Thursday, January 23, 2025

1:05 AM About when her dryer stopped i ate something and attempted to re-write an entry but she started to circulate above to much of my annoyance. Then of course she flushed.

I recently posted two videos with ritual dances in which can be heard a clapping sound. On one search only. "Dispelling negative vibrations".

I noticed every time i am alone and get mad for some reason they do it. If it's not upstairs (got permanentized, she is here all the time, it's something else). Earlier there was a guy loading furniture in a moving van across the alley.

Then of course when i went to make the omelet, it was her upstairs who again did not go to work even today (usually the last stage all occupants went through, before leaving after doing a few months stage upstairs).

Right now it's the garbage truck thundering on a Thursday, as i was eating. This is one of the worst as it goes to all... 4 bins around me. I know they are scheduled on Thursday, but  how come they always come in the worst possible moment? Yeah i started to feel the dust in my throat, contaminating my food in my stomach.

How they do the synchronization and how are they bothered by my negative thoughts?

About the Barbacan video from the link above. We are in 21 century, middle of Europe. How this got here? I think it's one more proof Magyars, now the ethnic majority of Hungary, heavily Europeanized, genetically, brought it with them from Nepal. Shiva the destroyer is one the most important gods in Hinduism and Buddhism inherited all gods from Hinduism.

I believe Magars were the mercenaries hired to guard the silk road and when that ended they started their own ventures in Europe and in the end settled in today's Hungary. However they did not forget everything. You can see at least one Shiva Linga sitting on a lotus flower in Budapest, on Ferenc St..

However Europe was too small for them. To make full use of Shiva's power, they built a country, on the other side of Atlantic Ocean. One country Under Shiva. Where everything is illusion, except for the military, through which they control the whole world. 

Einstein showing the tongue of Kali. I am become death.

1:42 PM I was walking in the room when the garbage truck picked one of the bins. At times, i felt shockwaves in my feet similar to an earthquake. About ten of them for each dumpster (i used to wrongfully call them bins).

The dumpsters are massive and made of steel (iron) which is magnetic while the garbage truck itself has more than ten tons. The operator raises the heavy dumpsters from the ground with a fork and then shakes them several times while on top of the truck for all garbage to fall and then carelessly drops them on the ground.

Rest of the time i was laying on the recliner in front of the computer. When i got up i felt pain in my spine and my brain felt like it was all disconnected

This is also happening every time a vehicle hit the speed bumps which in the case of some SUVs can be more than 3 tons. One day i posted an image showing how much the stairwell which have their own little concrete foundation independent from main building fundation showing how much they "gave in" or entered in the ground but i did not figure the reason.

But an idea just came to me. I will download and install a seismic recording app on my phone and next week i will try to measure exactly how big those shakes were.