Sunday, December 22, 2024

 1:50 Heavy objects moved and heavy steps upstairs.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

8:50 AM I can't tell how frustrated i am. I was feeling ok when i woke up. It has been one hell of a week, with Angela working 10 hours starting at 5 and me being stepped upon for hours each day while trying to consolidate my theory and my jaw infection (clostridium) was spreading numbness and stiffens in my whole body and lately, intense pain. Pain in my esophagus from antibiotics.

I was feeling every day my gum was getting better but i still have ways to go until i'm done. But yes, today i woke up with less pain and stiffness and hangover for drinking, because i have a feeling of accomplishment.

So they started while i was doing my injection. For about 5 minutes a very loud exhaust from a senseless revving. Cause i don't see any reason a normal being would rev like this. I mean, you get in the car,  backup or move forward and leave. Why revving like this with a modified car for 5 minutes?

I already feel better after venting it here. Still asking myself. Why are they doing this?

11:15 Cred că expresia românească cu păsărelele, colivia (caged bird, UKGB) și trăsnit toate se trag de la Tesla. Se spune că la nașterea lui a trăsnit. De ce întunecat? A ok m-am prins.

11:50 Adevărul e că trăim cu toții, cam de la începutul secolulul trecut o iluzie țesută ca să suprime adevărul despre ce este Universul.

11:55 After refusing to accept payement for Angela'a account about two weeks ago they did the same to mine. I checked and i had three cards on file with one as set as main, different than Angela's, now they are gone and i can't pay manually. Hello Mobile is T-mobile which is Deutsche Telekon, where pink is the new white.

Angela's account finally disconnected and she purchased a different plan that works though she did not receive the sim card they told they sent to her. Wondering for how long. Never an email confirmation. She has tried today to chat on her account page and the chat button is blocked like on mine. (now a very loud noise like an object hitting the floor upstairs). She tried the customer service number, wouldn't work. She tried and call 611 and after a few minutes of advertisement's she got disconnected.

There are several other low cost providers like Mint Mobile which is also T-mobile, where green is the new white. Boost Mobile which i had before and also had trouble with. Sprint Telecom does not exist anymore. I don't know what to do to have a working phone which i keep off in my pocket anyways. For emergencies only.

For all other calls i use a google phone on the PC.

Ultra mobile.

What? Nevermind.

Friday, December 20, 2024

5:22 AM I've been watching funny videos this early morning... Are you afraid of escalators?

10:25 No she did not "go to work" today. Instead, she's here, tormenting me with every thought...

11:30 If you zoom in this image you would see a green bag right in the middle of it. In that day when i posted it,  went to throw it and i saw it was actually half bag, with of course nothing on it. I did not bother to do one trip to the bin to throw it so i just left it there. In the meantime they picked the leaves, so if i was more thoughtful i would have realized it could not be there anymore when i saw it in the last few days.

About 10 minutes ago after i done the dishes, one load of laundry, cleaned the microwave, did some posting, ate a couple of times, went in the back to smoke. As i always do when i smoke, i saw a double poop right in front of my eyes (my lower brain i guess looks for the source of smoke). O could not smoke much after, being engrossed. Two days ago i was feeling better but yesterday i thought i was going to die.

And today also. Nausea, dizziness. So i went back inside, grabbed a bag, went to pick those. But then i had a hunch. What if... So i went further and that piece of bag now magically turned into a bag full of it, with loose knot. So i picked them both, a dirty wet kid's sock and went with all three at the garbage.

I heard a big noise above. One guy from the upper level (3 or 4) next entrance started to go down the stairs with a sack of garbage, going to the same bin. Then the noise turned louder and louder and i saw a small military (dark green) colored helicopter with i think a rockets pod (or a heavy machine gun) attached, flying just above the trees.

I expect to get better soon, i'm going for another cigarette cause that one was a waste of time. I saw in the spot for upstairs a dark blue Hyundai, maybe newer than ours. And they're again shooting at the range.

11:42 Upstairs now i hear small, measured steps, the kind a Geisha would do.

12:10 PM I believe the guy with the garbage sack was him and he was coming from Apt.4 where i always suspected she "was living" for many years. Could be the one who's tormenting me from upstairs. She was gone for at least a month and came back a few days ago. She sits in the balcony and speaks in Spanish in her phone for hours. Police and everybody are powerless against such high profile foreigners.

12:32 She upstairs left when i posted the paragraph above and now the place is surrounded with chocking smoke.

12:47 The smoke is gone, she's back upstairs.

4:20 I remember when we moved in here in 2015 they were constantly a bunch of kids playing in the backyard. There was a particular one, with glasses, Angela said she was "the conductor". Cause the kids where moving, yelling like commanded by her.

Years have passed, she left, other came, several "generations". But there are one or two of them who show from time to time. Fat, curly, he could be several versions by several actors. Today i saw two guys, one must have been him when Angela came and i opened the door. Pizza was in the oven smelling and they passed, chin high, fat with big bums, dressed in black, laughing like "ignoring me" and i got mad at the whole situation.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

9:25  AM I'm awake for more than an hour now waiting for her to leave so i can eat but she just won't, she always adjusts her schedule according to mine though she toned down a little or something changed in the last days. Yesterday she left at 9 or when opened the door to leave myself.

Ok now that i mentioned she just started the car, after i heard her peeing in the bathroom for about 30 seconds.

Yay! I'm home alone! But already pissed... Literally...

1:50 PM Dap. Care vine sigur de la dinți. Cu coroane scumpe de porțelan puse peste carii și dinți morți cu gutapercă în ei. Și vase și rufe nespălate. Mama și tata majorității bolilor inclusiv a cheliei ;).

Dar cine vrea să trăiască forever. Eu deja m-am cam săturat de câte am văzut.

I can't remember where i read that but that day in 2018 when i added the below image in a blog post it was the day AlexaCrush :) first went online, i think on Instagram, where i'm banned.

It was a long journey but now i know.

Nikola Tesla's Æther, Qi, Chi, is the void, non-existence, emptiness, 0 Kelvin (OK, really cool),  शून्य, zUnya (shUnya) hRdaya sUtra (Mind's Plan) Buddhist mantra was talking about.

In this image he is portrayed as gay, as in Queen's song, for diversionm something i kinda ignored at the time.

Indetermination is their greatest illusion, a psychological tool (hRdaya sUtra warns about using psychology as being divisive). So we can't really know if the whole activity of the band Queen was clues or diversion or both.

5:40 In some representations of the Eye of Horus there are some weird lines under the "eyebrow". Today i was looking for representations of strings and rand into a similar image. (Is anybody ever reading these things? cause i'm kinda getting bored with opening all kinda hypothesis all for myself that take me nowhere).

7:08 Was trying to write a phrase on the other blog, they started an exhaust as strong as a train locomotive that sounded for minutes and of course it stopped before i could finish this phrase. Now they throw some very heavy object in the bed of a truck or in the empty garbage bin. Yeah i looked and he was near the bin and he left. I think he dumped some stuff in our bin.

There is no light near that bin or the mailboxes near it so i could not tell brand, year model or LPB, but i think it was green.

9:25 After exactly 12 hours since she left she again caught me when i'm eating.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

9:15 AM Puteți să vă imaginați? E atât de descurajant. Parcă cineva îmi urmărește firul gândurilor și izbește podeaua sau ușa la o mașină când vor să renunț la o idee. Bine acum știu și nu mai renunț și ei insistă și totul devine aproape dureros.

A început marșul sus dar azi după ce mi-am făcut injecția cu insulină, (a început să-mi placă, mă simt parcă am întinerit 20 de ani, deși glicemia încă nu mi-a scăzut la nivelul țintă, dar mi-a crescut metabolismul, mă încălzesc la picioare, sunt plin de energie (had no idea you could squeeze the old lime like this!), dar de aia calmă, de insulină, nu de adrenalină), merg pe afară, am treabă, pun aer la cauciucri la camionetă, merg la supermarket așa că nu mai prind bubuielile.

1:00 PM BTW did you know that insulin was first discovered by a Romanian scientist though others took credit for it?

1:12 One of their favorite things is trying to prove i can't even read. Today at WinCo they made me really nervous, with hundreds of actors and extras moving very close around me (yes like the electrons above). At the stand, there was this guy who looked like a skinny old veteran with a white goatee with a hat on his head who literally squeezed behind me when i paid which made me very nervous.

When i was putting things back in my cart (i keep the bags in the car usually for clarity) he was bagging right in front of me and i tried to read what was written on that hat however it was small brown letters on brown hat or something and he was moving his head around too fast and i could not read a thing and then i stopped staring.

Many other things that happened during that trip, later.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

2:45 AM An exhaust started about 10 minutes ago. It stopped after i posted the first phrase.

6:45 Un exemplu de mesaj ascuns de genul celor încasate în facultate la care trebuia să mă prind mai devreme sau mai târziu. A fost mai târziu sau la 40 de ani după.

Bolojan aici ne îndeamnă pe toți să ne facem sepuku injecții în slănina din burtă cu Ozenpic sau în cazul meu, insulină. Nu m-aș fi prins niciodată dacă nu începeam zilele astea. Și să bem apă. "Go drink some water, nerds!"

7:22 Și tot ce-i ne-înțeles se schimbă-n neînțelesuri și mai mari... A fost versul ăsta din Blaga, dintr-o poezie cândva în programa de liceu, o precondiționare pentru toți românii "să mai copilărească"?

Ce credeam că a fost o revenire nerueșită în al doilea lor album, dragii de ei...

Sursa de inspirație pentru Sistem cu Luminița Anghel?

12:53 Nu reușesc să-mi amintesc de ce am renunțat la asemănarea asta. Quite impressive.

Monday, December 16, 2024

2:05AM A while ago i reposted this. I honestly believed it was real since Romanian Senator Diana Șoșoaca had done this before (or i thought she did, that one is not real either).

However it wasn't. Today i found out who is the woman whose face has been replaced with that of Diana. Could be one version of the women upstairs, cause i saw many.

2:30 However this video showing the Hungarian actress Katinka Cseke whom i believe is Șoșoaca is real. There is even a name correspondence. Katinka Cseke - Șoșoaca.

3:05 And this one's not fake either.

3:20 Or this one

3:25 Această nouă scenă de teatru vine evident după ce am scris eu despre abuzurile statului ca formă a birocrației și încearcă să însumeze mai multe mesaje.

Că în România pro-europeană post Iohannis poliția vine la ușă duminică dimineață să-ți aducă  o amendă pentru o faptă comisă cu săptămâni în urmă când ar fi trebuit să fi fost amendată (arestată?) pe loc pentru că a filmat în secția de votare. Nu era suficient s-o trimită prin poștă?

V-ați întrebat vreodată de ce toți politicienii când ies din secția de votare nu spun cu cine au votat ci doar pentru ce? Fiindcă votul este secret, ar încălca legea penală.

Că în România post Iohannis amenzile se dau de către poliție, după îndelungi deliberări și nu de un judecător deși e vorba de o faptă penală.

Că Șoșoaca e româncă și are copii. Toți actorii unguri trimiși la noi sunt de origine română și vorbesc românește de acasă (minoritatea română nedeclarată din Ungaria).

Dar de ce era ea în București dacă Parlamentul UE este în sesiune? Ok poate face naveta. Le face mâncare la copii pentru câteva zile, își pune pachet, pleacă duminică seara, vine joi înapoi. Nu prea are sens fiindcă mâncarea la noi are același preț ca cea din Europa de vest.

9:27 PM There was (still is) this big exhaust noise outside. I opened the window to record it and there was a guy outside not far in the alley ("unrelated").

Sunday, December 15, 2024

12:05 AM Got awakened by the washer/drier upstairs.

2:15 Andrei Caramitru, presupusul fiu de actor pe bune, intelectual, se plasează pe o poziție inatacabilă așa cum știu ei să facă.

Ca să mențină spațiul media locul lor de joacă exclusiv. Conform principiului "I bully therefore i am".

Odată că e fiu de actor, iar eu am spus că toți politicienii sunt actori, a doua că e împotriva lui Georgescu.

Deci dacă spun ceva, sau numai dacă amintesc ce a spus el, mi-o trag singur. Și totuși, nu mă pot abține. E vorba de cuvântul bulău, care a apărut ca o provocare imediat după ce am zis eu de bullies, un cuvânt care deocamdată nu se poate traduce în românește, cu mesajul ascuns: "Zi ceva dacă mai poți".

Cât despre Tolontan, pot să confirm că mi-a trimis odată  (în 2015) un email cu un mesaj scurt, să șterg o postare.

Dar și asta poate fi o capcană, ei încercând să pară că de fapt sunt indivizi, fiecare cu o minte și o poziție a lor proprie și nu niște capete ale aceleiași hidre.

3:30 PM Yesterday they hit the walls at the closest apartment next building all day. I was really sick and exhausted in the evening so we stayed home. I slept about 4 hours and got awakened by the washer/dryer upstairs. One hour in the morning between 8 and 11 i guess was she upstairs. But she left unexpectedly with another car, like yesterday. 

Today in the morning they were shooting at a range in the distance. Now that we are ready to eat they are hitting something in the garages facing the living glass door.

I took 5 units of insulin @11 for the first time ever. The immediate effect was i heated up. Exactly like when taking antibiotics. All the painful areas were now hot and a bit painful. Breath rhythm increased a bit following increasing of metabolism, i guess, which means i was low on insulin. Maybe. Lower temperatures in some areas favor bacterial growth, hence the pain.

BS dropped like 100, from 350 to 250. Feeling more energetic but also... sleepless. 

4:50 Those working with power tools and hammering at the garage have stopped, she left, i was thinking maybe i should go get some sleep but she came back with vengeance. She is juggling two cars nowadays, a green Honda Element and a blue Nissan Rogue, and also getting rides and there is another identical Element near the garbage bin south from here. Sometimes.

11:20 Slept a bit more than 5 hours. Off antibiotics, got pain especially in my shoulders that have not been covered by comforter. Did 5 more units of insulin at 12 hours. There is a bit of reaction, like a rush and increasing of breath rate but cold be only nervous. Feeling heat again.

Lantus SoloStar is supposed to last 24 hours. Could be after some build up. Definitely breathing more. Got some nose congestion, have to open my mouth to breath otherwise i get shortness of breath.

Know i know why my nose was congested. While i was sleeping she again did laundry and shook the building again after 11 PM like yesterday, raising some dust. Still have discomfort breathing, after half hour.

11:57 Au scos iar numele Bulai la produs când am zis de bullies. Apropo, asta e reală sau mitologie? A existat sau există un profesor de sociologie sau secretar de stat pe nume Bulai? Faza asta ireală care pare desprinsă din filme cu proști e tot pentru că eu vorbesc mereu de actori?

Saturday, December 14, 2024

4:05 AM Awoke at 2 AM after about 2 hours of sleep. Tried to air the place. I don't know if smell is still coming from that closet where i put the ozone generator or it all just stinks. I tried to air opening both doors but not sure of the results.

About half hour ago went to smoke in the back and when i looked behind me i saw the short mystery woman from the crushed entrance at building D smoking on the other side of the alley, in my line of sight. At once she turned around and went inside. Never saw her outside at that hour of the night before.

12:12 Angela has been on the phone again with Hello Mobile trying to fix her overdue payment. She wanted to make a one time payment now but they are saying for 5 days now there is an open ticked investigating things at their end and she cannot pay, over politely, during a 15 minutes conversation.

They gave her a choice to get a new sim card though she just replaced it about a month ago.

I believe things are changing, in the past you could do a one time payment over the phone. But i believe they are no interested in making money in the same way people were doing in the United States for ever.

Hello Mobile is T-Mobile which is Deutsche Telekom where pink is the new white.

2:30 There was a great deal of commotion this morning at the "monster apartment". The occupants whom i suspect where blacks born and raised in Japan, left, and they left one big heavy bag of poop around the corner (invisible from here) of the one level apartment.

Today of course they came to replace the carpet which was probably trashed by the two dogs, which was done maybe 5 years ago together with the whole floor, and made a great deal of a commission cause everything construction in the US involves nails and/or hammering.

By the time they finished the alien upstairs came to complement, and she does, marching like at a parade while we are eating.

Friday, December 13, 2024

1:40 AM Got awakened about an hour ago after about maybe 5 hours of sleep with both pain and numbness in different areas of the body. It resembles in a way muscular breakdown after my walk yesterday but has a... chill component in areas damaged by cell phone and wi-fi radiation. But it's much better than let's say after a walk a month ago.

Was minding my business thinking about what is light and how is bent by gravity and she awakened, went to the restroom, stood there a couple of minutes and did not hear a fan being started after. So i instead started the ozone generator.

My feel is she is again interfering.

2:25 This confirms what my dentist told me. However the X-ray show the progress at that tooth that was infected is slower as there is some tenderness at its base. So there must be some infection left in the bone around where that tooth and healing is slowed by diabetes.

Also the gum tissue that formed on top is permeable since it all gets better with salt water and worth with anything sweet and with pumping of the floor from upstairs.

9:50 Mda, nu știu ce am așteptat să o spun, Călin Georgescu personifică, dar la modul grotesc, spre a putea fi executat în efigie, îndelung, ca o șea cosmică, pentru asta prelungindu-se și sacrificându-se alegerile înșile, acest mare simbol al democrației, cam toate subiectele mele. Singura chestie e că eu nu am spus șerpilieni (ok o dată, la mșto) ci am numit pe nagasșerpii pe bune din Mahabharata.

Nu știu dacă sunt aceiași cu urmașii alienilor care au construit piramidele pentru a transporta aurul de pe pământ dar știu că trăiesc și în zilele noastre și se numesc japonezi deși poate că ei nu își aduc aminte decât obsesia că trebuie să fie stăpâni peste noi.

Și am mai amestecat și niște bărbi pe acolo.

2:30 Atenție la codul în rusă limba română. Curat murdar. A făcut show la un spectacol. Încă una, aici.

6:30 A few days ago i moved my plants in the closet with the water heater and washer drier so i can use the UV in the living. Cause it was stinking.

I had numerous hypothesis as why but it never crossed my mind it was the old water heater pan.

Almost two years ago they finally replaced the old leaking water heater. But they should have replaced the pan under too. I had a few minutes since they took the old one out and brought the new one in to scrap the stuff from the pan. I used a scrapper and sand paper but did not have time to finish cause the stuff was hard and they were in a hurry.

I think some previous renters have been using it as a litter box.

I remember when i moved in there was some mud with little rocks in it. I think the little rocks was petrified litter dust. It was like gravel. I lifted the heater and ran some towels and picked most of it. Then i put all kind stuff under, including lime. Oven cleaner. Great stuff foam to lock the s...t. Bad idea, cause great stuff foam is open cell which means porous.

But when they put the new one they also brought a couple of porous concrete blocks and fit them under. Not for indoors use. They were all dirty and went with some moss on sides and the two guys allowed me to take them one by one and put them on plastic stool and scrapped them with a brush and wash them in the tub. Whatever.

I remember when they took the old one out the Handywoman came and said: Let's get this s...r out of here.

Still stinking. Cause the problem was with the pan. Or even under the pan.

Can't remember exactly when, maybe that summer i bought a couple of large backing soda boxes and filled all the space with backing soda. It was much better than before and thought i was ok.

Then it followed my infections starting with the needle in my toe last summer.

A few days ago i moved the plants in the that closet right above the heater and wetted the plants. Some water went into the pan and all hell broke loose. The water turned brown had been absorbed by those concrete blocks and started to stink.

Yesterday i got really bad, i thought i was going to pass out. Ran to Angela's work place, talked to her a little in the lot, went to NAPA and bought windshield wipers for my truck cause the old ones where thorn to pieces (a whole story there with 19 inches and 20 inches), then to the dentist to do an x-ray trying to figure what's going on.

For the last two days i was convinced the smell was coming from a leak at the toilet pipe from upstairs or from her not using the fan in the bathroom.

Today i ran the ozone generator to the max all day and was still sick. Kept sniffing around and finally figured it was the old smell i forgot about. One corner of the closest concrete block and the backing soda around was brown and i knew.

Now i moved the plants back in the living, poured some fresh backing soda on top of the brown area and put the ozone generator inside the closet on lowest setting because of the small space and closed the door.

Took two more charcoal caps. I think i will survive this one too. Maybe.

7:00 After i wrote that it was from the old water heater, she came back upstairs (was gone since around noon), stepped a few times and i felt again the smell of sewage, though the closet with the water heater is full of ozone and closed behind doors with horizontal slits and lots of space around them.

I don't know, the smell could have entered in everything carpet and upholstery and when she moves the ceiling the vibration raises it.

7:10 Can't find the camera to take a picture, got mad, some guy started a loud exhaust to vibrate the place and raise more s...t for me but it took off when i wrote about.

7:30 It was quiet upstairs after she came and i was cursing the Japanese in my mind i can't remember why and she hit something.

8:17 Now the place filled with some weird smoke from outside and the Netflix on TV quit working.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

5:30 PM Today i got so sick i ran to Angela. Got severe diarrhea i think because of backflow of sewer gas through the washer but the woman upstairs made it so much worse by stressing me. At some point i thought i was going to pass out. After that i went to the dentist to take an X-ray so see what's going on with my jaw.

He said it's all normal, though it would take months for those sockets to fill with bone, a process that just barely started. I got much better with numbness and pain though after i held salt water in my mouth these days after each meal.

I had to wait there for him to fit me in between two regular customers. I tried to call Angela, but my phone was not working. Haven't used it in months, i think it needs to be reset. But for that i need to briefly start the wi-fi on my router.

When i got back after 4 i could not find a Visitor or No Parking on Thursdays spot so i went to Meridian parking at the street. However there was a ...towing truck parked in there. Angela said she saw it yesterday too in the same spot. I did one more tour of the complex, could not find nothing and parked at Meridian not far from that truck. I looked at the logo, it says Super Towing and on the board of the lot it says Retriever.

7:00 I was worried about the truck and went at Meridian parking lot. What i could see was that Super Towing truck parked there for at least 2 days has Illinois LPN. So it cannot belong to a local business. So it must be abandoned.

However i found a rare at this hour Visitor spot. So i parked the car in that spot, i went to get the truck, it was in an awkward side slope at the edge of the complex, hard to maneuver with a manual but i managed to swap them. Now i am much more comfortable. Note to self. Got to put some air into those tires.

Although the idea of explaining inertia as the reaction of the void to moving or better said changing of trajectories of strings is tempting, modeling this phenomenon seems or translating this idea into reality seems difficult.

Ok i got an easier way. Sine we know photons are made of short lived strings recreating each other in time, and any attempt to bend their trajectory results in curving space and creating gravity, the same must happen with non jumping strings. Pushing them in space is the equivalent of changing their trajectory in the case of light. This must be it. So inertia when moving objects is equivalent to gravity.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

11:40 AM Should have googled. The news was implying Mercedes were the first who did that. However...

12:30 PM She increases it gradually with a pick just before she leaves. Always at a different hour. Tall and very fast moving, face like she is 70 years very energetic or athletic woman. Double chin, extremely short hair. Again feelings of synchronicity with what i was doing.

I was intrigued the other day with the tangle of fiber optics cable under what until not long ago i thought it was a gutter so i took some pictures to share.
12:40 Part of this statement is not true. Light is made of strings that have relativistic mass. Space-time "fabric" does not have any meaning in absence of matter or light. By bending light you ar bending the space-time of those photons.

Like many other phenomena in physics, by example an electric current in a wire can cause magnetism which can cause an electric current in a wire (which could cause the so call cross talking effect in communications) the bending of light could create gravity.

Yeah i know most say that light inside fiber optics gets reflected and is zigzagging instead of beeing bent but the net effect is bending. Total reflection is not absorption and re-emission of other photons, the same photons are kept inside the fiber. Since photons can be diverted from a straight line into a curve in the vicinity of large masses, i believe by bending light you can create disturbance in the gravity field around it.

This could lead to many effects, one of them could be again cross talking with the possibility of tapping signal from one fiber to another.

It is known that vibration of the fiber optics modulate the signal inside, with the possibility of de-modulating at one of the ends, the fiber working both as a very sensitive vibration sensor that could read one's vital signs and even the movement of tongue when thinking.

What happens though when the gravity created by the bent fiber gets modulated with that signal? Untraceable communications which reads surveillance?

For what i know they are officially first detected gravitational waves in 2015 though comming from very massive sources.

1:20 They started around 10. Two guys with blowers, they did in 3 hours the same amount i would have done by myself with a rack. However, doing a terrible noise. They must have vibrated every single bone in their bodies since it's bothering me, inside. Now they blew the leaves in the alley, and maybe forgetting about the rest of the yard?

When i took the picture, i saw coming from behind the large woman from E4 with a dog. But she turned around when she "saw me" with a camera in hand. In reality they are all around here remote controlled with tiny prompters in their ears and she was prompted to come out to do a scene with me.

1:45 What do they mean by too small to be detectable? It's the same thing when an electric circuit inside of a receiver synchronizes with the emitter.

I believe photons traveling in space synch with each other not by the phenomena of stimulated emission, they have been emitted a long time before, they are synching because of gravity interactions. And yes, they should behave like a laser. But when they hit Earth's atmosphere the are being scattered by air and dust and probably loose coherence, though they get polarized by the atmosphere.

However by propagating at the same speed they share some of their space-time.

2:00 Back then it was fast couriers and pigeons and stuff. Like today, having better communications than others was a huge advantage. I am quite positive THEY nowadays use micro wormholes with faster than light and undetectable communications which they keep for themselves. And always hide behind Jewish names so people would blame others.

2:42 There is a question i would like to ask all doctors and professors in medical schools on this planet. If you eat more calories than you use, how are you going to keep your blood sugar level under 120?

For a while the extra carbs will be stored in the liver. But then the liver gets saturated and there is only one way you get rid of those, and that is excreting them through your kidneys, right?

Would it make any sense to take insulin and force your cells to accept more food? And when those get saturated, you get what they call insulin resistance, right?

On many sites i searched it is stated that if your blood sugar is high you should drink more water. But what happens when you live in an environment saturated with mold and bacteria and you have what they call bad bacteria in your gut that dictates limiting the amount of water (and thirst?).

3:30 Yes they returned and almost finished the yard.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

3:55 AM Yesterday i restarted my walks. Let the memes begin!

4:40 Strings (theory)

More strings

4:80 Greyhound America

6:06 Pare un răspuns la tot ce am scris recent. Înțelepciunea germană. Să nu uităm însă că motoarele termice, așa cum le cunoaștem și care au poluat planeta timp de mai mult de 100 de ani au fost inventate de un neamț pe nume Otto.

Se spune că Tesla, (al cărui nume este folosit uzurpat de Elon Musk și folosit ca brand pentru mașini... electrice), a inventat în 1931, și eu cred, chiar dacă ar fi numai pentru această uzurpare, un sistem de propulsie electrică ce își trăgea energia din mediul înconjurător, cel mai probabil rectificând vibrația termică sau poate folosind un ciclu să-l numesc... Szilard? care mută energia dintr-un punct al spațiului în altul, creând energie utilizabilă ca în exemplul pompelor de căldură, care au o eficiență mai mare de 300% numai într-un singur sens.

11:30 She has left the building about a couple of hours ago, but the cats are running like crazy. I tried to record them other times but they stopped when i started the recorder. Like they're intelligent or something.

12:24 Man i'm almost chocking in here. Last night i put chlorine gel in all the corners and used the UV light almost every day and it still stinks. Part of it is the rotting leaves outside.

Last year i picked them all from around the building. It took me two hours one night and two another and i guess more the days before. Let's say 6-8 hours in total.

Two days after i picked the last of them (and filled a whole garbage bin) they came and blew the rest of them from the other side of the alley. Would have been too much contrast, i guess. But this year is what, December 10, or two more weeks and they didn't.

But this year i just don't feel like it. I'm too tired, after a posting marathon and months of antibiotics.

BTW my gum healed but still feel numbness when i press that area with my tongue and can't fully open the mouth (stiffness). I tried to sop the antibiotics again, and after 48 hours (longer than before though) i became all stiff, started to have balance, walking, talking problems.

4:40 Angela is having problems with her phone. Hello Mobile by T-Mobile by German Deutsche Telekom. Something went wrong with her credit card set for autopay. She called the credit card (Barclay, MasterCard) and they said the card is ok though she had another unrelated issue with the card on 2nd or 3rd this month. She is on a 5 dollars a month plan and the payment is past due.

Chatted with them twice, last a few minutes ago. The site won't accept a new credit card (like i have 3 on my similar account) and they won't accept a one time payment to fix the issue. Instead they opened a ticket and we need to wait for 48 hours (24 to go). I believe this is what they wanted, to show they can retaliate for badmouthing Germany and Germans.

How much wasted time for nothing? I mean, it's a cheap plan but it has unlimited voice with some data, enough for emails and texts and is important for us.