Saturday, June 1, 2024

12:59 AM I tried 3 times already tonight. Last time it said chrome was up to date before i signed in. Then i tried NETFLIX and it said it was not up to date. Then after i updated it it started to again double the links. For this i did get a fair dose from my phone, by checking the codes got the same pains as ever. Maybe i should start to learn to use Edge.

2:15 I can't believe i've done it. I installed installed Windows again (resettin the computer in settings does that. I updated chrome before i signed in and i changed my password and now it works. Hope will stay this way.

No it doesn't. It only worked once. Edge. Visibly slower. For blogging only, maybemaybe. No, Edge now does the same.

3:41 Ok i removed all extensions, reinstalled Windows, updated Chrome and after i signed in and relaunched, it does the same. One thing. Though i choose clean install, with formatting the flash memory, it gives Romanian language as a choice in the beginningbeginning.

10:54 It's been two days since i am trying to solve this issue. I don't feel like posting anymore until i fix this. Last time i asked the quesiton within google communitiescommunities it was closed before being answered.
11:00 My new neighbor does the same as the others. Stays here all weekend, wakes me early, keeps walking and pumping the floor. By example i went to bed at 4 AM because of the issute above, i slept 4 hours and now she keeps walking. Yesterday afternoon it was like hell in here. Kids playing at our windows. A guy with a Harly vibrated everything like ten times within all afternoon and evening. Kids where hitting balls. The robins were singing. Now there's a crow.

12:34 Some guy from google again thinks my question was a duplicate and closed it. Doubling links, duplicate, daily doubles (memes).

12:40 NOAA web site is acting up again... I broke a post with the 2019 July 4th equ in LA and now i can't fix it...