12:46 PM M-am gândit pentru o secundă două, m-am luat cu alte chestii și am uitat să postez. Se putea afla ieri cât de mulți clienți au fost la supremarket-uri printr-o simplă căutare google. Acum google afișează (în dreapta, mai jos) gradul de ocupare a unui loc comercial, folosind datele GPS din telefoane.

12:55 PM Oamenii ar trebui să nu se mai chinuie să inventeze roata de atâtea ori la rând. Există anumite simboluri, obiecte de cult care poartă informații despre știința și tehnologia unor vremuri apuse. Unul dintre acestea este caduceul, un simbol asociat cu zeul Mercur care a devenit simbolul farmaciștilor. Însă dacă ne uităm atent, vedem două aripi și doi șerpi.
Eu am propus de mult un motor cu circuit închis, l-am numit relativistic. Un fluid, care ar putea fi vapori de mercur este accelerat într-o direcție într-o direcție la viteze relativiste, unde masa lui crește și returnat pe alt ciruit la viteze nerelativiste, generând un moment net. Asta ar elimina nevoia de a căra rezervoare de combustibil pe care să-l arunci în spațiu.
2:40 They usually sent us notices from office as for gut cleaning or a dog getting lost. Today afternoon they started to work tearing apart the walls from a balcony at one of the apartments next to ours that. I looked and it appeared it had mold inside. In the US most construction work involves hammering.
Don't know if what i hear can be done without or not but i know it's one hundred times more noise than gut cleaning and the hammering started right after i heated some food in the microwave. Probably a last minute idea so they didn't have time to send an email. I don't know how long it's gonna last.
Wondering. Could this be a reaction to me working on the washer in the closet Saturday? At some time i made some noise for about half hour trying to align the transmission assembly that i had to take apart to be able to put a stupid clamp and i heard her squeaking upstairs as usually on top of me but it cannot compare.
Can't go to take a better look cause they look like a bunch of nervous fast moving hard to communicate with Latinos but they could be just ninja disguised in Latinos.
At any times of the day they have something ready. The first reaction to what i wrote was the tan SUV with big exhaust starting.
2:50 Just hear for the third time withing a couple of hours today on local 99.5 The Wolf Jelly Roll signing "you are nothing but a liar". This is the most annoying song i ever heard, even by his standards. However when i looked at the playlist, i can only see it once. Could be again a last minutes change of schedule.
BTW just discovered the biggest source of stink in the apartment. That i knew of and i forgot. Is the space between the rotating drum and the static drum of the washer that catches slime no matter what you do or how you use it. So i just filled it with water and put two cleaning tablets in it.
I recon. Most people don't keep their washer in the breathing space inside a tiny apartment but in the garage.
BTW my UTI got much worse after i sat in a puddle of dirty water in that narrow space in the closet when i fixed that. Could barely pee after. Also got some nasty scratches on my right arm that got infected. Yes next to that hole where i had flesh eating bacteria (with wrong diagnosis at the ER and Bridgeport dermatology and dr. Michael Jacko (Love)).
4:45 Years ago i was posting less on the blog and more on fb and g+. Basically i was writing in Romanian on fb and in English in g+ but not always. I am not sure where i posted the first version of this but i remember i was in Lake Oswego and i think i made a drawing and it could have been on g+. So it was like more than 9 years ago.
Then they decided to shut down g+. I lost thousands of posts. I downloaded all content of g+ but it's on a hard drive on an old computer. I tried to repost some of them here but it was a tedious work. Pictures are gone, text is still readable.
Soon after a guy from NASA published this.
The next year (2020) i reposted on my blog the whole idea not knowing. Probably because i knew it was lost with g+ being shut down.
5:30 I know i posted this explicitly earlier however this is good enough to prove i did it. Another one, here.
6:05 I know what happened. That balcony were princess Mako leaves was leaning forward, suggesting about to fall. They fixed it today starting right after i posted this knowing i was trapped but that article in Romania.
6:37 Found one more reference about that post saying it was done in September 2015.
6:53 Same thing with earthquakes. Must have posted something casually on g+. Then they posted this. Then, not knowing, posted this theory. However, there are differences. I completely rebuked the theory of rigid tectonic plates. Did not say anything about the rain, though i think it's a good idea. And the idea with tides is much older, i discovered later.
Unlike them, i successfully predicted 3 out of 4 earthquakes in June last year.
Did anybody ever do something of both of these? No but they pulled them out now (tricked me into "accidental self denouncing" knowing how i will react) when they need it do discredit me when i came up with a major one?
Were those two reasons enough to shut down a 2.5 billion users social network, made by google?
It was very convenient. You had a google account (necessary to download apps from play store) you could open a g+ account with a few clicks. It was lighter and easier to post on than fb.
7:45 The first time i opened the door to go for a cigarette there was someone with a flashlight in the backyard shading a light on the debris they left after they finished fixing that balcony. I went back inside, a liner flew above with a very big noise.
I went in the bedroom to tell Angela the story i just posted above, it was smelling like "wall" in there and it was then when i saw the fuse box was cracked open after i disconnected the washer and dried. I closed that, sealed it with some (removable) silicon gel like it always been (to prevent dust from wall to come out at vibrations) went to smoke my cigarette, admiring the shrine at building D, the crushed entrance across the main alley.
When i was about done, i saw two women passing by (the East alley) and then another liner flew by with much noise. (Don't know, i assume they are alerting, don't think they can see me from that plane but who knows).
No plane whooshing before or after.
Then i remembered about the huge dark cloud in the shape of Mongol empire that was displayed on the horizon during my trip to Chinook Winds, with other shining clouds in the background (Sun was shining my way, Angela was sleeping in the car, could not stop to take a picture without awakening her).
The three amigos dressed in black, some with beards, resembling Indians from India, one with a black cowboy hat and another one, looking like a real South American, in a white shirt, talking English with almost no accent, jumping from one machine to another and yelling when i was playing poker and smoking in the smoking room there.
One of them kept yelling "Security, security!" as loud as he could, no security would show up. And he did not sound like he was joking. Actually don't remember seeing any security yesterday, not even Gino Iorgulescu or the huge German looking woman with breaded pony tail dressed in black that is usually at the door or the short bald guy who once banned me. (The only reason i did not confront them, cause i had a few drinks and irritated by wall dust).
6:05 I know what happened. That balcony were princess Mako leaves was leaning forward, suggesting about to fall. They fixed it today starting right after i posted this knowing i was trapped but that article in Romania.
6:37 Found one more reference about that post saying it was done in September 2015.
6:53 Same thing with earthquakes. Must have posted something casually on g+. Then they posted this. Then, not knowing, posted this theory. However, there are differences. I completely rebuked the theory of rigid tectonic plates. Did not say anything about the rain, though i think it's a good idea. And the idea with tides is much older, i discovered later.
Unlike them, i successfully predicted 3 out of 4 earthquakes in June last year.
Did anybody ever do something of both of these? No but they pulled them out now (tricked me into "accidental self denouncing" knowing how i will react) when they need it do discredit me when i came up with a major one?
Were those two reasons enough to shut down a 2.5 billion users social network, made by google?
It was very convenient. You had a google account (necessary to download apps from play store) you could open a g+ account with a few clicks. It was lighter and easier to post on than fb.
7:45 The first time i opened the door to go for a cigarette there was someone with a flashlight in the backyard shading a light on the debris they left after they finished fixing that balcony. I went back inside, a liner flew above with a very big noise.
I went in the bedroom to tell Angela the story i just posted above, it was smelling like "wall" in there and it was then when i saw the fuse box was cracked open after i disconnected the washer and dried. I closed that, sealed it with some (removable) silicon gel like it always been (to prevent dust from wall to come out at vibrations) went to smoke my cigarette, admiring the shrine at building D, the crushed entrance across the main alley.
When i was about done, i saw two women passing by (the East alley) and then another liner flew by with much noise. (Don't know, i assume they are alerting, don't think they can see me from that plane but who knows).
No plane whooshing before or after.
Then i remembered about the huge dark cloud in the shape of Mongol empire that was displayed on the horizon during my trip to Chinook Winds, with other shining clouds in the background (Sun was shining my way, Angela was sleeping in the car, could not stop to take a picture without awakening her).
The three amigos dressed in black, some with beards, resembling Indians from India, one with a black cowboy hat and another one, looking like a real South American, in a white shirt, talking English with almost no accent, jumping from one machine to another and yelling when i was playing poker and smoking in the smoking room there.
One of them kept yelling "Security, security!" as loud as he could, no security would show up. And he did not sound like he was joking. Actually don't remember seeing any security yesterday, not even Gino Iorgulescu or the huge German looking woman with breaded pony tail dressed in black that is usually at the door or the short bald guy who once banned me. (The only reason i did not confront them, cause i had a few drinks and irritated by wall dust).
No, i was too tired to have by BP raised by them while i was smoking.
BTW most people in there last night looked German and all seemed bothered and making offending faces and postures when i was looking at them. One German looking woman occupied my favorite poker machine. The one at her left wasn't accepting cash tickets and the one on her right works with only with 5 dollars bets.
But last night i though i was dying. First time @2 AM i was very very sleepy, laid down but the smell of smoke on my clothes was choking me. I thing someone smoked some very stinking cigarettes next to me. Took a shower and that made me alert.
Shortness of breath, palpitations when i was laying, name it. I stayed awake until 6 AM hoping it would go away when i had this idea and filled the washer with water and added a tablet in there and the dirty laundry smell finally disappeared and i slept for about 6 hours.
Yes the washer and drier (Whirlpool slim twin lte6234dq3) has two cylindrical drums, rotating perpendicularly on each other.
It was nice and quiet for the last hour or so. But i heard a door in the parking lot and someone heavy is climbing the stairs. The cats started to jump around. Heavy steps inside moving towards the bathroom.
8:50 She now keeps dropping heavy objects, walking like a thunder. I restarted to recorder, she stopped by then a really loud exhaust started to rev up outside, to compensate.
9:55 There's Zyliss grater which probably works that is too expensive and then there's all the others. The steel drums on the one i have to return are so soft they bend under heavy load also because they are not sharp enough. Got to find a different solution cause i love my "zacusca".
I found zacusca under the name ajvar in ethnic stores in Portland but it is cheaply made (lots of tomato sauce, fewer essential ingredients). There is some Bulgarian made at Trader Joe, under the brand Sehr Gut but they found out about American taste and... guess what? they add sugar in it!
Never tasted caviar (except for the cheap 2% Salmon roe found at WinCo) but i think there is not anything better i ever ate. It is called vegetable caviar for one of several reasons. One of them being. One taste and you're hooked.
BTW most people in there last night looked German and all seemed bothered and making offending faces and postures when i was looking at them. One German looking woman occupied my favorite poker machine. The one at her left wasn't accepting cash tickets and the one on her right works with only with 5 dollars bets.
But last night i though i was dying. First time @2 AM i was very very sleepy, laid down but the smell of smoke on my clothes was choking me. I thing someone smoked some very stinking cigarettes next to me. Took a shower and that made me alert.
Shortness of breath, palpitations when i was laying, name it. I stayed awake until 6 AM hoping it would go away when i had this idea and filled the washer with water and added a tablet in there and the dirty laundry smell finally disappeared and i slept for about 6 hours.
Yes the washer and drier (Whirlpool slim twin lte6234dq3) has two cylindrical drums, rotating perpendicularly on each other.
It was nice and quiet for the last hour or so. But i heard a door in the parking lot and someone heavy is climbing the stairs. The cats started to jump around. Heavy steps inside moving towards the bathroom.
8:50 She now keeps dropping heavy objects, walking like a thunder. I restarted to recorder, she stopped by then a really loud exhaust started to rev up outside, to compensate.
9:55 There's Zyliss grater which probably works that is too expensive and then there's all the others. The steel drums on the one i have to return are so soft they bend under heavy load also because they are not sharp enough. Got to find a different solution cause i love my "zacusca".
I found zacusca under the name ajvar in ethnic stores in Portland but it is cheaply made (lots of tomato sauce, fewer essential ingredients). There is some Bulgarian made at Trader Joe, under the brand Sehr Gut but they found out about American taste and... guess what? they add sugar in it!
Never tasted caviar (except for the cheap 2% Salmon roe found at WinCo) but i think there is not anything better i ever ate. It is called vegetable caviar for one of several reasons. One of them being. One taste and you're hooked.
There are countless recipes but the main idea is: Roasted red bell peppers and eggplants. New world ingredients.
But i strongly believe you can get away without the roasting (and laborious peeling) phase. Especially if you forget about mixing while boiling phase it and burn it a little.
I am still looking for the best way to shred vegetables though it's a bit difficult with the eggplants which are kinda hard when they are not cooked (roasted). I could grate them on the "big" side of a regular grater but then i discovered all graters are not sharpened. Those little holes' edges are never sharpened, just punched with a stamp.
You could use a high quality chopper (as the German brand Braun) but you have to shake it or mix it with a spoon from time to time while chopping to do it uniformly.
So you shred (or dice) as many eggplants (peel including) and red peppers as i can. Sauté one or two onions in a half or 3/4 cups or 200 ml vegetable oil in a large thick bottom pot and add the shredded vegetables, eggplants first, without any water and let them "boil" for at least 2 hours at low setting
Frequent mixing from the start is mandatory as they will stick to the bottom, at least until they release enough water (that will be reduced in then end). Adding salt from the beginning would cause them to release water.
Using a glass lid is recommended as glass being an insulator so less heat (that would make ingredients stick to bottom) is needed. If they stick, just pull the pot from the burner and gently scratch the bottom with a nylon spatula.
In the end add one small can of tomato paste and boil a bit more. Add spices like black pepper or bay leaves (that you could remove in the end). The result is worthy the effort, please believe me. Or if you don't, try once! Tons of fiber, minerals and vitamins, few calories, mind blowing taste.
Most Romanians and neighbors do large amounts in the fall where ingredients are widely available and can it in oven sterilized jars and seal them with suited lids while hot. Adding one aspirin per jar helps with preservation. It will last until next spring, room temperature. You can even make pizza or eat pasta with it!
9:05 Now the second really loud exhaust left, she started back on upstairs. Never two sounds. "interfere".
So you shred (or dice) as many eggplants (peel including) and red peppers as i can. Sauté one or two onions in a half or 3/4 cups or 200 ml vegetable oil in a large thick bottom pot and add the shredded vegetables, eggplants first, without any water and let them "boil" for at least 2 hours at low setting
Frequent mixing from the start is mandatory as they will stick to the bottom, at least until they release enough water (that will be reduced in then end). Adding salt from the beginning would cause them to release water.
Using a glass lid is recommended as glass being an insulator so less heat (that would make ingredients stick to bottom) is needed. If they stick, just pull the pot from the burner and gently scratch the bottom with a nylon spatula.
In the end add one small can of tomato paste and boil a bit more. Add spices like black pepper or bay leaves (that you could remove in the end). The result is worthy the effort, please believe me. Or if you don't, try once! Tons of fiber, minerals and vitamins, few calories, mind blowing taste.
Most Romanians and neighbors do large amounts in the fall where ingredients are widely available and can it in oven sterilized jars and seal them with suited lids while hot. Adding one aspirin per jar helps with preservation. It will last until next spring, room temperature. You can even make pizza or eat pasta with it!
9:05 Now the second really loud exhaust left, she started back on upstairs. Never two sounds. "interfere".