7:44 They gave us free tickets for the concert. We came to late and the show started and could not find our places so we sat on some empty ones. Somebody came and showed tickets for those places (it was dark anyway) so we moved. There was this woman behind me who kept kicking rhythmically the backrest of my seat.
This morning i slept 4 hours. Princess Mako at Apt.4 came at her balcony and started talking on the phone for several hours until thought it was barely above freezing. I started to fill uncomfortable and then my hands, legs, areas around eyes etc.. started go get puffy and stiff until i could no more and went to bed and soon i fell asleep and when i woke up again felt all puffy and stiff suggesting kidneys problems.
I did not eat anything all day, just drank some water. Finally ate late afternoon, was doing better but now again my extremities are all puffy and stiff.
11:15 PM I did not look at news for a whole day. When i open the news sites, what do i see. Why always something happens related to what i write?
Dutch and Deutsche are descendants of Dacians who ran in the Western Europe after Roman invasion of Dacia. The whole story with Angela's glasses.
12:00 PM Four.