Sunday, September 1, 2024

2:13 Nu-mi iese din minte. Am zis la plesneală, așa că ar fi o posibilă legătură semantică (acum știm ce este) între laponi (să nu le spuneți așa că se supără, ei sunt sami) și lipoveni, poate chiar și genetică, cine știe, poate au venit toți, din nordul SUA (Sammamish) până în Japonia (samurai), de la polul nord unde de fapt trăiește Superman dar și Moș Crăciun cu renii lui, și iată ce s-a întâmplat...

8:50 "Conventionality belongs to yesterday"... Now it's convenience. Of abordable real women.

I was searching for a word missing badly from my limited, still nascent, vocabulary to define it. And they found it for me. Grease demure is the word.

I think it started with Greek Aphrodite and continued with another (theoretical) Greek Demi (goddess) Moore. Who brought it to a new vogue, if not revolution, is up for you to guess. Do i see here a semantic link with French word demoiselle. Suggesting... Close to virgin.

And yes, modest, shy and especially willing and vulnerable looking women are so damn sexy  like vibrant Dido, also because they look affordable since they don't appear to need diamonds, like Madonna or even more modest Marylin, they can start much wilder fantasies. I'm telling you, they would raise you from the dead or finally bring you to your demise whichever comes first.

9:30 BTW cats are so much cooler than dogs...

10:22 Slept 4 hours. Went at the bins. At the SW bin, they were two green bags, knotted. Lately, every time i go there there is activity. I think they are trying to protect the s...t as it became more expensive for them to bring it there. People in cars next to the bin. Today there was a black VW that followed me to the bin and then got in my way when i went to the W bin. There there was a green bag, open, heavy.

While i was knotting it a guy yelled real loud "get out of there!" with an accent, from the direction of building D, first entrance, where the "veteran" usually shows. I looked towards the building, could not see anybody at the windows or anywhere and did not hear anything else. Two more open bags at the N bin, one more fragment in the grass.

3:03 They are getting fewer. I only found one in each direction of the four winds. Still enough to bother.

Went at WinCo little Hungary. No people in their right mind, if they are any left in the area, would come in the same time with me. So they brought the actors from Hungary, to fill. Ever others, uglier and older. But they won't stay put. From bending to crossing my way with kids and babies and waiting for me and blocking my next bay. Two AlexaCrush memes, one with a male partner carrying a baby.

Babies crying in the other end of the huge store when i grab an item. Bagging with two Chinese people. Skinheads, "Latinas" in the parking lot creating distractions while other cars where moving, hoping to get in into a fender bender, just to slow me a day or two.

At the only check stand with fewer people there was a woman resembling her, but ugglier.

Talking about parking lot. Last night i saw the voltage at the car's plug (got a digital voltmeter) got some .1 volts lower and the power of the car went 10% down. This morning i checked and found alternator's connector loose just a hair. It was working so fine when i went at WinCo, with power restored and everything. When i came back, the voltage was now down .2 volts, didn't have a chance to check yet.

Lug nuts of the right front wheel were under 60 pounds. It was making a noise when hitting bumps. I guess that's what happening when i talk too much about garages and falsetto and stuff.

Because i was so nervous i put all items in one single huge bag and it tipped in the trunk and the eggs went all over, some broke. While gathering the eggs, "the kids came behind me" to check what i got in the trunk.

My toe tip is barely visible pinker than the others. It only gets numb a fraction of what it was in the beginning. I tried to quit taking As (patches or oral) but i get numb all over. I think if i would stop to take those i would probably get very bad, like ER bad.

3:50 LPN themes slowly change from KGB to PGQ. Parental Guidance? PQE (Poe) and PRQ (pro) with o modified into Q.

BTW At WinCo was searching for my favorite brand of Grapefruit Juice for like 15 minutes (they always change the place, in that huge isle) while other two men did the same.

Another curly guy, shorter, driving the HRV orange car.

7:00 Miles on it. Was it with the engine running?

7:20 No i did not modify the car to run on extra GPL or turn it into a hybrid using the alternator as a motor fed by the battery. I soldered the connectors of the battery for smoother DC filtering (reducing ripples even further) which makes everything run better, especially the fuel pump, and a catch can to catch the oil that otherwise will make the valves stick and these two passive modifications makes the car run better by about 20% (mileage and power).

But these days they sabotaged my mods to imply it. First time i saw it, when i drove yesterday to Indian Head. More than that, they punished me for the increased emissions of the car by driving stinking cars in front of me.

The manufacturers don't want (you) do this because they're into heating the planet. Yes it's a planetary (killing) conspiracy but is so big you can't even see it like no one can see the forest when they're in it because of the nearby trees of course.

But i don't believe they are humans those at the other end of this.