12:25 AM Talking about swans and stuff... Tchai_kovsky

10:59 AM În noaptea lui Vasile Sfântul... Mi-o luat căciula vântul...
Ultimul comentariu pe youtube: "Mie mi se pare aproape neverosimil ca pe vremea cand exista cenzura se puteau produce asemenea..."
Da și mie.
2:00 Hungry ghosts.
Still dealing with the pan of the water heater. That was once used by a previous occupant as litter box. That was not replaced with the new water heater. That is rusted. I think i just figured something. Why you get tetanus when you get punctures by a rusty object.
Rust is porous and bacteria and parasites can survive in those pores. More than that, it gets selected by the vicinity of rust. Our blood has rust in it.
More than that. Within that rust there are mixed tiny silica particles from litter box rust which are again porous (designed to absorb water withing its structure) full of bacteria and parasites from cats and dogs whatever.
Every time i open that closet i feel a smell like dog's f...t.
I believe i got some of those particles that went past my teeth now embedded in my jaw bone. This is the only way that can explain i have tetanus like symptoms starting with that jaw when i get exposed to cold. That go away with antibiotics.
I think i'm totally screwed.
I believe i got some of those particles that went past my teeth now embedded in my jaw bone. This is the only way that can explain i have tetanus like symptoms starting with that jaw when i get exposed to cold. That go away with antibiotics.
I think i'm totally screwed.
Today instead of adding more backing soda in that pan i removed it all and exposed it to ozone by moving the ozone generator in that closet. However when it stops, i get the smell inside the room. Bought a timer that would start and stop the generator at certain intervals. It's been 9 years since i moved here and that thing was not used a litter box anymore.