3:22 I said it many times, Don Henley is my favorite voice in all rock music. However, i did not follow how his face evolved with age lately. Could it be he in this grainy picture i took at Spirit Mountain? With yet another guy from Eagles at drums?
No it can't be cause i saw him yesterday too and in the end he was packing by himself all the gear and stuff. And when i got closer he sang Wooly Bully.
However can listen to his song which is way better than Mariah Carey of which i had enough. BTW also can't believe Howards Stern uses the word Christmas.
4:12 I hesitated to do this for a long time because i like the way he sings. But tonight i realized he was the last guy at AVX i spoke before i quit. And he mad that jesture like scanning me with a tricored from Star Trek in front of the machine 51.
What an inconvenience for him. To come at work every day for one full year. Acting like an engineer, Native American, giving me the most impossible jobs.
I heard stories about Don Henley like being a real jerk in real life. A true bully.
4:33 I think i figured wat the other guy was trying to sugest when he said they had 87 more songs to sing for the night. In 86 I met a guy who really looked at him when i got hired at IMU, he was the boss of my boss and also was cursing all the time. Chief Engineer over Design Department. But some told me his name was Samachiș and some say in his ID it was written Sămăchiș.
In Romanian it has several different interpretations. Sama is of course the Sanskrit root with the same meanings (a whole list of them beginning with to realize (not in dictionary) and match. But written in syllables, especially the second spell, in Romanian could mean a physiological act. Let me pee.
He didn't do me wrong back then except he was cursing all the time and i was terrified of having conversations with him. I remember one time he pushed me to take a plane in a business trip to Bucharest hence my first plane ride. (Yes the old Russian AN24, there was a daily or twice daily one hour trip from Bacău). The worse was until the attendant served us some brandy.
Henley's name is also about a physiological act. Hen Lay.
Nothing Sci Fi so far. But wait and see.
Within the last few days people upstairs started again to flush the toilet when i was about to finish there. Even right now when i'm writing they keep squeaking incessantly on top of me.
Don Henley's composed voice (he's an opera singer in his other life, he can compose all kinda voices) is the voice of a man who strains. Like Katy Perry in Fireworks. Boom boom boom even brighter than the moon moon moon.
However in Hungary he is known mostly for folk songs (the so called "romances" in Romanian and other languages, a genre also derived from classical) like many other Hungarian opera singers. Cause they have to justify a living there where they spend time with their family. However Don's Hungarian counterpart is now "dead". Like many others. And yes, who knows if they chose to do that.
Both guys in the picture overdid at the end it with cables and gear. For half hour, every time i was looking at them they were bent (as much to 90 degrees, like in masonic square as possible).
When i went to the restroom before driving back home, a guy bent right in front of me (facing of course the other way) to look under the doors. Then he said something about those doors are being locked. Inside was smelling like diarrhea. So on the road close to McMinnville hospital. Which seeded me with a bad bad bacteria.
Ok i will stop here. Maybe people may believe i am obsessed with this bending over thing.
But they do have results. The results of all these unconscious sympathetic influences is intestinal blockage. Woke up this morning with intestinal pain and chills. Ascending colon.
Good thing i had some doxycycline left over since i believed was bad for the heart (and replaced it with Amoxicillin which basically is a form of penicillin). It his bad for the heart but i had first symptoms after 2 or 3 days. So two of those won't kill me, i guess.
But i don't know if i'm out of the woods yet. Pain subsided but the chills are now stronger. But of course they could be from my salivary glands infection with same bacteria from last night which did not subsided completely even after about 200 pills of Amoxicillin which now i'm out of.
You may believe me or believe i am crazy i don't care about my reputation like Joan Jet. But at least i said it so you can't say you didn't hear about it.
Thinking. If this hypothesis is true, how many people or better said generations "Don Henley" screwed with his sweet voice laced with Ancient Egyptian witch_craft?