Friday, January 24, 2025

5:00 Se apropie momentul introducerii legilor bugetelor în Parlament. Este vorba de Bugetul de Stat, cu cheltuieli pe ministere și alți ordonatori de credit și Bugetul Asigurărilor Sociale - pensiile.

Am urmărit aceste legi ani de zile și felul în care au fost scrise până acum explică cancerul societății românești și subdezvoltarea cronică din țara noastră printr-o hoție cataclismică, de neimaginat. Sunt unele ministere mari ca de exemplu Transporturile, Dezvoltării dar și Educației, Sănătății etc.. unde dispar sume uriașe, de ordinul zecilor de miliarde de lei.

Singurele cheltuieli clare din legile bugetului din trecut de la aceste ministere sunt cele de personal, adică salariilor. Nu există și nu a existat niciodată o defalcare a sumelor pe proiecte și destinații.

Puteți regăsi aceste cheltuieli în link-urile permanente puse în dreapta sus a acestui blog. Deși sunt pentru anul 2024 și 2023, la fiecare minister există o estimare pentru 2025 și bănuiesc că nu se vor abate mult de la aceasta, ceea ce este inacceptabil.

Tot ce am găsit până în prezent la site-ul guvernului este acest OUG care face precizări despre anumite cheltuieli.

Acest mod de tratament aplicat românilor de către orice guvern de orice culoare în ultimele decenii trebuie să înceteze. Această imensă problemă depășește cu mult scandalul cu alegerile, alte scandaluri, toate menite să orbească pe români pentru a nu vedea. ce este cu adevărat important.

Azi, un exemplu. Ministerul Sănătății are cheltuieli de personal clare, de aproximativ 2,5 miliarde de lei.

Bugetul este unul elastic, cu așa numite credite de angajament, care sunt sume care se pot transfera de la un an la altul. Acest obicei nociv care generează confuzie și hoție trebuie să înceteze. Să rămână cheltuielile precise pe fiecare minister.

Există la toate ministere aceste sume, Transferuri între unități administrative, care în acest caz sunt 5,8 miliarde lei, fără nici o explicație. Aceste sume uriașe trecute ca și cheltuieli, generatoare de confuzie și hoție trebuie să dispară.

În rest, rămâne de explicat suma de 21 miliarde lei, din care avem 5,4 miliarde bunuri și servicii, 5,8 miliarde, transferuri și 2.5 miliarde, salarii.

Nu reușesc să înțeleg ce reprezintă aceste cheltuieli cu bunuri și servicii de 5,4 miliarde lei.

Mai avem. Proiecte PNRR de 5,5 miliarde și mai jos pe ultima pagină Credite bugetare alte instituții si actiuni sanitare, 18 miliarde?

De precizat că sumele acordate pentru medicamente sau mese sunt derizorii, de ordinul milioanelor. Le-am văzut în alți ani, acum probabil intră în Bunuri și servicii.

Mai jos urmează defalcarea pe proiecte, pentru care trebuie... să întoarceți capul iar pe mine mă ia amețeala. Să facem totuși un sacrificiu. Proiectul pentru reforma sistemului sanitar, faza II-a, 362 milioane. Proiectul pentru reabilitarea sistemului sanitar, 372 milioane. Proiectul de reformă a sistemului sanitar îmbunătățirea eficienței, 1,57 miliarde.

Ar trebui să print aceste pagini, este un total de 111 ca să le pot citi pe orizontală însă din ce am văzut deja, totul pare o bătaie de joc, pe niște sume imense, o improvizație ca să aibă cât de cât o justificare.

O estimare grosieră arată că din totalul de peste 21 miliarde, se justifică aproximativ un sfert.

6:35 After i slept four hours i woke up and i am feeling like paralyzed. About a week ago i thought i pumped enough ozone in that closet but slowly it started to again put up the same stuff that has been embedded in those rocks under the water heater and the rust of the pan. I think it's the bacteria that through evolution lives in the guts of predatory animals which they "mark their territory with" to numb out prey.

It has been almost 9 years since i am fighting that and the tiny traces that are left and those living things are still trying to put me down.

Outside there is an intense smoke smell and can't air.

Yesterday i thought the smell is coming from the carpet. It is true, haven't vacuumed in a long time, maybe more than 6 months. But it was that smell that contaminates the carpet. As soon as i put back the ozone in the closet and put the plastic foil with magnets on sides to cover the entrance the smell changed dramatically. I can't wait for 8 o'clock to start vacuuming and get over with.

9:05 Black BMW. Got all my stuff moved around because of vacuuming, it won't stop until i got to the computer, after 10 minutes of annoyance. Again, if you want to warm up your car in the parking lot, should first fix (or remove mods) from your exhaust.

10:55 I was trying to air. Saw the handywoman flying in her cart with a red face like she has been all day in sunlight in the middle of the summer. Went for another cigarette. Another car stopped by at the day care inside the same crushed entrance. Another plane passed by.

Finished vacuuming the whole apartment. I put an UV lamp (short wavelength, ozone maker). Amazing how those can turn the stale air after vacuuming into fresh smelling air.

3:05 Angela got into a big argument with her new (one year in past December) moody "Mexican" (could be Asian) supervisor (The on site manager is also Mexican but much nicer) and the de facto supervisor is a guy Steve Eaton (coincidence of name with the corporation) who was in this position all these years and supervisors (4 in 10 years since Angela works there).

It all started with the safety glasses. Angela's prescription changed and she ordered others but when the bill (125 bucks) came at Eaton, her supervisor started to express all kind invented bureaucratic obstacles. He first tried to send Angela back at the clinic to get a copy of something (Newberg).

An email from from a guy from India who does payable Angela did not open thinking it was spam.

He waited for the end of the week when Angela is most tired he came to Angela and asked her why she did not come to him for approval first and started to yell at her.

He told her about people complaining they don't like to work with Angela (one illiterate Vietnamese or Chinese), one native American of whom i heard Angela complaining a lot that she does half of her work Angela and is moody all the time. He said he got the complains but never reacted. He said "i have recorded", whatever that means.

Angela asked why he did not tell her about the complaints and he said he does not want to give names.

In the end he kept yelling and told her he doesn't like her attitude and Angela told him she doesn't like his attitude either and he said "I'm done here".

She tried to go to HR but the HR manager (another "Mexican" works from  home).

It is yet another one of those ruined weekend by all kinda mishaps that were happening so often in the past involving mostly Steve which did not happened though lately (or Angela quit telling me). He did the work of supervisors also being a team member. None of the supervisors knew much about the process, they were relying on Steven.

Angela says the current supervisor doesn't do actually nothing, he is just watching. Her first supervisor since when she got hired was doing scheduling and part of the paperwork Steve is doing now. Slowly, all the supervisors' work passed to Steven.

The man arranges for himself and his friends all the time lots of overtime when he reads his phone and does easy desk work having an income probably more than the manager. He can afford cause he's the only one who knows everything about the work environment.

At the end of he incident the native American woman came and asked Angela if she got in trouble. Angela things she might have had made written complaints and now she was taunting her. But then what this has to do with safety glasses? One more provocation so he get Angela's reaction on top of those?

The only other person Angela was working with lately on and off but not recently is the mute woman. She is working fast, as Angela.

Angela over the months had put much effort in training her having to write down everything. Angela saw the supervisor talking to her before she left and she smiled at Angela before they left, something she usually doesn't do.

We now think she must have put a good word for Angela.

6:50 When it happened