Thursday, February 20, 2025

1:00 AM Somebody is honking in the alley as i was getting ready to post something. Or it's all in my head.

2:15 Vreți să-mi mai puneți ceva în cârcă? Eu am postat după.

Am mai postat mai demult dar e prea mult timp de atunci, Călinescu nu răsărise pe tarlaua patriei încă.

1:17 Da bine uită-te în oglindă și spune-mi ce vezi. Ăia sunt toți ai voștri. Temele pentru următoarele paragrafe sunt luate din carte. Rominagrobis, geniul romanului malaez, marele strateg, cunoscător, detectiv etc..

3:00 Ok acum că am terminat de deslușit video-ul de mai sus, hai s-o spun și pe asta fiindcă tipul de la Cațavencii m-a cam enervat pe bune, până azi doar fața lui mă îmi strica cheful când mă uitam la el. (Parcă vorbisem să puneți acolo numai chestii funny).

Traian-Liviu Grobei_Ioan, fiu al lui Nicolae Breban.

De fapt dacă stau bine și mă gândesc și Breban are figură cam de grobian.

5:05 Ciolacu recunoaște: Le cirque, c'est nous!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

5:37 AM Yeah i have negative associations with that "park" too. One time when we came home from a long trip they set some garbage on fire, i called 911, they said they knew about and did not do nothing, they let it burn, during holidays they were doing illegal high power fireworks and in the winter there is always smoke from the "casitas".

Though they are saying Latinos live there, i only saw ninja (fake Latinos). I see they are going to pour lots of concrete over there, but how long could take that? Why "through the winter of 2025"?

Got in the mail the project described in Tualatin Life but thought it was a joke.

Yesterday the ninja from a ninja company came with power tools and cut maybe 10 big trees of about one foot diameter using several power tools at once including a tree grinder for the branches. Cannot describe the noise and exhaust smell but enough to say the vibration electrified the dust on the buildings and inside walls, it was stinking like dust all night.

The ninja are pushing some sort of local revivalism. Because it is the only way they can come and occupy the US, disguised as Latinos. Illegals, because they cannot get IDs because they are not real and would show in photos and databases. This is done with the help of US government and media who choose to keep it that way.

There are more than ten million Japanese missing from home covered under the kikikomori social phenomenon. In Japan they use the chicanos cultural current to train and recruit.

Yesterday we ran away from here at Ilany but could not get out until 4 PM, chased by noise and exhaust and met in the parking lot with the ninja who were getting in our way creating scenes as always all the way to the street.

Half of the people at Ilani were again Asians. In our way over there got behind a modified Honda with 4 exhaust tubes in the end during the usual slow down for miles on I5 between downtown Portland and the ancient interstate bridge.

When we came back, after 10, a number of cars where harassing us, blinding in the mirrors and passing at high speed. Lately they all have tinted windows.

Inside the casino, behind me where i was playing poker at 25 cents a hand i saw her, speaking to another woman.

In the parking lot next to our car there was a car with LPN FKE belonging to an Asian. An old woman stood with her head inside the rear of the car showing her huge but for more than ten minutes as we sat there and ate in the car.

Fell asleep at midnight, awoke at around 3 AM (3 hours) with nose congestion and could not fall asleep until now. Wondering what am i going to do today. Right now the predominant smell is carpet padding (made with recycled materials and some sort of bad smelling glue).

7:30 Today they started early or before quiet hours (10  PM - 8 AM) at Rolling Hills. I can see an excavator with a high RPM engine moving around, vibrating the building.

9:07 At around 8:30 she started to move upstairs (she just left when i started to write here). I downloaded a db measuring app from playstore (dB X) and measured up to 60 dB when stepping and the noise from outside tree cutting and grinding is up to 50 dB inside.

I realized i am again contaminated with poop smell and went outside and disposed of one next to hydrant, rather large, flattened out and rained upon.

1:35 PM Today was the day Humana started to again cover my insulin. 35 bucks a month. So i went to Walmart to pick it up. Would have preferred to have it delivered but don't know if they use coolers during delivery and i don't know how long it takes cause i'm out. Though i have slept through the morning, my ears hurt a bit from the incessant noise (infection). 

BTW Humana this year on the same plan like last (Gold Plus Diabetes) stopped paying the 50 dollars a month allowance for food. I did not use all of it last years, should have had at least 100 bucks and they de-activated the card.

At Walmart, the store was empty like i have never seen before. One or two Latina models looking reluctantly submissive getting in the store in the same time with me. When i left, had to bend over in the truck in the lot cause the lock on the driver side is broken and there was one guy talking yelling at my back but i'm not sure if he was a real one.

On the freeway, one big truck carrying soil or sand, uncovered, made me switch lane to the right where a big white GMC or Cadillac SUV was coming at high speed from behind and had to move back in the lane, but then he slowed down and fell way behind.

Was thinking in my way there. Maybe by through the winter of 2025 they meant till 21 March which means about a month of noise. Here in the lot, they bulldozed those rotting apples seen in the pictures linked above but there was still a green bag on top of it while i was carrying one cabbage and one bag of broccoli in transparent grocery bags.

And yes they left a free spot next to the dumpster (never saw that spot free) so i see it and toss it away. Never mind that was not a cabbage but a lettuce.

8:05 PM Today it was above 50 and a break in the rain and went and checked the oil filter. It was pretty tight but i could untighten it with a 6" ratchet, one hand only (exactly how i left it). There was lots of oil mixed with dust on the panel under, that has lots of fins and small square "compartments" which are hard to clean but i did my best. I put it back the same i did last time.

Now that i think, i think i will go tomorrow and tighten it and clean around it a bit more cause i washed my hands and now it rains a bit. Not too much cause one time i could not get it loose (my tools were spinning on the oily filter) and had to go to Jiffy Lube just for that.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

4:30 AM Started to get nauseated and to feel some lower abdominal pain. Though i was sitting here  comfortable reading a book i downloaded from Scribd, a book that marked profoundly my teen years, i started to get nauseated and feel some smell to the point i had to go outside to see what's new under the deck.

So far i picked seven different poops in more pieces in less than 24 hours. They were all wrapped in redwood chips, which is new and makes them very hard to find.

At this hour i did not find any poop but just some pieces of semi-solid wood dust soaked with pee that were equally smelling.

2:45 PM I went to bed crashed at 5 AM. At 6 her new boyfriend left and awoke us. Then i fell asleep again until she awoke me after 10. Then she left and the whole area filled with a pungent smoke.

Just went outside and found a number of poops, some fresh, soft in an area with dry redwood dust near the stairs wall. Got nauseated right away and my clothes now stink like it. While i was picking those i heard some people quaking.

This is the crop from early morning and right now. I did not take it to the garbage yet, it rains. I never seen dogs around here burying their stuff so i though it may be a cat. It could be the dirty black cat that roams all day around the apartment and probably feeds in the garbage and/or birds and has diarrhea all the time.

Got all irritated by digging with a stick and raising fine redwood dust. The black BMW just started. The kitchen window is open, some smell probably from ones i did not find or remnants in the dust got inside. Coud be some on the other side of the wall (where the black BMW resides), need to go and check.

Chestii notabile din Potirul Sfântului Pancrațiu.

Numerotarea paginilor ca în Scribd.

Pagina 6

Inginerii se pot inspira din arheologie ca de exemplu instalațiile din piramie. Unu care a făcut-o a fost Tesla.

Tu trebuie să fii acum vreun inginer.

- Arheolog, nene Adalbert, arheolog!

- Tot aia e!

Pagina 7

Mangusta lui Leopold. Există, De Tomaso Mangusta amintește de 1981 Delorean DMC 12. Mai târziu în carte se spune că oamenii au montat motorul de la Mangusta distrusă într-un Trabant, ceea ce fizic e imposibil, doar dacă se pune motorul transversal pe locurile din spate, poate, dar transmisia Mangustei a fost distrusă iar transmisia de la Trabant nu ar fi făcut față cailor putere. În carte se spune că Mangusta făcea 250 kmh ceea ce este notat în Wikipedia.

Pagina 9

Alidada pare să fie o anagramă pentru Dalida. Daliți.

"dar ceea ce mă impresionă în mod special fu biblioteca: în vitrinele de cristal se puteau citi titlurile unor opere clasice, cum ar fi de exemplu: Courvoisier, Curacao, Hennessy, Black and White, Cherry Brandy, Gin Fizz și altele." Aveam 14 ani când am citit cartea. Chiar credeam că că numiții erau scriitori. Cum o fi trecut de cenzură, n-am idee. De fapt toată cartea are numeroase referințe le viața "de afară".

Mai jos apare o frază " le poruncii celor doi Iordan să se ducă la culcare dar să fie cu ochii în patru", care țin minte, m-a deranjat și atunci, eu fiind total captivat de propaganda oficială de partid și de stat.

S-a spus mereu că nu am avut dizidenți, deși după 90 au apărut destui. Acest scriitor a fost cu siguranță cel mai dizident dintre toți și nu a prins nici un loc în CPUN după câte știu.

4:35 Ok nu știu dacă pot să termin cartea pentru că la mintea mea de acum, după tot ce am postat în ultimii 12 ani, la început mai timid și mai stângace, câștigând destulă experiență, cartea mi se pare o mare tâmpenie. Nu o mare colecție de tâmpenie și mă împiedic de câteva în fiecare pagină.

Plină de exagerări acerbe și dc informații din exterior imposibil de verificat atunci de noi și doar puțin sucite, (suficient ca să le distorsioneze total și scrisă cu un oarecare umor), cartea mi se părea funny, dar neavând informații din alte surse despre multe din afirmațiile respective și sunt foarte multe, cartea m-a influențat profund.

Citesc acum paragrafe și îmi amintesc de deciziile pe care le-am luat bazate pe această carte.

Era într-un fel o deschidere față de tot ce știam până atunci din școală și mai ales de la propaganda lor din media. Însă această deschidere conține atât de multe inexactități și îndemnuri ascunse idioate, încât a contribuit foarte mult la dezechilibrarea persoanei mele și probabil a multor milioane care au citit cartea și erau în aceeași situație.

A fost mai mult decât o dizidență deghizată în umor. A fost subversivă la nivel moral, și nu vorbesc de morala socialistă, care era totuși destul de simplă și onestă (până la dezvelirea corupției propovăduitorilor).

Cartea asta ce mirosea a libertate cu siguranță a stricat milioane de minți și vieți și a contribuit decisiv la ce suntem noi toți astăzi. Semi-docți, semi-informați și plini de idei greșite despre orice. Nu în ultimul rând, îndemnuri la violență pe fiecare pagină.

Am descărcat pagina de pe Scribd cu un cont gratuit de 30 de zile, sper să nu-l uit să-l anulez înainte de a începe ăștia să-mi ia nu mai știu, 11,99 pe lună, sunt tentat să pun pdf-ul pe drive și să pun un link aici, până atunci, iată un mic exemplu.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

10:00 Got a different type of rude awakening as she upstairs is having another guest with a different truck for the weekend.

10:03 Cine nu își amintește cartea Potirul Sfântului Pancrațiu a lui Nicolae Paul Mihail. Am înțeles că a mai fost una, Damen Vals pe care nu am citit-o. Însă azi m-am trezit cu o idee. Sunt în carte niște elemente ca de exemplu nume de personaje. Țoancă mică ar putea fi Cuantă mică. Rândunica, split production. Pancrațiu, pan creation.

Potirul însuși care până la urmă se dovedește a fi fost un clopot, o sculă din cele trei ale lui Shiva.

Pescuitul subacvatic amintește de un trident (trishul). Ce știa Ramina_grobis pe de rost în mai multe limbi, Ramaiana sau Mahabarata? etc.. Micșunescu și Micșuneasca ce cloceau ouă de brontozaur.

Damru, Damenvals. Trebuie să citesc iar cartea. Și Damenvals.

Posibil motivul începutului declinului României sub Ceaușescu. Cartea a apăruta în aproximativ 1974. A fost înainte sau după vizita lui Ceașescu la Taj Mahal, cel cu 4 turnuri, când a făcut o poză cu Zoe într-o poziție de yoga?

10:30 They started again with animal waste around the building. Yesterday i found a number of bags near the SW bin. Last nigh i felt the smell and went again. Nothing there but when i came back i found under the deck of the entrance a number of small poops that could have been from a cat. Maybe the stray that roams around these days. They spilled litter dust in the alley that has a deodorant component.

Nausea prevents me from drinking water and creates stomach inflammation. Stomach inflammation propagates to kidneys. Dehydration and inflamed kidneys and high blood pressure creates accumulation of urea and uric acid in tissues. After i wrote the entry above, my face became puffy. I feel some smell right now.

10:45 The second i started eating breakfast the black BMW started to rumble.

11:25 Went and found one under the door that i missed last night.

11:50  Yet another one. And another one or two more litter dust bags (on top of those found yeterday) under a car's wheel. Looks like intentional.
12:PM Have to go with Angela's at America's Best near Wa square for the 5th time i guess, shee needs to adjust again her glasses, then at WinCo and Walmart.

12:52 Ok i put some gloves and went and cleaned that biohazard. I filled 5-6 bags with snow mixed with litter dust. There is rain the forecast, hopefully will do the rest. When i was in the middle of it the two old women that spot belonged to came and ran over it one more time. Once i got my gloves dirty, my pants started to fall because i did not tight the belt enough, guys were passing.

Friday, February 14, 2025

2:50 Câți ani sunt de când am renunțat complet la fb? După ce a picat odată pentru nu știu câte ore după ce am postat ceva. Ieri seară am dormit o grămadă și m-am trezit la unu, am făcut un ceai și bineînțeles ce puteam să fac altceva decât să deschid știrile.

Nu știu ce crede lumea, de ce postez mereu. Câți ani sunt de când m-am așezat prima dată în fața unui monitor de calculator? Eram student, nu știu în ce an și un profesor de sociologie ne-a întrebat în sala de curs dacă există cineva care "se pricepe" fiindcă lucra la un proiect și avea nevoie. A vorbit cu unii din Copou, Corpul A unde exista un calc, Independent cu un terminal într-o sală ca de clasă, goală.

Am mers acolo timp de săptămâni. Era activitatea mea favorită, puteam să lipsesc și de la chefuri cu colegii pentru a merge acolo. Era destul de asemănător cu un PC acum, puteai să editezi un program cu un editor de text după care să-l compilezi și la urmă să printezi ceva.

Mai mult sau mai puțin, o viață întreagă. Foarte recent am aflat că monitoarele de pe vremuri gen televizor cu tub catodic emit radiații, din care radiații X. O viață întreagă de expunere, până când au apărut astea cu LCD. Însă cam în același timp au apărut celularele și wi-fi-ul astfel încât astăzi am ajuns la limita cumulativă de expunere.

De câte ori pornesc un telefon, chiar pentru un minut, am dureri mai ales în părțile mai expuse în trecut, pentru aproape 24 de ore. Așa că am pus cablul la toate device-urile, am oprit wi-fi-ul și telefonul etc.

Deci sunt un număr de ani de când am renunțat la fb și tot nu mă pot obișnui să postez numai pe blog. Pentru că e mai greu de pus o poză. În schimb am posibilitatea de a pune link-uri. Ceea ce e cumva contra-intuitiv. Adică se rupe firul gândirii pe tema a ce vrei să postezi. Trebuie să te gândești la aspecte mai tehnice.

Mai recent a apărut fenomenul contra-postărilor. Mai bine zis am devenit mai conștient și receptiv la acestea. E vorba de postări uneori pentru lucruri banale, altele destul de serioase, alese doar pentru a interfera în mintea cititorului cu ce postez eu.

Mintea, ideile sunt chestii foarte fragile și foarte ușor de influențat. Am aflat de asta de când postez iar ei postează. Altfel, nu cred că s-ar obosi ei să o facă.

Chestia e că deschid știrile, de obicei într-un număr mare de tab-uri, simultan. Cu viteza de azi a internetului, a calculatorilor, nu contează. Trec de la un tab la altul și acumulez nervi și dorință de a posta ceva, însă e foarte greu. Cum să dovedesc. Dovada e doar în sincronizare cu postarea mea și în numărul mare de sincronizări.

Cam pe când deschid ultimul site, uit deja ca am văzut în primul și mi se face lehamite. Așa că m-am gândit să fac ceva ca să le păstrez undeva pe toate. Și am ajuns la soluția asta. Trag titlul pe desktop și ele se salvează ca icoane care conțin link-ul respectiv. Când termin, deschi o fereastră nouă de browser și le trag acolo pe toate.

Ele se transformă în tab-uri acolo, și există o extensie chrome care le poate transforma într-o pagină web conținând link-uri. Pe care le copy și paste în postarea mea de blog. Le vedeți în dreapta în acest screenshot, așa cum au fost extrase din site-uri deschise simultan în taburi?

Iată-le mai jos. Le-am sortat cumva când erau în faza de tab-uri fiindcă aici e mai greu. Tot ce am de făcut acum e să-mi amintesc la fiecare comentariul mental pe care l-am făcut în momentul când citeam știrea sau să pun un link la o postare mai veche de-a mea care are legătură cu acea știre.

Da știu ce am postat nu arată prea bine în html. E o bucată de cod complicată și fragilă, nu e prea simplu să inserez comentarii între ele, dar e mai bine decât la fiecare știre care îmi atrage atenția și vreau să comentez să mă întrerup din citit, să deschid o postare, să pun link-urile, apoi să mă întorc iar la citit.

Ok încercând să faca asta am văzut că nu am fost atent și la unele s-a salvat doar poza, voi fi mai atent pe viitor.

 Smell like an Egyptian: researchers sniff ancient mummies to study preservation | Egyptology | The GuardianCel mai împuțit loc din universul nostru imediat? Spațiul dintre tamburi de la mașina de spălat.
Despre Egiptul antic eu zic mereu
 Unde va locui Ilie Bolojan pe perioada interimatului. Decizia, luată "pentru eficientizarea activității și limitarea cheltuielilor" E vorba chiar de ce postez acum și am mai declarat înainte. Încerc să scurtez timpul de a trata cu aceste chestii
 3.-Nora-Steriadi-Realitatea-Ilustrata-1935-e1739008337715-678x509.jpg Neavând titlul am uitat pentru ce am salvat chestia asta
 Cei mai la modă adidași în această primăvară - o trecere în revistă a modelelor noi | Mă enervează când un brand (Adidas) devine substantiv comun într-o limbă.
În engleză li se spune sneakers, care în românește aș traduce pâș pâș. Pâșuri?
 Brake pad dust can be more toxic than exhaust emissions, study says | Automotive emissions | The Guardian Sateliții lui Musk care cad la 5 ani și se fac praf-tămâie

Ok cred că ar merge dacă inserez comentariile înainte de link

Toată chestia poate avea potențialul de a-mi salva mult mult timp și posibilitatea de a combate mai bine aceste tip de feedback nedorit și disruptiv (văd că nu mi-a înroșit google disruptiv înseamnă că există în limba română).

4:20 Am avut probleme cu respirația de când am început însemnarea (entry) de mai sus. Și fiindcă nu am mai dat de mult "zonele sensibile" de la pereți unde se face mucegai. Dar înainte de a se face mucegai vizibil, se face unul invizibil și miroase. De asemenea am uitat să pun aseară înapoi în cuptor farfuriile cu bicarbonat.

Am două farfurii mari pe care am întins praf de bicarbonat și pe care le păstrezi în cuptor între două folosiri. De la respirație îngreunată, a început să mă strângă la inimă. Așa că la 4 dimineață am luat niște gel cu clor și o cârpă cu mâner și am dat zonele cu clor. Exact când am terminat a început să huruie afară o țeavă groasă de eșapament. La turație mică.

4:30 Nu cred că merge. O să încerc altceva. Le trag pe desktop când le găsesc ca să nu uit de fiecare. Apoi le trag pe toate într-o pagină de browser ca să devină tab-uri și într-un tab nou deschid postarea, după care le iau pe toate de sus, la rând. Nașpa că trebuie să click de vreo 3 ori ca să iau un link și de vreo 10 ori ca să-l pun în text.

Da are un sfert de oră de când huruie. Aici ninge o dată sau de două ori pe an și în zilele alea nu merge nimeni la serviciu. Ieri a nins, temperatura e un grad două (celsius) sub zero, pe alei e o pojghiță de zăpadă cu una de gheață deasupra, dar o camionetă din alea uriașe cum e cea care huruie acum nu ar avea probleme.

Am zis mai demult, dacă oamenii au nevoie să-și încălzească camioneta la 4 dimineață, de ce nu-și pun eșapament ca lumea sau nu-i pasă nimănui fiindcă aici în complexul ăsta de 300 de apartamente nu stă nimeni pe bune?

4:45 Ok nu mai pleca și m-am uitat afară. A venit o cisternă de pompieri cu lanțuri la roți care au cu ei paramedic la cineva pe aproape. Cred că fiindcă am spus că mă strângea la inimă.

M-a strâns de atâtea ori în ultimii 30 de ani și mă duceam la urgențe și nu mi-au găsit niciodată nimic așa că nu îmi mai pasă. Deschid gura și respir pe gură, aerisesc, fac curățenie, îmi trece. Vibrațiile de la motorul ăla astăzi îmi agravează problema.

5:30 I read the news oh boy.

Hole in the wall
 Watch: Russian drone blows hole in Chernobyl's protective shell

He's got this one right. With Trump no one can ever be sure.

 Ukraine-Russia latest: Trump has no ‘ready-made’ plan to end war, says Zelensky

Just talked about the possibility of hauling gold from Earth using wormholes since ancient times

Why are U.S. banks flying gold from London to New York? | The Independent
After WWI and WWII Europe has been reduced to a non military power caught in an endless war cold and hot between US and Russia.

I think i saw a lookalike in the next building when i went smoking last night

 Oscar Pistorius’s new life in a millionaire’s mansion with a lookalike girlfriend

Iona and the fish

This could not have happened in a world of illusions

6:10 Yeah as the chlorine smell subsides, the mold smell is coming back. Not so much as before. Last 4 hours i've been breathing with my moth open and chest discomfort is now gone. It's so contrasting with the crisp snow air from outside.

Maybe i should make some noodles soup with bone broth and then go back to sleep.

12:22 PM There's a chocking smoke outside, there's a visible blue bag on top of the SW bin.

12:55 This bird is defying the laws of physics.

1:35 Big moves around the apartment. About half hour ago i heated some food and kids showed to play in the snow. Then after i ate heard a noise in the parking lot and saw sheupstairs cleaning the snow of her car (didn't go anywhere though). Some kid was standing next to her. Just saw kids and adults passing in front of my wall size living windows in both directions (not from here). A big exhaust just started.

5:27 I slept a few hours. It smells like dog fermented dog poop and cooking with hot pepper (all day). Went and found a number of bags at the SW bin. Some guys with a grey SUV were playing hide and seek with me at the W bin while an ambulance was making a sound like a Police car at the street.

The N bin lids have been vandalized (bent) and one of them was stuck open with water in it. I tried to push it down, some (clean) water went onto the lower part of the door of a blue pickup nearby and on the bags left on the ground (i will write about the retaliation, when it happens).

The content of two different bags with litter dust was spilled in the alley, one next to the bin, one closer to our building, since before the snow (i guess).

Thursday, February 13, 2025

12:15 AM Încă în stadiu experimental
 Platforma X îl va despăgubi pe Donald Trump pentru suspendarea contului în 2021. Suma uriașă pe care o va primi președintele SUA -
Da bine dar când mă va despăgubi și pe mine google pentru miile de postări pierdute pe g+?
Chiar nu am auzit de multe procese "class action" pe tema asta.
 SpaceX, spectacol pe cerul SUA la cea mai recentă lansare Starlink |
Eu nu reușesc să înțeleg o chestie sau dualitatea lui Musk.
Pe de o parte Trump spune că vrea să termine războiul, pe de altă parte lansează sateliți pentru internet care sincer
nu știu dacă face vreun ban cu ei.
 Ce spune Crin Antonescu despre aşa-zisele probleme ale sale cu alcoolul şi jocurile de noroc „Nu beau prea mult. Prefer vinul roşu” |
Se vede pe ochii din pozele vechi și mai noi. De ce nu l-au pus la uscat? E prea târziu pentru el?
 A fost descoperită cea mai intensă „particulă fantomă” detectată vreodată, în adâncurile Mării Mediterane
Particule particule.

2:40 Yesterday or two days ago i found a hole in the wall, in a low position next to the couch where i sit. I probed it with a dental probe, making worse, but i forgot to plug in. Then it followed today's episode with blowing since 8:30 bla bla. I am very irritated all over, finally plugged it tonight.

HR manager had yesterday yet another unprofessional conversation with Angela today i won't reproduce here. Ai i said, local manager, HR manager, supervisor are all Latinos. Then i googled again for Eaton CEO and i saw it was still Craig Arnold but i never knew Eaton was based in Ireland.

But then i looked closer and saw another name, Paolo Ruiz, Brazilian with German looks who previously had various positions at Siemens for 16 years who is to follow Craig after June 1st who has reached legal limit for an officer at Eaton.
Then i looked at the stock for the first time in long time. Indeed Eaton became much richer after nomination of Paolo in September 2nd. From 289 to 377. But then... Was it then, December 4th when i first started with my theories?

No it was earlier. What i posted on December 4th was this. Then on December 16 for the first something made with desmos. Yeah i remember it was a long weekend me, a 64 years old trying to adjust working with desmos... Though i have done something previously with it, years ago.

I will go directly at January 23. Needles to say, Angela started to have problems at work after January 1st but i first posted about on January 27.

In the meantime i figured the new on site HR manager started to work there in September...

12:45 PM

Many attributes of the US has been transferred over the years to private entities. One of them is controlling of space and for a reason. Musk is now deploying the largest network of (internet) satellites over the whole world.

How large? Surpassing several times the total number of existing satellites today.

Musk's network is meant to work at about 550 km above Earth and each of them is said to be covering 379 square km. If we divide the whole surface of the Earth of 510 million sqkm to 379 we get 1.3 million. So i really don't understand how Starlink is going to cover the whole Earth with 34 thousands.

The declared reason for the low orbit is latency or the time needed until your phrase said on Skype reaches the other end or since you click your mouse and see a requested site.

Current competitors of Starlink are Viasat and Hughesnet. Viasat has 4 satellites and  Hughesnet 3 both orbiting at 36k km above Earth, which is geostationary (same as television satellites) which is circling the Earth on equator and moving at the same angular speed as Earth rotation, appearing stationary on the sky.

At the speed of light of 300k km per second, their latency is about 0.12 seconds one way + ground network latency which is usually around 0.1 seconds which i believe is reasonable.

Starlink latency is said to be between 20 to 60 ms because of the much shorter distance + again ground network latency. But because of short distance, you have a smaller coverage area and will need a lot more satellites that are moving. Also because they are much closer and moving against Earth's rotation you won't need parabolic antennas to point at them which would be impossible (since they're moving).

What i don't understand is why they say they have only 379 sqkm or 24 km diameter coverage. Being at 550 km i would think you would cover the ground on a much greater area, let's say 25% of the distance or more which would be 100 km radius or maybe 200 meaning perhaps 20k sqkm.

By comparison the GPS satellites orbit at @20k km, closer to stationary television or other communications satellites orbiting at 36k and they have 24 of them for reason of better triangulation, any receiver on Earth having eight of them in sight at any time (if there are no obstacles like trees or buildings).

Since they are taking orders right now it means the network already works which means the coverage areas of different satellites overlaps already with the existing 7000 Musk satellites.

Then why? 34000 satellites? Could this huge Starlink network one day interfere with defense satellites?

They are made of 260 kg of metal and other rare minerals and their lifespan is about 5 years after which the krypton necessary for maintaining their orbit finishes and they will burn into atmosphere which means after 5 years we will get into our atmosphere 88k tons of goodies... Though there are alternative technologies...

Or could it be...

7:30 Mda (dejavu), de câte ori spun ceva mai important, în știri cad 2 drone, se ridică 4 avioane de luptă (care nimeni nu le poate vedea fiindcă dronele sunt prea mici și explodează iar avioanele noastre de luptă se mișcă mult prea repede) iar de câte ori spun ceva despre sărmanul nostru buget de stat, vrabia din mână, care se topește (diluează în AEther), vin ei cu o contra-știre. PNRR, cioara de pe gard, o rămășiță de pe vremea COVID-ului.

8:50 Prima dată când am citit acest titlu am crezut că e vorba de singura noastră șansă (și a tuturor), adică dezintegrarea Ungariei. Maghiarii au venit din naraka, adică de la dracu. Însă asta nu cred că se va întâmpla prea curând, din nefericire. Nu vi se pare ciudatZelenski nu a luat niciodată atitudine în fața Ungariei, aliatul de nădejde al Rusiei în NATO?

5:45 Quick US press review

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

12:30 AM The people upstairs have found a week spot (a hole) in the ceiling or a wall and  have been squeaking in there and in the bedroom till about an hour ago, pumping wall dust in here.

1:53 I ate a noodles soup with broth, they went quietly to the restroom and heard them peeing in the silence of the night, then flushing.

1:30 PM I am experimenting with a new way to deal with the large number of articles in media i suspect are being built as a response to my posts. Obviously i cannot catch them all, because they are too many and some very subtle and hard to prove, and today i was worried about saving them so i must have missed a lot.

What i do, is i drag all the titles and they turn into tabs in a different window and then use a google extension that turn tabs into links. I recommend opening the links clicking with the mouse wheel on PCs.

The method is very productive but requires some concentration that gest diverted from the reading and recognizing part.

         Lotus shaped
 We Finally Know Why Ancient Roman Concrete Was So Durable : ScienceAlert
          Sulfur and Pele's hair    

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

5:23 AM I am not sure if i'm good but i might. Slept from 2 to 4 and woke up with my heart beating real fast, not breathing. Yesterday i slept 6 hours in a row, because i filled the washer with water and i put some decongestant in my nose. Did not sleep 6 hours in a long time.

But yesterday i thought i was ok and went to bed with no decongestant. After the whole commotion yesterday with sulfur and Pele's hair with them fixing Mako's balcony hitting the walls hundreds of times, and the forgotten open fuse box, my nose got so congested i could breath no more during sleep however luckily i awakened with my heart beating real fast and hard.

Could be related to what i just posted about diabetes by respiratory insuficiency. To wipe that out.

Got chest discomfort ever since but i think i will be ok though i'm scared to be alone cause Angela is leaving soon.

If this was not an yet another assassination attempt, ninja style, then i don't know what else to say.

5:35 BTW I saw Angela last night talking on the phone with a bank and the beeper (microwave meter) was not beeping and showing normal level while when i'm talking it shows maximum levels.

5:45 Barely ever heard this song. Though Wings was generally better than Beatles, popwise, in this song Paul falls into the old (sketchy) hard rock philosophy. Which reminded me to post something. Though i never had time to fix the post, which is written badly (did not have the experience i have now though i had the enthusiasm) and the video is missing now from youtube.

6:00 It was only a matter of time until they could lay a trap for me with that CNN article. In fact i fell into several later. I guess their AI started to guess my mind. Question is. Did they hook human made AI with alien AI already? Maybe they don't have an AI or a mind we can understand. My guess is time travelling capable brains (short term, seconds, minutes).

How can they draw with clouds in the sky, like Ariana Grande? I am really sorry i missed a few, and a couple of time i simply refused to take pictures of, would have freaked everybody. Jelly Roger?

7:15 A few slammed doors in the parking lot raised by BP and made my hands and feet swell.

7:20 Was getting ready to go to sleep, she started upstairs.

I went to the kitchen, she followed me and kept knocking on the walls or floor or something. I came in the room, she came after me. Raised by blood pressure, again.

7:45 Reinventarea Daciei și pregătirea pentru o vizită în SUA.

Terciul de ovăz zdrobit (rolled oats) este foarte bun pentru stomac pentru că are un fel de fibră "mucilaginoasă" și un gust robust. O delicatesă care se servește frecvent la micul dejun în SUA ca și "oatmeal" sau "hot cereal". În poză e ovăz sfărmat (steel cut oats), cam de mărimea orezului care fierbe mai greu decât cel zdrobit (rolled oats), care arată precum fulgii și e mai bun.

Îmi place doar cu apă și sare și un pic de unt. Poate o banană tăiată bucățele sau stafide dacă am. Eu folosesc în proporție de 1/3 ovăz/apă (ca și pentru mămăligă sau orez), 12 minute fiert la foc foarte mic (să bolborosească). Nu se prinde de fund.

Ceva bun și cald să-ți umpli stomacul dimineața.

8:10 Da am fost în bucătărie și  mi-am făcut două ochiuri cu zacuscă și de sus mi-a servit tipa și o porție de praf. Azi s-a trezit cu o oră mai devreme și nu pleacă până nu scoate untul din mine.

Cred că tot scopul azi e să mă țină treaz până vin ăștia cu balconul să mai ciocănească.

4:45 Will Smith and wife (open marriage).

5:44 Unfortunate

7:15 Someone is upstairs and it's not she upstairs, is lighter and less energetic. Rasing my BP, making me forget things.

7:35 From the memory card. If it's Lincoln City, it's deer. See the guy coming from the back? One example of missadjusted or misused headlights, blinding me even in day time. I encounter hundreds on every trip, especially at curves and narrow bridges.

After blinding, this guy crossed the midle line and came half foot into my lane, pretending avoinding the deer which were way outside the road, thinking i don't know, the deer is more important than me or i would be too close and he could hit me or hit him?

Are these four guys supposed to be the four faces from Ezekiel's wheel?

They recently installed a light on this building that shines on our spot accross the alley instead of in front of that building which means it blinds me when i go smoking.

But what if zoom on that middle level deck? (I will keep on trying maybe someday i'll catch a better light). 

8:35 Here comes the regular upstairs. But for the last hour or so it was less and less so you never know it it was Mako as well.

Monday, February 10, 2025

2:25 AM Sounds like my theory, with different words. The large-scale coherent effects of the spin of the particles in the virtual sea versus whirls in the frictionless AEther (probably made of neutrinos).

12:46 PM M-am gândit pentru o secundă două, m-am luat cu alte chestii și am uitat să postez. Se putea afla ieri cât de mulți clienți au fost la supremarket-uri printr-o simplă căutare google. Acum google afișează (în dreapta, mai jos) gradul de ocupare a unui loc comercial, folosind datele GPS din telefoane.
12:55 PM Oamenii ar trebui să nu se mai chinuie să inventeze roata de atâtea ori la rând. Există anumite simboluri, obiecte de cult care poartă informații despre știința și tehnologia unor vremuri apuse. Unul dintre acestea este caduceul, un simbol asociat cu zeul Mercur care a devenit simbolul farmaciștilor. Însă dacă ne uităm atent, vedem două aripi și doi șerpi.

Eu am propus de mult un motor cu circuit închis, l-am numit relativistic. Un fluid, care ar putea fi vapori de mercur este accelerat într-o direcție într-o direcție la viteze relativiste, unde masa lui crește și returnat pe alt ciruit la viteze nerelativiste, generând un moment net. Asta ar elimina nevoia de a căra rezervoare de combustibil pe care să-l arunci în spațiu.

2:40 They usually sent us notices from office as for gut cleaning or a dog getting lost. Today afternoon they started to work tearing apart the walls from a balcony at one of the apartments next to ours that. I looked and it appeared it had mold inside. In the US most construction work involves hammering.

Don't know if what i hear can be done without or not but i know it's one hundred times more noise than gut cleaning and the hammering started right after i heated some food in the microwave. Probably a last minute idea so they didn't have time to send an email. I don't know how long it's gonna last.

Wondering. Could this be a reaction to me working on the washer in the closet Saturday? At some time i made some noise for about half hour trying to align the transmission assembly that i had to take apart to be able to put a stupid clamp and i heard her squeaking upstairs as usually on top of me but it cannot compare.

Can't go to take a better look cause they look like a bunch of nervous fast moving hard to communicate with Latinos but they could be just ninja disguised in Latinos.

At any times of the day they have something ready. The first reaction to what i wrote was the tan SUV with big exhaust starting.

2:50 Just hear for the third time withing a couple of hours today on local 99.5 The Wolf Jelly Roll signing "you are nothing but a liar". This is the most annoying song i ever heard, even by his standards. However when i looked at the playlist, i can only see it once. Could be again a last minutes change of schedule.

BTW just discovered the biggest source of stink in the apartment. That i knew of and i forgot. Is the space between the rotating drum and the static drum of the washer that catches slime no matter what you do or how you use it. So i just filled it with water and put two cleaning tablets in it.

I recon. Most people don't keep their washer in the breathing space inside a tiny apartment but in the garage.

BTW my UTI got much worse after i sat in a puddle of dirty water in that narrow space in the closet when i fixed that. Could barely pee after. Also got some nasty scratches on my right arm that got infected. Yes next to that hole where i had flesh eating bacteria (with wrong diagnosis at the ER and Bridgeport dermatology and dr. Michael Jacko (Love)).

4:45 Years ago i was posting less on the blog and more on fb and g+. Basically i was writing in Romanian on fb and in English in g+ but not always. I am not sure where i posted the first version of this but i remember i was in Lake Oswego and i think i made a drawing and it could have been on g+. So it was like more than 9 years ago.

Then they decided to shut down g+. I lost thousands of posts. I downloaded all content of g+ but it's on a hard drive on an old computer. I tried to repost some of them here but it was a tedious work. Pictures are gone, text is still readable.

Soon after a guy from NASA published this.

The next year (2020) i reposted on my blog the whole idea not knowing. Probably because i knew it was lost with g+ being shut down.

5:30 I know i posted this explicitly earlier however this is good enough to prove i did it. Another one, here.

6:05 I know what happened. That balcony were princess Mako leaves was leaning forward, suggesting about to fall. They fixed it today starting right after i posted this knowing i was trapped but that article in Romania.

6:37 Found one more reference about that post saying it was done in September 2015.

6:53 Same thing with earthquakes. Must have posted something casually on g+. Then they posted  this. Then, not knowing, posted this theory. However, there are differences. I completely rebuked the theory of rigid tectonic plates. Did not say anything about the rain, though i think it's a good idea. And the idea with tides is much older, i discovered later.

Unlike them, i successfully predicted 3 out of 4 earthquakes in June last year.

Did anybody ever do something of both of these? No but they pulled them out now (tricked me into "accidental self denouncing" knowing how i will react) when they need it do discredit me when i came up with a major one?

Were those two reasons enough to shut down a 2.5 billion users social network, made by google?

It was very convenient. You had a google account (necessary to download apps from play store) you could open a g+ account with a few clicks. It was lighter and easier to post on than fb.

7:45 The first time i opened the door to go for a cigarette there was someone with a flashlight in the  backyard shading a light on the debris they left after they finished fixing that balcony. I went back inside, a liner flew above with a very big noise.

I went in the bedroom to tell Angela the story i just posted above, it was smelling like "wall" in there and it was then when i saw the fuse box was cracked open after i disconnected the washer and dried. I closed that, sealed it with some (removable) silicon gel like it always been (to prevent dust from wall to come out at vibrations) went to smoke my cigarette, admiring the shrine at building D, the crushed entrance across the main alley.

When i was about done, i saw two women passing by (the East alley) and then another liner flew by with much noise. (Don't know, i assume they are alerting, don't think they can see me from that plane but who knows).

No plane whooshing before or after.

Then i remembered about the huge dark cloud in the shape of Mongol empire that was displayed on the horizon during my trip to Chinook Winds, with other shining clouds in the background (Sun was shining my way, Angela was sleeping in the car, could not stop to take a picture without awakening her).

The three amigos dressed in black, some with beards, resembling Indians from India, one with a black cowboy hat and another one, looking like a real South American, in a white shirt, talking English with almost no accent, jumping from one machine to another and yelling when i was playing poker and smoking in the smoking room there.

One of them kept yelling "Security, security!" as loud as he could, no security would show up. And he did not sound like he was joking. Actually don't remember seeing any security yesterday, not even Gino Iorgulescu or the huge German looking woman with breaded pony tail dressed in black that is usually at the door or the short bald guy who once banned me. (The only reason i did not confront them, cause i had a few drinks and irritated by wall dust).

No, i was too tired to have by BP raised by them while i was smoking.

BTW most people in there last night looked German and all seemed bothered and making offending faces and postures when i was looking at them. One German looking woman occupied my favorite poker machine. The one at her left wasn't accepting cash tickets and the one on her right works with only with 5 dollars bets.

But last night i though i was dying. First time @2 AM i was very very sleepy, laid down but the smell of smoke on my clothes was choking me. I thing someone smoked some very stinking cigarettes next to me. Took a shower and that made me alert.

Shortness of breath, palpitations when i was laying, name it. I stayed awake until 6 AM hoping it would go away when i had this idea and filled the washer with water and added a tablet in there and the dirty laundry smell finally disappeared and i slept for about 6 hours.

Yes the washer and drier (Whirlpool slim twin lte6234dq3) has two cylindrical drums, rotating perpendicularly on each other.

It was nice and quiet for the last hour or so. But i heard a door in the parking lot and someone heavy is climbing the stairs. The cats started to jump around. Heavy steps inside moving towards the bathroom.

8:50  She now keeps dropping heavy objects, walking like a thunder. I restarted to recorder, she stopped by then a really loud exhaust started to rev up outside, to compensate.

9:55 There's Zyliss grater which probably works that is too expensive and then there's all the others. The steel drums on the one i have to return are so soft they bend under heavy load also because they are not sharp enough. Got to find a different solution cause i love my "zacusca".

I found zacusca under the name ajvar in ethnic stores in Portland but it is cheaply made (lots of tomato sauce, fewer essential ingredients). There is some Bulgarian made at Trader Joe, under the brand Sehr Gut but they found out about American taste and... guess what? they add sugar in it!

Never tasted caviar (except for the cheap 2% Salmon roe found at WinCo) but i think there is not anything better i ever ate. It is called vegetable caviar for one of several reasons. One of them being. One taste and  you're hooked.

There are countless recipes but the main idea is: Roasted red bell peppers and eggplants. New world ingredients.

But i strongly believe you can get away without the roasting (and laborious peeling) phase. Especially if you forget about mixing while boiling phase it and burn it a little.

I am still looking for the best way to shred vegetables though it's a bit difficult with the eggplants which are kinda hard when they are not cooked (roasted). I could grate them on the "big" side of a regular grater but then i discovered all graters are not sharpened. Those little holes' edges are never sharpened, just punched with a stamp.

You could use a high quality chopper (as the German brand Braun) but you have to shake it or mix it with a spoon from time to time while chopping to do it uniformly.

So you shred (or dice) as many eggplants (peel including) and red peppers as i can. Sauté one or two onions in a half or 3/4 cups or 200 ml vegetable oil in a large thick bottom pot and add the shredded vegetables, eggplants first, without any water and let them "boil" for at least 2 hours at low setting

Frequent mixing from the start is mandatory as they will stick to the bottom, at least until they release enough water (that will be reduced in then end). Adding salt from the beginning would cause them to release water.

Using a glass lid is recommended as glass being an insulator so less heat (that would make ingredients stick to bottom) is needed. If they stick, just pull the pot from the burner and gently scratch the bottom with a nylon spatula.

In the end add one small can of tomato paste and boil a bit more. Add spices like black pepper or bay leaves (that you could remove in the end). The result is worthy the effort, please believe me. Or if you don't, try once! Tons of fiber, minerals and vitamins, few calories, mind blowing taste.

Most Romanians and neighbors do large amounts in the fall where ingredients are widely available and can it in oven sterilized jars and seal them with suited lids while hot. Adding one aspirin per jar helps with preservation. It will last until next spring, room temperature. You can even make pizza or eat pasta with it!

9:05 Now the second really loud exhaust left, she started back on upstairs. Never two sounds. "interfere".