Friday, March 7, 2025

2:40 AM Ai Kago

4:55 Cred că e un ritual. Absolut tot ce postez e dublat de ceva. Nu știu dacă voi trăi suficient de mult ca să mă prind de ce fac ei asta. Însă de multe lucruri credeam că nu o să mă prind niciodată și răspunsurile au venit atunci când mă așteptam mai puțin așa că cine știe. Până atunci mă voi enerva ori de câte ori apare ceva. Și sunt cu zecile, nu am timp să ri-postez ceva la fiecare.

Chestii din astea mi se mai întâmplau la grădiniță când copiii răspundeau cu aceeași replică. Sau de exemplu mergeam în vizită la cineva și de câte ori deschideam gura să spun ceva, un copil se băga peste mine și nu mă lăsa să vorbesc.

Chestia e că nu numai online. Postez ceva, merg pe afară sau la store sau chiar pe drum și văd tot felul de maimuțăreli legate de ce am postat, cu brand-uri de mașini, numere etc..

12:55 A rather large number of people are interfering with my activities.

From waking up (people marching upstairs, making almost unbearable noises), going to the restroom (flushing toilets, hissing water that only happen in those moments), reading the news (marching upstairs) bending the other way around exactly when i look in that direction (butt showing), causing intestinal blockage, palpitations a few hours later or the next day.

Shows, if i open the door, a number of people would start acting catching me in all kinda visual frames, if i go in the stores, people will start moving around me, simulating i'm following them or i'm up to something. If i go in the park or other public places (including casinos) celebrities will participate.

Driving, permanently surrounded by their teams, featuring plate numbers, brands and slogans according to the "theme" of the day or moment (depending mostly of what i'm posting but sometimes only thinking, news events, etc..

Models on TikTok and X are addressing to me probably only to improve their ratings but never really want to communicate.

I don't believe there are any normal random people around me.

A good chunk of the news are featured with the only purpose of counteracting my posts. Stock market seems to follow my activities.

There are mostly two categories. Asians, most likely Japanese, sometimes acting like Spanish or Native Americans, with real Spanish showing sometimes. European looking, most likely Hungarians figuring white Americans.

Am i in hell or a parallel Universe being punished for my previous life sins?

3:08 PM There are a number of permanent themes "they" will never give up. They build a facade around me basically trying to prove it is not my past life sins, but the current one. The Indian dancer in the park yesterday. Numerous others.

Let me give you an example. I opened the door this morning cause i was sneezing like crazy. One guy dressed in construction dirty clothes was advancing on the alley towards this building, with a creepy smile on his face. Because these days i have gypsum on my pants and alginate on my face.

Something they will never give up cause it is one main ingredient in the show. They have to continuously prove i am gay. So they add daily elements to constant reinsure this. Of course it's not real proofs but only strong suspicions that lead to "almost sure" conclusions that are confirmed tomorrow by other "almost sure" facts.

I mean, what could be more almost sure than a male dancer from India that descended from a video in the park near the restroom when i was passing by? Never mind i met with Angela at the end of that bridge and walked back on the bridge to sit on a bench for the next 10 minutes.

So today they designed an event so wicked that with about 5 minutes of loud base they threw my day into chaos.

It is no secret these days i am trying to build my own dentures.

Over the years i became so fed with simulated low quality, with defects made on purpose to permanently annoy me, make me lock bad and having difficulties eating, hurting the roof of my mouth, gums, that i decided to try and to it myself.

What it seems easy at start it turned more and more difficult if not impossible.

First i bought an online kit (only for upper to try it first) made of a tray like shoe horse ready made denture. The tray comes filled with a thermal resin.

You make a negative imprint in a tray with alginate (a gel made with algae and other things like that), the same as the dentist or denturist would do. Then you fill that imprint with gypsum (dental stone). 100% percent gypsum is a very good material cause it sets fast, it does not shrink, etc..

Though is hard to find. I had a 5 pounds bag bought on Amazon that i used for years to plug holes, but i finished it. (Holes would re-appear miraculously from time to time and i usually make about one teaspoon in a water bottle cap, which i do not use all).

Commercial name is plaster of Paris, but not all plaster of Paris is created equal. The one by the brand DAP i just bought has up to 30% lime. Which makes it harder to set, then more difficult to remove.

First amount came with the kit. So i made everything as instructed and got one pair of upper denture. Which functions alright but the thermal resin seem not be durable.

Then i got the taste of taking imprints and making gypsum models and i thought maybe i should try to use more durable materials.

Professionally, they do dentures with an injection machine which is out of the question. But i saw a video saying you can do it with UV curing material. I mean, you make the negative imprint, do the gypsum positive model, build a gum with a putty like UV curing ping material around it and set teeth and then cure it with UV.

So i bought the UV curing sheets which has a stated tensile strength about the same of regular acrylic injected dentures will.

I have several UV lamps at home, of different wavelength, mostly shortwave germicidal and those did not work because of too short wavelength. And then i remembered i had a "black light" flash light i once bought for other reasons and tried with that one. In about a minute the material was as hard as stone. Probably harder than the acrylic dentures.

However there's a catch. The UV light from my toy UV flash light does not penetrate very deep. In thicker areas, it does not get cured (not right away anyways). For this reason the teeth do not always stay attached (they come out when pulled hard by hand).

There's a cure for that. Scotch superglue (the original one) is so good, i regularly glue dentures that break in half from usage and they stay glued for years. So after i build the denture, i cure what i can, then remove the teeth (not all come out) and then cure the exposed areas and then i can reattach the teeth with superglue.

It's a lengthy process. (In the meantime i think i found a better solution on Amazon). However, at the third day of trials i have accumulated enough experience to get encouraged to continue in this direction (UV curing materials and separate individually installed teeth). 

So this morning after i slept some 5 hours i said ok, should try one more time and let the gypsum model cure for the rest of the day so i can try in the evening. So i made the alginate (not easy), stuck the trays in my mouth (not for the faint of heart), kept them in my mouth for a couple of minutes trying not to puke, unstuck them etc..

Then i filled the imprints with soft made gypsum (there is a whole art of mixing the dust with water making the right thickness, like sour cream) and then it happened. Could not find the piece of plastic to put on top of the gypsum to create a flat surface need to work later on. And then, kaboom. The loudest base i heard since i live here.

The floor was vibrating under my feet. Music in Spanish, to make a counter allegory of what i wrote above. Could not think what to do. Until i figured i could use some pieces of paper and turn the trays with the impression now full of wet gypsum upside down on a table, to create a flat surface needed to be able to work on them (attach gum and teeth), the gypsum hardened.

I made a mess on the table and everywhere. The base kept pounding. I washed my hands, grabbed the recorder but could not find the USB-USBC cable to upload it.

In three days i started to build some confidence in knowing all phases of the process. But now i have doubts the models will come right, because i handled them while hardening. Having doubts makes it so much harder to work on anything.

Finally found the cable, but then i thought if i upload this, it would distract everybody's attention from what i wrote before. And those frequencies are not caught very well by the voice recorder.

In a few words, they choose the right moment when to do it to screw my day completely with 5 minutes of reckless "music". Who was it? I don't know, some simulated mad Latino. I did not have the guts to go outside and look.

It is called tokagure ryu. The school of the hidden door. They don't have to be in the same room to create havoc in your life. Basically sabotage you, make you waste time and interrupt a process that would lead to me looking a bit less scarry when i go around and less painfully to eat.

Hours after it happened is start to feel pain from different types of irritant dust, some that fall from the ceilings and walls, some from the redwood outside. I feel like drinking and smoking but i'm out of cigarettes and none of us wants to buy liquor anymore.

The wine in boxes we can afford (Franzia) that used to be so good 20 years ago has more sugar in it than ever and taste like all kinda added flavors but definitely not like wine. Thought the price seem to be inflation adjusted.

This is just an example. It happens almost daily with variations. I hear uncomfortably loud base several times a day and it's usually in the worst possible moments and very disruptive. (Besides creaks upstairs and very loud exhausts).

4:50 A guy with back pack (no car) just climbed upstairs and started to creak the floor. The black BMW with modified exhaust just started.

5:15 Went and smoked two cigarette buts. Kids yells invaded the alley on the other side of the building. My head sounds again like a ripe water melon after yesterday i ate again peanut butter on a piece of bread.

6:05 The models were hard enough to be pulled out of imprints. Poured two more just in case. Plaster of Paris is cheap. Upstairs finally stopped creaking.

7:45 That guy who climbed upstairs was her, with a backpack and no car. She is working the floor ever since. Outside there is a party of Latinos. Just to counter what i wrote above. Real Latinos speaking real Spanish. At times i heard them repeating the word "padre". They took of the moment i uploaded this file.

My recorder does not hold time and date. The time and date on the file are the generic ones.

9:02 Tocmai am spus mai sus că ăștia mă îngână.