1:52 A diesel engine is idling in the parking lot.
It is an ambulance. I think it stopped the engine. They were two yesterday @4 PM and a fire engine.
2:04 Cineva a observat că în ultimul timp capul lui Iohannis începe să semene din ce în ce mai mult cu un cap de mort de pe o insignia nazistă (chiar mă gândesc, poate chiar el a fost modelul) iar cel al lui Ciolacu cu un bostan care mănâncă alt bostan? (Da am citit cațavencii și m-am enervat ce plictisitori au devenit ei mai recent).
8:40 Got awakened by the guy upstairs. Went to open the blinds exactly when two girls were slowly passing through the yard. Haven't seen those in months and i believe they don't live in any of the buildings around. And why do they walk through the yard in their way to school?
Last night somebody dried laundry that was not thoroughly washed. The whole place, including inside was stinking like dirty laundry. It's better now after the ozone generator worked all night at half setting.