11:13 About an hour ago i was writing a rather long email about Hologram of a Single Photon article. Then i suddenly crashed with diabetes hunger. I had to eat something. As i went into the kitchen, started the water boiler, put two waffles in the toaster etc. i saw a woman creeping with a rather big dog. The dog facing the other way around defecated and she started browsing the phone for minutes and i thought she was not going to pick.
However i told myself, forget about, it was my fault, should have closed the blinds before eating. Not before taking a picture of herself afer she pointed the phone my direction (i went after outside, not much was visible inside due to low light). It was like she was aware of my actions cause she bend her head so i would not take a clear picture of her face.
About half hour later, thinking of those tin legs and silhouette and glimpses i took of her face that she might have been the lady herself, without any makeup. Maybe trying to get into an argument with my about picking. Who knows. Camera time again is one our ahead, should have adjusted that.
Then i started eating and when i looked again she was searching for a bag (black) and i think she picked and left. It all lasted about 10 minutes.