2:45 After a 1 AM sandwich i started to get nauseated again. I felt the smell of fresh poop outside. Went to look, there was no fresh poop however somebody stepped into the one i painted with white paint. Very virulent, i think it belong to the wondering dog. I saw where the guy who was whistling the dog who won't listen entered, but i forgot to check the number of the building.
9:05 Existential tricks.
Anybody remembers when i said Tuesday my phone was missing? Then the phone magically reappeared miraculously? Either way, i did not have the phone for several hours.
The next day they awoke me like one hundred times before they let me sleep on hour. When i left i was totally groggy, incapable of reacting. And then the sent the woman with the umbrella to walk around the complex.
This morning i was too sleepy when Angela left and did not go to close (and block) the door and the door was open until i got out of bed @ 8 AM. I mean, not unlocked, it was half inch open. If someone got in here they could have used any of the two computers or phone.
There's this. However, i don't feel like starting the phone and exposing to microwaves again (it will take some time until i figure how to use those logs). I did it several times yesterday and felt it each time.
10:23 Looking at the market. Same picaboo game. Went in the kitchen to finish cooking the beans, market jumped way up. No somebody started a short shower upstairs. I put the phone on airplane mode, it looks like the beeper stopped (no more microwaves coming out of it). Tried to install catlog app on the phone, had to turn airplane off for a minute when i ran in the kitchen. When on phone today is putting close to 1000 mW.
I installed the app, turned airplane mode back on, however it now requires to connect it on a computer with ADB tools on and run a command. Only once. When i searched for ADB tools, i found i must install Android Studio on my Windows which i did. Let' see what happens.
12:04 Kids yelling outside. Drying upstairs, again no washing heard. I figured a way to track phone activity. Nothing on 30.
12:14 I found a better way. The phone has not been turned on in other places that here at the apartment. Nothing on 30.
12:22 Wanna have some phun this weekend? Go and sign in on your desktop or laptop in google with the same account you are signed in your Android (the account you had to have when you first set it up). Go to google maps and choose timeline in the tripundra menu on the upper left.
Then you can choose a month or a day to see where you've been. These are the places i've been for the whole period since i use this account, however i didn't use the phone for more than a year now. Just by turning it on a few times today i got pains or soreness in the areas i have been exposed most in the past.
2:35 Water melon sugar high.
5:00 I had a slight toe problem after i installed the second (and last) left control arm. After Angela brought the car i tried to go outside to fix it. First i had to wait for the woman in blue pants that was arranging stuff in her trunk for an hour, with a small girl with shorts who was doing gymnastic behind my car.
Outside it smells like dog poop.
Then after i started a Spanish guy with a back pack came started to talk to the driver of a grey Honda, always in my line of sight when looking alongside the front wheel to see the margin of the rear. From upstairs they where playing loud Spanish music. A deja vu, exactly the same thing with the same guy like last time i did the alignment.
Because of all these i got nervous, i made a mistake and the alignment took like an hour instead of ten minutes, with that guy talking and talking with the driver of the grey Honda in my line of sight.
Many others, people and cars paraded.