6:30 I went outside and plugged a hole in the ground next to basement, or under siding. Smoke smell present in here in the last couple of days diminished. Then why smoke is coming from holes in the ground? (1 momme=3.75 grams).
12:50 And the reaction...
1:11 Termoficarea care folosește căldura reziduală a centralelor termoelectrice este o idee bună. În loc să se piardă în aer, o parte din căldura reziduală este reciclată pentru încălzirea orașului.
Văd azi o poză în site-ul hotnews cu niște conducte de diametru foarte mare, care par să fie făcute din fibră de sticlă și o rășină. Fibra de sticlă poate rezista mecanic, dar poate rășina aceea să reziste 30 de ani la căldură? Am căutat și am găsit documentul votat de Consiliul Municipiului în care în ambele "scenarii" se aprobă înlocuirea țevilor vechi tot cu țevi din oțel, care au rezistat atâți ani. Sau poate e vorba de protecția mecanică a izolației peste conducta de oțel din scenariul 2.
4:17 Trophy wife and Taylor Swift feminism.
4:20 My car part was this morning at 4 AM on "FedEx vehicle for delivery", weather was clear of snow or ice today, however my package with my car part was delayed again till tomorrow "due to weather".
4:24 Haven't seen the woman upstairs (the last version) in a week, the car is there, upstairs there is a guy who i think is not registered as renter and makes a huge time noise, day and night.
6:23 The smoke present in here in the last few days made me find a rat or mole hole next to the basement open this morning. Later today i went at the other side of the building where the wind is blowing from and found a handful of cigarette butts.
But then i went again in that area and found a number of dog poops, that had melted the frozen snow and were embedded in it, at 35 temperature right now, making it very difficult to remove. So i figured the cigarette butts smell was covering the dog.
Wait a minute... No f... way!
9:23 Young J-A-C-K, AKA