Saturday, March 8, 2025

12:10 AM At midnight... I think they are two persons upstairs and right now they are creaking the floor where Angela sleeps...

2:20 Slept 4 hours, don't know what awakened me but they were making noises and then left. Though in the last days i slept no more than 5-6 hours i feel very rested because i used nose decongestant which allow better oxygenation. Also i am positive because of that by BG decreased by 100, with only 20 units of insulin daily. Metabolism needs oxygen.

Again big noise in the bathroom (pipes hissing) when and only when i went to the bathroom though they upstairs left. This promotes gas retention (scared) and later palpitations.

2:23 I am adulting again. Building the dentures which proves mission almost impossible. Due to last 4 extractions i have been left with some spurs that leave negative slopes on the model.

I mean, the imprint made with gel or rubber like material copies everything and then can it be extracted both from jaw and positive model, being soft, but if make the rigid gum with that model, first i have to destroy the model to extract those but then, have to push really hard to put them on basically forcing my soft part of the gum to "pass" over those spurs.

So i tried to smoothen those out by adding some, it is very hard cause the wet gypsum "freezes" when in contact with the dry one (water gets instantly sucked by the dry model), making it hard to smoothen out, but in the end i've done something. They will be loose in that area, but keep questioning.

Why do i have those spurs figuring teeth maybe? I remember at the last extraction (incisive next to right canine) he twisted the tooth while inside by at least 45 degrees to the left, breaking the jaw of which a part was missing (don't remember passing out or had a missing time feeling), creating that "esthetic" spur after 3 months of pain and antibiotics. To keep (some of the) character? 

3:05 Don't know who is the tall dark skin young guy who "operates" the black BMW with modified exhaust that just started, but i'm positive he is again a Japanese figuring a Latino.

About half hour earlier Angela came from work (4 to noon) and then WinCo. I went to grab the bags and two again short this time Japanese figuring Latino kids (probably the same who where having a 3 hours yelling party in the alley the other day) where handling a TV behind my car.

5:10 They are modeling reality with lies. Truth is of little importance to them, just the purpose.

I figured the reason why was not sleeping last night. There was one next to hydrant and a smaller one on the other side of the building. As i dispose of them, they probably brought  new ones since i feel energized again.

I made the first picture when i started at 4:06 PM. It was then when they climbed the stairs (her and her weekend boyfriend). They been continuously b...g the floor with the purpose of making me to get mad and loose my patience and fail.

The last one is before curing. It took a bit less than an hour. It's like working with putty though the UV material is a bit more brittle. I made numerous alignment mistakes, applying new ideas, and tried to recover from those. Some are a bit crooked like some natural teeth are LOL.

As i said, the problem now is my 400 nm UV lamp is small and though it cures very fast, does not penetrate deep enough. The alternative would be the Sun which is a good source of UV but it's cloudy outside and late.

After first curing, i have to soak them in vinegar and remove the gypsum and apply light under to see if that works (never tried that before). If not, i will remove the falling ones, cure the bottom of the holes and them reattach them with Scotch superglue.

6:05 Ok i managed to remove the gypsum model without soaking them. Some parts of it came loose and broke when pulled harder, for some i had to use a drill bit on an wireless screwdriver. I noticed the light intensifies (by checking fluorescence on a white surface) if i live it plugged in the adapter. I did that, cured them from the bottom too.

They fit perfectly though there's a bit of difficulty in closing the mouth all the way with and old upper attached. Need some trimming maybe buffing. I think trimming the rear teeth with a rotary tool would do it. I am not perfectly satisfied with the alignment, especially the front ones so it will not be the last version. 

I have to start and do the upper too to see if they fit better. Total cost of materials was about 100 bucks but considering i made several trials just to learn and i have more than half left, i'd say maybe 10-15 dollars a piece.

6:45 Ok i ate two burritos with them and i can tell these are the best lower dentures i ever had (pending some buffing, need a rotary tool), and i swear i haven't read any book one how to make those though i can write (a short) one myself if i had the teaching material and a bottle of wine  (or absinthe or brandy whatever).

And they stink and or smell bad like chemicals because they are too freshly made. Jaw dropping? Didn't i tell i was wood carving when in grade school and chiseling letters on marble tomb stones for about 3 bucks a piece when in vacations in HS?

Now some of the jaw muscles hurt (muscular breakdown) because i have not been chewing for such a long time. Same problem with the smiling muscles. Have not been smiling for such a long time now i can't anymore (just to take a picture of my new dentures to show them).

Have a nice weekend everybody!