Am fost la plimbare. O sută de mașini au trecut pe Borland pe lângă mine. Toate cu numere ciudate și fețe ciudate, care se uitau la mine. Unele scoteau diverse funuri. Avioane care scoteau sunete sinistre accelerând-decelerând. (ieri).
4:46 A string of holes (doubling) between the buildings is putting out much smoke. I don't have any soil to plug those hole which appear in depth. I know nobody believes not even Angela that smoke may come from holes. It can if someone puts at the other end mole chasing cartridges. The moles run, the smoke lasts for hours, i plug them and then they bring in new moles to pop open the holes again. I believe everything that has something to do with moles is a masonic job.
5:45 I went to Lowes to buy some garden soil to fill those holes. Smoke from those today and yesterday irritated me a lot.
Earlier and in my way back i was thinking. The woman i saw yesterday and today on the stairs could have bin Lizzo.
I wrote a few times about the s...t she was singing, pretty much like Ariana Grande and all the Japanese acting Latinas in what once was R&B music. She used to be a female sumo wrestler in Japan, if anything like that exists though in that country there are all kinda freaks. She showed some talent in a movie (about women liberation in sumo wrestling of course) there and she was then recycled into a singer in the US.
And that could explain all the energy she puts in working that floor, so many hours a day.
Some of her music is of obvious inspiration of her culture and i think she plays the flute as well. Check the chorus responses in this song. I don't even understand what they're saying but the notes are clearly far oriental. And the skinny lad she was draggin up and down the stairs, i don't know. He looked under 20 to me, brown and smiling all the time.
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
12:47 Slept about 5 hours (or crashed, let me take a loot at the bottle), from 7:30 to half past midnight. Woke up nauseated. Electrified dust from stomping and squeaking still floating in the air. I started the ion generator to calm down the dust.
I was reading the news and i open an Instagram video with a kitten that grew into a panther. At a certain age the feline with blue eyes was looking eerie and it sent shivers down my spine. In the same moment i heard a squeak upstairs and Angela screamed a little in her sleep. It happened so many times before. I recon there are communication channels between people we don't know about.
2:10 Minutes after writing this word at least one crazy driver passed with loud music in his trunk, and then smoke started to build in here as dust is slowly dispersing.
2:33 Neverminded that was not smoke. It's garbage stink. That car with loud speakers shook the air and made the stink from the garbage bin to fly following wind in this direction. I put the ozone to the max, cleaned the sink pipe inside (got to do it daily or twice daily, it's better now).
But looking at the garbage bin. It is Wednesday morning and management said in an email they will "selectively empty the bins" on Mondays. There is one more day or about 32 hours until Thursday when they empty that bin. It looks like people from outside the complex come and dump here garbage though it's about one quart of a mile to the street.
After a 3 mile walk i feel better but my blood sugar did not go down. When i got home i met with laundry perfume and i saw again the bait box under the jet of the steam from a drier so i pushed it away.
4:20 I tested Angela with the same type of sticks on both ReliOn Prime (sticks expire 2025) and ReliOn Premier classic (sticks expire 2027) both from Walmart. While for Angela which has normal blood sugar the difference is very little between the two while for me the difference is 1/3. I had two sticks for Premier classic that expired in November and got a reading almost half of what i got with the one bought today.
8:08 Now the building is surrounded by thick chocking smoke (the doubling).
8:27 I went and plugged two holes in the area between this building and next (G i think). Didn't do much, smoke is still present.
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
9:27 All the heavy stomping yesterday pumped sewage gas out of the pipe beneath the toilet seats upstairs because of the flimsy design that uses a rubber diaphragm like seal that act as a one way valve and the flimsy floor that acts as a trampoline. If negative pressure is applied due to up movement of the floor, gas is being sucked from the pipe in the space between floor and our ceiling.
They wanted to illustrate negatively my ideas about the void.
As a result it now smells here and outside of the building like sewage. When i realized that last night i put the ozone generator in the bathroom. Due to a leak of our bathroom fan pipe in that area, ozone is also getting in there potentially neutralizing that gas, but it takes some time. So i am nauseated this morning as she stomped and woke me after 5 hours of sleep.
9:46 Ok apparently she quit pretending going to work. She is here only for me all the time. To squeak and stomp when i think, that is. And pump the sewer gas with every stomp re-creating the old expression. Think and/or stink.
3:20 I slept between 1 and 2 PM. They woke me up with noises from upstairs. Then there was a pause in the noise and went to the kitchen. In that moment someone heavy came above and started to make big stomps but those got mixed with my own noises in the kitchen being much closer to the recorder. Then i stood still and made another recording as they were at the door, getting ready to go out. Got to return that recorder cause it catches some radio station. Got dust in my nose, throat and of course respiratory ways.
I looked right after and they were two women and two men with dark hair and complexions, rather tall, probably Philippinese, going down the alley, on foot. The black car that belongs to the apartment upstairs was here in the morning but gone a while ago.
There is a white car and a black car associated with the apartment upstairs but those are gone from time to time like they are going to work but i think they got right now for guests. The weirdest part is i never hear them talking and i think they were talking in the alley but only short phrases. There is at least one extra bed next to the sliding doors upstairs.
5:57 A number of people climbed the stairs again saying short phrases and words. Inside they made a commotion that resulted in more sewer gas being released in here. Then they went kinda silent, now they started again.
At least one of those guys, the thin one, is Indian from India.
Monday, December 11, 2023
3:53 Nothing can clear my mind like a long drive and a few hours in casinos. Of course another story to tell. First i went to Lucky Eagle which is 108 or 2 hours away. We were doing quite fine in there, didn't want to go anywhere else tonight but around 8 PM i heard them on the speakers. We should evacuate the casino.
Immediately long lines at the cash machines. We heard people talking about a shooting and i think i heard the bang the moment it happened but did not realize what it was. However for your confusion and mine, there was another shooting at a different casino again in the state of Washington, at Muckleshoot casino.
We went to Red Winds which was 39 miles away (and also added 39 miles to the trip back). Did not plan to leave so early so i had something to drink about two hours before which made the drive very very difficult. When i got there i was so tired i fell asleep in the car. Nothing much in there, except i thought i saw the woman from upstairs playing next to Angela's one of favorite machines.
On my road back, i was bloated with gas and because of that had very high blood pressure (i now have a feel for it, after so many times taken at home with the monitor). Took three charcoal caps until that passed.
Most semis i passed were kinda oscillating, at times touching the lane line eventually when i was next to them.
Just before our exit in Tualatin a white SUV, older, with WA LPN and possible Asian occupants started to create all kinda problems and difficulties pushing from behind together with two other vehicles, a truck loaded with (b)logs going 75 etc. and another one and had to accelerate above that speed to get away from the gang and move to the exit lane and let them pass before any other incident.
When i got back home i realized i forgot to lock the balcony door. Inside it now smells like litter box deodorant.
4:11 Yesterday (Sunday) i also saw the woman upstairs with a tiny dog in her arms, but i don't believe is the same woman one i saw later climbing the stairs, while i was trying to take a picture of the poop her partner left right at our door or in front of the car.
So i figured, there's got to be again litter dust. And a connection to the fan upstairs that vibrates the ceiling only at night in the bedroom when Angela sleeps (i spend most nights at the computer and sleep on the couch next to it) and looked and found a new visible hairline crack about 20 cm long between wall and ceiling and filled it with gypsum. When i got closer to the crack i felt the smell of dog poop next to it mixed with litter dust deodorant.
I think because of that dust Angela was more and more irritated in the last few days.
The new guys upstairs moved here in July but they have been replace with different ones, about two weeks ago, keeping the same furniture and cars. But i thing there could be more than two people in there. I saw from outside a bed next to the sliding door.
9:30 Got awakened after about 5 hours of sleep by violent noises upstairs. I already feel the smell of fresh litter dust. There at least 2 persons but they never talk to each other. Here is an audio sample. It took me some time to upload it because i don't know how to use the recorder so well. Also transfer of the file via USBC takes a lot of time.
9:43 There was a brief silence upstairs after i put the link above and then they restarted. I think the heavy woman i saw yesterday is Native American.
However there is little difference between what these are doing and the Ladies of December a few years ago. Two young Hungarian writers, also heavy, that were into hiking in real life did the same thing. They left as soon as i identified them. However can't find right now the posts with their names.
Why always women. Because women are less affected themselves by pheromones in she dog poop.
10:46 As i said on other occasions. There are no Indians (Native Americans) left in the US or Oregon. As if they are not many white Americans left after the Asian wars. Or if they they stay hidden and are poor.
Here is a continuation of my promise to look into the affairs of Siletz Confederation of whom she is the chairman.
One day i went to American Market in Grand Ronde and saw a guy comming and grabbing a gallon of milk and leaving without paying. He was probably paying at the end of the month or something because the store people didn't say anything.
He was rather blond and looking maybe Irish with some Indian. I assumed he was Indian from the tribes and was trying to have somebody (me) see the difference between the people owning the casino and the real Indian that a few might have been left in the area.
10:50 The Siletz confederation, a reservation built on a few lots of land inside a city around a casino. The name is interesting because it contrasts with all tribe names i've seen so far of which most have the root kala in them, like they were Indians from India who emigrated here long time ago and were all worshiping goddess Kali.
Yeah it's a corruption of the root, selle, kala, for the sake of closeness with a very common name in Hungary and i could name two well known actors by that name. Hungarian American Tom Selleck and British Peter Sellers. Reason? they are probably preparing a claim in the future. It is my believe they are no other whites in the places i go in Oregon except Hungarians. Main site for news and entertainment in Hungary is called Origo.
But it could also be the name in Hungarian, Szelek, Szeller, Szilard etc.. comes after kali, cause magyars or magars, the last wave of Asian immigrants in Hungary (together with the Székelys or Shakya) could indeed come from Kali. Only thing is they came around the world in Europe going east to west.
Though i wanted today to look more into physics and stuff i had to do face searches but that is stuff that requires more concentration and i just can't with the noise upstairs. I would assume they are all the same, including Grand Ronde Confederation or Chehalis Confederation (where the shooting took place last night), name it. Just by looking at i can tell the woman in the middle is Asian not Native American. The guy on upper left is their president. Shiva's hand?
2:49 Not the best choice for an audio recorder. It's got some background "digital" noise. Transfering files via USBC takes forever. There is no mp3 recordig and on wave format files sampled at a lower rate (around 500) are unmanageable large and not of a very good quality.
I went on the couch trying to get some more sleep (crashed actually) and she came and hit the floor a few times. I recorded after another sequence but it is not as loud as the first time. She's been up for 6 hours now and does the same thing over and over with a few pauses.
I figured she could be the woman with glasses in this image, when she was younger and thinner. BTW she looks Philippina, not Native American to me.

7:20 I slept throughout afternoon. I thought i heard about half hour ago knocks on door upstairs and then a big commotion, like several people walking at the time awoke me cause i would have slept probably until next day. There as never been so much noise upstairs as today. Right now Angela is eating and somebody is stomping on the floor above. I opened the door about 10 minutes ago and there is a stroller on the stairs at our door level.
7:43 I'm gonna try and rebuild in a few words the story of the two Ladies of December cause i can't find it right now. Like these days, they were two women in the apartment upstairs who had a cat (thus a litter box). They were again wrestling on the floor or something while litter dust was raining in here. It all intensified in December of that year. I think it was in that before when i drove to 7 feathers and almost hit a bail of hay at Rice Hill on I5 on Christmas eve.
One day i saw one of them. She had the face all red from being irritated by that dust. So it was not her choice. Women because they are less affected by the parasite T.Gondii present in that kinda dust from infected cats and/or dogs. Again strong hiking legs and big butts like right now..
So it's all been done before.
8:44 Tomorrow got to go with the car to the DEQ. Besides having to pay this stupid road tax, cause this is what it is, unlike in California and Washington, we get to spend half day on a stupid line on a stupid DEQ "clean air station". Cause there are enough old cars from the 70s that are exempt to the test that put enough smoke on the roads and then there is smoke half of the year anyways because of wildfires and ninja and noongarians.
10:47 Last night i thougt i was done with the car, everything in place, runs better than new. I went to WinCo cause the fridge was empty and i was craving soda.
When i left there was an intense smell of sewage outside and in the car. There was a red car in the spot for upstairs.
My car was making again the ticking sound. Though last night when i started it after the first 140 miles to do one more 140 trip it wasn't. I looked in the catch can and there was an ounce of oil and one of water in it though the little gauge of the catch can had emulsion all the way to the top which i never seen before.
There was also emulsion inside the connecting rubber pipe on the out port all the way to the intake and in the intake pipe. Which means someone overturned it here in the parking lot between 3 AM last night tonight at 8.
I know why ninja do this type of psychological sabotage. It creates a feeling of uselessness. I means everything i do is useless. It makes you lose self confidence which is generally the purpose of bullying.
When i got back a gang of people and one of them, a woman, was speaking with a sweet cultivated Spanish with long phrases and no ninja accent like i rarely hear. How come i never heard them speaking upstairs? Trying to account for all the noise upstairs today? I think they came around 8 PM, how about the rest of the day?