Sunday, September 8, 2024

5:30 I prefer God has heard.

5:35 Sunt sincer intrigat, mai pe românește nedumerit cum din lunga listă de istorici români care îl include pe Iorga "care citea în diagonală", "care a învățat limbat trucă de la București la Giurgiu", sau tot neamul lui Giurescu, nu știa nici unul germană sau engleză ca să lămurească originea cuvântului vlah. Inclusiv Vlahuță, care a fost unul din primii lingviști moderni ai României sau de ce nu, Eminescu, care a studiat la Berlin.

Însă când am recurs iar la google pentru a căuta lista istoricilor români, am dat peste altă listă. Cei mai importanți români. Trecând peste Becali, care pe locul 13 e înaintea lui Iorga și a multora, pe cine găsesc pe locul 58, înaintea lui Mircea cel Bătrân sau chiar a lui Amza Bella?

Apropo, Corni-lescu nu a tradus Biblia, el a scos o versiune a ei, care conține aceeași greșeală, "să nu preacurvești" din cea oficială ortodoxă. Majoritatea versiunilor în engleză spun în această poruncă "să nu comiți adulter" (să nu ai legături intime în afara căsătoriei). Richard Wurmbrand? Hohenzollern?

Da bine am ezitat să postez asta fiindcă normal strică fața (credibilitatea) Wikipedia pe care se bazează multe din postările mele din trecut. Dar mă gândesc totuși că poate e glumă. Bine, mai multe glume. Poftim, râdeți și dvs.!

11:35 President is executive, he does not have that kinda power (i know it's a bit confusing the way it is written on the White House site).

Faking your own assassination attempt is incredibly rare but he should still be prosecuted and tried by a jury, there is enough evidence to do that. Both Secret Service agents where taking cover on the same side of the roof, pointing their guns in the same direction, waiting for the order to shoot that came too late to avoid the incident. A small pouch with his own blood in the right hand or behind the ear whatever.

Dozens of (phone) cameras were pointing at him, but the angle was chosen in such a way no one could film the actual impact because he turned his head outside the normal range, to face the right side of the crowd or the shooter, or perpendicular to the direction of the middle of the crowd.

12:00 Earlier. Awoke in smell. Went outside to check the bins. Found several green bags in each bin. People coming "after me" at the bins exactly when i was done. The blond little girl lost her orange cat, a couple of guys caught it for her. There was this Asian guy talking to another one, simulating talking to me when i was at the last bin. There was one poop in the grass, in fragments covered with grass (camouflage) i almost stepped on.

Inside i started an UV lamp for about ten minutes. I did not realize my hair looked like a clown's until i was done.

Wednesday evening when i hosed the building i avoided  the stairs, because she was upstairs, could have climbed down, "slipped", etc.. There is a vast amount blown from the parking lot on the stairs. Every time they start a base outside i feel the stinging dust.

Last night at Red Winds. Playing over Angela's shoulder, on a single line (25 cents a hand) i caught two times in a row three diamonds on the center line, winning 75 bucks each time, parring the losses for the night. We decided to go. 

When i left, a bunch of "angry" Asians at the door, one of them with a huge Tripundra on his T-shirt. Like this but green on green and without the dot, probably invisible for the cameras. Had to zig-zag among them to pass.

About 20 minutes later, i was on I5 doing 80 mph on the left lane when i saw a guy on the yellow line ahead. I knew something was going to happen because they let us win.

Dressed in dark, he did several moves, like Jagger. I got all pumped up, ready to veer in the next lane which was empty (would have required a violent maneuver) but he pulled on the shoulder when i was 100 ft from him (one tenth of a second).

I am pretty positive he was Japanese, by his silhouette and the moves reminding of the singer Prince. (2:50 AM mile 103). At 4 AM i passed a dead dear carcass on the right interrupted line. 15 minutes later, a racoon on the left yellow line, intact.

Again in the sharpest left curve, right before entering Portland, a semi was going with the rear wheels one foot in my lane when i was about to pass. The synchronization. How is possible the front wheels to be well in the lane and the rear one foot in mine? Drifting because of road inclination to the left but he had enough speed to counter that. "Should have been in training, the real pros don't do that". My feel is the platform was rigged.

12:45 BTW At Red Winds and Lucky Eagle now they have magnetic (heaven's) gates at the entrances and they still check your ID and temperature. Just to annoy and bully everybody. At Little Creek there is an outside smoking area covered in clear plastic sheets that has open passages in a parking lot but they don't have magnetic gates.

Yeah i was there that night but it happened at a different floor (never been there) and i think it was all fake.

5:06 Good Lhakpa, Bad George. Now that he's dead.  Dracula on top of the world. No formal education.

Last base of the day that comes always at 11 filled my face with stingy dust.