Monday, August 5, 2024

8:04 Woke up. Angela had to go somewhere, i went to check the bins. Found only 4 bags. Saw no people or moving cars. A helicopter came and started to circle the area. The woman at 4 is talking very loud and fast on the phone. She does so for hours, every day.

Then i realized. I think my anxiety attack came from the combination of smell of dog poop and her talking loud and fast on the phone. Though in Spanish, she adds a tone of urge in the voice. I did not hear it until i went outside, but if you concentrate, you can still hear it from inside.

10:45 It was scheduled a week ago. I thought it was going to do me well. Soak at 104 degrees. It could have been but then i was beamed with cell phones, especially at my legs.

Got there at 2:30. From the start. A Russian guy with three kids coming right after me. He kept talking on the phone in Russian so everybody would know.

Inside. Absolutely no locals. But they took better care than usual, so all the Japanese women were really looking like Latinas. Very sexy women.

In the pool. Angela likes to stay where there is a stream of bubbles. Then a family of Latinos came nearby. He, looking like a samurai. Or a pharaoh with beard knotted under his jaw. At some time, other kids came, trying to push Angela away from the jet. Angela wouldn't move. It was then when he pulled the phone and started to film his kids, catching Angela in the scene.

Then i realized. Many people in the pool had their cell phones with them, in special pouches, doing 360s and stuff, obviously catching us. I went to ask the life guard. She, a big woman, supposedly native, acted like she did not understand what i was saying. BTW, people were talking very little, i heard short phrases in Spanish. Rest of them (the other half) were speaking Russian.

Then i went to the desk at the entrance of the pool and asked the same question and a female sumo wrestler told me she doesn't know. Then i went and the entrance and they played ignorance as well.

Finally i read the panel at the entrance in the pool. It was stating that people can take images and videos but only with members of their families. Keep asking to this moment, how do you do this in a pool with hundreds of people in there?

Then i went back and saw a guy who looked American shooting with a DSLR Nikon with zoom, looking professional. Then he pulled a phone and aimed straight at me. That was when i got mad and asked him. He pointed somewhere behind me. No way with that wide angle lens any phone has i was not in the frame. Then he started talking and i realized he was Russian.

When we left. I found a shower with curtain in a looker room. But there was a guy with a kid outside, talking, all the time. When i left, the Russian who entered with us was leaving carrying one of the kids in the back and one in one arm. The one in the back was crying and kept crying for a long time. He was parked next to my car. So i came back at the main entrance to let the kid cry and then i saw him living, by the time Angela came from the locker room.

I think there was not one single Native American there among staff (like at Indian Head) and no single Latino. They were all Japanese.

Heading for Indian Head. A huge truck coming from opposite direction, with a driver looking in the sun, with a grimace on his face, going one ft in my lane. It if was more than that, i don't think there was enough shoulder on the right to get refuge.

At home i got pain in my upper legs, torso, consistent with a new exposure to mw radiation. So much for benefiting of the thermal mineral whatever spa.

Tokyo Stock Exchange started today at 5 PM local. I think it was then when it all started. I mean, the pharaoh started taking pictures of Angela getting pushed in the pool by 2 5 year old kids.

11:11 On August 9 2014, almost 10 years ago, we went to pick berries when i saw a plane flying above us at a very low altitude (i see now FAA altitude limit has changed from 5000 above populated areas to 1000).

Back in the day i kept watching for trajectories of planes that were bothering me and what do i see. Some sort of survey flight path, most likely done by a drone (i don't believe a pilot could keep that or maybe with auto-pilot hooked to a computer). To me it looked like a bird taking off (maybe towards Japan?).
Could had been very well on August 5 but August 9 was in a weekend. I wouldn't have gone there on August 5. But today August 5 i went at Kah Nee Ta, a most remote place crawling with ninja and paid Russians.

Coincidence has it that in 95 we landed in New York on August 6 with Tarom flight Ro13, using and old DC10 leased from Belgian airlines and came by Greyhound all the way to Portland, where we arrived on August 10.

At some point in the Midwest One of the 8 drivers of the 5 Greyhound buses we exchanged fell asleep and went on the left shoulder of the freeway but the guy behind him woke him up gently with a tap on his shoulder, not to scare him.

11:55 Did the rounds. 4 open black on SW. One near hydrant that was brought probably this morning after i checked. A bunch of woman's clothes in the bin, with no bag. I picked a piece of blue panties thinking it was a blue bag. A pair of tan pants on top of the bin.

The DC10 i came with in the US in August 1995 was leased from Belgian airlines because the regular plane for that flight crashed earlier that year.

Just remembered something. We were kept on the plane for more than an hour until one luggage was removed before taking off.

1:28 I was half way through seeing this video and figured what happened. At 24:40 a recurrent mechanical problem was found. The plane's throttle for the left engine had a tendency to come to idle after takeoff on automatic. The mechanics could not reproduce the problem on the ground which leads to only one answer. It was a software problem. That plane were among the first to have throttles controlled by computer, or auto-throttle.

That problem was known since the plane was owned by Delta Airlines. I doubt there was anybody in Romania (or in the US) at that time who was able to fix that problem. However the (biggest) part of the fault lays with Airbus.

Airbus recommendation was to train all the pilots on this type of plane to correct the problem manually. The captain himself did it before, so he obviously knew about. But this solution seem unacceptable since yes, one of them was occupied just hold the throttle during the critical times of taking off.

However we find out from the cockpit recording at 39:45 in the video that the captain became incapacitated and he quit holding the throttle. First officer became distracted with captain's collapse and he didn't do it. Because he was in a left turn to begin with, he did not realize he was banking too much left and then he lost control of the plane until he came out of the clouds when it was too late.

During the recording the voice of the captain seems calm which do not indicate a raise in blood pressure or change in heart rhythm or chest pain or anything that could indicate a heart attack. Could he had been poisoned? Or witchcraft like bending backwards could have been performed on him just before embarkment? Yes it's real, they did it on me again tonight.