Tuesday, October 1, 2024

9:22 AM Just wrote about possibly being sprayed with something on my shoes, lower part of jeans, etc..

4:21 Did i tell i found an explanation for the balls of  Costa Rica, others? Most likely they are balls of lava spewed by volcanoes that froze in the air at the highest point of their trajectories when they were perfectly round.

Then they kept cooling while falling, landing in water or soft terrain. They could have been brought there from other areas by humans.

10:00 Stinking, went and checked the bins, many adventures. First i took two one gallon water bottles to the recycle bins. A car stopped by the garbage bin and somebody got out the car and into the building while i was crushing those bags. Then i went to throw my own garbage in the bin next to recycle bins and a young Asian woman came from inside to stare at me and then she went back in.

I moved a bag in the bin randomly after and under it there was an open i think pink bag under which i knotted. Another car with lights on came and stopped at the red curb by the mail boxes, then started to flash yellow lights. I went in the grass area across the alley, found several poops in the grass, did not have a bag with me.

Went to the SW bin, there was one on the ground. Went to the W bin, there was none. There was a woman in a car next to the garages talking aloud on the phone so i went back to the SW bin to get home.

While i was walking from W to SW bin there was this big airliner flying at around 2000 ft, way below FAA safety limit, at 5000 (one mile) from west to east. I will search later on a plane tracking site.

From a distance i saw they were two women with a dog by the hydrant, one of them was bending and shaking her hair like in a video about witchcraft. Abracadabra.

Went and grabbed a bag and retrieved 3 poops in the grass area next to mailboxes (on our side of the alley) and threw them in the bin across. The car with yellow flashing lights was still there, i went to look if the curb was red indeed and it was and there was a woman in the passenger sit.

Could not access on the map all points i have been too but here you can see the N bin next to mailboxes (upper right), the W bin in the corner of the blue train and the SW bin on the bottom of the map marked with red. These are names given by me. A is our building, we live at ground level on the left side. 

10:The only plane that passed by after 9:30 when i went outside, by the history of my browser, was a Hawaiian Airline, it is shown here at 5000 ft and a quarter mile north to where i am. What i saw was way under 5000 ft, could see the plane had it's belly illuminated, with all the details.

I think the pilots are playing pranks again, ignoring tower's indications, breaking FAA rules, endangering passengers. September is over.

11:08 I-am spus azi lu' Angela, nu mai pot iau o pauză de la scris și asemănări. Dar ce, pot? Am deschis iar știrile. Vechea teorie se confirmă. De câte ori scriu sau postez ceva mai de Doamne-ajută, imediat rușii încep să dea cu drone la graniță. Mai mult decât atât, în poză apare și un telefon, la fel ca în postarea mea despre GPS, la care am pus link ieri.