7:30 Au improvizat cacealmaua cu Georgescu fiindcă Ciolacu nu ieșea. S-a speriat lumea și au acceptat să rămână Iohannis președinte cu Ciolacu premier ca să continue jaful de la buget încă 6 luni. Georgescu a fost creat de sistem, este al sistemului și servește sistemul.
7:31 First loud exhaust of the day. It starts with high RPM and it's really loud then it turns into annoying rumble.
Until now it was just the cat running upstairs. Amazing how loud can you hear a cat running upstairs in this type of apartments.
Five minutes later. If you want to heat up the car for minutes in the morning in an apartment complex, why using a loud, modified exhaust? Sporadic revs make me think it's leaving but no.
7:40 Asta vrea să arate că neamțul lor e mai parșiv deât neamțul nostru? Vândut chinezilor adică Iohannis ar fi salvat NATO de chinezi și acum salvează România de georgești.
7:41 It left after 10 minutes. My brain is vibrating. It made me abandon finishing reading the news.
7:45 Poliția acuză, legea achită. Asta pentru că am scris că am văzut 4 șmecheri aruncând încă o canapea la mișto în curtea din spate care să se ude cu rouă și să pută până marți când vin ăia să le ia? Deja simt mirosul de saltea veche și udă, vibrațiile de mai înainte l-au adus în interior.
8:15 Another one just started. I recognize the sound. It's the tan old You con SUV. This one is more "decent", it left within one minute, with a big rev at the end.
2:35 PM The gigantic butted women dressed in black yoga pants and top produce one (a pile of small, three) right nicely on a leaf right in front of me. When i went to pick the remaining of a gigantic poop i could not pick in one bag.
Earlier. Found one at the corner next to our windows. I also took pictures of the sofa and love seat brought by the four young ones. There is still a mat and an open green back in the N bin. Retrieved and disposed of other pieces of garbage.
Had this idea to look for poops after i could not stand the nausea no more. My brain is scrambled from nausea and only 4 hours of sleep last night (because of the stink of course).
3:27 Four. Do you see the four cats at the upper window? They are watching me every time i go smoking.
5:00 PM I wouldn't have known if i didn't try to go for a walk. Yesterday i did the largest dose if insulin, so far. 35 units. 20 at noon and 15 more at evening. Today my BG was 225 in the morning so i waited to eat to do my dose, after. However one or two hours after i ate i had 250 so i decided to wait some more to see what happened. Before i went for my walk i had 225 again and i did 10 more.
I said it before. Right after i do the injection, 3 things happen. I heat up in extremities (not hot flashses). I get some shortness of breath and some... paralysis in my whole body. It all lasts for about an hour or so.
So i went for my walk but then i felt more and more tired and my muscles, especially the buttoks feel stiff and paralyzied. I could not walk more than past the hospital and i had really big trouble walkng back home. Don't know if it's the isulin or some lingering tethanus since that puncture wound last July or something else. Yesterday again that toe felt stiff. I can barely type as of right now.