6:50 PM A very loud exhaust started exactly when i was thinking to post something.
Just came back from outside after i took this picture at the car. It appears a hose that is accessible from under the car has been pulled down a little. Judging by the amount of crystalized ethylene glycol on that joint that BTW yesterday was almost none, it is recent.

Angela got an invitation with a free room from 7 feathers casino, in southern Oregon. I did not see any reason i should not go. It is the only casino hotel i haven't been to and probably the best. The new 200 room hotel has been finished in 2023 and by the looks of the room it has been build with steel beams, central AC which is stil new (the reason it doesn't stink now).
Very similar to Pappermill in Reno which was build in the 70s. There is a pool also probably new, next to it.
Last Thursday when i drove to Spirit Mountain i noticed a hesitation at the car, the kind that prompted me to replace the trans fluid, or add some more, several times in the past. So Saturday before i left i added 200 ml transmission fluid, thinking i have an invisible leak somewhere. However after about 10-20 miles or after the car heated up a little, i got the same problem, only when downshifting from 6 to 5.
Yesterday after much preparation (i have much stuff to take with me, including insulin pen, BG monitor, some food, many others things) we left in the first day with temperatures over 65 this year.
So i stopped at the next rest area and i drained like 300 ml of fluid thinking i could be over the limit after the weather heated up because i might had added too much last fall. In that rest area there was a guy with a pickup with cones driving around, probably a fixture of the place.
It was smelling like dog poop no matter where the wind was blowing from. In the vast restrooms they were room marked "Companions" (never noticed that before). When i backed up to look at the spill under the car (brown ice cream) a guy with a a semi almost hit me from behind though i was on the parking spots.
Three big tall well built Latinos (not Mexicans) started to walk in the same time with me and entered when i went to wash my hands. One more tall white guy with glasses following them.
However draining that didn't make any difference either. I noticed it has a bit of burnt smell, but still clear red-pink (not brown).
´(8:10 so they bought in the heavy artillery upstairs, after they realized i got many things to say).
Normally i should have returned, i only had driven 50 miles of the 190. However i did not. I was thinking at the three open black bags i saw in the mailbox dumpster when i took my garbage when i left. Angela waited so much for this little "spring break" vacation after weeks of working overtime.
I was thinking to monitor the problem to see it gets worse. It was only doing it after climbing a hill or something.
Rice Hill some guy was driving with a trailer behind with a hanging piece of wood which was about to fall. All the other drivers where ignoring it.
At the gas station next to casino long lines as usually, guys where maneuvering like trying to create crashes, my gas door was stuck. Got out of the line, almost forgot to cancel my transaction, the little latch was stuck, i thought i fixed, came back, was stuck again, finally got my gas, avoided other crashes trying to get out of there.
In the parking lot, a Tesla truck painted with flames all over.
Got in line at the reception, Angela went inside, a crazy guy behind cursing at his kids, saying something about a cooler.
I popped the hood to check to see if the radiator fan is working. Man this car has so many sensors it can tell if a and which light bulb is gone, however now was not showing anything. Fan was working but then i saw the leak. In an area i didn't know i had coolant circuits. There is a heat exchanger (transmission cooler) that is fed with coolant from the radiator.
Ok so Angela did the room, went back in the lot, let it cool until the main hose was soft, the reservoir was empty, i added a bit but not too much like a cup in the radiator too. I said, ok, that ought to do it.
Then we went into the room. The guy with the kids was pushing a cooler the size of a coffin in and out of the elevator and kept cursing at his kids.
Inside the room i poured me a couple of glasses of half wine and half brandy and then i crashed. I recon now also because of the coolant i have been breathing all the way there. (Yes drivers breath more because of the effort). However i went in the casino and stay another hour until i crashed so badly i had to ask Angela to walk me back in the room where i slept 4 hours.
I awoke around 1 AM and ate a Hormel Chili with Big Beef Chunks no beans. Man that stuff is so hot, after i spilled some on the table, i picked with with a napkin and my hands were burning for hours after that.
I heard kids running back and forth on the corridor in the empty hotel. Awoken by the chili, decided to go look for Angela. When i got out of the elevator too kids dressed in long black dress like t-shirts scared me really badly. Nobody else just a woman at the desk.
(8:35 A series of fast stumps upstairs, objects being dropped).
10:08 Ok so their efforts upstairs really cut all the energy i had left and put me out for about one hour and a half. I will try to restart this.
Got inside the casino and played poker and smoked a cigarette or two. Never saw a poker machine so greedy. It ate my 20 in about half hour. At that our the casino was most empty but i remember three rather big Asians passing when i got out of the non-smoking area and smoke next to a woman, like trying to protect her.
The casino closed around 3 and we went back in the room. Tried to figure the TVs remote while Angela fell asleep. Then i started to think. About the magic people. The magic they did to me that night. The bending backwards always work on me. I started to have breathing problems. Shortness of breath, chest discomfort.
The i remember the other gesture they did on me for years. Could that had contributed to my diabetes. A gesture with two fingers like spreading salt. One would open the window of the car, usually around an intersection, at low speed, or even stopped and start to do just
It took me 4 hours to "talk myself out" of those influences and be able to breath normally/
Around 7 Angela awoke and told her about all the coincidences. What i recently wrote on blog. The coolant leak. The flaming Tesla. The guy with the cooler, The Rice
Hill, the left headlight that blew in the lot and the deer coming from the left ten minutes after we left. The power
I took some coconut oil (was still tormented by that chili) and in about an hour i fell asleep and slept till 10:30. Angela slept more too and then at 10:30 the maid knocked at the door.
In an empty hotel, she had to knock at the door to clean the room though we had the room till 11. They always did that. I had half hour to check my blood sugar, put an antibiotic patch on my painful lumbar area, do an insulin, etc.. We left at 11:00 with the maid at the door. At least we could have give her the key cards. Angela went back in the casino, she said she waned some breakfast, a coffee, however she started to play.
I took the car and drove a couple of exits back and forth, a couple of times. Worked fine. Then i parked it and went to search for Angela. Went towards the casino, but realized i forgot something, went back, a woman with a few months baby crossed my path twice. When i entered i noticed a blond body builder dressed in camouflage trying to look like a local redneck was coming out.
I noticed there was construction going on at the front door. Found her, she gave me a twenty. Everywhere i go women from security looking like politicians, like older congresswomen and stuff, dressed as security, were watching me.
I went to a poker machine, a woman came and stood like 3 feet behind me whom i didn't see. She had a stroller with a tiny dog, like a baby, and she was rocking that stroller (figuring St Dominic mother, maybe). The poker machine was more merciful than one last night. I stayed there at leas half hour spending only 10 bucks. I think she rocked that stroller all that time right behind me.
I had a terrible hangover. Went to the car to grab some herbal teabags (found one with ginger-lemon) and poured some hot water in a cup inside.
Finally left. Stopped at the Burger King next to the casino and bought a couple of junior whoppers (they had a deal) and some fries with 7 bucks in total.
The car started to do the same as yesterday, i thought i might have air in the system, stopped at a rest area, they were three guys next to a white truck with a corporation name on, 6 Robbles. Left it to cool, i bent to check the radiator, some old guy further away gave me the bend back. But this time it did not really worked.
On the freeway, the same older Asian guy with LPN ROOOSKY kept getting visible in front of me, like many times before in that area. Many other companions. Then i remembered i had a little scanner in the car capable of displaying live data from sensors. Hooked that one to the OBDII plug and asked Angela to read the data.
The scanner reads data from the computer, it acts as a mere terminal, while the computer measures the sensors. I was telling Angela. How long should we wait until we can see that data on car's entertainement display? Why won't they do it? And Angela said. Because they want you to go to their dealers for the easiest repair.
Probably the same reason they don't have transmission deep sticks anymore.
I told Angela that if the car stopped doing that by Roseburg, we will got to Coos bay, Three rivers and Lincoln City as planned. But then breathing all that stuff. So i just took back I5 home. 150 miles to go from Roseburg.
Transmission temperature was under 120 at all times, so no problems there (it can go up to 180). But then the engine. Coolant temperature was a bit high, like between 188 to 221 switching fast. I figured it could be air bubbles in the system so i stopped one more time and tried to let it cool, so it would eventually burp that air. But it could also be the thermostat. But then what, the thermostat started the leak?
No luck in there either. I popped the hood, did the trick with the AC and started the fan. A green pickup full with all kind of bags in the bed. An older woman checking a little girl in the back door area, right next to me. So i left.
It looked a bit better, at times it was not hesitating at all, when it did it was not that bad.
Finally got home. Cannot possibly remember everything that happened, but they were weird LPN and brands around me all the time. Obviously people with nothing better to do this Sunday afternoon but accompany me.
At home. Latinos and kids in the alley. Some fixing a car. Kids yelling. One kid yelling yeyyyy when i pulled the cooler bag from the trunk. Found a poop not far from the door. One in the dumpster, but out of the black bag. So i grabbed the bag, turned it inside out and gathered that, knotted it.
I looked for a thermostat, found an OEM one on eBay, with 25 bucks. Got to take the the alternator out and drain the fluid first. Alternator is easy. For removing the coolant, i saw there are videos. Thermostat itself is with rubber seal, no scrapping needed. But i will wait to fix the leak first. Have you ever seen a 16
inches pliers? Or will i have to have the radiator removed for one few cents hose clamp?
I was so stiff with a back pain, i decided to go for a walk. Went by the hospital, when i got at Borland, two guys (Asians) were walking on the other side and a car, just like people at casino, got in between (the synchronization, on an empty street) with a LPN NEN (No men). Never seen Asians before in that white "neighborhood" where only extras from Hungary live.
Then i remember how many i saw around me, including Saturday. NEM (No Men), which also means no in Hungarian. NEW (New Men) It may not mean nothing to many, it gets to me all the time. Like i was out hunting (for men).
On the radio, now is singing Adele, getting really emotional, like maybe i am getting to hard on someone by writing this.
I was telling Angela earlier today. The S10 leaked exhaust since it was brand new and no mechanic wanted to tackle it, until i figured it myself, a few years ago. Sentra had a hole in a hose of the heater core obviously done with a screwdriver, and i fed it with coolant for at least a year until Angela started to have blue stains under her eyes like i had myself yesterday (during those days adding coolant or oil to a car seemed the thing to do). S10 had a cracked radiator. So the first Ford i owned, the 83 Fairmont.
As for Tesla. He got the good news from China while i was breathing coolant. He is about to launch the full self driving thing.
The Ponzi Scheme went back up 12% (how can a company, even amazing or awesome, producing 1,8 million
units per year be worth i don't know, today, 872 billion in market
capital and let's say Ford, with 4.4 million
units sold in 2023, including some
electric, have only 40 billions in market capital or
shares? Or they had to cover what i just said about the real
Tesla? Same goes for
nVidia vs
Let me tell you one thing. I very much liked the idea of electric cars. No more on road in cabin pollution, but above all the simplicity of design and maintenance. No more oil changes, transmission services, less brakes to do. No exhaust, no stink.
But think about. Tesla uses electricity from the grid which is made mostly with coal which produces more CO2 than gasoline per mile (kw). Batteries start loosing capacity (and efficiency) from the beginning.
BTW i looked at the GPS data when i put in the route back home; 30 kg of CO2 for 150 miles or something, assuming you are doing at least 40 mpg (my car today did 42 with all the problems mentioned).
Self driving will never work except maybe for an equivalent of cruise control for steering. The roads are in such a bad shape (the drifting
problem with variable road inclination), the lane lines are crocked, and at night when it rains you can't even see
some most of them at all, the other drivers are so impredictible and they get more and more with time and situations are at times so complex, they will never be able to create software for all situations.
4:24 No it's not leaking in the parking lot and it was raining the last few days anyways. At 7 feathers they brought an old SUV that was leaking next to our car.