Thursday, August 8, 2024

6:46 Went the second time per nausea to check for more poops. Though the bins smell terribly (today is Thursday when they pick them), could find none. However i met with a woman bringing a baby to the day care accross (yes, the same last entrance of building D).

9:53 Power was off for about half hour to an hour. Got my backup power supply from the locker last night but... it is not charged! (needs charging for 8 hours before it can work). They are working at a transformer that was leaking oil for a long time with the cooling fins partly buried in red dust. I killed my stomach by taking antibiotics orally for a few days. It also smells. i'm nauseated. Can't eat anything. Heavy, intentional stomps upstairs.

11:40 Monday was the big day. After they re-opened the Kah Nee Ta resort, i went there a couple of times but could not get into the water because of my patches. That BTW were doing a good job keeping my infection under control. But i started to remove those patches days before Monday and take the amoxicillin orally. So i can get in the water of course. It worked fine for a day or two.

Then i went and spent much time in the 104 degrees (40 C) pool. In that day i went i was almost ok with my finger, legs, etc.. Actually i thought i was over it.

But then in the next days after my infection flared back up, peaking Tuesday, worse then ever. I quickly patched back myself with more than 10x500 mg amoxicillin tablets but had no much hope, i mean, avoiding the hospital this time (they usually help me but with the price of incredible shows in there with doctors, nurses which in the past were all actors).

Now i had an extra problem. My stomach was destroyed, as usually because of the oral amoxicillin. No matter how much flax seed oil i took. Trouble is i was smoking, drinking and drinking soda as i did when i was on patches.

Yesterday morning i was in a very bad condition, worse than ever. As if it wasn't enough, i had to reset the phone and expose me to microwaves, which brought more pain. However towards the afternoon patches started to work again. I heated all up, all the parts that were numb or painful were now hot. That means the antibiotic is reaching systemic therapeutic concentration and the inflammation (heat) results from my body trying to eliminate dead bacteria.

Today, again the power went out, when i was about to fall asleep. That would have reset me completely. But they woke me up with noises and then i had a very bad spell, i thought i was going to pass away. And my truck was blocked with their  utility vehicles. Good thing i  had the phone reset yesterday. Could have called an ambulance. But waited and then i got better.

Right now i'm stable with hopes for continuing at least as it was for the last month. It is said it takes one full month for recovery from tetanus, after the 3 weeks incubation period. There is a bit of redness at that toe and almost no stiffness but still there is some. But if i remove that band aid with the amoxicillin pill on the toe, it will get back to what it was 2 days ago or worse.

And  yes there is a gentle generalized numbness left having an almost anti-depressing effect on me. I can hear the thunder. The garbage truck emptying the bins that is.

And if all these weren't enough. The Sun has dimmed, as predicted, air quality index entered the not so good area (57), they were saying the wind will shift @noon and bring some smoke from a wildfire, which i think happened, while the temperature will reach 100. Let's hope that prediction was made for clear skies, the smoke could divert some of the sun heat.

But at least we have the power fixed and can start the AC.

12:55 How many times she woke me in the last hour? 10? Pretending doing stuff upstairs, but stomping hared when i'm about to fall asleep. Not the first time i notice. I write, she takes off. (As if it was not her coming back (after it is all forgotten)? to start over and over like 1000 times?). Then they were too few seconds from the moment i heard the last stomp until i heard the door being slammed at her green Element LPN FUS.

Like with all occupants, i think the dance upstairs is done  by the woman at 4. The one who talks aloud for hours in the balcony. She probably passes from her apartment to the one above through the attic. A Hungarian bitch doubled by a real Spanish speaking goonoichi.

I was watching a movie on Netflix when the smell hit me. The N bin, next to mailboxes. Stinking really really bad when i lifted the lid. A green bag, dirty to the top, even by knotting cannot insulate completely the bio-content.

At the one level building with balcony (where she was riding the rail yesterday and addressed me like we knew each other). Windows and blinds wide open let me see some gym stuff. I think i saw again the other day dr.Kacem in that balcony.

At the W bin. Booby trapped, not the first time. In the past they were garbage sacs caught between gate and bin so when i opened the gate, the sac would fall and the content spread on the ground. Today it was a one gallon bottle for water (Crystal Geiser brand) with one quart of urine in it.  Fermented. Could have been dog.

When i opened the gate, it fell and splashed. Changed my clothes however i cannot take a shower, not tonight, got too many patches on me. I had a mask on my face and glasses, washed my hands and face really well.

When i got closer to our apartment, another very thin and short black woman, probably born in Japan or in black face came with the same two dogs. One big, brown, now with a haircut and one small. I suspect the big ones found on the grass sometimes come from that big dog. She interfered with me earlier when i went to smoke. I believe they listen to what we are talking here and know when we getting out.

10:40 Have you ever met a person that acts in such a way (the hidden bully) that makes you so nervous you screw everything? I remember back in Romania at IMU there was a red headed guy who build by fake floor for the room with terminals was giving me a stomach ache every time i talked to him.

I changed my mind regarding the gallon with urine. Went to put a lid in it. Though enough fell on the ground. However i threw it in the back of the bin. Came back, got a stick for my grabber, however there was a guy who was coughing in most unnatural way at one of the windows in the dark and made me so nervous.

How about small children yelling with every breath for a whole day. They must be possessed by some kami cause they never get tired.

So after i retrieved the bottle and put a lid, tightened it as hard as i could, i threw it nervously and came top down. I know these bottles, if you tight them really well they do not drip. However.

About half hour after the "splash". Got some pain in the bladder area already.

11:05 Ok i went to straighten it up. When it first fell and splashed, some of the urine went on the ground. The alley smells like urine. Some guy parked in front of this building had a foggy high beam on me.