Sunday, March 10, 2024

11:05 AM Third day of laundry, vacuuming (thoroughly) after a week (upstairs) awakened me after 4 hours of sleep.

Was thinking. Last night @10 after a day of stomping upstairs we left for Spirit Mountain. I was very anxious to test the car after alignment done here. When we left i saw near the car an empty bag, the kind used in store at WinCo to bag vegetables.

No chance to test the alignment. There was this terrible one in a decade wind that at times was pushing me of the road. During last third of the road i drove behind an older Jeep that was putting exhaust smell behind. Though it was windy, at certain times the winds was not blowing.

When we got there i parked rear first i felt a chemical smell, like burnt plastic. Could have been from another car though.

We both started to behave weird. I played poker for an hour, in an isolated area, not able to think or move to another machine, breaking even. But then i could not find Angela who was again searching me. It was going bad, i tried to stop her when we made half of our money back but could not.

At the gas station i tried to pay by mistake with an expired card.

12:12 After i wrote above i tried to do a search while Angela was sleeping and when i was halfway through i felt the pestilential smell of dog poop.

Went to search, found a small one in the same place like yesterday, 30 ft south of the windows, went on the other side, found a smashed one, picked those and i went to the south bin (where the wind is blowing from) and like last time there was a car started next to it and a couple of people were struggling to get in (for some reason it seemed a difficult and lengthy operation).

I found and picked around 5 blue bags thrown all around the bin, some since yesterday, other colors and items. One jug of used oil. One broken  bag of used litter dust and beads. One bag with used tampons partly caught under (they put the bin on top). Feel like puking my heart of.

When i came back i found a fresh big new one next to the one i picked the first one 15 minutes before.

11:20 What else do i find when i do my searches. And by far is the only one. It is the general attitude of their models. Submissive. Bred and raised for (a certain type of) pleasure. Which reminds me. There was  this old Asian woman as tall as a normal 8 years old gravitating around me last night. Other weirdos. Half of the people there were Japanese mostly disguised as Mexicans.

10:46 There are currently three songs in charts that are highly subliminally and directed against me. Doja cat, i said what i said, Jack Harlot, AK, 28 (number of years i've been in the States), vanilla (i stink, they surround the building with s...t, sharp like barbed wire etc.), Taylor Sweet feels like jumping from a very tall something, but basically all of them have some... reference.

People's preferences? I highly doubt it, there are simply no alternatives. Another one. I drink alcohol till my friends come for Christmas. Etc. etc. etc..