Sunday, March 3, 2024

4:00 "You're gonna hit a jackpot tonight" said the doorman at Ilani who checked my ID. In that moment all it came to mind to say back was "No jackpot for me..." (in the like of soup nazi guy in Seinfeld). I knew where i was. In the state of Wa Shinto, where all Aryan people move swiftly and are full of energy and had just passed 4 cops standing at the entrance.

Bur it was not as bad as we got used to. We made a bit of money, something under 100. Which is always a bad sign. Every time we won something happened after (like near accidents and stuff).

However. I went back in the parking lot 3 times for drinks and the fourth i was so enthusiastic i even felt like smoking another cigarette, from the pack that was in the car.

But there was a warning there. A covid mask right in front of my right front wheel. I ignored it, grabbed that cigarette and went back at the smoking canopy near the entrance and asked an older white bearded guy for a light and then enjoyed my smoke.

Thinking of the flavors of my youth, when on occasions i did smoke Marlboro, mostly lights. (the yellow-green packet).

Time passed, we came home (in the parking lot i had to fiddle there with the left headlight lamp), i slept 6 hours and then came at the computer. I read the news from Romania, got mad and started to look for a guy.

Then upstairs, they started, big time. There was a bit of smoke outside, i plugged two holes under the door, one further away, others and they again pumped stuff from between ceiling and their trampoline like floor and i started to have breathing problems.

But this time was worse than i can remember since i moved here. And they wouldn't go away. I stopped doing the searches, went to cook something, a large woman and a thin man left from upstairs, they were more left to stomp, my breathing problems would not go away even after i been breathing through my mouth to bypass the congested nose for about an hour. Started more and more to think of going to ER.

I have even been thinking maybe that guy with white beard and the lighter (who reminded me of the last version of Pacepa i saw online)... Bulgarian umbrella. James Bond sort of things.

Then i remembered i wanted to do something for the catch can, an anti-splash separator, and i thought that maybe if i start doing that i will forget about what i thought it was another anxiety attack.

I have ordered some inox sheet metal however it was too thick (0.6 mm) to be cut whit sheet metal scisors. Possible, but very hard. Then i thought again of a deodorant aluminum can (i tried with soda can but they have a few mm too big diameter). And started looking and of course i couldn't find any cause we don't use aerosols deodorant and i don't use at all since last time i plucked polyps from under my arms).

And then i saw in the small medicine cabinet in the bathroom a can with jock itch spray. I measured and it had a 5 mm smaller diameter than ideal. I thought it could work so i grabbed it and tried to empty it (it had a small amount left). So i went outside and sprayed some of it, thought somebody might see me and freak out, went in the bathroom and sprayed the rest against the tub where we're taking showers anyways.

Then i searched from sand paper to sand the paint first, however, in about 5 minutes all my respiratory problems stopped all of a sudden. Then i said to myself, could it be because i been breathing some of that antifungal stuff and killed all the mold in my lungs? Mold that comes from the bins full of junk furniture?

So yeah, in a way i thing i hit the jackpot with that. It was a day later, it was not in money but in health. And money too because i avoided going to the ER. And BTW, after two weeks of vitamin C patches (not the ones i bought, but two 1000 mg tablets under a 2x3 bandaid on my shoulder every 4 days), i feel full of energy again, like when i was 20. And yes, i found a big one, a pound, while taking those pictures.

4:33 Again pumping from upstairs, bringing some more good stuff from the (empty) space, probably trying to re-start me (which i feel, a little). He/she/it just left when i wrote.

5:05 Could it be him...

6:40 I went at WinCo mainly to buy more generic Lotrimin, bought some other stuff. I sprayed it a couple of times in the car and got total relief. I cannot describe how badly they behave everywhere. Dark and raining like hell, drivers not obeying any rules in the parking lot at Walmart. Women with kids at my feet bagging behind me at the conveyer with one bearded guy watching bent over his cart.

Upstairs it was quiet but they came back in the same time with me and started moving heavy objects.

8:04 Building some sandwiches. Upstairs, the thugs are dragging furniture and stomping hard, like always before our meals. How do they know?