Monday, May 20, 2024

5:39 Deception as martial art.

As it was smelling, i went to dispose of the offending materials. People were moving around me creating deception. I went inside several times to get more bags as they were small (and soft, very hard to pick) and every time i knotted a bag, i found a new ones. One came with two dogs as i was picking. He picked his stuff but there was more left behind. One woman came right after i was done. It still smells.

2:48 More and more people use heat pumps for getting more heat for the dollar. The reason this happens is because heat pumps, as their name says, do not create heat by means of chemical reactions or electric current, where efficiency can be in best case scenario 100% (electric heaters) while heat generated by chemical reactions needs an isolation from the source (furnace, that needs to burn stuff in a closed circuit for reasons of pollution) and transfer it with a loss but rather move the heat (energy) from one area to another which can be even from cold (by making it even colder) to hot.

Heat pumps are 3-4 times more efficient than 100% measured at the hot radiator (inside) but they also "borrow" that energy from the other "room" (outside) which means a total of 7-8 times more energy than the energy needed for the compressor to work.

But if we close the circuit with a Sterling engine, which uses two sources, one  hot and one cold and has a 50% efficiency, we can indeed create energy from nothing, satisfying Leo Szilard's predictions since 1929, the year of great financial crisis (maybe caused by it) or even earlier by Maxwell (Maxwell's demon).

An early example of heat pumps, which work the other way around, are the refrigerators and ACs.

BTW It did make it to market. The 1960s Romania was full of them. In fact, it was the only type you could find LOL. They only needed a resistor powered by AC to work.