Thursday, January 25, 2024

12:53 Tonight i wanted to see how many times they played on the radio stupid song Paint the Town Red and i think i found something however i don't feel like making yet another online account. For who wants, the site is there.

8:37 This morning i woke up to the smell of ozone but there is no ozone generator running. Then i fell asleep again and now there is the squeaking sound trying to imitate static noise? Could that have been the cause of the pain in my extremities lately?

9:45 I did some searches to write an entry however is almost impossible with the noise and stumps from upstairs. Lately i see there is a single person there and a car with LPN CUF that does not move from the spot. All he does all days is walk relentlessly. However i will try.

Tomorrow is what in Romania is believed Ceausescu's birthday.

In 1978 or when i was about to finish Highs School i  heard (from my yoga teacher) a guy from the entourage of Ceaușescu "defected" in Austria and then he went to the US. Nobody ever saw him since. There is only one picture of him in US though unrecognizable. No video or audio interview to prove he really spoke English.

In 1987 he supposedly wrote a book called Red Horizons. I saw last night an episode of The Legends including some adventures in the Ex Soviet Union. Nothing is true, starting with what they called Mig 21. They were different planes in the film. I am trying to imagine what he wrote in that book.

I saw many things in my life but at this point i am not aware of anybody from Romania writing in English at a level where they can publicize a book. Though supposedly a general and an engineer, i do not believe he reached that level of proficiency to write that book after being 9 years in this country, and especially nobody seeing him ever.

However is hard to touch because he describes something Ceaușescu used on his "opponents" i don't even want to know about. They were no opponents. It is all fiction. I think i knew personally the guy who "Pacepa" said in the book Ceaușescu tortured. He was acting as the Maintenance Chief Engineer at the plant across from where i lived in Câmpulung and where i worked in vacations.

Even Ceaușescu and all of his family was not real, starting with his wife, ex Hollywood top actress Austrian born Hedy Lamar after she wore out as a top (looking) actress.

Then more recently he wrote another book called Disinformation. This one is allegedly co-authored with a law professor at the University of Mississippi, Ronald Rychlack who specializes in Casino law.

So i believe it is reasonable to suspect both books were written by Rychlack or someone else, cause i see now he always co-authors and he may be fictional as well.

10:23 They are in the habit and at that level of cynicism and hypocrisy and beyond to provide right away proof that i am not saying the truth. It did not take long for someone else to hit the doors of a car and climb upstairs after i saw there is one guy only.

12:13 Today i went to Shutterbug in Beaverton to buy a B&W film. Even without being developed, when exposed to light or a large part of EM spectrum it changes color. They cannot doing during day time cause it would smell like ozone like crazy (have you ever been inside a CT scan?).

But when i left the first time i met with the garbage truck (it's Thursday) and the driver let me go under the bin and pick most of the items (had one minute only). I was dressed with the good jacket, had no gloves but could not loose the opportunity. Then i took the bad jacket, some rubber gloves and transferred the stuff in the bin. The ran to buy the film before entering back in here to change clothes and wash the shoes. Sorry Shutterbug.

This is what i grabbed from under the bin in one minute. The bag with wet litter box content broke before i had a change to put it aside. The big plastic sacks, up to ten doggy bags, etc..

One guy from maintenance passed with his cart while i was transferring the stuff in the bin.
4:12 I came from my walk and went to the bathroom and he came on top and flushed. Angela went to fry some eggs cause she was too hungry to wait for me to cook. The man started a long spin cycle. Angela started to eat, he started to make some ryhtmic noises on top of her. I came here two write, he started to stomp on top of me. I mean, to us is so obvious he is trying to make as mad. And he knows at any time where we're at and what we're doing.

5:18 When Angela came there was no car in the spot upstairs. About half hour ago three young persons came down the stairs and left on foot and the car in the spot. None of them are the initial occupants that moved in July. In fact every time i look at them like last Sunday i see different people.

In November at one time i saw six of them leaving on foot. After i complained about noise to the manager, in early December i saw them taking some furniture out. However right now there is one more person upstairs which makes total current occupants to 4 and i believe they are different from the rightful occupants who were older people in their 40s or 50s.

5:45 Angela fell asleep, i started to cook, some people came upstairs (didn't see who) with big noise.