Wednesday, September 4, 2024

10:10 Last night i looked really close at the wound from the toe. After nearly 2 months it is not covered with scar but with some corn like tissue of a few mm wide which i think is permeable. So i went to Walmart and grabbed this, washed with alcohol and applied on it. Three layers. Bought a few more items.

Of course they took advantage of me being there and created all kinda scenes. From getting in front of me with or without babies at the bays i was going to a dog in a cart in line at the stand after me, Alexa memes, name it. One short woman Priti Patel asked me to get for her a box from the upper shelf that is so high i almost could not reach myself.

There is an open green bag on the bridge next to 7-11 at the corner that has been there for at least a week. More witchcraft?

10:25 BoraGeorgevici, 72 de ani. Au mai retras unul de pe scenă și atât. Mai sunt 10000.

10:35 Disperat, la palat. O aluzie?
(BTW there is something about the moves of those elephants i don't really like)

8:10 About how i got my Social Security card with No Right to Work i said many times before. Veronica took me from Greyhound station in Salem directly to SS office (when i was really tired after 3 days on Greyhound buses... (they again starting the black BNW, this time revving the engine real hard, while i started again the big fan in the bathroom, so the dust will fall on him... he now stopped)...

I also wrote briefly about the Manpower episode in Salem. Veronica who was working at Wafertech (bunny suite, cleanroom) "arranged" (actually made an appointment) for an interview there. Julian took me there early in the morning on his way to work (Yamamoto, Hillsboro, a PCB manufacturer, now longtime gone).

I think i waited there (it was too early) and then i took a dexterity test. It was something with some domino like pieces i had to arrange, and though i finished in the right time, the Latina hiring specialist said there must be something wrong (suggesting cheating) cause i was too accurate.

So i got out of there, and to me it seemed the shortest way to downtown Salem was on a residential street, not knowing nothing about life in US. Soon after a Police car showed and started to ask questions.

I was carrying my diplomat type case (like this, but black and less metal, the one i was using in Romania when i was going to my customer, fiberglass, Russian or Ukrainian made) (that damn car doesn't give me a break, now revving real loud and then again stopping).

So the cop asked me what i was doing there, if i had a job, etc.. So i told him the episode with the interview and he let me go.

Then i kept walking, i think it was in that day when i saw an office saying "free legal aid" and told them the mishaps with the Marts, and they gave me a form to fill and i had to write the name of whom i complain about and gave up and left.

Now i remember carrying that case every day at the library of the PCC college in Portland, where Julian was taking me every day in my way to work. There, at his advice, i was pulling from shelves books about how to build my resume. However i was using's Julian's resume as model, where he wrote he did everything i did when i was his boss in Romania (before 89). So i changed all that in my name and sent it everywhere using his email address (it was in 95).

Back at the little house rented by the Marts in Salem, a man from a real estate agency was crawling everyday under the house, for weeks, "to evaluate" while Angela was at home. We were sleeping in the garage turned into a room, next to the washer and drier.

Veronica was waiting for a cancer test. The result came negative, not long before i left, in frustration, after she started to yell at me in the car while picking me from somewhere one day. Over the years, her attitude towards me changed.

I ended working at Sheridan Fruit Co in downtown Portland, starting September 17 1995. Among my coworkers, I've identified so far... John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. (manager, owner's son in law), Maya Morgenstern (shelf stocker, "his lover", my direct everyday boss, a real pain in the butt), Robin Williams (olive oil pumper), Demi Moore (cashier, she was really sweet though her role was to act like a bitch), Dennis Weaver (acting as the security guy), the real Jeffrey Dahmer (building the famous fruit baskets, he never ever wanted to let me do it) Liviu Dragnea (as 10% co-owner), the guy from Smashing Mouth (i think) etc. But that is different story i wrote about in other occasions.

And yes i owe my first driver's license to Sheriff McCloud. Since i still had the original address on my ID and i took the computer test at DMV in Dallas (Oregon, a rural area), an idea came to me. I thought it was so much easier if i take the driving test in Dallas and i asked Sandy (his stage name there) to go with me in the car all the way to Dallas and he accepted (since i passed the computer test, i could drive with someone in the car). Yes it took the test the first time.

He was really brave, it was raining like hell, i could barely see anything from my 83 "wooden" Fairmont i bought from a guy on the street with 400 bucks and all my driving experience so far before i came to the States was on computer racing games.

After all, i rode a 2 wheel real bicycle when i was 4, a motorcycle when i was 10 and i drove a car for the first time when i was 12 and kept driving in the summer on the nearby airfield in Câmpulung and sometimes on roads, when i was moving the car when going fishing with my father.

But that car was an automatic and was handling excellent compared to all the other cars i had after.  
Especially the Escort i had after. that had a broken frame and was pulling left when accelerating and right when braking and i drove it in one day more than 700 miles to San Francisco for a job interview and then back to Portland. But that is yet another story.

10:35 I think i was a goner if i didn't use the liquid bondage bandage stuff i bought at Walmart today. They tried to compensate by vibrating the building almost all evening, with different vehicles. I am bit stiff but o quit taking antibiotics that BTW weren't working so much anymore. And instead of being so numb, i am hot and perspired all the time meaning my immune system is not giving up (anymore).

I went to pick the pepper grinder from the locker. Part of cooking meat is grinding pepper and it takes too long to do it with a plastic grinder bought in store (Though you eat plastic and not eat metal however this one is ceramic so you eat ceramic. Whatever).

Numerous vehicles doing shows. One huge white truck blocking the N bin, flashing red lights. More cars flashing lights, double parked. One guy blinding me at the locker with a lime scooter. Everywhere stinking like colitas.

So i went to the bins. At the SW bin big empty cardboard boxes on top  (so i had to search through all), and in one of them there was a green bag though with a branch inside thus hard or impossible to knot. Next to the bin there was a guy in an SUV with the engine running. When i got back inside a young Japanese guy with samurai cock and everything was following while i was carrying my coiled grabber.

Sine i mentioned torture, they are now suggesting i'm into SM and out searching for partners. So i ordered a new one, much shorter, "good for most cases", in the night still looking like a whip. I was thinking. Cold the green bags secretly, semantically, represent money (they smell a little like paper money though)?

Exactly when i went in kitchen area and started to prep the spices and the meat, the woman upstairs, like her predecessors, came in her kitchen area (apartments floor plans are identical), suggesting it is not me but they are cooking for me, by making noise in the kitchen in the same time?

Which drove me mad enough to come here and write about, with my numb finters, cause otherwise i would have given up for the night (don't feel like it, thinking it may be useless).