Tuesday, February 4, 2025

3:55 PM Last night better said morning i slept 5 to 9 or something like that. When i woke up there was some smell here but did not realize what it was. It was the result of her pumping the floor for about one hour before she left while i was sleeping but i thought it was coming from big engines vibrating. Anyways, it is hard to figure it even by myself because of the sophistication of the scripts everything around here is happening by.

Those scripts like all the others we live by due to sophistication and number of coordinated small and big events, seem like taken out of the novel Shōgun by James Clavell.

Then i was tempted to i don't know, go outside, meet with somebody, maybe let her in. But i was too tired and messed up because of the effort i put into my blog during last few days. I started the ozone and finally fell asleep before noon maybe and slept 2 more hours.

Before i fell asleep i was thinking if it was real though too tired to try, but i know i let somebody in, especially through the back door, it would be like proof that i did it before.

In about the same time, around 10, Angela got again in trouble at work.

There is this character there, Steve Eaton (coincidence of name with the name of corporation) that acts like a supervisor. They were 4 nominal supervisors during the time Angela was there or since 2015 and they were like guest stars in the setting.

The only one who was really working was Dee, the lesbian, who sent flowers to Angela at home after one of her surgeries, can't remember which. My blog was not so organized and well written back then so i can't search. However before she left she started to miss a lot from work, maybe half of the time.

Angela was pissed with her because she was favoring the two chipmunks (an expression from Willaphone, another (fast working) Asian who left), a couple of "Chinese" (probably Vietnamese) semi-literate, computer illiterate sisters because she was giving them the easiest jobs through scheduling, because they were bringing her food all the time. Who were picking at Angela all the time (for "being a commie", maybe).

She kept telling me and i kept writing until she finally got fired.

Over the  years Steve took over more and more work from the supervisors, especially scheduling (while "sisters" started to bring him food), to the point the supervisors were not doing nothing anymore. Last one before current was a hippy and i thought i saw his van or a similar one several times at Chinook, while his sexy girlfriend bumped into me one night.

I once wrote on the blog that Angela's dream job at Eaton was to work on the SMT machine. Soon after, the hippy asked her to train and then she moved to SMT. But it was a hard job, involving, because the machine was old and there was a lot of walking needed for setup and troubleshooting (Angela got a step counter and a certain time she was doing more 15000 steps (6.7 miles or 11 km a day) and before her they were rotating 3 persons in there.

But Angela never got rotated (as per Steve) and after one year and a half she developed bursitis in her feet and hip and she could not do it no more.

Also because of her last surgery to fix a hernia developed because the surgery needed to remove 2 forgotten wires from her heart surgery, she got some restriction from her doctor. One is about not walking and standing for more than 4 hours a day and one for heavy lifting.

So today around that time Steve asked her to do something that would break the restrictions and Angela told him she cannot. Then Steve told Angela that "her boss" that is Jose, the supervisor, does not know about the standing restrictions.

BTW after that at Steve's initiative, they imposed restrictions on listening to radio (everybody there got bluetooth in  their ears, some were even watching movies on the phone while working and Angela's got a an old small radio i found and gave it to her asking her not to keep the cellphone to close), not punching in before starting hours, etc..

Steve, who does the scheduling (a supervisor's job) for many years he always worked over time, coming alone at 4 AM, doing his stuff on the phone, and rest, paperwork). Angela says he must be doing more money than the manager, with @35 dollars an hour regular pay but i think it's just a cover, him being a medieval historian from Hungary.

I also believe these are reactions to the very important ideas i posted in the last few weeks.

I remember how many things i wrote about her work and i did a search on my blog only on the SMT subject and found the episode with the boards that came with solder on them from the manufacturer and a number of boards coming out of SMT got scraped. I showed Angela  how to do pictures with her cell phone to prove it was not her fault. In the end they stopped buying boards from that supplier.

So in other words Steve today tried to schedule Angela to do something she has a limitation to, something he "forgot" she had and he created himself by scheduling her to work for one year and a half on the most important, most difficult job where 3 people have been rotating before.

At 64 Angela was hoping she could work there until 67 so she can retire with full benefits.

Also because the whole episode he successfully diverted my attention from what i was writing about the last few days.

11:20 I fell asleep  next to the computer, at @9:40. She came home late @10:30 and started to throw heavy objects on the floor and he is doing it for about 40 minutes now. There is smoke outside.

11:50 If Steve was not scheduling her to work on a such heavy pace, or up to 10 miles a day, she would not have gotten the standing limitations. There are other people there with more severe or the same limitations as Angela. The woman who we believe she complained about Angela is limping. There is a person who cannot hear or talk, there are two pregnant women, etc..

Lifting limitations are because of her surgery to remove the last two wires from her chest. Yeah i know. The Providence logo has changed since 2019. And 4 hours is less restrictive, could mean more than 5000 steps.