Sunday, January 5, 2025

11:05 Today, after about 2 years, i found again a warning ticket saying my truck has been for more than 24 hours in the same visitor spot.

Here in this complex we don't have two spots for each apartment so we have to park one of the vehicles on a spot marked as visitors or on a spot next to a garbage bin saying "No park on Thursdays" obviously because the garbage truck need space to maneuver.

There is one visitor spot here at the building but it's been occupied for years by the same Silverados (there is a guy with landscape business who owns a couple of them) so i have to go in other places. Since i don't use the truck every day, sometimes it stays for more than one week in the same spot.

There was a time, when upstairs was that ninja professor i was getting one of those every week, for about a year, but that stopped after he left.

Tonight about half hour ago i went to smoke a cigarette in front of the car and i heard a noise behind me like a door being opened but when i looked i saw no open door.

11:35 Yes i believe all emperors of Japan at least after the so called Meiji restoration and all the shoguns at least starting with Tokugawa Ieyasu were ninja, masters of illusion. All the politicians in Europe after the formation of modern states starting with around year 1500, including popes (probably earlier), where imposters.

Currently most politicians in Europe and US are being played by Hungarian actors and a few Japanese, like Russian general Shoigu.

11:55 As i said before, i have a sign at the door that makes it very difficult for someone to get in when i'm not home without me noticing when i get back. However today i forgot to look at the sign after i closed the door and came back after i went all the way to the street which makes about 5 minutes.

As i was writing here after a while i started to hear a beep. I shut the computer, was still hearing a beep. I went to Angela's computer and found her phone that was charged about 95% staying there and making that beep similar to when connecting a charger and after i pulled the charger cable it stopped and when i checked the charger was overheating. I plugged the phone into a different charger and now it's charging.

I asked Angela to go to Ilani cause i go mad if i stay in here all the time. In there, i was thirsty and drank some cold, flavored water, at the soda machine. Then my lower lip and gum went numb and that numbness started to spread around.

I was using my meter knowing that at Ilani there is a lot of signal because phones have to work at maximum emitting power probably because there is no tower nearby. Or maybe with some providers only. As i saw on the meter i took with me, at times i got some exposure, and the result is got heated up by inflammation all my numbness was gone. I think the signal "activated me" as now i am dependent on it?

Earlier today i got 33 and 29 psi in the rear wheels though after i drove 160 miles Friday night i had only 2 psi difference again for the whole trip. Before i left i fixed the pump, put some air in the right rear, i had 34 - 33 during both trips, which is 80 miles in total.

No i did not relax even after i won like 60 bucks at poker (then we lost it all and more). Reason is i saw a whole lot of people, mostly Asian but European looking also, acting weird. Some of them wannabe sexy women trying to look cute to annoy me.