Friday, August 16, 2024

Just finished setting up a donate button on my main blog (right side, under the links). Here is how i've done it. After signing in my PayPal account, i went to donations and chose button. Then i went through the following steps and options. After i was finished i copied and pasted the given piece of html code into a blogger gadget and voila!

1:50 After about 20 days after the 21 incubation period, with immunization done 5 days after inoculation, my infection is getting milder but that does not mean i'm safe yet. Besides i don't know if diabetes does not affect (changes) these time periods.

(I really do not understand why the diseases has to last 30 days since it does not give you immunity, and if the immunization at 5 days helped any and now i do have immunity and if i do why it does not stop).

Today i was really mad and out of my mind mainly because of totally irrational uncontrolled yelling for hours of very excited children (could be possessed in the Lord, they were throwing to the ground next to dogs, barking like them), when i went to Fred Meyer and bought some beer. All beer sold in store is cold.

One of the recommendation for people ill with tetanus is to keep body temperature normal, constant throughout the body. Bacteria can thrive on colder tissues. The cold beer allowed a recurrence of the illness, with more toxin released and more general paralysis that this time could affect breathing muscles and heart (stomach and pancreas that might have been affected are closer to those).

Applied more patches, waiting for results. Was thinking to go to the hospital, but then what will i tell them about the patches? That is my invention and i applied it on myself? They will probably have them removed and a flare will possibly appear after initial consultation and then i will only depend on one doctor, that is if he diagnoses it right and give me the treatment.

Treatment is very simple and effective (anti-toxin, antibiotics) with good prognosis given the evolution so far, but it only depends if they give it to me in time, after removing of the patches. From past experiences, i know they were not always doctors who treated me.

12:14 After about 12 hours since i set up the donation button i have received exactly...

BTW i took the phone in a corner of the room, took it out of airplane mode to get the verification code from PayPal (got to change that), i went and pressed the button to put it again in airplane mode but for some reason, it didn't work, i came back at the computer and then the monitor started to beep fast and i finally took it off but it was enough to give me pain.

About PayPal, i suspect is the same thing as with stats on my blog, they won't let the money get to me. So don't bother.

12:21 Upstairs. They simulate a morning routine that lasts for more than an hour now, but the noises are always synched with my activities and especially intensify when i get mad for what i see and do online.

BTW i didn't say what happened to me. I slept again in my sleeping bag i made out of construction insulation (flexible) material. It is much better then reflective foil alone or any comforter. It is similar to the insulation i have in my jacket that have aluminum. It heats my whole body. It worked in combination with the patches.

I would think they have regular sleeping bags now with aluminum as insulator, but if they have fabric, they will start to stink after a while and probably cannot be washed, same as my jackets which got thrashed after a few washes.

Numbness has almost disappeared on my legs, feet and other areas. My recent UTI which got to the kidneys yesterday, subsided. I am much better after i spent one night in that one.

12:36 When she left, a kids' sandal emerged from under her Element. Where they were throwing selves to the ground and barking like dogs yesterday. Yesterday also they were wrapped in cardboard boxes and yelling under the sprinklers. One of that wet boxes remained in the yard and the whole place outside now smells like pungent mold.

The reason i got a severe nose congestion this morning when i went to bed at 6 and could not sleep. Good thing used a decongestant.