Saturday, March 8, 2025

12:10 AM At midnight... I think they are two persons upstairs and right now they are creaking the floor where Angela sleeps...

2:20 Slept 4 hours, don't know what awakened me but they were making noises and then left. Though in the last days i slept no more than 5-6 hours i feel very rested because i used nose decongestant which allow better oxygenation. Also i am positive because of that by BG decreased by 100, with only 20 units of insulin daily. Metabolism needs oxygen.

Again big noise in the bathroom (pipes hissing) when and only when i went to the bathroom though they upstairs left. This promotes gas retention (scared) and later palpitations.

2:23 I am adulting again. Building the dentures which proves mission almost impossible. Due to last 4 extractions i have been left with some spurs that leave negative slopes on the model.

I mean, the imprint made with gel or rubber like material copies everything and then can it be extracted both from jaw and positive model, being soft, but if make the rigid gum with that model, first i have to destroy the model to extract those but then, have to push really hard to put them on basically forcing my soft part of the gum to "pass" over those spurs.

So i tried to smoothen those out by adding some, it is very hard cause the wet gypsum "freezes" when in contact with the dry one (water gets instantly sucked by the dry model), making it hard to smoothen out, but in the end i've done something. They will be loose in that area, but keep questioning.

Why do i have those spurs figuring teeth maybe? I remember at the last extraction (incisive next to right canine) he twisted the tooth while inside by at least 45 degrees to the left, breaking the jaw of which a part was missing (don't remember passing out or had a missing time feeling), creating that "esthetic" spur after 3 months of pain and antibiotics. To keep (some of the) character? 

3:05 Don't know who is the tall dark skin young guy who "operates" the black BMW with modified exhaust that just started, but i'm positive he is again a Japanese figuring a Latino.

About half hour earlier Angela came from work (4 to noon) and then WinCo. I went to grab the bags and two again short this time Japanese figuring Latino kids (probably the same who where having a 3 hours yelling party in the alley the other day) where handling a TV behind my car.

5:10 They are modeling reality with lies. Truth is of little importance to them, just the purpose.

I figured the reason why was not sleeping last night. There was one next to hydrant and a smaller one on the other side of the building. As i dispose of them, they probably brought  new ones since i feel energized again.

I made the first picture when i started at 4:06 PM. It was then when they climbed the stairs (her and her weekend boyfriend). They been continuously b...g the floor with the purpose of making me to get mad and loose my patience and fail.

The last one is before curing. It took a bit less than an hour. It's like working with putty though the UV material is a bit more brittle. I made numerous alignment mistakes, applying new ideas, and tried to recover from those. Some are a bit crooked like some natural teeth are LOL.

As i said, the problem now is my 400 nm UV lamp is small and though it cures very fast, does not penetrate deep enough. The alternative would be the Sun which is a good source of UV but it's cloudy outside and late.

After first curing, i have to soak them in vinegar and remove the gypsum and apply light under to see if that works (never tried that before). If not, i will remove the falling ones, cure the bottom of the holes and them reattach them with Scotch superglue.

Friday, March 7, 2025

2:40 AM Ai Kago

4:55 Cred că e un ritual. Absolut tot ce postez e dublat de ceva. Nu știu dacă voi trăi suficient de mult ca să mă prind de ce fac ei asta. Însă de multe lucruri credeam că nu o să mă prind niciodată și răspunsurile au venit atunci când mă așteptam mai puțin așa că cine știe. Până atunci mă voi enerva ori de câte ori apare ceva. Și sunt cu zecile, nu am timp să ri-postez ceva la fiecare.

Chestii din astea mi se mai întâmplau la grădiniță când copiii răspundeau cu aceeași replică. Sau de exemplu mergeam în vizită la cineva și de câte ori deschideam gura să spun ceva, un copil se băga peste mine și nu mă lăsa să vorbesc.

Chestia e că nu numai online. Postez ceva, merg pe afară sau la store sau chiar pe drum și văd tot felul de maimuțăreli legate de ce am postat, cu brand-uri de mașini, numere etc..

12:55 A rather large number of people are interfering with my activities.

From waking up (people marching upstairs, making almost unbearable noises), going to the restroom (flushing toilets, hissing water that only happen in those moments), reading the news (marching upstairs) bending the other way around exactly when i look in that direction (butt showing), causing intestinal blockage, palpitations a few hours later or the next day.

Shows, if i open the door, a number of people would start acting catching me in all kinda visual frames, if i go in the stores, people will start moving around me, simulating i'm following them or i'm up to something. If i go in the park or other public places (including casinos) celebrities will participate.

Driving, permanently surrounded by their teams, featuring plate numbers, brands and slogans according to the "theme" of the day or moment (depending mostly of what i'm posting but sometimes only thinking, news events, etc..

Models on TikTok and X are addressing to me probably only to improve their ratings but never really want to communicate.

I don't believe there are any normal random people around me.

A good chunk of the news are featured with the only purpose of counteracting my posts. Stock market seems to follow my activities.

There are mostly two categories. Asians, most likely Japanese, sometimes acting like Spanish or Native Americans, with real Spanish showing sometimes. European looking, most likely Hungarians figuring white Americans.

Am i in hell or a parallel Universe being punished for my previous life sins?

3:08 PM There are a number of permanent themes "they" will never give up. They build a facade around me basically trying to prove it is not my past life sins, but the current one. The Indian dancer in the park yesterday. Numerous others.

Let me give you an example. I opened the door this morning cause i was sneezing like crazy. One guy dressed in construction dirty clothes was advancing on the alley towards this building, with a creepy smile on his face. Because these days i have gypsum on my pants and alginate on my face.

Something they will never give up cause it is one main ingredient in the show. They have to continuously prove i am gay. So they add daily elements to constant reinsure this. Of course it's not real proofs but only strong suspicions that lead to "almost sure" conclusions that are confirmed tomorrow by other "almost sure" facts.

I mean, what could be more almost sure than a male dancer from India that descended from a video in the park near the restroom when i was passing by? Never mind i met with Angela at the end of that bridge and walked back on the bridge to sit on a bench for the next 10 minutes.

So today they designed an event so wicked that with about 5 minutes of loud base they threw my day into chaos.

It is no secret these days i am trying to build my own dentures.

Over the years i became so fed with simulated low quality, with defects made on purpose to permanently annoy me, make me lock bad and having difficulties eating, hurting the roof of my mouth, gums, that i decided to try and to it myself.

What it seems easy at start it turned more and more difficult if not impossible.

First i bought an online kit (only for upper to try it first) made of a tray like shoe horse ready made denture. The tray comes filled with a thermal resin.

You make a negative imprint in a tray with alginate (a gel made with algae and other things like that), the same as the dentist or denturist would do. Then you fill that imprint with gypsum (dental stone). 100% percent gypsum is a very good material cause it sets fast, it does not shrink, etc..

Though is hard to find. I had a 5 pounds bag bought on Amazon that i used for years to plug holes, but i finished it. (Holes would re-appear miraculously from time to time and i usually make about one teaspoon in a water bottle cap, which i do not use all).

Commercial name is plaster of Paris, but not all plaster of Paris is created equal. The one by the brand DAP i just bought has up to 30% lime. Which makes it harder to set, then more difficult to remove.

First amount came with the kit. So i made everything as instructed and got one pair of upper denture. Which functions alright but the thermal resin seem not be durable.

Then i got the taste of taking imprints and making gypsum models and i thought maybe i should try to use more durable materials.

Professionally, they do dentures with an injection machine which is out of the question. But i saw a video saying you can do it with UV curing material. I mean, you make the negative imprint, do the gypsum positive model, build a gum with a putty like UV curing ping material around it and set teeth and then cure it with UV.

So i bought the UV curing sheets which has a stated tensile strength about the same of regular acrylic injected dentures will.

I have several UV lamps at home, of different wavelength, mostly shortwave germicidal and those did not work because of too short wavelength. And then i remembered i had a "black light" flash light i once bought for other reasons and tried with that one. In about a minute the material was as hard as stone. Probably harder than the acrylic dentures.

However there's a catch. The UV light from my toy UV flash light does not penetrate very deep. In thicker areas, it does not get cured (not right away anyways). For this reason the teeth do not always stay attached (they come out when pulled hard by hand).

There's a cure for that. Scotch superglue (the original one) is so good, i regularly glue dentures that break in half from usage and they stay glued for years. So after i build the denture, i cure what i can, then remove the teeth (not all come out) and then cure the exposed areas and then i can reattach the teeth with superglue.

It's a lengthy process. (In the meantime i think i found a better solution on Amazon). However, at the third day of trials i have accumulated enough experience to get encouraged to continue in this direction (UV curing materials and separate individually installed teeth). 

So this morning after i slept some 5 hours i said ok, should try one more time and let the gypsum model cure for the rest of the day so i can try in the evening. So i made the alginate (not easy), stuck the trays in my mouth (not for the faint of heart), kept them in my mouth for a couple of minutes trying not to puke, unstuck them etc..

Then i filled the imprints with soft made gypsum (there is a whole art of mixing the dust with water making the right thickness, like sour cream) and then it happened. Could not find the piece of plastic to put on top of the gypsum to create a flat surface need to work later on. And then, kaboom. The loudest base i heard since i live here.

The floor was vibrating under my feet. Music in Spanish, to make a counter allegory of what i wrote above. Could not think what to do. Until i figured i could use some pieces of paper and turn the trays with the impression now full of wet gypsum upside down on a table, to create a flat surface needed to be able to work on them (attach gum and teeth), the gypsum hardened.

I made a mess on the table and everywhere. The base kept pounding. I washed my hands, grabbed the recorder but could not find the USB-USBC cable to upload it.

In three days i started to build some confidence in knowing all phases of the process. But now i have doubts the models will come right, because i handled them while hardening. Having doubts makes it so much harder to work on anything.

Finally found the cable, but then i thought if i upload this, it would distract everybody's attention from what i wrote before. And those frequencies are not caught very well by the voice recorder.

In a few words, they choose the right moment when to do it to screw my day completely with 5 minutes of reckless "music". Who was it? I don't know, some simulated mad Latino. I did not have the guts to go outside and look.

It is called tokagure ryu. The school of the hidden door. They don't have to be in the same room to create havoc in your life. Basically sabotage you, make you waste time and interrupt a process that would lead to me looking a bit less scarry when i go around and less painfully to eat.

Hours after it happened is start to feel pain from different types of irritant dust, some that fall from the ceilings and walls, some from the redwood outside. I feel like drinking and smoking but i'm out of cigarettes and none of us wants to buy liquor anymore.

The wine in boxes we can afford (Franzia) that used to be so good 20 years ago has more sugar in it than ever and taste like all kinda added flavors but definitely not like wine. Thought the price seem to be inflation adjusted.

This is just an example. It happens almost daily with variations. I hear uncomfortably loud base several times a day and it's usually in the worst possible moments and very disruptive. (Besides creaks upstairs and very loud exhausts).

4:50 A guy with back pack (no car) just climbed upstairs and started to creak the floor. The black BMW with modified exhaust just started.

5:15 Went and smoked two cigarette buts. Kids yells invaded the alley on the other side of the building. My head sounds again like a ripe water melon after yesterday i ate again peanut butter on a piece of bread.

6:05 The models were hard enough to be pulled out of imprints. Poured two more just in case. Plaster of Paris is cheap. Upstairs finally stopped creaking.

7:45 That guy who climbed upstairs was her, with a backpack and no car. She is working the floor ever since. Outside there is a party of Latinos. Just to counter what i wrote above. Real Latinos speaking real Spanish. At times i heard them repeating the word "padre". They took of the moment i uploaded this file.

My recorder does not hold time and date. The time and date on the file are the generic ones.

9:02 Tocmai am spus mai sus că ăștia mă îngână.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

5:00 AM

6:50 It looks like i might have found the culprits for the smell in the apartment. It was not tiny dogs but cat poops i found for a week under the deck. How long has it been going? Don't know, but when the weather started to heat up a little, the wood chips it started to stink so bad it was unbearable. And i thought there was something wrong with me, pancrease or liver not working etc.. and kept getting nauseated and taking charcoal caps.

They look groomed and taken care of though possibly underfed and kinda wild cause they did not grow or got heavier over the last months or so. Or they bring in different cats from time to time.


♬ suara asli - 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞. - 𝟑𝟎𝟑 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

5:05 AM Was Alaska Musk Ox the inspiration for Star Wars Bantha?

12:33 PM There is a continous uproar from the construction site. My head again sounds like a ripe melon. I start to write a phrase, i get to the middle of it and i forget what i wanted to say.

2:10 These guys have a different metabolism or something...

9:00 PM Kagura dance is performed to lure Amaterasu Sun Godess out of the cave... 

Monday, March 3, 2025

3:40 AM Buckethead those occasional rebellious dissonant changes of scales are meant to break monotony test critics chase away the bad spirits or the unsavvy/undeserving fans?)

Had no idea! (I honestly believed he was a starving artist!) Actually it makes sense. Many old arena rock or even cover bands now get shredders as guitarists because they are exceeding and also add a harder and crispier sound to the old songs.

4:35 PM Slept throughout the morning. Last night i replaced the screw at the backdoor with a wooden stick and checked several times. It was pushed back just enough for the door to be opened. There is something beeping in the alley for half hour now. Kids voices yelling. I opened the door to look and it stopped and then it started again. When i opened the door for the second time the two Japanese girls where taking pictures in my direction. My recorder works only if i reset it every time now.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

11:15 Thick weird smoke from outside makes it hard to breath here.

3:30 PM Angela started to cook, they came to play with the ball.

3:50 Angela is cooking, they came to rhythmically hit the TV box. They haven't done this since last fall or weather was good enough for them to stay outside in shorts at 52 degrees (10C) as of right now.

4:55 Windows hasn't done nothing, it was a false impression. As the PC went to sleep mode it stopped the downloading. Today i did it again, wasted some one more hour. Some settings have been altered. Also had to sign into chrome, start the phone, get beamed, now i'm in pain.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

4:25 AM Here she reminds me of young Gwen Stefani


Father's day on Lake Tahoe...

6:40 And the most recurrent of them all stories. Domini cani. Inquisition. Dogs and fire. Dog poop and redwood.

Please pay attention to what i'm writing below cause i repeated it so many times but people do not seem to understand what dogs of God are doing in here.

Slept two hours. When i awoke at 1 AM my mind was racing from things and people i saw yesterday. Trying to sort things out now that i know about what i posted above. Too much. However after after a few hours i started to feel nauseated and sick. Angela went for overtime since 4 AM. "To make for the money she lost in casinos". I don't care since i can't sleep anyways.

For the last few days it was dogs under door. In freezing temperature, the dogs were burying the warm poops in the dry red dust (it never rains under the deck because of the roof above) to keep them warm and emanating for the next  hours.

Yesterday it warmed up and last night temperature did not go under 40 (4 Celsius). So the switched back to dumpsters.

In the last month or after it snowed there have been always at least one bag with spilled litter dust around the closest dumpster, the one next to mailboxes. Today it was no exception, there is one big plastic box partially overturned, with some stuff still in there.

So i went outside, dizzy, with balance problems, high BP, almost stumbling, about to faint. Did not find anything under the deck. But the smell was in the air. Came and grabbed my grabber, one empty bag and  went to check the dumpsters. The same old story with closed, semi-open and open bags.

Once in the bag, (the dog) especially if it has some tannin (the fire) from redwood in it, they start being virulent because the tannins mutate the bacteria in there and keep fermenting until removed. I knotted again bla bla a number of bags. I hope i will get some sleep now.

Domonkos means Dominican in Hungarian. Check the pronunciation. Johnny Cash was one of them. It's all symbolism.

7:20 She upstairs is warming up for quite some time and i can't find the recorder. Outside there's fog and within the fog there's a... burnt rubber smoke? The rings of fire?

11:55 Today is March 1st when Romanians exchange small gifts or tiny cheap jewels (that can be expensive, though more rarely) tied with a white and red thread that some wear on their chests. It is called little March 1st.

After 30 years it feels like it all happened in a another life time, no emotion attached to it anymore.

12:05 Slept until 11 and awoke nauseated. Temperature rose to 60 degrees (15 C). Went and disposed of more little bags (pink, yellow and green) that some were fermenting for days or weeks behind the SW dumpster. While there, a woman left from the spot next to it, another guy came and parked a big red truck, bumping into a small recyclable bin.

Did not see or paid attention last night, thee is a piece of old rolled carpet stinking next to it which in turn makes mine inside stinking after vacuuming. When i left a big airliner flew above, visibly under 5000 ft (one mile) FAA safety limit. 

No i think it only appeared closer being one of the largest Boeing ever built.

The whole area between our building and the others stinks. Wondering how can other people can live here. Unless they don't.

11:38 They came to overshadow what i just said about Mărțișor. The man responsible for Colectiv disaster has been "reelected" in the same function and now is acting. (also because what i just said about fire and inquisition).

12:45 After Angela came i went and tried to put that carpet into the dumpster but the dumpster was full (that dumpster is rarely full) two days after Thunder Thursday when they empty the bins with pieces of furniture and building materials so the carpet stays on top of it, in the wind that blows from that direction.

12:15 In the past i added pictures with infinity columns at Ilani. Last night i realized these could represent aether whirls, small and big. But if the knew, why didn't they say anything? Or are they waiting for someone to say something to say later they said it first?
As i said many times before all traffic in Portland seems coordinated by an invisible hand. This truck followed me for 10 miles well outside their "service" area or about one hour in the slow mandatory daily built in @downtown Portland commuting traffic. Then the Tesla truck came. Pioneer gas and furnaces.

That after breathing here air contaminated with bacteria and dog s...t, not sleeping well, being really sleepy, almost bumped into a suddenly stopped Tesla car on I5 before that. I checked at that company hovel on Simpsons next to Killingsworth in Alberta neighborhood, i did not see any "cyber" truck in their fleet.
Is this real?

2:30 The moment i started to type in the other blog "the kids", a couple of Japanese girls (at least one of them is a grown woman posing as a child) figuring Latinas came and started to hit a balloon (filled with air) in the back yard, that is after the air was cleaned enough by me removing all i could of the s...t while Angela is trying to get some sleep.

2:50 Now after i posted that video they sit on the TV box while staring in the direction of our apartment and hit the box with their feet in the rhythm of that song (no they can't hear it, volume is too low) and succeeded awakening Angela.

2:55 Now i started to record the noise and they left. Some smoke came instead.

3:15 Now they're gone and poop smell creeped in. Must be a new one somewhere.

Friday, February 28, 2025

12:22 AM Was listening to some videos at very low volume trying to find one to post, then i went to make a cup of coffee and she started to march upstaris, very loud. Tried to record, my recorder froze.

2:55 Thousands of HP from a train engine a mile away started to gently vibrate the night. It was then when i started to fill the smell. I found 2 piles under the door, or one scattered. Same hour, same small dog (about half inch diameter, short fragments).

However when i got back in here the dominant smell is dirty laundry coming from the laundry water heater closet that remained open after i did a load of laundry today while vacuuming. The water heater pan that have been contaminated with used litter bacteria still smells. I put back the plastic sheet with magnets and started the ozone for a few minutes.

6:20 Nu știu sigur dar am impresia că premierul se înșală iar. Acum, o mulțime de televiziuni folosesc internetul iar dacă pică NETFIX-ul se ridică românii ca la Flămânzi în 1907. Nu că aș ține cu George Călinescu sau tabăra lui.

1:50 Yesterday i opened the back door many times because i vacuumed. In the end could have forgotten to put the screw back though i doubt it. In fact, i remember i put it on. The screw was not on this morning (actually at noon when i awoke). Coould have been removed with a snake like (endoscopic) device cause the door can be bent a little and something can be inserted.

I went to see what can i do about the door possible being bent and a guy passed. I think i will seal it permanently and stop using it like i did in the past.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

3:45 AM Last night i cooked some broccoli and those make some smell. So they took the opportunity to put some more under the door, right next to wall.  Buried deep inside the red dust, to keep them worm in the freezing temp outside. When i felt the smell inside was too late, now i'm nauseated.

3:15 PM The moment of clouds and thunder...

4:47 PM Alex Lutoor King

11:37 Got awakened after 2 hours of sleep. First a dog barking, for many minutes, then slamming doors and now someone's hitting a basket ball to the asphalt. Ok now the first creak on the floor.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

5:00 AM Wow.

5:03 Not all Japanese look the same... BTW can you do this? Click on any link on the right column. 80s have been a good crop...

5:20 Ok i'm gonna put this on pause for now. Have to read the news to see what happened with the Beautiful 7 Trill Bill. It has passed by one vote.

7:15 Wanted to go back to sleep, after i done a 20 units of insulin and i ate something. But when i checked the back door, i saw the screw i usually put at night to block the door was taken off. Maybe i forgot to put it on. Without it i think it's easy to open the door from outside with a slim jim or something more sophisticated, like and endoscopy snake.

3:40 PM Where should i start? Where i left it. For some reason i can't remember yesterday i got really drunk while cooking. Got my new "etched" grater, a new generations of graters that are actually sharp, not only stamped. Being drunk, i grated one piece of nail and two tiny pieces of my fingers (that i retrieved don't worry). It took four hours instead of two.

However, i've done it. Zacusca and beets soup.

You can do an onion in less than a minutes or eggplants halves with it however some pieces remain and need to be diced.

The beets where too old and no matter how much i boiled them (though i don't really remember) they stayed hard. Got all the materials but have not done my DIY teeth yet.

She upstairs danced for the same amount of time and after on top of me, maintaining my BP high making me to pump water out of the kidneys. That and the alcohol dehydrated me really badly. I crashed around 9 or right after the Beautiful Bill was about to be rejected. However after they came back and voted it.

More in a different entry.

Woke up at 1 and remembered what Angela told me yesterday (a decision has not been made for her limitations) and started to do the search for this guy, being encouraged but what i found yesterday. I think i found him however could not download the higher res pic from Instagram for reason my account being blocked for more than a year now.

Though i never posted anything, i got suspended for "breaking the community rules" bla bla. (I though it was owned by Zuckerberg, not by some commune). Whatever. Was asked to upload a video of myself with the account number in front of me, sort of like a jail mugshot which i would not do.

So i just put the google preview. My face was puffy. (Ever since, i drank like 2 liters of tea and just started to pee again a little. Ruby red because of beets soup, how that stuff passes in blood and then in urine, it beets me).

Then after Angela left i fell asleep at 7:30 and awoke at 11:15. Kept drinking tea and then i saw the temp outside was 65 and decided to go for a walk. I left when i heard the Wednesday blowers (actually i caught about 5 minutes of it).

Many things happened during my walk but i'm eager to say about this one.

I took the wooded area that runs parallel with 65th or Nyberg or what because it's one quiet mile.

However they started to pour in from the other direction. People with dogs and couples mostly old looking dignified. Next ones covering the passing ones. Then i passed the community house and one more group of dense trees by the swollen river and then the bridge (yielded to a couple of women) and i stood on the bench next to the pond, as i usually do.

People continued to parade and then i saw one single gal looking like an Alexa meme (all young ones do these days), a bit taller and thinner and longer hair with a puffy jacket, looking like she was going to a funeral.

One more couple passed and then i heard a loud boom. The kind i hear here at the APT all the time from the direction of dumpsters and now from the construction area. For a moment i was tempted to continue my walk, but was too curious and walked back at the bridge and what do i see.

A couple taking pictures of a pile of pieces of rotten wood from a rotten tree that fell on the bridge to pieces. Time stamp on the EXIF data is 3:06 PM.

4:44 Is it me or her makeup was altered (whitened) to make her look sick (sucked of blood)?

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

2:45 AM Slept for about 4  hours. Was not sure why i got awakened, however she started upstairs sooner after i got to the computer.

Over the weekend i have acquired a meningococcal or fungal infection, my head sounded like a ripe melon when taped. It happens almost every weekend since i am all sweet from diabetes and such a good recipient for microbes.

I put several patches, did not fully work, head started to hurt a bit so last night i took one orally. Got all my extremities, including head an eye heated up and a bit painful because of inflammation from dead bacteria.

Was not so sure about Friedrich Merz for reason of ears size so i took it off. However when i woke up about 20 minutes ago it was still there. Still thinking. If it's him, i cannot explain it through optical effects so all it remains is CGI. Deja vu, recently.

3:00 The Wall.

3:15 She is now taking advantage of the fact i played briefly on very low volume (i can myself barely hear it because i don't want to wake Angela) videos to complete my list. And fully walks back and forth, senselessly.

4:00 AM About 15 minutes ago somebody started to flush the toilet upstairs, several times. I went myself in there and someone again flushed upstairs. Then he/she went down the stairs and somebody else went to sleep.

4:10 Ecouri. Potirul Sfântului Pancrațiu.

4:15 Ecouri la prețul Ozempic, de 5000 ori mai scump ca aurul.

8:40 După postarea mea de ieri, azi prețul s-a redus ca prin minune la jumătate. Firma care producea ingredientul de bază a anunțat că nu-l mai livrează și a picat la bursă. Sunt firme mai mici care vindeau cu 100 de dolari același produs de la aceeași sursă practic fără rețetă însă doctorii nu recomandă. Elly Lily făcea niște profituri monstruoase din poziție de monopol ceea ce e împotriva legii.

Totul acum se sparge în capul meu, încă un motiv să mă urască toți.

Tipa de sus a început azi scârțâiala la 4 dimineața și acum e la volum maxim. Au început iar lucrările la parcul Las Casitas.

9:30 Yeah i was sleepy, google (you tube whatever) pushed that video for me, got tempted, did not realize it was from funny or die, and BTW, what the h...l is funny or die?

9:50 A conservative revolt. Wondering what started it.

4:30 PM I was getting ready to cook for about 2 hours. Somebody came upstairs (the car is not here), lighter and started to creak the floor on top of me so i washed my hands and came to write this.

6:35 Pulling the last news.

8:17 It's been almost 4 hours in the kitchen. Someone from upstairs has been on top all the time, creaking and mostly stomping. Still "gently" moving around and creaking. Her car is not there yet.

8:32 Just minutes after pulling but it has not been voted yet after more than one hour. One beautiful bill of 7 trillion dollars including Medicaid. Still waltzing upstairs.

Monday, February 24, 2025

5:35 AM I once longtime ago wrote about the possibility yoga practiced by (or under direction of a) master can influence non participating viewers. Now more than ever i believe is true but there have to be fulfilled certain conditions.

I mean, all has to be personalized for maximum effect. No, tantric sex is not just sex. It is much more than that. It can bring you to incredible highs and even self renunciation. It can destroy your health and kill you if (intentionally) misdirected.

11:30 Riding the emotional wave. Alexandroupolis

11:45 Rude awakening. Persistent hot chili smell that swells my hands and face.

11:45 Killing me softly with yoga poses and poop smell.

1:00 PM Astăzi am mai aflat un cuvânt românesc important cu etimologie sanscrită. Sau alegeți dvs. între kosha sanscrit și cossus latin.

4:45 One pen of Ozempic containing 3ml with 2 mg active ingredient that should last for a month or 4 injections, one every week, cost about 966 dollars at Costco. One gram of gold at today's prices is about 95 dollars.

So is about the same price of 10 grams of gold. If we divide 10/0.002 we find Ozempic is 5000 times more expensive than gold at about 475000 US dollars per gram.

Would it be the biggest ripoff in history? I don't know, Microsoft was selling Windows so called home editions, that is worse than nothing, for up to 100 dollars a copy (200 in today's money).

Insulin is not very far behind. A Lantus pen containing 3ml solution of insulin glargine or about 10 mg equivalent insulin that lasts about a week and cost about about 50 dollars, or 50 g of gold for one gram of equivalent insulin.

5:30 A while ago someone told Angela they are allowed to talk on the phone during working hours "if it's something important". It is my understanding they all do (or did) the same. She told me all of them were listening to the radio and some were even watching movies at work until a few weeks ago when they stopped all that.

It was all scheduled. First the new HR manager asked for renewal of limitations. She went to take the paperwork for limitations at the clinic to be filled since the clinic had all the information from previous visits when she did not know she had to renew them. However they made an appointment for last Wednesday when i drove her over there. Her colleague complained to a local authority to make the head of HR come here. 

Angela for some time is interested in getting something like Ozempic because her body weight is above 30 so Wednesday she asked the doctor of that one too (actually a nurse) but the nurse told her to ask the insurance first. So today Angela tried to talk to the insurance in a break however the guy from the insurance kept her intentionally on the phone. People saw her talking during working hours.

So they made it all happen while the new HR director for all Eaton was here. Was calculated from the start. Doctor in HR. Experience in negotiating with unions.

All these while Angela is one of the hardest working persons there. One and a half year alone in SMT while before and that they were rotating 3 persons in there and then she got back pain and bursitis hence the limitations.

Last week when Angela gave the new papers with the limitation to the new HR manager, he said he will evaluate those and let her know. There was nothing to evaluate, the limitations were the same like last time. He was waiting for the big boss to come.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

4:10 AM When we got home half hour ago there was a car stationed in the alley, idling. Not much sound but enough vibration to raise some mold together with some deodorant like polyethylene glycol from somewhere. Opened the back sliding door to air.

Today we had more free tickets to a concert. Next week it's gonna be Starship. Whatever is left of it.

Today was another cover band this time playing everything. But they didn't play many big hits so the songs where hard to recognize. Must have heard each one hundred times but never knew the title or the author. Except for a a few.

When they got to this song the volume increased by at least 10 dB. It became hard to tolerate. Then i finally remembered i just installed a dB meter app on my phone. But when i pulled the phone with the app, they toned down, played/sang one more song and then it was over (i thought they were supposed to play half more hour) or until ten where they were supposed to have a drawing inside the concert hall.

The last song was at normal again near 100dB but i think the one before was like 110 or more. The difference of sound intensity between 100 and 110 is 100 times because of logarithmic scale.  The base and drums were pressing uncomfortably both on my ears and chest.

Thinking how it must have been in the front rows where i was briefly to take some pictures including the above and felt the vibration in my chest on "normal sound" or 100 dB in the back rows or like all bands were playing before.

For the first songs the vocalist sounded very pitchy like  he didn't know the songs very well and for a moment i though he could have been Bruno Mars. The sax player again got better in the end. The all did as they wormed up i supposed (it takes some time for any instrument player to warm up).

BTW For some reason everybody in the casino tonight to me seemed like they were from Austria.

Finally figured why every time i pass by someone, someone else intervenes by placing self in between. So i cannot contact the spies from Malaysia or something. BTW i was staring to a game with a Panda Bear of course eating bamboo leaves (that's what they do all day poor things) and realized the bamboo leaves look so much like the leaves from the bush in front of the entrance.

Finally left after we lost all money including the hundred i myself won (first in a longtime).

5 minutes after, near the golf course, there was this SUV stationed on the shoulder on the other side and i raised instinctively the foot from gas pedal. I got terrified thinking it could have been the Police cause i just emptied half can of beer that was in the car so we can dispose of the can in the trunk.

When i passed it i saw it wasn't but when i looked on the street and saw on the right shoulder an elk as big as a horse starting to cross the street. With no horns like the last one in the same place. First i tried to brake but i realized i did not have enough time so i veered in the other lane. The elk was smart, God bless his heart and stopped crossing.

One more cop on the road who pulled someone at the beginning of a no passing zone on a narrow shoulder. Was blinded by the flashing lights, could not see if there was someone on the lane so i slowed to maybe 20, crossed into the empty opposite lane but then i saw the continuous line that just started and crossed back when i finally saw there was no one next to the Police SUV (Saw fog in the stopped SUV windows and briefly a woman's? head in the rear).

Then he stopped flashing and i was sure he was going to come after me but he didn't.

Right after the second camera in Hillsboro on Tualatin Sherwood Hwy there is a never ending construction zone when the two lanes turn to one, suddenly. I missed that many times and went in the median replacing the lane.

Tonight there was another Police car right in that spot coming from the opposite and i got distracted and crossed again that abrupt lane ending continuous line however i realized and pulled in the right lane immediately so he did not stop me (i also had the high beam on but my high beam is so weak sometimes people don't even notice it, especially from a "tall" SUV).

11:00 Slept four hours by reason of poop under door. There is smell inside. It was a dog poop, wrapped and buried in redwood dust. Question. Who would come with their dog, daily, under the small deck of my main door cause i have not seen any strays.O

Have opened the news and making a mental list of whom i saw yesterday at C
hinook Winds. (now a big commotion started upstairs).

For the first time i heard at the shooting range nearby automatic fire. Got both recorded. No i don't. Could not find the file i just recorded on the device. I think it's there but with the initial date. Somehow it got reset again. She left.

Friday, February 21, 2025

12:05 AM Upstairs tricking my attention, all afternoon and evening and after midnight. Angela just hit the wall because she's trying to sleep (she has to start at 5 AM tomorrow).

12:11 A big commotion upstairs like the fall of a castle made of cards wood pieces awoke Angela again. Now fast steps. As i said, they went through the roof today with no sign of stopping in sight.

8:10 Fetele de institut.

8:40 I removed the plastic sheet and the ozone because i needed to do laundry. At first it seemed the odor stopped. After a few days without the ozone the water heater pan started to smell again, filling the whole place with a dirty laundry like smell. I put back the plastic sheet over the closet "door" and started the ozone inside and i now air the rest. If there's no smoke outside.

8:45 There is smoke outside and now it filled the room inside and she upstairs echoes any of my thoughts by creaking the floor. She did laundry at 6:30 AM.

8:50 We are a species with amnesia. I said that 20 years ago and now i hear it like an echo said by Graham Hancock in the first episode of his Netflix series.

Yes we're bad. We cannot remember what we said or been told 2 days ago or the cycle of the echoes of what i write online. Not to talk about millennia.

9:13 I tried to record what she is doing upstairs. I did so for about 10 minutes. Then i realized i forgot to set the date on the recorder after i last reset it because i could not connect it to the pc. Today i tried again and it worked and that after i coincidentally restarted that pc and i reset the date and now i am recording again. Now i remember last Friday she was here and would probably still be here today, tormenting me.

When i looked at that pc i saw there are updates which surprised me since i knew W11 does updates automatically. So i allowed the updates but it does it like what, 1%, 2% a minute? Windows.

9:30 Back at my computer. Just had an idea. Since there is nothing else i can do about, at least should write a blog post that i can update from time with the worst songs the songs that i hate most. First it would be incomplete but as long as i remember i will top it off and rearrange it.

Today temporarily on the first spot goes The Wall with Pink Floyd. Self righteous son of a b... who once tried to kill me with a giant truck near Grand Ronde Oregon after i drove about 500 miles that day and was really tired.

9:40 Someone climbed down the stairs and left with the car, someone else, like last night, is still upstairs.

10:30 Can't you see i am secretly dominated screwed by a bunch of real life ninja constantly touching all aspects of my life (yes including playlist on the radio) that will never leave me alone? I guess you can't, nobody can unless if they're in the are (have once been in the) same situation which most are but don't realize.

10:35 Ok it's good i remember when i'm in "communication mode (or mood)".

Do you know what i call "one way people"? People who always commit to action what just comes to mind and then are wondering why destiny forces them. People whose mind have been shaped throughout their life by action alone and do not have what i call an internal meditative life (and always judge others by the same "measure").

Americans have a saying for it. The hard way.

Action should always be last resort as our decisions are oftenly marked by errors (in judgement).

Man i ate and i am so sick because of the stink in here. I could air a bit but the air from outside when combined with the stench made it worse. I tried an antibiotic do deal with bad bacteria in my stomach that i accumulated through breathing.

11:00 A couple of (most likely) Asian women parked a black SUV on my spot.


11:05 I believe they went on the other side of the alley then came back, climbed upstairs (where there is still someone) then went down the stairs walked a bit more and now are knocking on my door while me i feel like i'm about to faint. I think they are leaving now (heard a car door being slammed).  I believe they are mimicking or enacting what i just posted above (the song). The SUV left silently.

Yes i came at this computer to hear the song which is on my 10 favorites list under the other one on the speakers. Filmed live with a phone didn't do it.

Yeah there is always a big difference between live and studio versions of the same song same band. I believe they should not make them sound so good in the studio so there will be not so much difference.

I know there are bands that just used live recordings for their albums.

And then there are those who don't play live at all, even on the scene. Or sing. Studio or scene. It's all AI now.

12:28 Two days ago i was sleepy and in a hurry and went to the USBanck branch to get a pin for a card i lost in December 16. A debit card i barely use but was worried could have been used by others not for the money on it of course but to stage fake payments. Though i don't realy believe if they could do that they would need the physical card.

Anyways. I ordered a new card and they said it will be shipped with UPS. In the mailbox i got a letter with the pin. But the card was in a huge cardboard "envelope" and didn't fit in my mailbox and they put it in the Amazon locker. Got emails saying there is an item there but was not expecting anything with Amazon and i left it there.

Then i ordered it again and it came but this time with no pin. I asked them on the phone and they told me to go to the branch which i did 2 days ago (i think). But now that i saw the video above i realized it was again Taylor Swift, trying to imitate... Alexa Crush. With hair covering part of her eyes, which are bluer, first kinda of bowing, and after i was looking more like in the wallet.

There is a difference in height, could have been a podium behind the counter. She at times seemed nervous, or vengeful kinda nervous. I had trouble explaining what i wanted and she acted like she did not understand. Finally it took her some time activating the card but for the pin i had to go to the ATM outside with the only other guy who was inside the branch at that time. But when i saw the video above, i thought i recognized her. It looks like she lost some weight with the tour and everything.

12:45 Found the other reason i was sick (near death sick) all morning. A pile of redwood dust clumped with dog or cat pee or diarrhea under the main door's deck.

3:45 After i removed that pile, i slept (after they awake me a few times from upstairs) a couple of more hours. Awoke with some chest discomfort and a bit of nausea.

Last weekend Angela got the paperwork from HR for the limitation from doctor. She went and left those at the clinic to be filled however her nurse make an appointment and Angela went yesterday and the nurse gave her the same limitations as before.

Today early in the morning Angela gave HR manager the papers and he said "they got everything they wanted, now they will evaluate them". Last time when Angela gave HR the limitations from the other doctor, in October 2023, the HR didn't say nothing.

Today, one of her colleagues, with a total standing limitation, who does about half of what Angela does told her she made a complaint with a local government authority. Could it have been anonymous? She is a deceased veteran's wife and HR once suggested she complained about Angela.

Angela's limitations (no more than four hours standing and 20 pounds max) have little impact on the workplace cause she can't do only a few things that are done rather rarely and lately by men only. However the supervisor that started to work here after the nomination of the new CEO in September  handed her recently a job description with a 40 pounds requirement.

So we're gonna have another Eaton weekend.

5:55 The moment i started cooking about an hour ago, upstairs they started to creak in the kitchen area.

6:05 One of the craziest weeks of my life has just ended.

7:30 There are now two upstairs. When one gets tired, the other starts over. I tried to record and my recorded again froze.

12:07 2/22 Today before i removed that biohazard from under my deck i started the ozone for about half hour in the morning in the water heater closet next to kitchen (with the contaminated pan) and covered the door with a plastic sheet.

Then i cooked next to that closet for a couple of hours and in the evening i slept another couple of hours and awoke with especially my face puffy and painful and i think it's because of the ozone that was released from that closet by the incessant in the last few days laundry cleaning upstairs (identical floor plan).

Today i slept in my sleeping bad made of construction insulation for about 8 hours because my legs went really cold and my BG went down by at least 100 while the insulin dose was cut in half.

I saw these variations before and could not explain them. I now start to believe that keeping your body temperature (and pancreas) within normal range helps with pancreas and kidney inflammation and infection that ultimately comes from the stomach and esophagus due to breathing that stuff from under the door and before that near the hydrant that made me also really sick - about to faint sick.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

1:00 AM Somebody is honking in the alley as i was getting ready to post something. Or it's all in my head.

2:15 Vreți să-mi mai puneți ceva în cârcă? Eu am postat după.

Am mai postat mai demult dar e prea mult timp de atunci, Călinescu nu răsărise pe tarlaua patriei încă.

1:17 Da bine uită-te în oglindă și spune-mi ce vezi. Ăia sunt toți ai voștri. Temele pentru următoarele paragrafe sunt luate din carte. Rominagrobis, geniul romanului malaez, marele strateg, cunoscător, detectiv etc..

3:00 Ok acum că am terminat de deslușit video-ul de mai sus, hai s-o spun și pe asta fiindcă tipul de la Cațavencii m-a cam enervat pe bune, până azi doar fața lui mă îmi strica cheful când mă uitam la el. (Parcă vorbisem să puneți acolo numai chestii funny).

Traian-Liviu Grobei_Ioan, fiu al lui Nicolae Breban.

De fapt dacă stau bine și mă gândesc și Breban are figură cam de grobian.

5:05 Ciolacu recunoaște: Le cirque, c'est nous!

7:12 Somebody came upstairs early @6 though there is no car in the spot. The floor gently creeks ever since.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

5:37 AM Yeah i have negative associations with that "park" too. One time when we came home from a long trip they set some garbage on fire, i called 911, they said they knew about and did not do nothing, they let it burn, during holidays they were doing illegal high power fireworks and in the winter there is always smoke from the "casitas".

Though they are saying Latinos live there, i only saw ninja (fake Latinos). I see they are going to pour lots of concrete over there, but how long could take that? Why "through the winter of 2025"?

Got in the mail the project described in Tualatin Life but thought it was a joke.

Yesterday the ninja from a ninja company came with power tools and cut maybe 10 big trees of about one foot diameter using several power tools at once including a tree grinder for the branches. Cannot describe the noise and exhaust smell but enough to say the vibration electrified the dust on the buildings and inside walls, it was stinking like dust all night.

The ninja are pushing some sort of local revivalism. Because it is the only way they can come and occupy the US, disguised as Latinos. Illegals, because they cannot get IDs because they are not real and would show in photos and databases. This is done with the help of US government and media who choose to keep it that way.

There are more than ten million Japanese missing from home covered under the kikikomori social phenomenon. In Japan they use the chicanos cultural current to train and recruit.

Yesterday we ran away from here at Ilany but could not get out until 4 PM, chased by noise and exhaust and met in the parking lot with the ninja who were getting in our way creating scenes as always all the way to the street.

Half of the people at Ilani were again Asians. In our way over there got behind a modified Honda with 4 exhaust tubes in the end during the usual slow down for miles on I5 between downtown Portland and the ancient interstate bridge.

When we came back, after 10, a number of cars where harassing us, blinding in the mirrors and passing at high speed. Lately they all have tinted windows.

Inside the casino, behind me where i was playing poker at 25 cents a hand i saw her, speaking to another woman.

In the parking lot next to our car there was a car with LPN FKE belonging to an Asian. An old woman stood with her head inside the rear of the car showing her huge but for more than ten minutes as we sat there and ate in the car.

Fell asleep at midnight, awoke at around 3 AM (3 hours) with nose congestion and could not fall asleep until now. Wondering what am i going to do today. Right now the predominant smell is carpet padding (made with recycled materials and some sort of bad smelling glue).

7:30 Today they started early or before quiet hours (10  PM - 8 AM) at Rolling Hills. I can see an excavator with a high RPM engine moving around, vibrating the building.

9:07 At around 8:30 she started to move upstairs (she just left when i started to write here). I downloaded a db measuring app from playstore (dB X) and measured up to 60 dB when stepping and the noise from outside tree cutting and grinding is up to 50 dB inside.

I realized i am again contaminated with poop smell and went outside and disposed of one next to hydrant, rather large, flattened out and rained upon.

1:35 PM Today was the day Humana started to again cover my insulin. 35 bucks a month. So i went to Walmart to pick it up. Would have preferred to have it delivered but don't know if they use coolers during delivery and i don't know how long it takes cause i'm out. Though i have slept through the morning, my ears hurt a bit from the incessant noise (infection). 

BTW Humana this year on the same plan like last (Gold Plus Diabetes) stopped paying the 50 dollars a month allowance for food. I did not use all of it last years, should have had at least 100 bucks and they de-activated the card.

At Walmart, the store was empty like i have never seen before. One or two Latina models looking reluctantly submissive getting in the store in the same time with me. When i left, had to bend over in the truck in the lot cause the lock on the driver side is broken and there was one guy talking yelling at my back but i'm not sure if he was a real one.

On the freeway, one big truck carrying soil or sand, uncovered, made me switch lane to the right where a big white GMC or Cadillac SUV was coming at high speed from behind and had to move back in the lane, but then he slowed down and fell way behind.

Was thinking in my way there. Maybe by through the winter of 2025 they meant till 21 March which means about a month of noise. Here in the lot, they bulldozed those rotting apples seen in the pictures linked above but there was still a green bag on top of it while i was carrying one cabbage and one bag of broccoli in transparent grocery bags.

And yes they left a free spot next to the dumpster (never saw that spot free) so i see it and toss it away. Never mind that was not a cabbage but a lettuce.

8:05 PM Today it was above 50 and a break in the rain and went and checked the oil filter. It was pretty tight but i could untighten it with a 6" ratchet, one hand only (exactly how i left it). There was lots of oil mixed with dust on the panel under, that has lots of fins and small square "compartments" which are hard to clean but i did my best. I put it back the same i did last time.

Now that i think, i think i will go tomorrow and tighten it and clean around it a bit more cause i washed my hands and now it rains a bit. Not too much cause one time i could not get it loose (my tools were spinning on the oily filter) and had to go to Jiffy Lube just for that.