Sunday, February 2, 2025

3:17 AM I got mad thinking at the trash sacks on the no dumping place, big amounts of wet litter dust next to the N dumpster, was briefly reviewing my latest post and the moment i cursed her upstairs in my mind, she moved and did a rather quiet but noticeable bathroom run.

(There was a misspelling in the previous paragraph i cannot explain, t and d are not next to each other on the keyboard. Lately i had this feeling someone is messing with my blog).

8:45 Slept four hours, got awakened probably by Shiva's little drum. Lord Shiva has sent Kali to choke the demons for blasphemy. When smoke is at this level no one else is here. O opened the door and there's nothing but chocking smoke outside and inside that makes me sick.

9:00 Make no mistake. Nazi are Shiva's (lord of destruction) devotees. Left hand right hand politics is all about him. All that happened and happens recently in the world is about Shiva (Savior).

And when you come to think, you realize Shiva's drum and trident are about this.

9:35 Even the Pink Pony club yodeling song is about Shiva. (Now she hit the floor really hard in the bedroom where Angela sleeps, earlier i heard a shooting at the range from outside).

I did a "tour" outside, gathered some items but it's too much.

Where the choking smoke was coming this morning. The fire is too small to heat the chimney and the smoke comes down for hours. Yeah it would have bother them too if anybody lived around Las Cassitas.

10:10 Upstairs she's warming up.

10:45 BTW last night we got free tickets at Eli Young band at Chinook. The men were tired after 3 months of touring, flying here from Alabama and then the bus with their gear that was supposed to meet them here got into an accident and the sound was terrible but they did their best.

Just to prove what i was thinking, towards the end the played a Tom Petty song. As for the other songs, i would only understand one word out of ten due to low sound quality, though the audience was singing along throughout the concert.

So yeah, it was the first real band i saw on stage in the US, with Crazy Girl at the end.

10:40 Upstairs she got into Shiva mode.

10:50 BTW The Pink Pony Country Club


7:55 Ready to eat something, they started the black BMW. BTW i went earlier for a walk. Have lost all shape also because i smoke and i am not used to having BG under 200. 

9:00 Went outside to smoke a cigarette. Outside there was some smoke, was thinking if it has anything to do with me being high for the last hour or so (did not smoke or drink all day).

After seeing Shiva's little drum and making for the first time a connection with my project, was thinking what if the whirls jump by two and in that moment a small jet with of course two engines passed by very low and slow and whistling.

A car was maneuvering in my sight on the alley and then Princess came at the balcony (did not see her) doing small yells in the rhythm of my heard beats. I came quickly inside and looked but saw no plane in the air or scheduled for arrival (there was no plane on arrival list either) at Aurora where the jet was flying to. Could have landed in the meantime, i don't know. But it sure should have been on the arrivals list.

9:15 About 20 minutes later she upstairs is here. That would be about the time needed to drive from Aurora to here including walking to the car.