Thursday, January 9, 2025

9:15 AM I was here at the computer about to fall asleep when she started.

1:45 PM After i went smoking i noticed again when i came back inside a metallic smell that in the past i associated with mineral insulation. Smell was exacerbated by her walk upstairs and then heavy vibrations from a number of vehicles including the black BMW on the the side of the wall that is just leaving.

I started to again have pain in thyroid area after her morning march upstairs. I was craving garlic and cheap white wine. Both contains sulfur witch is a chelation agent for heavy metals.

An hour earlier. I went to Fred Meyer to get some wine and as promised (to myself) i took a picture of the black mannequins present at one of the entrances in the store. They are looking like ants with shiny sunglasses on the right representing ocelli.

When i got back i saw a pickup of the Eradi_con exterminators with Washington LPN patrolling in the complex.


8:45 Is that what they did to Tesla?

How many undergraduate students are licensed to operate the reactor at Reed College, Portland?

8:52 She just came home, started to pump the floor. I have a soreness in thyroid area and also around ears for a few days now. In the evening she only does it for a few minutes between she gets in and goes to bed but is enough.

Thing is after i sealed the door to that closet i started to feel the other smells and one of them is a metallic smell that would not go away after airing the apartment for half  hour. I believe it could come from the stove because there is no door at the kitchen, especially when she walks and makes that creaking static like sound.

9:15 Asta nu e fără machiaj. E doar un machiaj care să arate ca fără machiaj, dacă nu te uiți mai atent. Asta e fără machiaj.

9:32 She restarted as i was watching the news, with approval or disapproval noises at each title.
