Tuesday, February 11, 2025

5:23 AM I am not sure if i'm good but i might. Slept from 2 to 4 and woke up with my heart beating real fast, not breathing. Yesterday i slept 6 hours in a row, because i filled the washer with water and i put some decongestant in my nose. Did not sleep 6 hours in a long time.

But yesterday i thought i was ok and went to bed with no decongestant. After the whole commotion yesterday with sulfur and Pele's hair with them fixing Mako's balcony hitting the walls hundreds of times, and the forgotten open fuse box, my nose got so congested i could breath no more during sleep however luckily i awakened with my heart beating real fast and hard.

Could be related to what i just posted about diabetes by respiratory insuficiency. To wipe that out.

Got chest discomfort ever since but i think i will be ok though i'm scared to be alone cause Angela is leaving soon.

If this was not an yet another assassination attempt, ninja style, then i don't know what else to say.

5:35 BTW I saw Angela last night talking on the phone with a bank and the beeper (microwave meter) was not beeping and showing normal level while when i'm talking it shows maximum levels.

5:45 Barely ever heard this song. Though Wings was generally better than Beatles, popwise, in this song Paul falls into the old (sketchy) hard rock philosophy. Which reminded me to post something. Though i never had time to fix the post, which is written badly (did not have the experience i have now though i had the enthusiasm) and the video is missing now from youtube.

6:00 It was only a matter of time until they could lay a trap for me with that CNN article. In fact i fell into several later. I guess their AI started to guess my mind. Question is. Did they hook human made AI with alien AI already? Maybe they don't have an AI or a mind we can understand. My guess is time travelling capable brains (short term, seconds, minutes).

How can they draw with clouds in the sky, like Ariana Grande? I am really sorry i missed a few, and a couple of time i simply refused to take pictures of, would have freaked everybody. Jelly Roger?

7:15 A few slammed doors in the parking lot raised by BP and made my hands and feet swell.

7:20 Was getting ready to go to sleep, she started upstairs.

I went to the kitchen, she followed me and kept knocking on the walls or floor or something. I came in the room, she came after me. Raised by blood pressure, again.

7:45 Reinventarea Daciei și pregătirea pentru o vizită în SUA.

Terciul de ovăz zdrobit (rolled oats) este foarte bun pentru stomac pentru că are un fel de fibră "mucilaginoasă" și un gust robust. O delicatesă care se servește frecvent la micul dejun în SUA ca și "oatmeal" sau "hot cereal". În poză e ovăz sfărmat (steel cut oats), cam de mărimea orezului care fierbe mai greu decât cel zdrobit (rolled oats), care arată precum fulgii și e mai bun.

Îmi place doar cu apă și sare și un pic de unt. Poate o banană tăiată bucățele sau stafide dacă am. Eu folosesc în proporție de 1/3 ovăz/apă (ca și pentru mămăligă sau orez), 12 minute fiert la foc foarte mic (să bolborosească). Nu se prinde de fund.

Ceva bun și cald să-ți umpli stomacul dimineața.

8:10 Da am fost în bucătărie și  mi-am făcut două ochiuri cu zacuscă și de sus mi-a servit tipa și o porție de praf. Azi s-a trezit cu o oră mai devreme și nu pleacă până nu scoate untul din mine.

Cred că tot scopul azi e să mă țină treaz până vin ăștia cu balconul să mai ciocănească.

4:45 Will Smith and wife (open marriage).

5:44 Unfortunate

7:15 Someone is upstairs and it's not she upstairs, is lighter and less energetic. Rasing my BP, making me forget things.

7:35 From the memory card. If it's Lincoln City, it's deer. See the guy coming from the back? One example of missadjusted or misused headlights, blinding me even in day time. I encounter hundreds on every trip, especially at curves and narrow bridges.

After blinding, this guy crossed the midle line and came half foot into my lane, pretending avoinding the deer which were way outside the road, thinking i don't know, the deer is more important than me or i would be too close and he could hit me or hit him?

Are these four guys supposed to be the four faces from Ezekiel's wheel?

They recently installed a light on this building that shines on our spot accross the alley instead of in front of that building which means it blinds me when i go smoking.

But what if zoom on that middle level deck? (I will keep on trying maybe someday i'll catch a better light). 

8:35 Here comes the regular upstairs. But for the last hour or so it was less and less so you never know it it was Mako as well.