Sunday, January 21, 2024

2:50 AM. Almost didn't make to write here. Just ate some Italian dry salami and it stopped in my hungry esophagus. Earlier. As i got near the apartment a grey SUV with cold cat (pumping out vapor) was blocking the alley. Tried to pass it and saw all the left side was smashed like in an accident.

When i made a left to enter my spot i skidded a bit on snow, the snow was cleared only for a narrow reentry trajectory and that SUV was on it and almost hit the car from upstairs that sits here for a week unmoved in an area with snow.

Now let's start with what's more important. After two weeks inside and 7-8 hours of heavy stomping and squeaking upstairs yesterday. i escaped to Ilani after both sleeping crashing all afternoon. Which i haven't been to in about one year (except for a couple of weeks ago) per reason of too much microwave signal, unparalleled by any other place i've been too.

Tonight i think i figured it out. Since last time the signal was not present in areas with no people, i think the signal comes from people's phones trying to link with a distant tower, and for that reason the phones put out max power. So it's the lack of a tower, not a tower too close. However i could not explain why every time i was pulling the meter from the pocket, the signal would suddenly go down, leaving the graph with the max on the screen.

I will say later about what happen in from when i got to the end, except the casino which has a capacity of close to ten thousand people, was about 40% full, and about 75% of that or 3000 people were Asian, most young.

So let me concentrate on one problem only at this hour. About one hour after i got in there, had to go to the restroom. I will pinpoint the exact time tomorrow after i start the phone. Cause i started the phone in there trying to reach Angela which i lost and searched for at least half  hour.

As i was sitting there, a guy came into the next cabin and started to puke. I did not realize at the time what was the reason for that, but later i thought, the cloud of microscopic droplets from that must have reached my pants and underwear.

I was telling Angela in the car and she would still not believe me. One time, maybe 3-4 years ago i went to the restroom again at Ilani and tried to wash my hands but from the soap pump came something weird, still looking like liquid soap but smelling like... sperm.

I don't know if it was human or something close, but i try to imagine what would have been if i didn't realize and didn't rinse for half hour (tried other pumps at different sinks and it was all the same, no soap handy). And then i left anyways. Ever since, i'm shy to use soap in public toilets.

So tonight after i realized what could have happened, and it probably did, with traces of that guy's vomit on my clothes, spread all over where i sat, i went back in the same cabin and took a picture, with my cell phone in it which is 5 inch long, to prove that a guy could have crawled from one cabin to another.

While i understand the reason for the doors of the cabins to be semi-open and semi-visible like that (to deter), (also on top) i really don't understand why they are corresponding with other cabins, defying the purpose. And it is like that in any public restroom in the US. Going in one of those is a pretty humbling (and difficult) experience, to say the least.

4:34 Are we already in another Universe where i'm alive and where i've dragged you all into? (so sorry about that - kidding). What time was it? 3,4 AM? I was dreaming and feeling quite ok in my dream however i woke up with rapid heat bit because i was barely breathing through my congested nose and my heart was trying to compensate. How many times it happened in total over the years?

Right after i awoke, i heard Angela hitting the ceiling, which means the guys upstairs were up and running, so i figure it could have been their (magic) doing.

But in that night in 2008 i went a bit further. I enter into some sort of atrial fibrillation with fast ventricular response and BPM about 180-200. I called an ambulance, wasn't coming and i got into my truck and drove myself to the ER on ice looking through the window cause the windshield was covered with ice, and out of nowhere a Police car got in front of me (empty streets and freeway) Denney overpass, Beaverton, and i skidded and almost hit it.

After two hours in the ER hooked to the monitors with 180-200 BPM, doctor scared me, he sayed he had "powerful medicine to give me" and he was talking to another doctor ) a black witch, God bless her soul, and i heard him clearly saying "we should put him to sleep" and then the other doctor, a very very black witch, the blackest i've ever seen came and literally or physically pushed me (i was standing) out of her way and i got so mad my heart beat came back to normal.

So last night it took me half hour of breathing through my open mouth for my heart rate to come back to normal and i was tired and fell asleep and woke up in the morning.

Back to the rough reality. Temperature was rising, and around noon i decided to put on the new control arm i got from ebay that finally arrived yesterday. Still with some chest discomfort, but i knew that if i start to move (do something physical, walk, whatever) i will get much better which already happened, now i'm 100% back.

However as soon as i jacked the car, the car from upstairs that was moved for the first time in a week came in the next spot and three guys got out. One version of the big woman (not the last one i've seen, a previous one), one earlier version of the thin guy, and a new version of the guy with goatee. They started to carry grocery items, were going up and down the stairs while i was watching my jacked car, and they chose to come in between cars (could have went around, the same distance) and stumble every time on my tools.

That took from me half of the momentum i gathered to do that. I was also very nervous not knowing if i can do it and how long is going to take it, if i will finish it in time and if it's gonna help my camber.

However little by little i removed those rusty bolts (three in total) and it turned to be easier than expected, about the same level of difficulty or less as doing brakes. If you ignore the fact the bolts are big and at first were bending my cracking wrenches, but they got tamed after i put some WD40.

So i've done it, my camber went back to normal, however my toe got thrown out by like 5 degrees and after a test drive to Wilsonville i went to fix that by screwing in the tie rod, little by little and watching along the wheel to see the edge of the rear wheel.

However, upstairs, in front of the door the guy with goatee came to supervise the whole scene (car was not jacked, it could have appear i simulate doing something) pretending talking on the phone and watched me through the iterations of alignment (done in a driveway with no tools no laser no nothing) while speaking in Spanish on the phone and of course watching protectively from an advantage point of view over everybody who happened to get in my proximity (nobody).

But the way he was speaking reminded me of the woman at 4 who speaks on the phone (and smokes) in the balcony for hours. Only speaking, never stopping to hear an answer. Though the voice was manly. But when i looked more careful i thought i recognized her with a goatee and changed voice.

So i fixed the toe, went for another test drive, car is almost ok and it responds better (firmer suspension) and i think i need to do the other one too and here are some thoughts about alignment.

I think people are doing alignment at cars for nothing. If you never been in an accident, the angles are thrown by the failing (softening) rubber bushings, especially that cylindrical bushing on the control arm cause there is a lot of prying force on that one.

I noticed that when i was jacking the car, the wheel was moving inwards a couple of inches and that could only mean that the rubber bushings of the control arm has become soft. So you go and pay to align the car against the softening of the bushing, statically, but when you start driving, that angle is going to be all over the place.

So after a number of years, i think those bushings need to be replaced, and the easiest way is to replace the control arm altogether, with bushings and steering ball and everything. And then do the alignment which may even not be necessary if you put in an OEM control arm you can buy on ebay for 125 bucks instead of paying double for an alignment.

5:05 And when i came back inside Angela gave me something to eat and because of the smells at the car, WD40, (again) laundry vapor, speech on the upper deck, i had my esophagus irritated, got chocked with rice, had to throw up, doubling the story for last night. But before i got in i emptied the catch can,  trouble with the last version is it's got too good cooling with the curly inox pipe and instead of only oil i get mostly water in it.

And if i do not empty that, it's gonna move around at every bump and trickle up and of course the oil (and wax) sits on top of that water and get first in the intake.

And when i was finished, like always, a handyman from the management landed with his cart on the red line next to  hydrant, going for some work order. But it also looks like i (always) leave when he comes, which is true. However, this time i had a hunch. What if... 

And i looked more careful and i realized the man was looking like the man on the deck earlier or the woman on the balcony, always, and when he started walking i looked again and i thought i saw the body of a woman.

So we're good here. We have a  handywoman that is a man and Putin's friend and a handyman that is a kunoichi who walks all day on top of me. What else?

Guest stars like Nikki Halley's son, France new Prime Minister who at times where both the thin guy. God knows who else. One question.

Is this a nightmare or plainly my hell in a Universe where i was alive after my birthday in 1995 when i went 35 and think i had a stroke and died, after drinking and fishing in the Sun all day and the other guys drank all the water (though i drank one liter when i got at my in laws).

Fell asleep and when i woke up in the morning and ran at the train station to catch the train, it was all slow-mo and felt like i was out of my body soon after i got the approval for green card and crossed the water. To this day i regret i did not look on that couch when i left.

Trouble is. Am i alive in one Universe only and dead in many others. That counts for something?

10:10 Been at Spirit Mountain just to again get out of here, set a limit to 100 dollars. When we lost all money and about to leave Angela won that hundred back. I knew that was a bad sign.

Been driving in the night under the atmospheric river from Grand Ronde and at rouhgly 29 miles from there i got on a narrow bridge the kind with curbs ad the lanes limits , a bit of shoulder and tiny sidewalks.

One big SUV coming from the opposite direction was blinding me like they do and got into a big puddle of water with my right wheel i was working on today which drew me towards the curb however i had a reflex and straightened the car and kept it in the lane.

Should i have hit the curb i would have probably been thrown frontally in that SUV (and my airbag warning light that keeps changing on and off was again on tonight).

BTW the control arm was a success, car drives almost normally, thinking to change the other one too because it has a tendency to by unstable when street is wavy.

11:28 Paralele sunt două drepte din același plan supărate și care nu se mai întâlnesc niciodată (prof. Koriloff). Spre deosebire, universurile paralele (o infinitate de infinități) și în fiecare moment conștiința noastră individuală sau colectivă crează în mod inconștient altele noi, odată separate nu mai știu nimic unul de altul.

11:47 Vede-n capăt începutul...