Thursday, March 7, 2024

12:55 AM Among other things. Last night at Ilani we got lost from each other and spent more than one hour each searching the other. We got a ten dollars food coupon, pot 13 more and got two huge double burgers with a pound of beef each and mushrooms (i don't believe they were truffle, as the list said, it was just a garlic sauce).

Soda at one of the machines smelled like chlorine like maybe made with tap of water with a lot of chlorine in. So i didn't drink any. There was water in the floor near it and i near me and i nearly fell, about three times.

I lasted for about half hour with 20 dollars, Angela lost more, at least one hundred (then we got lost in the two football fields size casino, picture taken from near food court, see the 360 bar, in the middle).

I had the microwave meter with me. I figured the reason why the signal is so strong in there, especially in the east corner near Tom's bar. It's not a tower, it's the lack of towers. The multitude of phones in people's pockets or purses that try to connect to a distant one at full emitting power.

Just before leaving, i bumped into a Chinese looking guy who was counting the hundreds he just pulled from an ATM (déjà vu, not the first time) and then a Chinese looking woman rather tall sneaking ft behind me all the way to the car (another déjà vu).

Inside. Line of sight tricks, with sexy women in the distance and men much closer. A lot of Asians getting in my way, blocking the alley and then turning their back at me pretending being distracted and making me stop. One man or woman with black pants who bent for a long time in my sight which got me anxiety for the whole night.

Should not go, i know, but my brain was literally scrambled after a whole day of uninterrupted squeaks and stumps upstairs synched to my brainwaves. Trouble driving, the car is again a bit out of alignment, toe angles, when i did tires they said the machine was broken, got a kit i bought on Amazon, but i wait for warmer and drier days.

Trying to figure why am i so dizzy and disoriented in the morning and then i clear up in the evening?

Yes, yesterday i finally vacuumed, i think it was 3 months.

The bin seen from kitchen window, packed with bags, for 3 days now, most likely from other places than here, is going to be emptied tomorrow. But Friday some mats will appear again next to the no dumping place. I really don't understand why the management is not installing cameras.

4:07 PM I think it started after i wrote the above. They came to pee a dog nearby. It was freezing, but until it froze some of the vapors got inside. It could have been a sick dog, cause i got really nauseated. Since  then i took like 6 charcoal caps and finally was able to sleep in the morning. Too some even after. Last time when i ate i did not get nauseated at all.

Angela went in the kitchen to cook something and upstairs they started to stomp heavily, literally shaking the building.

4:13 I bought a cheap generic microphone on Amazon and tested it with Windows Sound Recorder, then Facebook and it worked. But when i tried to record the stomps, my Windows Sound Recorder App quit working. I shut the computer, restarted it and still doesn't want to start. My recorder broke a few days earlier.

4:36 I just saw the guy from maintenance leaving. The biggest noise was done by him. The tall, young, dark skin and a goatee. Whoever is now upstairs it does not make such a big noise. They kinda stopped after i hit the wall the other day. Tuesday when they did it all day. I heard him knocking at the door real hard for about a minute, half hour before, until they let him in.

5:07 Saw this in my truck yesterday but was too sick to pick it up. Was going to the locker where i have two items (they were delayed from 4 to 4:30 while the guy was stomping upstairs hoping i am going to react) and in my way i decided to pick those. The "kids" where behind the window were my truck was parked and  yelling.

Co-incidentally, i saw the new stuff that gathered in the bin closure since i last picked it about a month ago and behind it. A new piece of furniture and it's going to rain in the weekend.

5:25 I went to the locker. Some Asian guy was maneuvering an SUV near it. I saw a poop on the other side of the building. Picked some food debris. Next to bin there are already new items and garbage bags though it was emptied today. There was a box with food remaining on the alley and an SUV that passed crushed it before i could take it whole and had to pick tiny bones in spicy sauce. If i don't it will spread all over the alley. Some, like the sauce, i just could not pick.

5:50 A whole new adventure, trying to pick the poop. There was lots of smoke outside, probably coming from another gasser (kaboom upstairs). I took a stick and tried to plug all of them (not by stepping as i did in the past, cause that damages the lawn by creating areas with compact red soil). While doing so i found out why i was sick last night. There was another one, some 30 ft from us.

Probably if someone tested it, it would come positive for some serious contagious ilness. While i was plugging the holes, a few kids were cheefully yelling like eaten whole by a giant snake and enjoying it. My last picture came blured cause i moved the camera. Upstairs one continues low volume squeak.

6:00 Wondering if the title has anything to do with Shiva. The missing link?

8:80 All of a sudden, everything got quiet as the AI is re-booting with new parameters. Can play any music i want.

8:25 Blast from the past. Is this just another one of those gay making songs? Like i talked about so many times in the past (line of sight tricks).