Thursday, November 14, 2024

2:45 AM Was feeling better last night. The wounds seemed to be closing more and more. Coincidentally i took some coconut oil in my mouth and i felt relief first at salivary gland and then the rest of the body.

But sine i am used with pain in the extraction place for so long, i really can't tell bur here's some proof. I ate two small pieces of chocolate and all the pains in different parts of the body came back. Again, taken more Augmentin, now waiting for the pains to subside.

But i've been thinking. Since that tooth was painful but not so much before extraction and it was stinking after, together with the one next to it does that mean that pain in other areas, starting with the lymph nodes next to ear, next to armpit, legs, etc.. are stinking as well? I mean if i did a biopsy would it come stinking? Like i am rotting alive or something?

4:24 Ultima tipă pe care am văzut-o coborând de sus, și asta a fost acum vreo lună, semăna cu ea.

Aș vrea să precizez niște chestii. Nimeni nu asasinează în felul acesta, ca să devină evident pentru oricine. Chestia e o tâmpenie, erau o sută de alte moduri de a o face, fără suspiciuni. Adică asasinezi și îți faci reclamă, ca să știe Poliția sigur ce a fost?

Pe de altă parte, dacă e ea, este într-adevăr o tipă cam nebună și fără scrupule. Asta după ce o aud că face sus, și după căutătură. Dacă e ea, o face în mod sigur șantajată. Și nu se teme de nimic.

4:35 Ok just figured why Shaggy was laughing like crazy after Sting said red-handed (or was it butt naked?). Anyways, if you (get lucky and) bang the girl next door (Alice) you can't possibly get caught red-handed, right?... Ha ha ha ha ha...

BTW Sting's original accent when singing live gets annoying at times "forget". Probably Americans think it's British and Brits think it's American but i'm telling you, it's Eastern European (Hungarian to be more precise).

5:05 I am back to what i was yesterday. No more soreness of the lymph nodes. Keep taking Augmentin. Some sort of little finger like granulation stuff is starting to cover my dry socket.

8:10 When i drink i do stupid things. Went and smoked outside. Ate pizza. Can't remember if i rinsed with salt water. I slept a couple of hours. Now my whole chin hurts. 5 out of 10. Like last night after i ate chocolate. The area surrounding the infected tooth and the one next to it is sensitive when i touch with my tongue (did not improve much). I have been 7 days on antibiotics.