Friday, May 31, 2024

8:20 Nobody would believe. Not a person, a cat. The new neighbor upstairs has a cat tree at the sliding window and when the cat jumps and runs it feels in here like a small earthquake. Then the sulfur dioxide accumulating from walls outgassing in the space between ceiling and floor upstairs is being released in small amounts.

More than that, it looks like the cat, like any feline or predator, feels when a big mammal is stressed out (by writing, searching, thinking and then it runs some more, increasing stress). It's automatic.

This morning, yesterday morning my blood pressure raised so much i almost fainted or had a heart attack or stroke.

About an hour ago when i finished posting about eqs, i stood and walked, air the room, for about an hour and i think now i'm ready to go back to sleep.

12:42 Meme du jour...

1:14 (4:14 Eastern) I was watching the stock market as i was eating another can of sardines, reading articles, trying to figure why it turned around when i went to bed and woke up like ten times by noises and apnea caused by sever stomach pain...

My second favorite, after fish and fries...S&P went up 0.8% in 20 minutes or so and was wondering why, when i realized something was wrong with the fish. Salty and spicy like hell, probably the other cause behind my blood pressure raising and stomach pains in the last few days which made me quit smoking and drinking...

I looked carefully at the cans, they are similar with the others i bought from WinCo. Mislabeled? Now my eyes are hurting a bit.

5:22 I'm back with newly re-installed Windows. It took about half hour or less than expected. Until i could turn off wi-fi and because i had to bialy start the phone to confirm signing-in, i have some pains in the legs. 

07:11 PM Somebody was playing biker here last 15 minutes, but he stopped when i started to write this. Prior to that, there was the tan You Con across the alley. At a certain time they were both. They shook dust from building, gas from walls and floor above. As a result, i screwed everything i've done in the last half hour or so. Taking a break. There is little doubt in my mind they haven't done it intentionally.

07:27 PM there is a brand new black Mercedes SUV with dealer number where my truck used to be a few days ago (50 to 100k). There's a party going on in an apartment in the next building and can see and hear the guys when i smoke. There is a couch in the bin across the alley and two stinky mats in the SW bin.

07:44 PM Grabbed some crackers and a beer, kids came to play by the cable box.