Friday, August 9, 2024

10:30 When i was l living in Lake Oswego i wrote somewhere or talked about people with bigger chin have more charisma. It was all theoretic.

However one morning i woke up with the weirdest dream. It was like my neighbor at Nr.6 (the dyslexic student) was holding my head while i was in bed (like a mother would hold her baby) and injecting something into my chin.

I don't remember seeing anything like needle marks or something but i noticed they were two bumps on my chin i could feel by touch i didn't know i had before. I told myself it could have been fat that came with age.

However now that i have all these infections in my body i started to think. Could it be possible she injected something like silicone in my chin, while i was on some sort of anesthesia, like from a gas?

10:35 The week around 4th of July. I was feeling very tired and told Angela not to wake me anymore to block the door when she was living for work. Then by the end of the week i (she) found a needle coming from a pushpin in one of my toes, that have been there for days. Now i have to keep patches with antibiotics on that foot (and the other) and other parts of my body. Otherwise i go numb and paralyzed.

3:50 Two 8 years and one 2 years old boys play unsupervised in the backyard 10 ft away from our windows.

3:54 A Spanish woman came and called them at our stairs. She now stands on our 7 steps stairs, which theoretically are common space usable by anyone. But they only lead to our door. I wanted to go out and she was on the stairs. It was all planned in advance, in steps. She is supervising 3-4 shirtless children next to  hour car.  Can't call the office cause it's common space.

5:06 A loose one on the bottom and an new empty bag next to it in the W bin the same one with the gallon of urine. To make it look like i dropped it when i wanted to pull the bag. I went later and put my garbage on top of it. However if it gets moved... What is going to happen Thursday when they empty the bin?

5:45 Don't know how to describe this. One kid yelling in the distance. Very high pitch, more like a  whistle, desperate, every few seconds or so, for many minutes at a time. Here's a sample. They usually do this for hours at a time and start after office gets closed (5:30). Today they are getting wet the jets of the sprinklers and yelling. The sprinklers were working only at night until yesterday.

When i try to record,  there's a car with modified exhaust and he starts the car so i can't record them.