Thursday, August 1, 2024

3:22 I could not sleep and now i know the cause. Like earlier, they put two black bags in SW bin under a mat with ample space under and communicating sideways with outside air, this time one was fresh and heavy, and on top of that mat, a number of heavy bags (of the same color) so they made it hard to lift. However i lifted it a bit, grabbed the bags and knotted them.

There are a number of crimes committed in the process, including improper disposing of bio-hazard materials. All done premeditated and with intention.

When i came back a dog at Apt.4 balcony barked so loud, it awoke Angela.

I read somewhere that Police read social media searching for crimes. What does this mean. They need a warrant to read my blog?

Just remembered something. Last night when we came home @10 PM i barely passed in the alley a Security SUV that was parked at an angle, not leaving much space. Then when i went in the patio in the back to check the sign (two bottles that rotate every times in a different position when i close the door) they put a bright light on me (from the upper alley).

When i came back, i had some doubts, went again in the back to check again and they passed again, this time on the front alley and again put a bright light on me. But if i didn't change my mind and went one more time they would have caught me near the entrance as probably that was their plan as they were probably shooting video. Could there have been somebody, like a kid, behind me?

Security never came before at that hour, they usually do their rounds after midnight.

4:17 Both of us can't sleep no more. They are armed and they look mean. Last time i looked on one of their SUV i saw the word Arcadia (of Las Vegas, Nevada) on it. But the closest, Arcadia in Vancouver is now closed. Here they are making an arrest.

4:45 Veteran's wife and daughter, the other day. When they show up usually the veteran shows after up (or Tom Cruise or something). What happens in Vegas should stay in Vegas. A security firm from Vegas made of veterans.

Could this guy be one of the "veterans"? How many times his "daughter" came at the mailboxes in pajamas or night gowns when i was exiting the building?

5:25 Now there's some smoke outside. The seth under the mat in the bin has been replenished (i guess).

When i got home at 10 i went to check the bins and used the other shoes, the ones that stayed home. Then i fell asleep (later) and awoke both with smell and tingling in my toes which got worse and worse (both feet). Then some sort of numbness started to spread in my whole body, including jaws. Then i soaked my feet in water, several times and i felt relief in a few minutes and now the numbness is almost gone.

Outside they started some sort of smoke that kinda covers the smell of seth. But i am nauseated. I will try to use charcoal, ozone and a mask to see if i can sleep.

12:23 PM Unsupervised children with blankets came to camp in the backyard, like yesterday, in direct view from my windows (where i sit right now). I believe at least one of them is an adult that acts like children.

1:05 This is when they came in the yard. Some left after i wrote, then all left, the brown chubby "girl" came and took her pink bike not long before the market ended. It means people believe their lies.

3:45 Got to go to the mail box, Amazon delivered two items there (as opposed to the locker at the office) which is rare, but i have to pass the kids.

9:00 PM Came with Angela from WinCo. The set was ready. About ten persons, two Latinas, one with baby, the Kids were inventorying what we bought as we carried the bags inside. No they are not starving.  They are all fat and give us arrogant Asian looks. Then, ever since, they started to yell like crazy, ft away from our patio. Now the ice cream truck is here, a show in itself.

9:20 I fell asleep here at the computer. Got awakened by "the kids". Now in complete dark, they are yelling and hitting the TV box.

11:50 Damn it, they won't let me forget... Those images burnt into my retina...