Wednesday, September 4, 2024

12:25 AM Stinking too much to sleep. There was an old door mat or piece of carpet, decades old, on the red dust under the stairs next entrance. The whole area was stinking like mold from that piece of junk, covering and mutating the bacteria from the poops. Over the years from there i picked and  threw in the bins many stinking items.

Last three times i picked the poops i did not write about. Mostly because last night at 2 AM they were a couple of guys talking aloud in the W alley all the time i was there. Tonight they were 2 women. I picked the last one from the grass after i came to get a bag, and when i went to the bin to throw it another woman coming from the mailboxes asked me if i am looking for empty cans and stuff, "they are in the recycle bin" though she saw me throwing that poop in the bin.

I believe it all has to do with my last posts.

1:15 I am pretty positive i saw her face before, in the list with Hungarian writers. Though i only looked at her for one second, in the dark (there are no lamps near that bin or the mailboxes). Long, narrow face, older, soprano voice, pretty well built. I looked in there and i made a selected list of who she might have been. Last name first.

Archleb Gály Tamara, 73.

Tóth Erzsébet, 73

Lugosi Viktória, 72. I think i saw her years ago (the woman looking like a Venus walking around the complex with three kids and a small dog) and in the alley a couple of days ago, with her more normal look, after the alley with the stop sign. She looks pretty damn good for 72, here at 71, like in her 40s. Most likely to fit in this story, because of her name.

Szakács Eszter, 70

Bódis Kriszta, 58. She could be the one with the dog from closest entrance in building D. In the last week or so when i go to smoke i see her with the door open and the dog is staying in the door frame, guarding, like i did tonight. I think she lately quit smoking or is a different person acting like the first, which they do a lot. I think i saw climbing upstairs at least four different women. Lately "she" dresses in a reflecting vest (who knows what for), suggesting authority.

1:50 Needless to say. Whoever it was gave me a good scare and also made me instantly mad, coming near me, talking to me like that. Got hot flashes because of the ongoing infection and stress, i guess. Instantly depressed my immune system, especially that i smoked after.

Who knows what bug i caught from the bins now. I touched something wet at the SW bin. I touched that piece of junk carpet and breathed around it until i threw it in the bin. Being on top of the full bin doesn't help much. It still stinks like mold. Got enough momentum to stay at the computer for one more hour and a half.

2:13 Am deschis știrile să mai uit de ale mele. Dar ce văd. De săptămâni, în topul cele mai citite subiecte de către români este Gigi Becali.

Alfred Bulai.

"Nu mai mori odată". Cine l-a auzit? A, ok, alte informații sustrase din dosarele procurorilor, pentru a șoca lumea cu ele.

Se pune crucea. Această expresie oribilă, perpetuată de presă, care înseamnă sfârșitul a ceva sau cuiva. Cred că așa ajuns în obiceiurile lingvistice ale românilor. Dintr-o carte sau articol al unui scriitoraș.

Și Elton John are mari probleme de sănătate, și o infecție.

Va mai trece un timp până voi vedea ceva mai acătării din România. Însă pentru azi, nici o rază de speranță.

2:24 Didn't go to bed 2 hours ago. They brought refills. I am breathing again the s...t.