Saturday, September 7, 2024

12:31 AM I slept between 8:30 and 11:30 and could not sleep no more. I started to read the news, saw something, got really mad and she upstairs started to work the floor, like she always does when i light up on infrared, i think. Which proves a continuous invasion of privacy of their part.

That awoke Angela who is now really mad and can't sleep no more.

By the way she upstairs moves in those moments i came to believe most times it's a robot. The movements and noises are too well synchronized with my thoughts.

9:31 Slept 6 more hours.

If this is true it could revolutionize medicine. The biggest news in body imaging since damaging X-rays and expensive MRI. Could see some of the broken bones in fractures. Some of the organs (for skinny people of course) and even some of the tumors not too far under skin.

But how this gets me frustrated more than i already am in this morning. After i got awakened by the smell, found one heavy neon red-orange-ping open bag in the N bin and lots and lots o garbage items outside bags barely covering the wet muddy bottom that all stink really bad in all bins i could check.

Then i could not get close to one of the bins. I only saw two persons on  the alleys, a woman and one of the girls that roam around and yell all daily, now dressed nicely and they were chasing an orange cat and getting in my way several times. And there was one more orange cat with white mouth in the yard. And again black feathers.

I was growing desperate with my toe and leg pain and numbness. Antibiotics seemed less and less efficient. For a couple o days i've been using liquid bandage. A combination between a disinfectant and some glue that sticks on your skin and when it dries it forms a protective film. I tried a couple of brands.

One with the same material as the superglue thought "medical grade". The other with nitrocellulose, that stinks really bad, four hours.  Every time i was using it i was getting relief for a few hours. But once the disinfectant was dissipating i had to scrap the old one before applying some new, using alcohol, a lengthy process.

Yesterday i was doing just that, again. And when the area was clean, i saw clearly the skin which grew back, clean, with finger toe prints and everything but just below the surface there was something, asymmetrical, about 1.5 mm long and 0.1 mm thick. Could have been a piece of redwood, from the dust all around as i long suspected

Redwood is very hard, almost like metal and has a large percent of tannins that cannot be broken down by your body. But in my life i had inclusions of wood in wounds with other type of woods and they were as bad. But i usually knew about. But this one got in there together with that needle of a a push pin that i removed after a few days. Kept asking myself. How come i didn't see blood on my socks and everything.

Thins is i wear mostly black socks nowadays.

So, driven by the two months old frustration and desperation and lots of adrenaline, i grabbed a dental probe and started to dig in my toe's skin.

In a very uncomfortable position, curled and with the foot twisted so i can see under, for about 30 minutes. Difficulty breathing with my fat belly pushing against my diaphragm muscle. The numbness from the infection made me feel no pain. For a while, it was just skin, but then blood appeared and i kept digging until i thought i saw that piece of wood floating in a drop of blood.

But i was not positive so i didn't write about. I created a pretty large wound that itself now had to heal. Kept applying liquid bandage and kept taking antibiotics. Last night i thought it was all for nothing, cause the numbness was back. But this morning i don't feel any numbness or pain in the area. 

And then i saw the news with transparent skin. How is that for yet another weird coincidence?

10:00 More frustration. Was this face invented just to shadow my match with Sabrina? (look on the right)
11:50 Am deschis știrile din România și ce văd prima dată? Lucele și capul de călugăr de operetă al lui Becali! O piesă foarte importantă pe tabla de șah a spațiului public românesc. Lucele, călugărul și regele. Mai jos, una cu Bulă. Semne bune weekend-ul are.

1:45 Just another stupid weekend story. How my nostalgia turned into homework.

1:52 Let's shoot 30 years back in time like Bee Gees in Vegas in 97. We are in 93 Romania, 3 years after the fall of iron courtain. We were paying a small amount of money to a guy who connected all of our building to his satellite dish. Among most Italian state owned TV channels, we had newly launched MTV Europe. Though Romania was not on the official list at that time.

Video resolution was an astounding 580 (625) lines (was really shocked to come to the States and many years after all we had on cable was 240), depressing me even more.

It was a very prolific time (music wise speaking). Elton John was singing "I'm still standing", "I believe in love". I kept telling my acquaintances. He cannot be gay. He is to good to be gay. What else. Genesis, "I can't dance". Gorgeous girls from Ace of Base of course. Two Unlimited.  George Michael, Too Funky. Many others i can't remember right now. Heaven itself cracked up for us.

But among those was the new EuroDance song Mr.Vain. Intriguing, with my programmer's English, i could understand only parts of the lyrics. To me, Mr. Raider then meant Mr. Rhythm. Good enough, made me feel jump with joy every time i was hearing it. No, never heard of real racism before or many  years after.

If i was to call those time in a single word (a couple of words actually), i'd say it was an endless summer. With many parties and music and drinking almost every evening.

I had a couple of huge speakers, built with one inch fiberboard and huge Russian made real 80 watts 10 inches base speakers. A Russian or Ukrainian cassette player with enough amplifying for those (there was this bazaar where people from over the border (Moldova, Ukraine, etc.) were they were selling their smuggled stuff) but the boxes for the speakers were custom made where Angela worked as an accountant (a furniture company).

It was the dawn of CDs but could not afford one of those neither disks were available. I had this Elton John "Duets" album on a cassette. Many others i can't remember.

But it fits so well, after 30 years. Trump-Harris campaign. Don't you think?