A și poza de ieri. Cineva (știu eu cine) așează pungile albastre în vârful tomberonului, ca să le bată vântul (care zilele astea bate chiar din direcția aceea) mai bine.
2:17 After seeing one stupid, stupid news in Romania about a red black hoe, at that distance, all James Webb telescope could see (and BTW in visible all it can see is ...red) is a few pixels, i went again to search for proof of the Moon landings. Ok so there is no telescope on Earth or orbit (Hubble) strong enough to see any of those, however i found something else. An image from a Moon orbiter.
There is something written in the upper left corner saying LROC Observation M168000580R. I went and search on that and found a NASA pdf. Don't know since, and i don't really care right now (2012). For a few seconds, i went "wow", so anything i believed so far was wrong, including the frames with Bruce Lee at NASA i once posted.
However at a closer look, i saw something that really cut back down my enthusiasm. At a certain point it looks like the rover went over the edge of a small crater though it is clear they were trying to avoid all the others. And then i started to doubt again the whole thing.
4:09 Where no one has gone before.
11:23 Rat holes? How many holes i plugged under this shrub in the last 24 hours? 3? 4? After i succesfully plug one, the smoke in the apartment subsides for the next few hours. Wasn't lucky with the last one, there is still some smoke, i am a bit confused and got a headache.
11:25 After a peak yesterday, noises upstairs subsided dramatically after i started recording again. To compensate, they use the vacuum cleaner, again, thoroughly, less than a week since last time.
1:05 I believe this was the point (left of the cursor) when i met with Jack Harlow in the park. Yeah that was him. I made two mistakes. I said his name aloud last night at the apartment, with the microphone connected at the computer (and probably hacked). I took the path near the river because i can see things i don't for 24 hours, sometimes days and weeks (river, trees). Should i have stayed on the road, it wouldn't have happened.
More than that. I was sitting on a bench in plain sight, he went behind me to watch the river, and then he left with his dog, passing in front of me, obviously pissed. With a (rare) beard, hard to recognize.
Otherwise market would have been down 1% or something.
Before him i met with her. She is rather short isn't she.
2:33 When i got back at the complex i met with this guy. He was walking his dog on 65th AVe for everybody to see. I don't know who though cause all cars passing were marked one way or another as belonging to the show.
When i went to Romania in 2014 everywhere i was going they were playing this song.
3:40 Was nauseated all day. Wind now blows from the direction of the bin on the alley next to entrance. After Thursday garbage pick they were left like 10 sacks of garbage, all full, heavy, some loose garbage on top of those. A wet vacuum cleaner in the back of the bin. I put a glove on and went to throw those in the garbage. A young and very good looking Latina, like an actress, came with a small kid and started looking in the recycle bins for coupons. Then the kid started to cry big time. This is what i picked.
Then i went at the other bin (picture on top and below), taking advantage of the fact it was layed a bit further towards the gate, leaving more room in the back where much of the s... is. I gathered a sac worth of old garbage, mixed with soil over the decades. Not the first time, not the last. Doggy bags buried deep in soil. But after a while i got tired and gave up. I think i need a tool, like a shovel to dig the rest, sone 1 ft deep. There was a pickup next to the bin and again a small child crying.
And this is what's left5:03 Got it. Potassium. Potent. Kalium. The men know how to squeeze the Kalium out of you, probably in the name of Kali. How they do it. They pick the moments when your blood pressure raises because of whatever, something i see in the news, and then they stomp, raising it to the roof. Then your kidneys pump out all the minerals. All in the name of Kali.
Keep taking potassium, one pill = 100 mg, need like 20 to make for 3000 (rest is in food) or whatever daily intake and all my conditions start improving. One daily?
Sodium and Calcium are in abundance in our food, like salt, cheese, etc.. Potassium is scarce in our diet, we don't even make half of the amount of sodium, etc..