Wednesday, August 7, 2024

1:17 PM After (and before) the power outage last week, got an incredible number of technical problems. My computer became sluggish. Last night Netflix went down on the TV and did troubleshooting on it, for hours. This morning my computer was so slow i decided to reset it.

However. When i tried to sign in Chrome, it asked me for the google (voice) phone number for verification. But the phone with the google voice was down for several days or weeks. Tried to reset it (without using wi-fi) and of course exposed myself to cell phone radiation and got pains all over.

There are a number of areas in my body that have been damaged by wi-fi when i was using the laptop and it went at max power settings on wi-fi. Painfully adding each user name and password.

Cell phones, wi-fi uses the same band frequency for communicating with towers as microwave ovens to heat food though at much lower levels. However they have automatic power settings according to the distance to nearest selected tower. However those can be hacked and set to max.

After managing to reset it without wi-fi, on high level of cell phone signal (had the meter next to it), now i cannot connect to google voice. It asked me for a number to send me a code, then it said google voice is not available right now, try later.

So i cannot finish resetting my computer. Typing at Angela's. Got pains all over. Lost another morning.

The kids are here.

1:30 The weirdest part is i am signed into Chrome at Angela's computer but i can't add a verification phone number cause it asks me to verify if it's me at the same google voice phone number.

1:37 Though last message from google voice was "try back later", after i restarted the phone i saw the latest messages with the needed code so i finally finished setting the computer. Though i chose to keep my files when resetting (a couple of folders with pictures i use on blogs) the computer now seems reasonably fast. Now i noticed the letters appear faster on screen while i type.

1:43 I tried earlier to change the second verification number on the other computer where i was signed into Chrome however it asked me for the google voice phone number which at the time i thought i didn't have.

On this computer (mine), when i tried the same thing, it asked me for the newly added phone number. Anybody who would have had access to this computer could have change that number to whatever.

The pain from cell phone and wi-fi microwave radiation also gives me a sort of high or energy.

1:57 There ain't no cure for the summer time Windows blues except to reinstall it oftenly, like every couple of months or so.

2:45 I made some popcorn. The "kids" are back. No they can't see me, the sun outside is blinding at this hour. 4:10 There are a number of kids that basically live here in the backyard. In my opinion there are child actors from Japan and Hungary, but i might be wrong. For the last few days they have been here all day long. Thinking about contacting services that take care of abbandoned kids. Was thinking. One of them could be an adult and this is a daycare operation. However, keeping them all day in my view in the backyard? I saw some of them coming out yesterday from the highest level entrance of the building D. Yes were they evacuated people with the firefighters last fall.

4:15 Ok an adult (tall blond thin woman) just came and picked the objects they spread in the ground, like bottles of water and stuff. Some kids picked more. Now it stinks like dog poop. Got to go and visit the bins.

4:54 Minutes after i wrote it became all quiet here.

5:03 For about a week now they were playing with a cardboard table in the back, figuring first a turned table, then some sort of tent. Two days ago i took the broken table next to the bin. Somebody put it in the bin on top of all other items and today there was a black bag, open like a trumpet, on top of it. I knotted and threw it away, but when i came back two of the girls were in the balcony of the one level building and one said hi  like she knew me and then something else i did not dare to listen or understand.

Minutes later the other one made a pass at our balcony, staring inside.

6:50 Fell briefly asleep with the backdoor unlocked.