Friday, October 4, 2024

2:00 After midnight (about more than an hour ago) i went and found two open bags in the SW and N bin. Grabbed my tool (i had too much to drink before i slept a number of hours, hard to walk) went to the SW bin and knotted one.

However next to the N bin there came and stopped this car with bright lights on so i went inside, waited to see if it still smells (it all depends on the wind's direction, tonight there is none). So i went after about half hour and knotted that one too.

I bet they did the trick with the car to gain time (for the dogs to get ready?) to bring some more in other bins (continuity), cause i think now it smells again.

8:40 Nu există gastrită. Gastrita așa cum o știm este o reacție a organismului la un mediu toxic prin creșterea acidității în stomac datorată prezenței în aer a bacteriilor și a mucegaiurilor iar sursa principală este procesarea gunoiului menajer sau felul în care sunt tratate tomberoanele și ghenele și/sau materiile fecale ale animalelor de companie care de multe ori sunt ale vecinilor precum și praful de pe stradă și din materialele de construcție.

Mult acid în stomac ajunge până la urmă să consume mucusul protector și stomacul începe să se digere singur. Acidul urcă și corodează esofagul (usturime, heartburn). De multe ori vârful (durerea) se elimină cu un praf de carbonat de sodiu din bucătărie.

Câți ani de zile am pierdut până am aflat asta?

Singura chestie că la persoanele în vârstă organismul nu mai reacționează la fel ca la cele tinere (pompând mult acid în stomac adică) iar organismul devine foarte vulnerabil la infecții, care afectează de multe ori organele care au suferit alte traume până la infecție generalizată, pe care o poți duce în spate mulți ani înainte să afecteze organele vitale (creierul, inima).

Organismul în vârstă de asemeni nu mai are același răspuns imun, iar dacă îți faci analizele, leucocitele vor fi poate în limite. O simplă febră musculară care nu se mai vindecă din cauză că (celulele moarte) din mușchii respectivi sunt invadate de bacterii. 

9:00 Upstairs it started slowly (in small doses) so i won't become alarmed. Then it grew more and more while i was getting used to up to levels similar to other days over an hour or so.

10:42 Went earlier and knotted 4 bags in the W bin. Forgot to take the camera with me and went again to take a picture of the knotted bags by me since they emptied the bins yesterday. One ups van came and stopped by the building accross (i think C).

One SUV with bright lights stopped behind the UPS truck like in the picture and was there for the whole time i was at the bin, took the pictures and came back. Then they both left. Got to go and take another pictue of the bags, this one was "moved" (moved the camera while pressing the button). By looking at the second picture i realize she has left (the Element is not there), did not realize that.

11:01 Ok so i went but in the meantime they came and moved some cardboard boxes on top of it and had to go back inside to grab a stick to move those out of the way to take the picture. I figured they needed 4 bags today because it's raining and the rain possibly attenuates the propagation of smell and bacteria.

11:22 I said yesterday that the woman upstairs looks like a wrestler from Hungary. (BTW the Element is back in the spot). Small ears, small head, big body. Could be her. Today i'm thinking, by the energy she exhibits when at home that only an athlete can do that.

3:35 Angela came and we decided to stay home tonight and watch movies. I first went for the poops. As soon as i opened the back door, a siren went off, real loud. Found none in the bins but i found some in the grass, last one next to SE bin. Went to throw the bag in the bin, some tall real Latino guy came from east with a kid and passed behind me.

I went to the apartment the short way, that is through the grass, can't do directions through the grass on google maps but found one more garbage item and picked to throw it in the N bin. However when i got into the alley i met with same guy with the kid, probably going to the kindergarten (Building D, last entrance, he took the long way shown with blue on map (coming on foot, "not knowing the address").

Then i saw him passing by my windows, going the same way i came from that bin, alone.

This is what i call people playing stupid and ignorant. After all i wrote here, they still have a kindergarten across the alley?

7:36 Could not stand the smell, found a huge one in the W bin. The bag broke a little first time i tried to fish it. For days now every time i go for the bins people and cars are getting in my way, i don't know, hoping for a confrontation?

10:17 Every time i mentioned the green Honda Element parked in the spot for the apartment upstairs, today totally accidentally, they bring another one, usually parked next to the SW bin, and she came here by the means of a giant white pickup.