Thursday, March 27, 2025

5:10 PM They came with the inspection @11 AM. It lasted about one minute. Then they moved forward, and then probably to the other apartments.

I only had 2 hours of sleep since last night. I was all perspired from cleaning and organizing so i took a shower and went to bed and slept till 2 PM when somebody knocked at the door. I heard a feminine voice that resembled of one of the persons who did the inspection. Being sleepy and stuff i thought they came back for something so i opened the door.

At the base of the stairs that was this black pants raised butt. Then i stuck my head through the door, being in underwear and he turned around (i assume there was one more person i could not see around the corner he was talking to) and gave me a big smile and said hi.

He had a badge but he did not say anything else and i figured he is one of those persons who come around knocking at peoples' doors for whatever (have not seen one in years thought) so i shut the door. If someone was filming, it would have looked like they came for the inspection and i did not let them in.

When Angela came i remembered and started to fret thinking it was them again with an unknown person from the office so i sent them an email and they said it was not them, for a second time.

While cleaning i found a clamp with screw, the kind the used years ago on radiator hoses, of a diameter fit for the leaking spring clamp. Not sure it it's still leaking after i fiddled around with it, but i know it's pretty loose (It turns around when pushed with the long pliers)

Don't know why they gave up using those clamps and put instead spring clamps. The problem with the spring clamps is if the rubber hose after a number of years and miles shrinks and the clamp looses its elasticity, you guessed, the clamp is not clamping anymore. Also. They cannot be replaced without taking the hose from the pipe which means you have to drain all fluid.

When Angela came i went to look. There is a drop of liquid there but today it was raining so i can't be sure.

Yesterday i was able to reach that hose from under through a hole in the engine under panel (another newer come up, needed for aerodynamic purposes which translates in fuel efficiency) and tried to push it up a little in a different position where the rubber is not squeezed, but could not, the hose is pretty stuck on the pipe. Now thinking i could put a screw clamp from under through that hole which does not need disassembling of the pipe-hose joint and draining coolant. Narrowly but possible.

Angela keeps telling me to go to a mechanic. Besides using a trick like for themselves and friends, they will tell me they have to remove the panel under, for better reach, drain the coolant, and probably replace the whole hose with two clamps which will amount to hundreds in work hours.

There are about 20 spring clamps like that on the car (and not screw clamps) on that car, including on the big radiator hoses. The one at the other end of the hose seems ok. Then why in the world that one went loose? In the hottest day in year (i got a reading of 75 on the dashboard) when i went for a long trip, by invitation?

Other than that. I cannot get close to the car to look better. First, it was cars parked in the alley for more than ten minutes to pick children from the day care. Then, other things i cannot remember. Then it started to drizzle, like yesterday. People constantly watching me every time i go outside.

6:10 I am aching to go outside and do a few things. Wet the wood dust under the door to keep the cats away. Try to put that clamp. Unsupervised children (of which some are Asian grown ups posing as children) were hanging in the alley, then passing by my car, coming to sit at the TV box in front of my large windows. Temperature outside is 47 and it stinks like dogs...t.

6:16 Went to wet the redwood dust. One of them (the grownup) raised her hand like waving at me.

6:22 I thought they left. Opened the door to go at the car and they started to come towards me.

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

1:37 PM Got to finish organizing the apartment for tomorrow's annual inspection so i would be brief. No philosphical thoughts i noted in memory during my walk. Ok, maybe a phrase.

Ninja can never get caught. All the events they get into with our (unconscious) participation are designed by them. There is always someone else to point at (the designated driver). They often use third parties for this, the only time they get involved are through apparitions being part of other causal chain of events (like the guy with the mower that symbolical cut my way when i was passing by the apartments next to park). What to say to him? Why is he there?

More to be said, if i remember, above that paragraph.

The only important thing i have to write down until this hour today.

I went again for the second day this week, for my 3 miles walk. Haven't been since last summer (with a few exceptions). Everything got better day after day after i got rid of the cat poops under the door, i am almost in my old shape. However two walks one after another, not being completely recovered, got me tired.

So when i got in the park, after about 2 miles, i was looking for a bench to crash onto. At the river there was a loud power washer on the other side. At the next at the other river view with the rail there was a guy sitting on one of the two benches, twisted towards the trail, watching me.

At the rail, a woman with a body i can remember during my sleep. She had her hair caught in some sort of crab like thing (not enough to build braided tails i guess), it was just a stub, facing the spring swollen river.

At that bridge i wanted to take another picture with the fallen tree but they were too many people too close around. At the bench with the view over the pond a guy with a gray beard with a women at least 20 years younger was pointing his camera at imaginary birds on top of the long firs. So i passed that one too and crashed on the one nearest to the bridge towards the parking lot (with its vast, reasonably clean restroom). (Also got a back pain from digging under the deck, but once i'm standing i'm ok i guess).

After about 5 minutes, there she was. The one standing at the riverview. Face without makeup or a smile, kinda average, with lips kinda swollen a little bit. Walking a bit stiff (her real age is 46, 2 kids, lack of workout), dressed in tight pants (similar to those in the video during interview) and shirt, well contouring her undeniable assets, when she passed she looked the other way so i won't recognize her face right away. Stood their another 10 minutes until i realized.

At the street near the kindergarten, there was this car with LPN QED with a short chubby blond woman short hair with blushed face with an almost sardonic, accomplice, approving smile.

Got back home, checked the lawn on the other side of the building (facing the mailboxes) and found 5-7 piles, the reason i was feeling chocked and needed "some air" this morning.

Now i'm gonna start organizing and get drunk in the same time.

BTW the woman who did the interview dressed in black and white stripes was a constant presence here, out of E4 apartment, oftenly described by me here like a woman with an enormous butt dressed in black spandex circling the building with her dog.

5:30 Since Angela came at 3:30 a number of weird things happened. But first i have to tell that after i got rid of other smell, i smell now coolant (ethylene glycol). I believe it's Xenu's curse.

The smell comes from the car.

Angela when she came she grabbed the pliers i just ordered from the locker for me. However when she arrived the new boyfriend from upstairs came with his cage rigged pickup. I went outside and i grabbed the hose clamp with the pliers and went under the car trying to push the hose up, but it's stuck on that pipe.

I realized that in time the clamp created a groove on the hose and now it was out of position. Not being exactly on the groove does not insure the same pressure anymore. I could loosen the clamp with the pliers and moved it higher or in the old groove position. When i loosned it a few drops of coolant fell on the panel below. I noticed the other clamps on similar hoses are about 5 mm from the end of the hose.

In that moment a huge ambulance noise started at the street, some half miles away. Children here were yelling. I went inside to get some water to rinse the whole thing. The woman from upstairs came home early (she usually comes at 9) and started to climb the stairs with much difficulty, like mocking my back pain.

Went outside, thought i brought the clamp back in the groove, poured a gallon of water. Went for a test drive. The car only did the thing when i was going 70 on a flat area and tried to accelerate to shift back in the 5th, which never happened. Shifted manually and it took like 3 seconds to engage.

Came home, and about 10 minutes later i was curious to see what happened. The clamp was still out of the groove position. There was a drop of liquid at the joint. A freak wind followed by a spring rain started. I went for a smoke. Some very small people (from Yukatan peninsula maybe) came and stopped nearby, dragged by their dogs.

The clamp is now in an unreachable position with my long 16 inch pliers. I came inside, trying to figure a hook to raise the clamp again.

I figured that when coolant was leaking from that joint, especially after a trip, with engine off, air was going back in and was impairing a bit cooling of the engine that was just a bit out of parameters, lacking power at high speed, low RPM, and that is confusing the tranny.

Now i got chills because of that freak rain (God's will). 5:50 Upstairs they started. 
6:05 Ok i went and grabbed that clamp and moved it a few mm higher. It looks like is too weak, in that position moves around too easily. There is a similar one at the other end of the hose and that one looks ok.

A guy was on the stairs talking to a local resident. A shorter version of the veteran showed with his wife. Another guy at a car right in front of me. Ambulance sirens making huge noises. Outside it smells again like dog s...t.

9:30 I was drinking beer and brandy until i crashed. Awakened about an hour ago. Angela started to finish the cleanup, kept yelling at me. Went to take the recyclables. Outside there is the crazy smoke. The kind that makes us both yell.

I had some thoughts about Alexa Crush. I once met a girl with that kinda lips. I had a room in Iași (Romania), it was her and her mother. Dark skin, nice body.  Shy or instructed by her mother, she would not talk to me. Never been alone with her, her mother was very protective.

Can't remember the color of her eyes, could have been green. It was the year September 76/June 77 (or the year before, i remember perfectly where i've been 77/78), Janka was born in Hungary in June 78, or one year later.

10:18 During those days there was another Hungarian director in charge in Iași.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

2:20 AM They started upstairs because i started to look for someone.

4:25 They took away the SW dumpster due to construction. However people still bring bags with s...t (and don't knot them) and they smell all the way to here.

4:40 A crazy idea just came to me. What if Janka Solecki (Alexa Crush) is Viktor Orban's secret daughter?

11:40 Upstairs more sporadic noises (just to prove it's possible?). Sporadic but repeating after a number of something. She just took off when i started writing. Garbage smoke coming from outside.

11:50 Și unde crapă...

11:55 Din punct de vedere semantic, 40 este considerat un număr mare, echivalent cu infinitul. Au trecut granița ilegal în SUA 40 de români într-un an și asta reprezintă un număr care merită o știre cu titlu așa de imens.

12:25 În programul Visa Waiver ar trebui să existe reciprocitate... Nu e vorba de România, e vorba de  UE. Marco Rubio. Marcel Ciolacu. Nici o speranță de la ăștia de pe lista mea de asemănări.

10:00 PM Got a 24 hours notice of entry for annual inspection. It is usually done within the month of March.

Monday, March 24, 2025

6:50 PM A very loud exhaust started exactly when i was thinking to post something.

Just came back from outside after i took this picture at the car. It appears a hose that is accessible from under the car has been pulled down a little. Judging by the amount of crystalized ethylene glycol on that joint that BTW yesterday was almost none, it is recent.

  Angela got an invitation with a free room from 7 feathers casino, in southern Oregon. I did not see any reason i should not go. It is the only casino hotel i haven't been to and probably the best. The new 200 room hotel has been finished in 2023 and by the looks of the room it has been build with steel beams, central AC which is stil new (the reason it doesn't stink now).

Very similar to Pappermill in Reno which was build in the 70s. There is a pool also probably new, next to it.

Last Thursday when i drove to Spirit Mountain i noticed a hesitation at the car, the kind that prompted me to replace the trans fluid, or add some more, several times in the past. So Saturday before i left i added 200 ml transmission fluid, thinking i have an invisible leak somewhere. However after about 10-20 miles or after the car heated up a little, i got the same problem, only when downshifting from 6 to 5.

Yesterday after much preparation (i  have much stuff to take with me, including insulin pen, BG monitor, some food, many others things) we left in the first day with temperatures over 65 this year.

So i stopped at the next rest area and i drained like 300 ml of fluid thinking i could be over the limit after the weather heated up because i might had added too much last fall. In that rest area there was a guy with a pickup with cones driving around, probably a fixture of the place.

It was smelling like dog poop no matter where the wind was blowing from. In the vast restrooms they were room marked "Companions" (never noticed that before). When i backed up to look at the spill under the car (brown ice cream) a guy with a a semi almost hit me from behind though i was on the parking spots.

Three big tall well built Latinos (not Mexicans) started to walk in the same time with me and entered when i went to wash my hands. One more tall white guy with glasses following them.

However draining that didn't make any difference either. I noticed it has a bit of burnt smell, but still clear red-pink (not brown).

´(8:10 so they bought in the heavy artillery upstairs, after they realized i got many things to say).

Normally i should have returned, i only had driven 50 miles of the 190. However i did not. I was thinking at the three open black bags i saw in the mailbox dumpster when i took my garbage when i left. Angela waited so much for this little "spring break" vacation after weeks of working overtime.

I was thinking to monitor the problem to see it gets worse. It was only doing it after climbing a hill or something.

At Rice Hill some guy was driving with a trailer behind with a hanging piece of wood which was about to fall. All the other drivers where ignoring it.

At the gas station next to casino long lines as usually, guys where maneuvering like trying to create crashes, my gas door was stuck. Got out of the line, almost forgot to cancel my transaction, the little latch was stuck, i thought i fixed, came back, was stuck again, finally got my gas, avoided other crashes trying to get out of there.

In the parking lot, a Tesla truck painted with flames all over.

Got in line at the reception, Angela went inside, a crazy guy behind cursing at his kids, saying something about a cooler.

I popped the hood to check to see if the radiator fan is working. Man this car has so many sensors it can tell if a and which light bulb is gone, however now was not showing anything. Fan was working but then i saw the leak. In an area i didn't know i had coolant circuits. There is a heat exchanger (transmission cooler) that is fed with coolant from the radiator.

Ok so Angela did the room, went back in the lot, let it cool until the main hose was soft, the reservoir was empty, i added a bit but not too much like a cup in the radiator too. I said, ok, that ought to do it.

Then we went into the room. The guy with the kids was pushing a cooler the size of a coffin in and out of the elevator and kept cursing at his kids.

Inside the room i poured me a couple of glasses of half wine and half brandy and then i crashed. I recon now also because of the coolant i have been breathing all the way there. (Yes drivers breath more because of the effort). However i went in the casino and stay another hour until i crashed so badly i had to ask Angela to walk me back in the room where i slept 4 hours.

I awoke around 1 AM and ate a Hormel Chili with Big Beef Chunks no beans. Man that stuff is so hot, after i spilled some on the table, i picked with with a napkin and my hands were burning for hours after that.

I heard kids running back and forth on the corridor in the empty hotel. Awoken by the chili, decided to go look for Angela. When i got out of the elevator too kids dressed in long black dress like t-shirts scared me really badly. Nobody else just a woman at the desk.

(8:35 A series of fast stumps upstairs, objects being dropped).

10:08 Ok so their efforts upstairs really cut all the energy i had left and put me out for about one hour and a half. I will try to restart this.

Got inside the casino and played poker and smoked a cigarette or two. Never saw a poker machine so greedy. It ate my 20 in about half  hour. At that our the casino was most empty but i remember three rather big Asians passing when i got out of the non-smoking area and smoke next to a woman, like trying to protect her.

The casino closed around 3 and we went back in the room. Tried to figure the TVs remote while Angela fell asleep. Then i started to think. About the magic people. The magic they did to me that night. The bending backwards always work on me. I started to have breathing problems. Shortness of breath, chest discomfort.

The i remember the other gesture they did on me for years. Could that had contributed to my diabetes. A gesture with two fingers like spreading salt. One would open the window of the car, usually around an intersection, at low speed, or even stopped and start to do just this.

It took me 4 hours to "talk myself out" of those influences and be able to breath normally/

Around 7 Angela awoke and told her about all the coincidences. What i recently wrote on blog. The coolant leak. The flaming Tesla. The guy with the cooler, The Rice Hill, the left headlight that blew in the lot and the deer coming from the left ten minutes after we left. The power outage.

I took some coconut oil (was still tormented by that chili) and in about an hour i fell asleep and slept till 10:30. Angela slept more too and then at 10:30 the maid knocked at the door.

In an empty hotel, she had to knock at the door to clean the room though we had the room till 11. They always did that. I had half  hour to check my blood sugar, put an antibiotic patch on my painful lumbar area, do an insulin, etc.. We left at 11:00 with the maid at the door. At least we could have give her the key cards. Angela went back in the casino, she said she waned some breakfast, a coffee, however she started to play.

I took the car and drove a couple of exits back and forth, a couple of times. Worked fine. Then i parked it and went to search for Angela. Went towards the casino, but realized i forgot something, went back, a woman with a few months baby crossed my path twice. When i entered i noticed a blond body builder dressed in camouflage trying to look like a local redneck was coming out.

I noticed there was construction going on at the front door. Found her, she gave me a twenty. Everywhere i go women from security looking like politicians, like older congresswomen and stuff, dressed as security, were watching me.

I went to a poker machine, a woman came and stood like 3 feet behind me whom i didn't see. She had a stroller with a tiny dog, like a baby, and she was rocking that stroller (figuring St Dominic mother, maybe). The poker machine was more merciful than one last night. I stayed there at leas half hour spending only 10 bucks. I think she rocked that stroller all that time right behind me.

I had a terrible hangover. Went to the car to grab some herbal teabags (found one with ginger-lemon) and poured some hot water in a cup inside.

Finally left. Stopped at the Burger King next to the casino and bought a couple of junior whoppers (they had a deal) and some fries with 7 bucks in total.

The car started to do the same as yesterday, i thought i might have air in the system, stopped at a rest area, they were three guys next to a white truck with a corporation name on, 6 Robbles. Left it to cool, i bent to check the radiator, some old guy further away gave me the bend back. But this time it did  not really worked.

On  the freeway, the same older Asian guy with LPN ROOOSKY kept getting visible in front of me, like many times before in that area. Many other companions. Then i remembered i had a little scanner in the car capable of displaying live data from sensors. Hooked that one to the OBDII plug and asked Angela to read the data.

The scanner reads data from the computer, it acts as a mere terminal, while the computer measures the sensors. I was telling Angela. How long should we wait until we can see that data on car's entertainement display? Why won't they do it? And Angela said. Because they want you to go to their dealers for the easiest repair.

Probably the same reason they don't have transmission deep sticks anymore.

I told Angela that if the car stopped doing that by Roseburg, we will got to Coos bay, Three rivers and Lincoln City as planned. But then breathing all that stuff. So i just took back I5 home. 150 miles to go from Roseburg.

Transmission temperature was under 120 at all times, so no problems there (it can go up to 180). But then the engine. Coolant temperature was a bit high, like between 188 to 221 switching fast. I figured it could be air bubbles in the system so i stopped one more time and tried to let it cool, so it would eventually burp that air. But it could also be the thermostat. But then what, the thermostat started the leak?

No luck in there either. I popped the hood, did the trick with the AC and started the fan. A green pickup full with all kind of bags in the bed. An older woman checking a little girl in the back door area, right next to me. So i left.

It looked a bit better, at times it was not hesitating at all, when it did it was not that bad.

Finally got home. Cannot possibly remember everything that happened, but they were weird LPN and brands around me all the time. Obviously people with nothing better to do this Sunday afternoon but accompany me.

At home. Latinos and kids in the alley. Some fixing a car. Kids yelling. One kid yelling yeyyyy when i pulled the cooler bag from the trunk. Found a poop not far from the door. One in the dumpster, but out of the black bag. So i grabbed the bag, turned it inside out and gathered that, knotted it.

I looked for a thermostat, found an OEM one on eBay, with 25 bucks. Got to take the the alternator out and drain the fluid first. Alternator is easy. For removing the coolant, i saw there are videos. Thermostat itself is with rubber seal, no scrapping needed. But i will wait to fix the leak first. Have you ever seen a 16 inches pliers? Or will i have to have the radiator removed for one few cents hose clamp?

I was so stiff with a back pain, i decided to go for a walk. Went by the hospital, when i got at Borland, two guys (Asians) were walking on the other side and a car, just like people at casino, got in between (the synchronization, on an empty street) with a LPN NEN (No men). Never seen Asians before in that white "neighborhood" where only extras from Hungary live.

Then i remember how many i saw around me, including Saturday. NEM (No Men), which also means no in Hungarian. NEW (New Men) It may not mean nothing to many, it gets to me all the time. Like i was out hunting (for men).

On the radio, now is singing Adele, getting really emotional, like maybe i am getting to hard on someone by writing this.

I was telling Angela earlier today. The S10 leaked exhaust since it was brand new and no mechanic wanted to tackle it, until i figured it myself, a few years ago. Sentra had a  hole in a hose of the heater core obviously done with a screwdriver, and i fed it with coolant for at least a year until Angela started to have blue stains under her eyes like i had myself yesterday (during those days adding coolant or oil to a car seemed the thing to do). S10 had a cracked radiator. So the first Ford i owned, the 83 Fairmont.

As for Tesla. He got the good news from China while i was breathing coolant. He is about to launch the full self driving thing.

The Ponzi Scheme went back up 12% (how can a company, even amazing or awesome, producing 1,8 million units per year be worth i don't know, today, 872 billion in market capital and let's say Ford, with 4.4 million units sold in 2023, including some electric, have only 40 billions in market capital or shares? Or they had to cover what i just said about the real Tesla? Same goes for nVidia vs Intel.

Let me tell you one thing. I very much liked the idea of electric cars. No more on road in cabin pollution, but above all the simplicity of design and maintenance. No more oil changes, transmission services, less brakes to do. No exhaust, no stink.

But think about. Tesla uses electricity from the grid which is made mostly with coal which produces more CO2 than gasoline per mile (kw). Batteries start loosing capacity (and efficiency) from the beginning.

BTW i looked at the GPS data when i put in the route back home; 30 kg of CO2 for 150 miles or something, assuming you are doing at least 40 mpg (my car today did 42 with all the problems mentioned).

Self driving will never work except maybe for an equivalent of cruise control for steering. The roads are in such a bad shape (the drifting problem with variable road inclination), the lane lines are crocked, and at night when it rains you can't even see some most of them at all, the other drivers are so impredictible and they get more and more with time and situations are at times so complex, they will never be able to create software for all situations.

4:24 No it's not leaking in the parking lot and it was raining the last few days anyways. At 7 feathers they brought an old SUV that was leaking next to our car.

Saturday, March 22, 2025

2:00 PM A few days ago i tried to buy some materials to make some real dentures for myself, the same materials denturists use. On Amazon, i was required a business license so i searched and found a site called TDSC. There was a box for the license number (doctor, denturist) but was marked optional.

So i completed the order, got a confirmation, my card was charged.

A few hours later i got an email from them saying to send them a picture of my license or the order will be canceled. I do not have a license so i passed again however at the bank the amount is still pending thought there's been more than 24 hours.

Today i tried to reproduce the ordering process to get a screenshot however there is no more license or license number required, optional or otherwise.

I use Lantus insulin pens because this is what my insurance covers. I read some very bad reviews on forums and some were complaining that you have to push really hard on the end button to inject the insulin after you dial the amount (units) which i can confirm.

For those unfamiliar with, the pens look very similar to syringes and a a screw and a dial button at the end. By dialing the amount, when you push the button the screw turns and pushes the piston.

One of the consequences is by using force, you move the pen around and get bruised and pain after.

Another is sometimes the screw inside gets stuck and then you have to release it and press it again. In that short amount of time the pressure in the cylinder which is similar to a syringe drops to ambient and there is the possibility of backflow of insulin from the bubble in the fat, possibly containing your own biological material, blood and if you have an infection, bacteria.

If bacteria gets in the insulin, it will be neutralized by the phenols and other stuff in there used as preservatives, but probably not all, the most virulent ones being selected and then reinjected at first opportunity.

Started a new one before the episode with finding the door open. I was reluctant to try and do one more shot after. However i did it but only10 units.

Within minutes i started to feel the usual heat and shortness of breath, heat was more intense then usual, in the next hours i started to feel pain starting with surrounding lymph nodes and in the sensitive areas (that have been exposed to microwave). At some point the pain became unbearable and went to lay in bed and then i had this idea an took some antibiotics. As of right now, i do have some chills.

So i assume that pen was contaminated (with something).

3:35 A while ago i bought some soft slippers that are made of some rubber foam and are almost one inch thick in the middle. Today i found a one inch piece of black wire about 1 mm diameter stuck in the middle of the sole, perpendicular on it, protruding towards the sole of my feet however i saw it first and did not get hurt with that one.

However the sole of my left leg, my left hip and hand hurt, and it all started with that insulin shot in my left upper thigh.

I believe all these things are the consequences of finding the door open.

Now just got an thank you email from TDSC for my order. I asked them again to cancel it.

Friday, March 21, 2025

1:15 AM After i went outside to deal with that bucket that BTW was brittle and it broke when accidentally i dropped it right near the dumpster (went later with a broom and dustpan and picked up whatever spilled on the concrete in front of it) and a smell of pickled plant roots came out of it, i came back and after being outside for 5 minutes, i realized inside was smelling the same way. We started the ozone and left for Spirit Mountain.

Needless to say, numerous things happened on the road, with bullies and symbolic LPN, all related to what i just posted.

Many bullies starting with the parking lot there, including blinding lights etc..

I remember last thing i've done when i left was of course searching for my keys. And here comes the interesting part. This door does not closes without the keys. For some reason the door latch never gets inside its place and if i don't turn the key, the door stays open. Then i went in the back and checked the two plastic bottles attached to the door and hanging by a coat hanger. Those bottles turn every time i close the door into a different position so when i come back i know if somebody was inside.

However. When we got back home the bottles where off (not too much) from the initial position and the door was half inch open as if i did not turn that key.

I remember i went on the patio and looked through the glass door/window and it took a while until those bottles stopped moving, as if they were not all the way up (or door closed) but so they did last time. So i don't know what to say.

It matches what i posted last, about Maxwell's demon opening and closing the door and letting fast molecules move one way and slow ones the other.

When i went at the PC i saw a message in myLegacy. He prescribed me the insulin and ordered an A1C test, a metabolic panel and a urine test for kidney damage which got me worried since he did not do it when i first saw him or ever.

Luckily i had some test strips at home. The only thing that came abnormal (positive) is the glucose level. Dark brown.

I strongly believe it's got something to do with that smell that created nose congestion while i was sleeping through the morning and made me breath less (oxygen to metabolize the sugar).

Talking about brittle. After using the dentures i made for almost two weeks (and bragging about in an email) today when i was about to leave i wrapped them in a paper towel to take them with me. However, while wrapping it, they broke. Not when i ate with them earlier and i ate lots of very tough tortillas and corn flakes these day.

But they did not break into one place. They kept breaking as i tried ti check the elasticity like they depolymerized or something. Got one more pair, but again the stink really bad. I tried to boil them, good thing the color changed to more light, they were kinda dark anyways, but they still stink. I put them in a jar with rubbing alcohol at the bottom to see what happens.

I was telling Angela. Materials cost about 3 dollars for one piece. However the problem is they kept releasing chemicals (until they break?).

Looking for alternatives.

5:45 Was telling Angela two days ago i was feeling some yeast like smell coming from outside, depending on wind's direction and that was the bucket i found. Right now there is also some unidentified smell that chokes me but i'm too tired to go check.

Ok just figured what it is. I spent some room in the smoking area at Spirit Mountain (why does it have to be so much smoke in there) and now my clothes and hair (little that i have) smell like it and i'm too tired to go take a shower. Maybe i could fall asleep like this and do it tomorrow...

11:50 Slept 7 to 11  and one more hour before that (in two pieces, at the computer). My hands and face are irritated, probably from the dust falling from the paint loaded with SO2 from ceiling due to vibration at construction site, walking upstairs.

12:40 There was a bit of a smell of (American) stove like when you first start the burner and there is a bit of oil on it mixed with smell from ceiling (space between ceiling and floor upstairs) or walls (due to machines at the construction site) and irritating hot pepper burnt in oil etc., got my nose congested and breath hard through the nose cause my mouse is clenched with disgust from what i see in the news, pains from irritating dust from ceiling and redwood dust outside.

I opened the door to smell outside and i looked towards the pyramid on the construction site and what i first saw was a ninja guy dressed in neon vest that was bending butt up all the way to the ground, like in this yoga pose. In that same instant an ambulance started to wane. I know when i see this i get, hours later, all kinda intestinal blockages, abdominal pains, shortness of breath, chest discomfort etc.. 

12:55 Made some herbal tea, went to kitchen area to grab that, a very loud exhaust started when i took a sip.

3:00 I believe in this (prophetic) song they used the Arabic term Bismillah because it was the only way without creating a big scandal but i think they were aiming at the merciless Dominicans/Inquisition/KKK whatever who were/still are hellbent to bring in the Apocalypse or doing the work of God as the only way the second coming could happen.

3:22 It's Friday. Angela has one night free at 7 Feathers in Southern Oregon (near the border with California) Sunday night so i have to sleep these days to be able to drive the 200 miles so i took a Zyrtec but that usually works (making me very sleepy about 24 hours from now). However after eating something right now (Michelina) i feel sleepy already and wanted to go to bed (Angela is coming in about 5 minutes from her 10 hour work day) and instead he came back upstairs for the weekend and started.

8:13 Today i noticed an extra amount of smell from the space between ceiling and floor upstairs coming from the area where i have a filter that blows towards ceiling. I stopped the filter, and then i fell asleep. I woke about an hour ago and he upstairs is marching on his floor like crazy and that smell intensified though the filter was stopped.

So i remembered i recently fixed some hair size holes in the ceiling in that area (not like wormholes i just wrote about). And i checked and i found at least one which i plugged with a tiny amount of gypsum. I know from experience that if there is one there are more, wait for him to see in what areas he keeps walking.

This is the first consequence of finding the door open yesterday. Trouble is the insulin pens i have in the fridge have a self healing rubber at one end that gets pierced every time i do a shot.

9:25 Went to smoke. The door at the balcony upstairs is semi-open, possibly to collect any trace o smoke (victimizing). Possible other doors open at other apartments, is hard to figure because the screens slide too. I was 30 ft away from any building. During the last couple of weekends he was smoking upstairs inside.

I was thinking what this obvious abbreviation could possible stand for and came up with an idea. Came back inside and checked with google translate.

9:50 In Romania we have a saying. Cuckoo calls its own name (Cucu-și cântă numele).

10:00 Found another hole, nail size, on top of where i got the computer.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

12:25 I got these tiny speakers on a HDMI monitor they got maybe 0.5 watts each i can barely hear myself and after doing i don't know lots of matches today (techincally yesterday) i was in the mood to get a drink and listen to my favorite music. However, every time i start a video, she starts upstairs, though is half post midnight and it is impossible for her to hear my speakers.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

2:50 AM I felt it several times. The new guy upstairs (her boyfriend) is smoking i think inside.

4:55 Just went outside to check. In the last couple of days there are only one open management provided black bag at the mailboxes dumpster and one green at the SW (construction site). As Angela was getting ready to leave, i went outside, knotted the black bag and went for a walk all the way to the street and back.

I have become like dogs, sniffing around. I know what bush has one. Found one not far away, but did not have a bag. When i got back i checked under the door and i thought i saw a small barely visible pile. I checked and they were pieces under, but small, moldy and not so smelly. Not sure if i picked them all.

Could have been the reason for my high BP tonight, yesterday with puffy tight face and ankles and hands, meaning early stages of kidney failure. Which means the wood dust started to dry and the cat came back.

But earlier today. The black cat with white paws that sleeps under that patio i believe is "responsible" came at my patio, begging for food while i was cooking. Never done that before. This could mean somebody was regularly feeding the cat and they cut the supply after i complained which also means the cat is not used to feed in the dumpsters.

Should i have fed it today all the blame would have fallen on me.

It was fed regularly with consistent amounts of cat food, by the shape and size of poops.

5:30 After being outside and coming back, i now recognize the same cat poop smell, resembling dirty laundry. (Yes i have one load of whites and one load of blacks several days old). I put water with vinegar under the door where the poop was and i started the ozone. Upstairs somebody is restless, starting at 5. Somebody went down the stairs, probably leaving on foot.

9:15 It's all scheduled. He wakes at 5 and leaves after 5:30. Then she at 8 and leaves at 9. Then the machines at the construction site start.

This morning something weird happened as it was happening with previous occupants. I heard the noise upstairs at the door as she was about to leave. I usually hear the 200 pounds woman going down the stairs, which are kinda light (metal rails, concrete rungs, wood decks and pillars).

There is no way a 200 pounds person would not shake the building when stepping on those rungs. However, i did not hear anything, i wanted to take a look through the window when she leaves. I did not hear the car door being slammed or engine starting. But when i looked through the window, the car was gone and ever since upstairs it's silent.

The reason i wanted to look is today i had this crazy idea that it might be her who leaves the poops under my door, from her cat or cats, cause i never saw the black cat with white paws on this side of the building.

I believed that after i wetted and now added vinegar on the dust under door, it was all over. However, got sick again in the last couple of days, cause there was one very well camouflaged under a half inch tall  one square ft bulge of dust. Why it's only me affected? Maybe because Angela spends about half day (11 hours these days) at work while i'm here all the time. Some of the stuff like T.Gondii affects men in different ways than women, etc..

8:10 PM I was getting ready to go to the Amazon locker near office to pick a couple of items for my dentures adventures. An 72 W UV curing light, UV curing gel.

A very heavy helicopter from Aurora slowly passed south. But it turned around and then again headed south. Vibration was more like from a heavy train passing by.

8:16 Now it turned around again and was briefly above. It looks like it's circling. Can't see it on FlightAware (does that men its transponder is off?) Not showing on WebTrack either.

 9:10 Went outside (again) to check the SW bin. Saw a turboprop flying very low again going south. Went and looked, could have been this guy. While i'm writing, i hear more of its noise (but not like the first from that heavy helicopter).

(Later entry. I know who did this. These are the same guys who did a similar pattern one day when i went to pick berries in  Hillsboro. August 9, a plane (self piloting or drone maybe) doing a survery was flying back and forth above that farm. When i got home, i checked with WebTrack and saw a pattern similar to a plane flying towards west (Japan maybe?).

There is a hospital bed  too cause i was feeling so sick in that day (like most of the time. It was days before the 70 anniversary of King Michael's coup, that changed the outcome of WWII. On August 20/21 2021 i got hit from behind on I5 by a Ford Pickup. Balevic is most likely a variation of the Hungarian name Balasz.

Earlier went to pick those items from the Amazon locker. Found the usual large open black bag in the dumpster near mailboxes. Found and removed a rather large amount of some whitish stuff embedded in the dust under door, could not identify by smell. (Found a fist full of it a few days earlier under the stairs). (Later. I think i know what it was). So i won't feel much of the smell, just get the bacteria and/or parasites.

While i was walking towards the locker, i saw her car, incoming, making her evening entrance (around

9). Went to smoke, chocked by poop smell coming from construction area dumpster.

12:00 AM Just dropped a glass bowl in the toilet. It broke in many pieces. I think it was a 4 cup (1 liter). After i gathered all the pieces, i had this strange feeling i did not get them all. I am terrified by the idea i could clog the pipe and then they having to fix those.

I flipped the trash can, took a picture and weighed them.  680+ grams. I used the grabber and tried to get more but could not and could not hear any moving. I got it for at least 20 years at Target or Walmart or something. 

Part of it is because Angela is so bullied at work she is so tense she's like a robot at home. All she can think is the weekend. The only days when they are not bullying her is the days after i write here. Like today they let her be. But then in the day before the weekend always something memorable happens.

Like in the last weekend, the mute (whom Angela trained for months, writing on a paper instead of talking) asked somethin she had done before and Angela didn't want to show her. The other two colleagues, the burned out hyper (2 or 3 jobs) from Hawaii and the slow Native American teamed with the mute. Why does she not want to show her? It is written in the instructions, Angela said.

And then she could not stop talking about all weekend.

The engineer who is not paid hourly comes every day at 5 to keep thing working. 

Angela used to be the kindest person in the world. After decades of bullying at work, now i have to get out of her way she she walks around.

It is not normal bullying at work. These guys know precisely what they are doing. They are all kinda characters played by actors like the mute, the slow Native American, the acting supervisor who does 68 hours a week (what is the limit in Oregon) scheduled by himself when he does paperwork and checks the phone. Probably the reason he never wanted to be officially supervisor.

Bullying propagates. Just by being in contact with Angela in the evenings, i start to make all kinda mistakes like dropping that bowl in the toilet, other judgment errors.

Most of it happen in the day before weekend. Like when we lived at Sussex (1996-2010), we always got on Fridays in the mail bills with all kinda mistakes ruining our weekends.

First at Sussex it was Grace Slick, to "facilitate" our presence here. When i think that i almost moved to SF back in 96. Then the "nice" period started to end (she still would not let me work on cars too much in the lot or have to closest thing (gathering) resembling to a party) then Christine McVie moved on site and then the not so nice period started.

Under Christine. First a 300 pounds witch with black cat and garlic garlands and a bottle with black stuff at the window (one day she showed with two mummy like life size dolls wrapped in bandages in her car and it was not Halloween day and then an old man in a stinking apartment downstairs with blankets on windows.

There was a stray cat as well (i was not feeding it) and who knows where was she pooping (no dogs at Sussex, but we had a neighbor with a garden at the balcony).

Carole King was with Christine and then in the end was alone with Monica, a girl from who knows what part or religion of India.

But before that. Back in Bacău, Romania. There was this guy, Sebi Sascău (his mother came to be after 89 the head of a local court) with a she dog (named Roxy) on a spring leash. His sister, who now also became a judge, around 10-14 at the time kept asking me every time she was seeing me to let her see the cat in the apartment though i told her i got rid of the cat.

I myself had a cat and at the time there was no litter dust available in Romania so i used sand in a metal box that i didn't change much.

One day when it was @ one year old the cat jumped from the balcony and i decided to take it to my in-laws end of story. Could i have bothered neighbors with the smell? It was in the living by the time i did not have any furniture in it and i was smoking and got slowly used to. How did i get it? One day i went to take the garbage to the dumpster and someone left it there.

They were two kittens and someone else took one right in front of me and i became emotional and took the other.

Sebi's sister, who also became a judge, around 10-14 at the time kept asking me every time was seeing me, years after, to let her see the cat though i told her i got rid of the cat. Last time she told me that was after 10 years since i got rid of it and she she was with another girl, weeks before i left for the US. From all the faces i saw in all these years, the one closest looking is her. Or her.

Monday, March 17, 2025

5:25 AM They got their algorithms and i am never alone. She awoke at @5 and squeaking ever since. What i wanted to say. I listened "by accident" to a recording in Hungarian at a very low volume and thought it was Romanian.

The thing is there is this special accent that you can hear only in Budapest Bucharest and i believe this is happening because they have difficulties in pronouncing certain vowels like ă or â in the same way the rest of Romanians do.

5:50 Is this a fantasy come true? (Alexa Crush with big tits cosplaying as a famous important judge and speaking perfect Romanian though like a blond, confusing words (lack of stability not lack of instability)) 

8:20 PM Never had a chance to write. Slept five hours, like 5 to 10. It was quiet for a couple of hours or until i caught with the news and wanted to write. In that moment somebody climbed upstairs and started and still do it to his hour. There is no car, lately "she" have been out for work between 9 AM and 9 PM.

He/she was in the kitchen above me where i worked about 3 hours, in the end burning the brisket (at least the cabbage part of it).

Angela bought yesterday at WinCo 6 peppers (for Zacusca) and they where 78 cents a piece and 7 inches long. They looked like they've been in a fridge somewhere for about two weeks before they put them on sale. Nice and shiny at the surface (seen from a distance) and soft inside. Boiled everything for a couple of hours, replaces one of the two eggpalnts with zuckkini, barely tastes like Zacusca. 

Sunday, March 16, 2025

1:30 I awoke with no noise today. Only when i wanted to post this, an ambulance started to lament.

When there are enough open poop bags outside at the dumpsters, i get nauseated, especially after drinking water cause without water to dilute stomach digestive acid and enzymes, that bacteria cannot thrive in my digestive system. Eating something salty makes me thirsty because salt also kills bacteria in the stomach.

Pet feces are one of the most ignored, greatest threats to human civilization. Though for humans in advanced countries there are in place sophisticated waste disposal (sewage) systems, that start in hour homes and end in treatment plants or septic tanks, pet waste disposal is left to common sense and randomness.

In the US there are 87 million pests that produce about 1/4 of the waste humans do. However, most defecate outside and about half of the people either don't pick or don't know how to pick properly. Even after being contained in bags that most times are not knotted properly, the nightmare is not over.

Waste ferments in bags for days or weeks especially in the summer before is being disposed of ending in landfills.

Imagine how life would be if about 1/4 of us would carry bags and go outside and then throw the bags in garbage bins in the park.

Dog and cat feces are much more dangerous than human because they contain symbiotic bacteria and parasites that used to help them in the wild to infect and slow down pray to make it easier to hunt. Not killing, cause they need to eat their pray fresh and have some to hunt tomorrow.

There are numerous chronic diseases that come from exposure to pet waste bacteria and parasites and i suspect diabetes and dementia are some of those.

I don't know what can or needs to be done, i'm not that smart but toilets for pets in public places or apartment complexes like this would be a good start.

But i strongly believe the reason this problem is "ignored" is many humans are addicted to the effects of parasites like T.Gondii which produce dopamine in the human intestine.

2:22 Around one PM or after i finished writing above i went to check (yes i was nauseated). First at the dumpsters next to mailboxes. There was a black bag under a big black bag but there was no poop inside. It was a trick. Behind me, on the lawn, there was this brown woman i keep bumping into in the last days.

Always looking offended (all people i see outside always look offended by my mere presence, either at the dumpsters or not, Filipina i guess with her dog, doubling down (as they do with everything i post).

She was video or speaker talking on the phone for about 5 minutes while her dog was scratching the grass big time, trying to cover the fresh poop. So i passed and went for the SW dumpsters. In there, indeed, there was a green bag on top of the lid, opened.

Shocked by what i saw (construction wise), made a note to go later to take a picture which i did.

Above was a jet at 300 ft flying south, towards Aurora, making insane sinister noises. So i checked and found out who they where.

From (mostly airplane disasters) movies i saw on youtube, i take it they could not fly at that altitude and speed unless ordered by a control tower to do so.

Came back to grab my camera, went to take that picture, the woman with the dog was still there. And then she left and i went and looked and there was a fresh one. So i went inside, could not find any bag (used a lot, the grocery produce bags from grocery shopping in the last two days) and i remembered the management provided bags at a disposal next to West dumpsters that people "don't know how to  use them".

So i went to that one, picked some bags, which are more sophisticated and confusing, with a band outside, have to figure how to use it so i just knotted it. In the alley next to a gigantic truck there was this brown guy again talking on the phone. I met with him one more time after i threw that poop, and he was moving his head in a peculiar somehow offensive way.

I went to pick the poop and an old woman from the next entrance left in a blue car with some guys from the same entrance.

I mean, i go outside, nobody on the alley for hours, and when i go out, dozens of people start moving around, mostly so obviously (to me) intentionally getting in my way making me feel embarrassed of what i do (pick open bags from dumpsters and knot them).

Some explanations for this picture showing progress at the Las Casitas park, an (un)related construction on our side of the fence. There was this guy in that isolated apartment in the corner of the complex who looked like... Though dressed in homeless closes.

There was a big black SUV usually parked behind that dumpster on the right (where the green open bag was before i took the picture) with a LPN DEU. Now there is a big grey SUV (Ford extended cabin truck) with the same LPN parked next to where i was when i took this picture with Harley Davidson badge on it. My truck is not visible because of the dumpster.

I remember the homeless looking guy had a biker friend that used to come and visit him from time to time.

Out of that building comes a guy with blue eyes which i think i saw in some pictures too to smoke at the dumpster and bump with him when i go to check, ignoring the pestilential smell.

3:27 PM Here they are. Enough freedom. Slept 5 hours (5 to 10 AM), Angela went to WinCo, wanted to take a nap, the happy birds have arrived and started what they do upstairs.

4:38 Somebody from upstairs just left as i was about to write this: They came to retaliate when i posted this, it is so obvious. But wouldn't have to if i did not meet with her at the West Dumpster. She came with a bag while i was looking for bags to know and looked so embarrassed.

Tried to but could not nap. Every time i was falling asleep they would move upstairs. Because of all the digging in the rain outside. and especially the hole next to bedroom that is now covered, it all also stinks inside like mold in here (the floor is wet under)  though i just started the ozone. It is hard to breath, got the nose congested again, my BG went highest in a week.

She came back, the building is shaking again.

Yeah i know. They let the green pipe in there over the weekend to semantically cover this one, hoping i will take the picture. Also what i wrote about water sources under every major pyramid on Earth.

7:00 Both sharing sudden bursts of energy, i call it karate rock. Jimi Hen_drix and Prince. Two Japanese posing as black rockers (a rare thing) in the US. They are many others Japanese imposters in American music, including Bruno Mars and Kanye West. Also women like Doja Cat and Sabrina Carpenter. David Muir, in the news. Probably many others.

They would not do anything unprovoked. The weekend lovers upstairs started to move big time, pomp mold from the 2 ft empty space between our ceiling and their floor as a response to my two video posted above.

10:00 I slept a couple of hours and she awoke me with dust falling from above as on the radio was playing Another one bites the dust. It sounds like they didn't get enough for today.

11:5 Found another candidate for Alexa Crush. Alexa - Solecki.

11:35 She speaks Romanian! (I'll be the judge of that). (Să vă trăiască franțuzoaica!) (mai aveți mulți judecători din ăștia?)

Something prevented me from finishing this about 7 months ago. Did not chose the right images i guess.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

 9:35 AM Got awakened after 4 hours. They are working at a pipe around the corner. Upstairs, they are working the floor though they kinda stopped after i found my recorder and started recording. Right now some smell from outside makes me sneeze uncontrollable.

12:25 Are these guys upstairs serious? Looking like normal people, having a date in this shack type of apartments we can only afford, a date that lasts all weekend or as long as i'm here and the date consists of walking all day long on a creaking floor?

Weekend is our escape but i only slept 4 hours and now i'm about to drive i don't know, 300 miles?

Also i am positive one of the reasons i don't sleep is there must be more doggy open bags around. After 4 AM this morning i knotted like 7 open bags.

Wanted to go to Olymipa Washington. On the big weather sites (weather channel, wunderground, accuweather, even MSN) temperature tonight shows to be around 40. Microsft Bing shows 10 degrees less.

Friday, March 14, 2025

4:00 PM Today again like yesterday, made a large cup of tea and then i went to check under the door. There was nothing. The smell was coming from the dumpster next to mailboxes. Again i tested the tea and was bitter like the dentures in the first day after making. Like wormwood.

They put some pieces of wood right after they emptied the duster, blocking the lids and people have put the sacks on the ground next to it. I went and when i open the lids, i almost fainted. The smell was like in a Ceaușescu era public restroom, only for dogs (or cats).

I found one big black bag, open, with one tiny piece in it. I think it was the piece i pick from under the door and threw the other day next to hydrant. Probably coming from the cat i just saw heading for the hole under the balcony of the one level one apartment building, the one with the green balloon.

Then i slept until 3 PM which is a lot. Angela came and i asked her to taste that teeth. She confirms it was bitter. Was made with a Stash mint little bag.

It was smelling again. I grabbed my grabber (the dumpster is empty, impossible to reach at the bottom). By the time i got there a small SUV stopped at the mail boxes and a Latino looking guy went to check his mail. However i ignored him and grabbed the bag from the bottom of the dumpster.

The same big black bags that showed this spring only, bigger then the others i found so far over the years. There was also a knotted green one. It was smelling but not as bad as the tiny one this morning. Maybe because the lids were taken out of the dumpsters, as they do the day after emptying.

For some reason the poop in an open bag smells much worse than if it wasn't in a bag at all, much worse than a whole dumpster full of garbage.

4:22 Ok i caught the cat with white paws going under that balcony. (Yeah i know they tore apart the blinds and threw them on the lawn a few weeks ago. The balloon is there since last summer). I go and pick garbage items all the time from around that place. I think the cat likes to poop under our deck because the wood dust is dry there and easier do dig.

Dejavu, i think i posted about that hole and a cat before but can't find where.

When the weather is nicer at least one girl comes from that apartment, seats on the tv box (left of this picture) and hits it with her heels when we cook of forget to put the blinds one when we are eating.

5:10 Her weekend boyfriend came as i was heating something to eat (beans and pork i made the other day), crushing some garlic for the sauce with a wooden pestle.

First he parked his gigantic truck on her spot next to ours, then he went and moved it somewhere else (to me that would be impossible in a Friday, afternoon, there are no visitors spots). Ever since he checks the floor upstairs for stability. He's smart (intelligent). Every time i try to record, he stops.

It still rings in my ears, his moan and her single giggle in the bedroom last week.

He's home alone, these days she comes home after 9.

I made some tea out of the same bags and it came bitter but no so bitter by far compared to the one in the morning.

5:13 It was beginner's luck when i made my first dentures, that i still wear. After that, i got relaxed, made numerous mistakes trying to make some better ones, but i learned (numerous tricks). Got to wear gloves when i make them cause some chemical is leaking in my skin.

Drinking was a (major) factors. One should not drink and denture period.

 5:55 Went and tried to smoke my first cigarette of the day. I managed to do some more pictures before that. Next to our apartments they were digging a hole. The progress of the park (when i took that picture the kids came outside and started to yell. They also dug around a building in our complex closest to the park (second picture, left).

Next to the balcony in that picture with the cat hole 4 kids came and started a pajama party. On the other side of the loan a couple of Mexicans, with a dog, watching (me and the kids next to me). 

Just filled the negative slopes of yet another model for the lower dentures. I noticed her car is here and they both concentrated in the bedroom where Angela is trying to sleep.

6:45 From first trials i came to the conclusion that if i coat the gypsum model with second skin (which is basically cellulose liqueur, similar to nail polish), the putty sticks better, the denture is smoother on the inside and the final extraction is easier.

However, it stinks and will stink for hours.

BTW after i open again the blinds they moved to squeak in the kitchen area.

6:50 I went in the kitchen area to pour me a soda (can't drink, working on dentures). 5 kids moved in the lawn, one of them (tallest, oldest with black and green hair making me wonder) was slowly licking a lolipot so i put the blinds again. So yes, i am caught between the guys upstairs and those in the lawn.

7:05 Can't start the most critical part that of molding gums and attaching teeth cause he/she is marching  upstairs while kids are chatting in the back (usually the won't do it in the same time to spare AI resources cause i misplaced the recorder that deters some of the noises. If i start without that one they will drive me nuts white trying to concentrate at doing that.

Angela could help me but she is sleeping (she is back on 10 hours a day 60 hours a week with 20 hours overtime that pay like another 30  on top of normal 40).

11:59 Closing day statement.

Our teeth is one of the greatest real assets our mother (nature) gives us. Upon birth (and then renewal around 8) we are granted a full set of teeth (32+32 teeth (ideally) that should help us through the rest of our days (to chew our food).

However. They do not come with a user's manual which partly makes sense. We cannot generally read until of before the age of teeth renewal.


Not all teeth are created equal. Not all people benefit from an ideal right nutrition and hygienic habits needed to keep their teeth for the rest of their lives.

Though i had dental insurance since my first years in the US (and saw numerous dentists before i came here using the free medical combined with bribe in Romania) my teeth were lost, one by one.

Root cannel "therapies" and veneers done by a luring smart (for himself) dentist did not work.

Sometime after year 2000 i got to know and see a dentist who did my first partials (dentures). Dr. Timothy Tanada. Japanese by birth. Christian by mane. First and best. When i went in 2004 in Romania i was wearing those dentures. (Like he knew).

However after i lost more teeth and those did not fit anymore, i went to other doctors or denturists which did not stand to the same quality. After numerous visits for adjustments, i started to adjust those myself. That was when i became familiar with the shape and functionality of dentures.

Finally lost all my teeth (extracted the last ones by choice) and got in trouble. Every time i was "chewing" i was still getting a headache. I told that to my dentist, several times, he did not say anything.

Then i remembered i once saw a video with a guy in India doing dentures on a side of the road. Can't remember of the details but i thing he was following all the known procedures which started with imprints. I saw young people in that video waiting next to him for their dentures to be done.

Then more recently after searching i saw a video with a guy in the US teaching us how to make dentures using "light curing materials". He did not mention in the video what materials he was talking about (i believe for liability reasons) and i assumed he used the so called "base" materials used to make custom impression trays.

Basically, made of uncured acrylic resins (monomers) combined with some fillers. Acrylic resins which are basically made of acrylic acid and/or derivatives and/or fillers do indeed cure (polymerize) with UV light. The man was advocating using sunlight which indeed has that kinda UV in the mix.

Then i ordered all the materials on  Amazon. With one hundred bucks i could theoretically make i don't know, more than 10 pairs. So o ordered those and after numerous mistakes, today, ten days after i started and about 20 hours of work (and learning) i got 2 functional sets of dentures and materials for many more left.

Of a much better quality tjen those from the acclaimed Shikosha lab in Portland where my last ones were made.

The main problem is the curing process. I had a toy UV "black light" in the 400 nm range that seem to work, though not penetrating more than i don't know, one mm into the the materials. The result is they are fragile until fully cured, either by environmental UV (our Sun) or by the lamp from the other side (after the model is removed) and then leaking acrylic, acrylate, methacrylate and/or other monomers in your mouth for the next few days.

At this moment i believe partials could also be done.

I posted all these with the belief a handy person who lost their teeth can get free from (depending on) insurances and expensive poor quality dentures (up top 1000 dollars a pair) made by specialized labs and clinics. The need for numerous appointments, since imprint, wax model and adjustment.

Ironically, like always they are now plaing Miley Cy_Rus "I can love me better" on Z100.