Sunday, May 26, 2024

6:37AM  Nevermind that. I have to replace the AC low pressure hose that cost 280 bucks on ebay. The apartment now smells like cat litter dust. Found a number of open dog bags by the SW bin. There is also a spillage of litter dust by the bin i tried to avoid stepping in.

8:00 Never mind all that. I found the hose with the meter and the AC is not leaking. Don't know what i saw. It's just that it does not work under 58 Fahrenheit outside period.
8:10 AM Never mind that either. The reading would be the same even if you have only one drop of liquid refrigerant left.

What i need is an adapter for my hose (that came with the vacuum pump and only had one adapter) to measure the high pressure while it's working. I think the compressor needs enough refrigerant to build up the high pressure on the right column in the chart below. But they only come in pairs and already have the low one. Whatever. Have you noticed how funny some of the new Chinese "brands" are? Ha ha.

What i needed a vacuum pump for? To suck all the moisture from inside the pipes because they caught smelly mold. Yes, inside the lines. Also removes all the air that would mix with refrigerant and diminish cooling capacity). I let it run for an hour and yes, it worked.

Note the chart ends (or better said starts) at 65 F with 25 psi for low pressure. I believe the low pressure cutoff switch is set at that pressure and the compressor quits working under that. So it would not work under 65. To clear many discussions on this theme on forums. However mine was working yesterday all the way down to 58 F and wasn't working anymore at 55. Also should note that when driving, some of the lines are also heated by the engine. So the cutoff switch is set even lower.

1:54 This litter dust spillage happened just before we left for our Memorial Day weekend trip. It felt like a trap and since i was leaving i thought it wouldn't have bothered me too much so i left it untouched. About a month before in the day of my last dr. visit, they did it again but on a smaller scale.

It was on the right of the cage, inside and in front. Like back then, it looks like someone came with a bag with litter dust and it broke just before reaching its destination.

So instead they came with a last minute fix. They put some by the driver's door in our parking spot which i picked on my shoes, being in a hurry.

Today i first went to look when i noticed, again, the oil spillage by the transformer not far from that bin, the smell and the loud buzzing sound due to lack of cooling. Second time, i grabbed the camera, nitrile gloves, a garbage sack etc.. However at the bin i met with the blue eyed smoking guy who i also suspect is bringing blue open bags at that bin so i just turned around. They do this when they need time to prepare something else which they did.

When i went the third time, there was this red car with large exhaust who stopped not far, making a big noise. So ir distracted me, forgot to put my gloves on, however i had the mask. In the same time a black small SUV, i think Toyota (i know the're not into electric cars) with WA LPN backed up making that whistling electric car noise covered by the red car and almost hit me from behind while i was picking the s... Though it was not necessary to back up that much to get out of the spot.

In the end i gathered about 10 pounds of spillage mixed with bones from a barbecue which i put in a garbage bag, knoted and put it in the bin. However, some aloready have mixed with soil and embedded into the ground.

2:15 One ended, another one started. We ran out of bread. I made some pizza dough that is now raising. Angela is cooking some eggplants left in the fridge otherwise empty. The "kids" from Japan and Hungary dressed summerly came in the back leaning in all kinda positions (no gymnastics today) by the cable box (next to the transformer shown above). Now they hit the box so i can hear them. So i just shut the backdoor and put the blinds on. Too late cause the smell of the cooking went outside.

4:50 I was eating pizza and posting here when the "kids" came back.

6:10 PM
8:30 PM Angela went to the stores. I slept two hours.