Wednesday, February 7, 2024

6:33 Rotating tricks. Mole gasser. There hasn't been one since i wrote last time about it. These should be banned because the effect goes beyond moles underground, especially if the other ends of the galleries' remain open, on people living around. I went outside trying to step on any hole and now i'm sick. My closes smells like it.

When this happens it all goes silent, including upstairs which means nobody is around. Also camouflaged dog poops. Were stepped upon, and the color is similar to the leaves. Almost impossible to see.

6:52 Today before 3 PM i fell asleep and awoke with a big noise, like some heavy object being dragged down the stairs but did not go to look thinking they are finally moving (the  two guys sill here). However, after that they did 2 or 3 more hours of squeaking and stomping in kitchen area or until Angela went to sleep. Then they stopped when the smoke started but now they are on again. 3 more hours in the morning until i went for my walk.

A trick. It sopped for a minute and i open the door to air  however it came back stronger.

7:25 Is Doja Cat song Paint the Town Red, especially the verse "you can't talk with no penalty", anticonstitutional? (5th Amendment, freedom of speech).

BTW, do they break any low by using mole gasser, dog waste on people?

8:02 I feel some sort of paralysis down my spine, my hands were shaking when i tried to cook something, Angela just dropped something.

9:45 How many times it happened before and i was incapable of complaining? Mainly because i was so happy when it was over. Starting with trichloroethane at Electronic Specialty in Vancouver.

Right now i am experiencing intense short term memory loss while i'm coocking.

9:48 Earlier when i went outside. I saw a huge shadow of a woman projected on the blinds of the bedroom upstairs.

I have been cooking for the past couple of hours. Chicken breast stew (unlike pork stew or cabbage yesterday), pizza. Basics. I am not a chef but i can cook basic things. However i have been thinking. Every time i cook, there is noise in the kitchen upstairs, sometimes in the same time, sometimes at different hours, bur for the same amount of time, like maybe pretending someone is cooking for us (i would assume it is very difficult to differentiate from outside the noise from here or upstairs).

10:02 Care sunt alea, furtul din bancomatul de la 7-11 din colț imediat după ce m-am mutat aici sau doar aluzii la ce scriu eu mai sus? SUA au destule legi și polițiști, singura chestie e că nu le aplică pentru ca povestea să poată continua și milioanele de ninja din vestul SU deghizați în mexicani să-și poată face treaba în continuare.

10:20 Pulled the pizza from the oven, cut it, someone climbed upstairs.

10:40 Good thing i looked into local news. A classic example of doubling as i call it. It looks like THEY never give it up, not a bit.

11:32 Credeți că măcar unul din șleahta lor de nemernici care mimează democrația în România va fi afectat dacă alegerile vor fi comasate sau nu sau nu vor fi deloc?