There was a networks of such studios with front stores-like facades in downtown in big cities working with Securitate's approval of course probably driven by the need for money of some of the sons of nomenklatura (like the tape recording "industry" later, but without the street facades). Or they let them be cause most people did not understand the English lyrics anyways.
It was one of the few reminders of the glorious 70s in Romania when everything seemed possible and the "future was wide open".
You would go with your own tape, usually used and they were re-recording usually high audio quality tapes and cassettes (unlike semi-clandestine video tapes with movies later which where grainy and blurred) with the latest international hits.
Unfortunately i can't remember the year, it was for sure after 1984 cause it had Mathew Wilder Brake my Stride on it, but i don't think it was 1986 when a version of Gents of this song was briefly on a UK chart peaking at 95. Could have. I don't know. I remember another song from the tape but tune only.
Guess what. I googled what i remember with the closest spelling "chick chick chick ah" and found it! (i'll let you guess the symbolism).
Anyways the song i was trying to talk about is timeless Friday on my Mind by the Easybeats. Never heard of the (band) name until now. Nr. 1 on a list of best Australian songs, under heavy Beatles influence of course (hairstyle and voice), it surprised me a lot when i found it in 1967 when i time traveled with youtube. Cause i was convinced at the time it was an 80s song!
Can't say ushering cause there's a too a great distance in time. A spark of composer's genius that resonated and inspired all the way to dancing 80s or even some early 90s punk or even metal bands. The Bangles. Dolly Parton. Who sings Friday i'm in Love?
11:38 Wanted to go outside to sweep the deck, throw the big black plastic foil from that balcony. Another car came at the day care.
12:40 That stuff in the balcony has something that makes everything inside really bad, worse that wet mats at the corner.
Shouldn't have said that. Now Apple is up 4%, 25 for the past year. Same problem as Nvidia, though market capital is ""only" ten times the assets. Don't have time to look now when we started to have problems with the old phones, but i think it was around that time.
Though i'm pretty sure that if i get in iPhone something would go wrong too, like anything else for me.
BTW, my insulin needles did not arrive yet at Walmart. Same thing, are they self sabotaging to promote other pharmacies?

12:55 Somebody knocked at our door last night. Looked through the window when he/she left but didn't see a face. Not long after, i got very sick. I just saw that person in the parking lot as i was going to my truck (or a similar one with a tablet hanging on his neck).
There was a broken garbage bag on top of that SW dumpster that made all the back yard stink.
Unreachable poops in pink bags on top. Litter dust in front of the dumpster. All from wind's direction. Came back to wash my hands and i realized i forgot to check the sign at the door when i left.
1:13 Went and started the truck but then i realized it was too late to go to Walmart and WinCo cause i won't find a visitor spot for it when i get back. I think i would go for a walk and got with Angela's car when she gets back.
1:30 Now i'm afraid to do more insulin shots. Had one needle left. Just ordered a refill for insulin too. I got a few left in my last pen, have 3 half used in the fridge because of air bubbles.
But i did one shot with one of the needles i had left in the car. BTW do you know how google knows how many people are in a certain time in some place (or how fast traffic is moving in google maps)? By tracking the cell phones for those who turned that setting on.

2:20 I personally do not believe in viruses as i did not believe in HIV or COVID. Common colds in most cases are triggered either by fungal or bacterial infections.
It's all different in internet age. One could find an answer or multiple answers within seconds with nobody's help or influence. Here is one possible alternative cause for AIDS syndrome.
Why people live longer on HIV medicine? I don't know, could be some of those simply boost their immune system as they don't quit their sexual habits? Could it be after a long period of time of receptive anal sex the damage to the immune system gets permanent? Could be the reason they never find a cure.
"Antiretroviral" medicine is really expensive and a super profitable business. It costs us all in insurance premiums.
But how moral would be to find a cure in the direction of protecting your immune system from suppression by some component in sperm that is not used as prescribed?
5:25 As i said, everywhere i go there are thousands of actors and extras moving and speaking by ear prompters, guided by AI. I don't know what they are trying to simulate today, but both Walmart and WinCo where almost half empty and the people present there were mostly "Mexicans".
I told Angela but she would not believe me and she was right too because at WinCo half of the people in store were moving around us. I knew that when i forgot some items because Angela is very tired and turned around several times.
Everybody in the store was anticipating our moves, creating all kinda scenes resulting usually we are following them from behind creating a subconscious base for the casual occasional viewers (probably on the dark web).
At Walmart. The reason they delayed my needles was though i had enough on prescription, my insurance does not cover more than once daily. I had 300 needles and 10 pens prescribed for three months, i used 100 needles in one month and a half and today i had to pay out of pocked for extra needles.
Because i get hot flashes and shortness of breath within the first hour depending on the dose, i divided the dose in two and i do it twice daily.
50 of them would cost 9 bucks but the problem is they did not have the prescribed 5 mm and they gave me a choice between 4 or 6 and i choose 4 to be on the safe side. I don't know, have to google.
At WinCo. First i went to drop Angela and then i went to Walmart. Right in front of the store a white young male thrown on the ground next to wall suggesting he was high on drugs (a rare sight, to me).
In the parking lot people and cars were popping like crazy but waiting making me look either i don't let them pass or i don't let them pass with other cars hurrying me from behind. Across the street at Walmart, and all the way there, the opposite, an unusual number of cars popping and blocking me all the time.
At WinCo the second time. Some guy left just before i got there and leaving an empty spot in front, near the flag pole. When we left, we had many bags so i had to briefly organize the trunk. The jack was in the trunk from last usage so i had to find the pieces, put them in the foam mold and put it under the trunk floor whatever is called.
In the same time next to me three bearded guys and one with moustache were lowering the flag that seemed old and discolored by Sun replacing it with a new one. Can't figure the symbolism yet.
When i got here. It was smelling really bad like garbage mixed with laundry detergent (because i complained earlier). When i was picking the bags from the trunk, especially that one with two soda pops, two really good looking Latinos, again probably disguised ninja, dressed in black with neon stripes all around, suggesting some kinda of uniform, were patrolling in the back of the car, suggesting protecting.
Last time and many times kids were showing when we come with groceries. When i picked the box with wine, again a tall good locking Latino moving suggesting he was drunk.
Many others i forgot. Both graphs are for a Tuesday.
Wondering how google knows how many people are in a place or how fast traffic is moving on google maps? Simply by tracking the phones' location, for those who have that option turned on.

7:12 America, Amazen, Amazing Amaterasu
10:20 Man. Back in my college days in Romania, a semester was from September 15 to January can't remember with a break for New Year (and Christmas) and from February to June. They were 2 hours courses per each object of study, and 3 courses per day making for 6 hours, 2 or 3 times a week, rest being labs and "seminaries" where you were doing activities like problems solving based on the courses called "exercises".
During those 2 hours there was lots of high speed (normal speech, not many pauses, dictating, the teacher would peak at the fastest writing students to know when to continue) and copying graphs and diagrams drawn by the teachers on the board (while he was dictating). Very few questions allowed. (That's when i ruined my handwriting, i write like doctors now).
They were very few printed materials and low quality Xerox machines were available to very few, through their parents at work.
At the end of each semester we had a period of about one month called "(exams) session" when we were preparing for usually three exams. So we had about a week for each which of course was not enough if you weren't familiar with the subjects of the course which were enormous. That is after i was scrambling for missing courses from colleagues from other "groups" who had finish that exam.
Not being present at each course, lab and seminary was not good in the eyes of professors and making it very difficult for you to understand and especially memorize the whole thing.
First it was the written exam with 3 subjects. If you did more than 8 on a scale of one to ten, you passed. If not, you were going to the next phase, oral exam, with again 3 random subjects picked from a pile. They were no quizzes. You had to know everything, basically to reproduce what was in the course, with graphs, descriptions and formulas. At oral, you had to do at least 5 out of 10 points.
To this day i qualify it as an unimaginable abuse. Nothing good ever came out of this treatment except the easy jobs for life (basically nothing to do) for the graduate (absolvent how we called it) which also came with a good quality apartment with very low rent. And i'm positive though i have no proof that many were connected through their parents with the teachers cause they were too relaxed compared to the difficulty of the whole process.
I once (1997) i went to an AutoCad course at PCC college paid by Epson counting for 3 credits. Very nicely done, everything was easy and gradual. I did all partial tests with maximum points but in the day of the final test i got sick (shortness of breath, panic attack) because they put newly fermented barkdust the days before at the apartment (Sussex Village, Beaverton) so i did not go.
Where i'm getting at. For a few months now i feel like i'm in exams session trying to go through an endless courses of several objects which i have to make myself which to me is kinda nightmarish. Today, linear algebra and descriptive geometry with Assistant (a degree) Crăciun (Christmas LOL).
At his exam, the first in my life, could not finish reviewing the course i did the first two subjects only but he helped at the third making me write on the table a problem which i knew how to solve during the written part and reverse the theory out of it. Rotation hyperboloids.
(During my first job at the Machine Tools Company in Bacău (86-90) all i did was CNC programing, Basic and Fortran. Fortran i believe was part of the same course above. Can't remember. After that, i did payroll and accounting in different languages in different places, lately with my own one person LL firm until i came to the US. In the US i worked as a software engineer for 8 months in 98 until i got too sick to work (from breathing insulation dust from the ceiling i guess)).
But what i need now is to make 3D conic or better paraboloid spirals on desmos. Which is easy in polar coordinates (now i remember). Optional to ornate my theory cause i think i already nailed it (part about light).
I once (1997) i went to an AutoCad course at PCC college paid by Epson counting for 3 credits. Very nicely done, everything was easy and gradual. I did all partial tests with maximum points but in the day of the final test i got sick (shortness of breath, panic attack) because they put newly fermented barkdust the days before at the apartment (Sussex Village, Beaverton) so i did not go.
Where i'm getting at. For a few months now i feel like i'm in exams session trying to go through an endless courses of several objects which i have to make myself which to me is kinda nightmarish. Today, linear algebra and descriptive geometry with Assistant (a degree) Crăciun (Christmas LOL).
At his exam, the first in my life, could not finish reviewing the course i did the first two subjects only but he helped at the third making me write on the table a problem which i knew how to solve during the written part and reverse the theory out of it. Rotation hyperboloids.
(During my first job at the Machine Tools Company in Bacău (86-90) all i did was CNC programing, Basic and Fortran. Fortran i believe was part of the same course above. Can't remember. After that, i did payroll and accounting in different languages in different places, lately with my own one person LL firm until i came to the US. In the US i worked as a software engineer for 8 months in 98 until i got too sick to work (from breathing insulation dust from the ceiling i guess)).
But what i need now is to make 3D conic or better paraboloid spirals on desmos. Which is easy in polar coordinates (now i remember). Optional to ornate my theory cause i think i already nailed it (part about light).

11:00 PM Yesterday i treated the moldy areas of the walls with chlorine gel diluted with water. Today after she came at least one enormous cat is rumbling the floor upstairs agitating the atmosphere in the space between their floor and our ceiling and in the room and it started to smell like mold again.
Mostly because of the stuff left on that balcony on the next building i guess. Earlier today i started the ozone again but it's attacking my already sensitized extremities (feet).
Can't believe you get this graph with one equation only.
11:20 I think i could start with this one. Tomorrow.
11:30 I tried to air the rooms but there's heavy smoke outside. Too much smoke to be able to smoke a cigarette!
11:43 I could also start with these! also make the ellipses circles and cut the domain in half. Etc..
12:30 AM (After midnight, last entry here) After i did a 20 units shot with a shorter needle, i got less reaction. Usually the second one of the day is like that.
11:43 I could also start with these! also make the ellipses circles and cut the domain in half. Etc..
12:30 AM (After midnight, last entry here) After i did a 20 units shot with a shorter needle, i got less reaction. Usually the second one of the day is like that.